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19/09/2014. CryptoArbs Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! CryptoArbs has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend. I know I am as it’s been a pretty hectic week in the HYIP industry, mostly positive, but unfortunately the business week come to an end with some rather more mixed news, especially the closure of one particular program which I’ll get to in just a moment in the news section. But you know a door never closes in the HYIP industry without a window opening, and so to finish the week I have a brand new program which I don’t mind telling you I’m feeling quite positive about. Maybe cautious optimism would be a better way to describe it, but anyway, it’s called CryptoArbs and it came straight to MNO after being launched. Similarities to other highly successful programs in the recent past were duly noted by some, and while personally I wouldn’t mind if it were true, it’s still not a road I want to go down as it’s just speculation. What’s not open to debate about CryptoArbs however is the fact that it’s a well planned, researched, and organized program, and given its launch date I have to say a well timed one as well. There’s going to be a lot of interest in this one, I can tell you that much simply from personal experience with these things, and CryptoArbs will definitely be big. For how long exactly that happens for of course I wouldn’t know. No one can tell you that, that’s why it’s a gamble. But what I can do is try and describe the main features of CryptoArbs for you and you can decide for yourself if you think it’s suitable or if you’d prefer to pass on it.

And so to the plans. As I said in the program’s first introduction on my blog last night, this is the latest in a growing line of perpetually paying programs. Most of you will know this but for the record this means that there is no expiry date on your investment. That is something you need to determine for yourself. You make a deposit, and CryptoArbs will then make an interest payment to you every calendar day from that point on. You are allowed to make a full withdrawal of your principal and leave the program at any time you wish, with no restrictions and no fees. Your decision when to leave the program (on not to leave the program) is entirely up to you, and based on whatever strategy you may have in mind when joining. So you can treat it as a short, medium, or long term HYIP, or speaking for myself as a monitor, remain a member for the entire duration of CryptoArbs‘ lifetime if you wish. As with any perpetual style program, the number of potential strategies is equal only to the number of potential investors, so take a moment to decide what you are hoping to achieve by joining the program in the first place and do your own calculations from there.

Let’s look at the numbers, then. There’s only one plan as such in terms of the operational day-to-day running of things, but it’s broken down in to four individual subsections where interest payments are based on the size of your deposit. In other words it’s the bigger spenders being enticed with bigger earnings. You can join for a minimum deposit of $30, which is somewhat bigger than the industry average but not enough to exactly bankrupt most of the average players either. In return the admin makes a daily interest payment at a fixed rate every calendar day. Investing from the minimum $30 up to a maximum of $2,499 puts you into what’s known as The Starter Plan (though it probably encompasses the overwhelming majority of investors) and sees CryptoArbs offer a daily interest rate of 3.8% for every day you decide to remain a member. In practical terms then that would mean a $100 deposit gets you back $3.80 per day for how ever many days you decide it’s a good idea remain a member of CryptoArbs.

For the bigger spenders out there the more profitable options only start with a $2,500 minimum deposit. This gets you into The Gold Plan which sees CryptoArbs offering members a fixed daily payment of 4.8% per calendar day. With no expiry date the responsibility to decide what can be realistically achieved by depositing in this plan remains with you the investor. You request your principal at any time you wish to leave, and are allowed a maximum spending limit of $4,999.

CryptoArbs follow this up with The Platinum Plan. With no expiry date on deposits, members can claim a daily interest payment of 5.8% for as long as they wish to remain in the program. Principals are then returned on request, with an upper limit on investments capped at $9,999.

If anyone is prepared to go beyond that, CryptoArbs have The Chairman Plan. There’s no upper limit on deposits, but as it’s going to set you back a minimum of $10,000 to find out if it’s genuine or not, I doubt there’s going to be many takers. But purely for information purposes anyway I can tell you that investors are offered a daily interest payment of 6.8%. This continues indefinitely until you decide to ask for your principal back.

So while the rates themselves are fixed, you still need to take into account that investors can come and go as they please, making any estimates or predictions on what you could potentially earn pointless. It literally all comes down to what day of the week you decide to join CryptoArbs and what day you decide to leave. Regarding those interest payments, members are required to request them from inside their private account area. Payments (both interest and principal return) are made manually by the CryptoArbs admin, with members being asked to allow anything up to a 36 hour maximum for all transactions to be completed. For the actual payment processors themselves then, CryptoArbs are offering members a choice between PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer.

