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23/09/2014. AriaInvestments Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! AriaInvestments has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! After a sustained increase in activity noticed not just on my own site but throughout the HYIP industry recently I think (fingers crossed!) this is not simply what might be termed a “spike”. Without going into ancient history the closure of LibertyReserve some 16 months back was followed by the longest most sustained decline in the industry going back for many years, and while there was always some improvement along the way, the general trend was always the same. I have to say I genuinely think we have seen the worst of it now long behind us, and even though we’re not exactly at the same height we were a couple of years back there’s no denying things are getting a lot better.

Competition in the industry is a good thing, even if all the admins don’t readily admit it I think most investors will recognize it at least, so I’m again really pleased to be adding two more brand new programs of a very good standard to my monitor today. I’ll get to them in the news section coming up in a moment, but first I want to look at another new addition called AriaInvestments. Some of you may know this one already under another name, Arriels, which it’s sometimes called for short. Well, whatever you want to call them, Arriels or AriaInvestments, one of the most important things you can do to stay ahead in a competitive market and hold people’s attention is to be original, and that’s definitely one thing you’re going to find here. The program isn’t brand new by the way, launching I think just over a week or so ago, but there still a way to go before even their first investment cycle is completed. So let’s see what it’s all about and whether you think you like them or not.

As with most HYIPs, AriaInvestments have an improved interest rate for the bigger spenders. What really sets them apart from other programs though is that AriaInvestments offer a sort of “back door” into plans that are otherwise unaffordable to smaller investors. It’s really quite interesting and to be honest I also think it’s kinda fun. But I don’t want to complicate things just yet, so I’ll explain this in more detail in a few moments.

First let’s just concentrate on the basics. AriaInvestments have six investment plans to choose from, and even these seem to follow a unique sequence with higher rates being paid over shorter investment terms. The most affordable of these plans, and probably the only one most investors are likely to take seriously due to costs, opens for a $10 minimum deposit. The term runs for 20 calendar days, during which AriaInvestments are offering a daily interest payment of 6%. Your principal will be factored into these payments and so will not be returned in a separate payment. By the conclusion of the term then your collective payments will come to 120% in total, made up of 100% your own money plus 20% net profit from the program. AriaInvestments‘ top investment for this plan is capped at $999.

To put that in more practical monetary terms then, let’s say you invest $100 here. In return for your money AriaInvestments will pay you back at a rate of $6 per day, every day for the following 20 days. Ultimately that brings you back $120, from which $100 was your own in the first place and $20 the net profit. More importantly I think though is the break-even point, ie how long does it take to earn back an amount equivalent to your principal and therefore can’t possibly lose any money no matter what happens next. In this case it’s going to be day number 17 out of 20.

All plans from this point on will cost you $1,000 or more to join, so that’s why I said most readers are unlikely to consider joining them. Not unless you’re lucky enough to afford them, anyway. The basic principle is more or less the same – that is to say a fixed daily interest payments are made for a fixed term – but curiously for the HYIP industry AriaInvestments have opted to make bigger payments for shorter terms. Look at their second plan for example. For deposits ranging from a $1,000 minimum up to $2,499 you can avail of a 7% daily interest rate but for a term running for 19 days. AriaInvestments are once more factoring your own principal into the interest payments, so your final return which adds up to 133% is your own money back plus 33% net profit.

Investors prepared to join with a $2,500 minimum up to as much as $4,999 are put into a plan paying an improved rate of 8% per calendar day, with the investment term reduced to 18 calendar days. AriaInvestments count your principal as part of your payments, so the final return of 144% is your own money plus 44% net profit for yourself.

For anything over and above $5,000 I think I’ll just give a quick run through the numbers for you (I mean let’s not clutter the review with figures most people won’t even read). If you need any further information remember you can always reference the AriaInvestments website anyway. So for deposits between $5,000 and $14,999 your assigned plan offers 9% interest per day for 17 days, amounts from $15,000 up to $49,999 are offered 10% daily for 16 days, and anything bigger, $50,000+ with no upper limit, the rate is 11% per day for 15 calendar days. AriaInvestments include your principal with all payments here as well, by the way.

All of that by itself is great, but typical for the online HYIP industry – at first glance, anyway – it looks as if AriaInvestments is just another program trying to lure big deposits out of you with the promise of bigger payments. But what about the smaller investors who could never afford to gamble with the thousands of dollars required to join the most lucrative plans? Well, the good news is that AriaInvestments have a channel open to even the smallest $10 investor to allow them get a taste of the best plans, and it’s not going to cost them a cent more for it.

Here’s how it works. When you first join AriaInvestments you will see there are a number of “groups” there. These groups are created by investors. You are free to join any group you like, or, if you prefer, start your own. So what happens when you join one of these groups? Well, everyone in the group then has their money pooled together, and in some ways it can then be treated as one collective investment but with all individual members getting paid on their own individual share.

For example, let’s say everyone can afford a $10 or $100 deposit. This would be enough to get you 6% per day for 20 days. OK, but unfortunately none of these people can quite afford the $1,000 needed to get the 7% payment. This is where AriaInvestments offer a unique solution, and it’s really quite an interesting concept. All of those smaller investors are allowed to collectively pool their deposits under the umbrella of one single group. Once the total amount of deposits in that group totals $1,000 then all members are moved to the plan they initially joined to the better one. You see there’s only one single deposit of $1,000, but it’s everyone who paid into it that gets to avail of the improved payment rate.

Just to keep in mind by the way, it makes no difference if you create the group or just join someone else’s, you’ll be treated the very same. You might need to consider what the most realistic and achievable plan to join is. The group I created for example, called simply MNO, aims to gather a collective $2,500 into it. If you allow your investment to be pooled here then AriaInvestments will pay you according to the rules of the 8% per day plan. It doesn’t matter whether you joined with $10 or $1,000, if you make any contribution to the MNO group then everyone there gets 8%.

Now here’s the dilemma – some groups target $5,000 or more and would ultimately pay you more. The problem is that these targets are a lot more difficult to reach, so you need to ask yourself will you be wasting your time in a bigger plan that may never reach its target, or join the MNO plan where $2,500 is more realistic. Remember you’re still going to be paid the basic interest rate from whatever your original plan was in AriaInvestments anyway, but it costs you nothing to align yourself with a group there so you may as well give it a shot. Just pick one where the target can be reached by the promoter.

While on that subject, you really need to ask yourself if you think of yourself as a suitable promotor in order to encourage that amount of money into the program by creating a group at all by yourself. I think it’s really something that monitors would need to think about a lot more seriously than the regular AriaInvestments investors. But don’t worry if promotion isn’t really your thing, as you can simply join any of the groups already there. It really makes no difference whether you actually started the group or not, just as long as your in it then you avail of the same rewards as everyone else. If you’re interested in getting a bit more active in other ways to earn extra money then consider maybe the regional representative program where AriaInvestments supporters can claim a higher rate of referral commissions.

Payment options in AriaInvestments are pretty much the “standard list” for online HYIPs these days, with most of the popular ones (that is to say easy ones) included. You can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin to join. Withdrawals are instant, just log into your members area and submit your request and you should see the money in your e-currency account in under a minute. One feature you might like however is the actual rate of the accruals. I know I’ve described the plans above as 6% per day, 7% per day, and so on, but in