If you like any of those options and have decided to join the program, it’s worth noting that the process is a little different for making a deposit in CryptoArbs than most of the more generic style HYIPs you might be more familiar with. It’s due to the script they’re running off, but honestly it’s really nothing all that complicated. The first thing you need to be aware of is that in the language of the program your deposit, or principal, is referred to as your “token”. So when you see buttons marked “token” in your member’s account area you know what it means. The next thing that needs to happen is you need to fund your e-wallet in the member’s area. Once that is done you will then have to re-distribute that money between the plans you wish to join (most of you will simply be choosing one, I know) by clicking the “Token” tab under the “Add To Account” sign that you will see in your CryptoArbs members account area. I know it might sound obvious when I write it down here for you, but you’d be surprised at the number of people who forget. So remember that your investment with CryptoArbs does not become active until you move your money from your wallet to the account. Otherwise it just sits there doing nothing.

So when you do eventually decide the time is right to withdraw your principal and move on to other things, there’s just a couple of points I need to bring to your attention. First of all it’s not that straight forward to simply make a partial withdrawal of your principal if you wish to remain a member with a smaller amount. You either withdraw everything or you withdraw nothing. On request you see your principal (or “token”) simply moves first from your active account area back into your e-wallet. It’s from there that you need to take all the money back to your chosen payment processor. Making a partial re-deposit is not permitted from here – I guess it’s probably seen as a form of compounding which isn’t allowed – so if you want to continue with CryptoArbs with another smaller, bigger, or equal deposit you will need to make a brand new one all over again from your payment processor account.

To submit a principal withdrawal request then, first go to your “My Tokens” page in your account dashboard. You’ll notice a small circular shaped arrow next to your active plan at the bottom of the page. You will need to click on this and confirm your request. Your deposit will then go immediately to your e-wallet, and your principal withdrawal request can then be completed after you actually make the request from inside your wallet area. It will be processed manually like all other transactions in the program. Remember that you cannot get your principal back out from CryptoArbs until at least 24 hours after joining, though why on Earth anyone would want to try to get out so fast, even before the first interest payment, is something I don’t understand.

Overall I already got the impression that the CryptoArbs admin is likely to be an experienced pro in this area, and it’s with the more technical, design and security aspects of the program where he again demonstrates that he appears to know what he’s doing. He has some of the best service providers in the HYIP industry providing him with back-up, with a script under license from ShadowScript and hosting on a dedicated server by BlockDos, both companies respectively being at the very top of the individual services they provide. So expect a high standard of quality throughout, which to be fair is probably only the minimum expectation more investors should start demanding anyway. For an added layer of protection CryptoArbs have an extended SSL certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you think there’s something about the program that I somehow missed here or need to contact the admin with any further questions or account related issues, CryptoArbs can be contacted by two methods. First of all if you’re not currently a member and just have some general enquiries you can use the contact form in the public area. For account holders however CryptoArbs have a more expansive ticketing system where members can keep track of both open support requests still being dealt with as well as the one that were resolved.

That’s about all I think. On the subject of any business plan to actually finance the payments to members by the way, CryptoArbs are claiming to be in the area of digital currency exchanges. The one thing missing from this claim is of course any conclusive evidence of that, so until further notice we have no other choice but to treat them as any other online HYIP. A pretty good one mind, or at least a promising one, but still basically a high risk venture with no guarantees. So that means keeping your spending limited to what you can comfortably afford to lose in the worst case scenario, and of course if joining CryptoArbs at all then remember to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Unfortunately I have to start today’s news bulletin with the urgent news on the demise of LinumFund. Well, I myself suspected technical issues last night when I was contacted by one of my referrals in the program asking for help with an error message popping up when he was trying to request his withdrawal and preventing him from doing so. I contacted the admin and, to his credit, he paid my referral what was owed. But then in the morning more complaints about similar errors started to pop-up on the MNO ShoutBox followed by the switching off all instant withdrawals in LinumFund. That was already a bad sign in my eyes which prompted me to immediately contact the admin who honestly told me that his program had simply run its course and that he had to finish it. Of course the disappointment and frustration of myself, some investors who lost money, and the admin himself not expecting to see the program folding so fast is quite immense now and I can totally understand why. The huge popularity of LinumFund straight from day one and boosted by investors eager to spend their STP funds led to a swift rise. However, it appears that many investors joined within the first few days, made some profits and left the program for much greener pastures, so withdrawals surpassed deposits over the last few days and the end was inevitable. According to the admin of LinumFund (I seen no reason not to believe him, at least about this), he was also expecting much more from his program and not just three weeks. This was still plenty of time for hundreds of reasonable investors to make some great profits by the way. The admin told me he had had big plans for the future of LinumFund and certainly didn’t mean for it to scam fast, otherwise he would have done it in the first week when the first really big deposits were made. However, not everything goes according to the plan and it looks like the big investors left the program too early without giving it the opportunity to shape into something much bigger. I myself sincerely hope that MNO readers mostly won in LinumFund (as I’m read by the majority of experienced investors anyway!), but please accept my commiserations those of you who lost. Anyway, everyone in the program had an equal chance to profit and many used it by taking out their seed money after the five and ten day lock-in periods. And although with huge disappointment we have to close the chapter on LinumFund (which has been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor as of now) and move on. The HYIP industry is definitely not going to slow down because of one program.


2FXLtd (reviewed here) is perhaps one of the still undervalued programs although slowly gaining momentum among investors who prefer more traditional plans. With six weeks online in total from which spending the last two on MNO Premium listing 2FXLtd stopped being an understudy flying under the radar and became more prominently noticed in the HYIP industry. There is still room for growth though as the program only entered the Top Five programs list on my site and the admin seems to be gradually adding more advertising (likewise, he recently purchased two banner spots on MNO blog and monitor for one month each) and asked for an interview on his project for the MNO blog. Well, that is certainly something very appealing about the investment plans 2FXLtd offers, giving everyone who has at least $5 on their PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin wallets to double their money in just 25 days. Paying 8% fixed interest daily 2FXLtd allows you to break-even on day twelve of your investment cycle and so get the first real profits in less than two weeks. The admin realized the fact that the steady and gradual growth is the key to the future success of 2FXLtd and therefore, he posted a newsletter today introducing the ForEx reports which should allegedly prove their trading activities and attract more investors who, in turn, will need some guidance and advice from people who speak their own language. That’s why the admin is now seeking members to become regional representatives for 2FXLtd. There were some people that applied before, but more are needed. For more info please refer to the full newsletter posted below:

2FXLtd News – Forex Trading Reports
Dear members,
Our investment program has been successfully working for a month and a half already. Today we have more than 2,200 members with a total investment of more than $500,000. We thank all our members for their confidence.
According to numerous requests from our investors we have started to publish weekly Forex trading reports. Detailed trading statement for the last month you can find on our site.
We want to remind you about our Regional Representatives program. At the moment we need regional representatives from the following countries: Russia, UK, Indonesia, China etc. To become our official regional representative you need to send a request to our email:
Stay with us, and follow our news updates. We will announce even more new opportunities next week.
Sincerely yours, Alfred Cope (CEO of 2FXLtd).


The interview with the admin of one of the newest and already one of the most popular programs on my monitor PiNeverEnds is also scheduled to be posted soon, as the list of questions was last night. PiNeverEnds is still exclusively monitored on MNO only and I feel kinda responsible in promoting the program to the best of my abilities. Although the admin seemingly is doing his own part pretty well answering all questions from MNO readers on my ShoutBox and posting frequent updates for those preferring to read the latest news by email. The latest one just issued last night shared a link to the MNO review which is a must-read if you want the program properly explained. Not that the admin isn’t eloquent in describing them himself, but by reading the MNO review you will be guided better to what suits you best. So, for the $25 minimum accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin you can choose from 3.14% for 20 business days (principal back), 0%-9% variable interest for 314 days (credited on business days only), 136% after 7 days, or 264% after 31 days plans. More on that in the review posted here which you should really read to see why so many are enthusiastic about the project so much. The second newsletter covers the competition winners from the previous newsletter, so congratulations to everyone there. Let’s hope it’s just the beginning with much more to come as I expect from PiNeverEnds:

Riddle Contest Winners, MNO’s Review, and something else…
Good day!
It is a good day indeed for 4 of our members. Yes, that’s four (4) for those of you keeping score at home, not in fact the three winning places that were promised. Why, you ask? Because of brilliance. Yes, brilliance.
First, a reminder of the riddle: What makes November 10th special? Hmm…..
The answer, in a world with many accurate answers but only one RIGHT answer to win: November 10th is the 314th day of the year. One of several Pi-days.
On to the winners:
1st place and a prize of 20% straight to the CASH balance:
The lovely and talented homoludens, who joins us via the shoutbox, responded with a lightning quick answer in, oh, probably under 5 minutes. So let’s give her a hand everyone. ::cue applause::
And then there was silence. Silence for way too long when literally free money was on the line. But eventually…
2nd place and a prize of 10% straight to the CASH balance:
HYIPIRATENOW (emphasis mine) who even had the overachiever ‘s inclination to mention the Gregorian calendar. Thumbs up for going above and beyond good sir.
3rd place and a prize of 5% straight to the CASH balance:
The winner was my lady milady, whose email address has the word “fractal” in it which is so wonderful on a math-based site.
And then there was guytano
Guytano answered twice, and was wrong twice. Wrong only because I was looking for a certain answer that he didn’t give. But dear lord, for a math nerd like myself and hopefully many of you, his answer was LEGEN-wait-for-it-DARY, LEGENDARY!
11/10/14. 1+1+1 = 3, shrink that 0 down to the size of a decimal, and then the year, 14. 3.14. Yes! I had to give him 10% just for spotting something so amazing.
But of course, that only works for 2014, right? We just got lucky this year, right? I thought that too. That’s when we got his second answer. In his words:
If I treat Nov 10 as binary, I get 1110, which equals 14. That binary number has Three 1’s in it. If I treat the number of 1’s as the whole portion of the number and if I treat the binary value as the decimal portion of the number, once again I get 3.14!
BINARY! Never in a million years would I have made that connection. Thank you, I bow before you. 5% more, 15% total for answers good enough they just couldn’t be allowed to lose.
So that was the contest, and it took up a lot of space, so I’ll wrap up quick. Paul Abramson, our patriarch at MNO, posted a review of Pi NeverEnds that I hope you’ll read. Paul is enthusiastic about a lot of programs, but I’m going to convince myself and you that he is extra super special excited about us here at PiNeverEnds. So buy more tokens, because this has been way too much fun, and we’ve gotta keep it going and going and going, just like Pi.
And now to close, I have a special little treat for you all, if you’re keen to pick one up. Wear it loud, wear it proud. It’s the PiNeverEnds t-shirt:
You all are awesome, spread the word, build the community, do good, make money, sleep well, goodnight!
PiNeverEnds Admin


EastOil is a brand new program launched only yesterday and joining the MNO Premium List today. The program looks like a throwback to yesteryear, like so many popular before the May 2013 LibertyReserve closure. And I must say EastOil might be a welcome return for investors who prefer the traditional daily paying plans tied to fixed length terms over the more volatile “perpetual” style programs that dominate now. Two investment plans are offered by EastOil and both have several variations depending on the size of your deposit. This can start from $25 and is accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. If you prefer a daily paying plan you have a 70 calendar day option with principal back on expiry and a payment of 3.2% to 3.6% daily interest (depending on the size of your deposit). The second plan is perhaps more suited to high risk players willing to commit their funds for 55 calendar days after which you will be able to collect the lump of sum of 550% to 800% on your investment (again depending on its size). EastOil claims to be a trading company incorporated in the UK (the easiest thing to do), but surely you should only take it as a 100% HYIP and investing only what you can comfortably afford to lose. The program, in my opinion, has a lot of potential to become big though, and the admin didn’t spare any expense in hiring the biggest monitors from the very start and making a really good-looking website with perhaps a slight air of nostalgia towards more stable times in the HYIP industry. EastOil has a very extensive FAQ to cover all the possible questions, multi-tier referral system, and the SSL extended validation seal from Comodo. The site is running off a licensed and slightly modified GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with protection against attacks and support provided by DDoS-Guard. More on EastOil will be in a more detailed review coming on Sunday, and for the first news update announcing the official opening check below:

EastOil LTD Opening
We are glad to announce that EastOil LTD is finally available to general public. Feel free to join our fantastic investment opportunity, members from all over the world are welcome! Truly the biggest investment project of this year, become a part of something unique.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeAssuredAssets2FXLtd, PurpleWealth, TradingAllianceLimited, GepardAllianceLaxoTradeCryptoFarmCryptoArbsPiNeverEnds, MaverBet (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: SkyRocketInv.
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, VioletStock, ZeusInvest, GunInvestOgdenOrganization.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Have a good weekend but don’t forget to check MNO blog and monitor from time to time too, as being the most up-to-date site in the HYIP industry I won’t let you be bored. Tomorrow will see an interview with the admin of TradingAllianceLimited, and for Sunday night I’ll have all the latest news from the elite investment programs and the full review of EastOil. Stay tuned for that and thanks as always for reading!

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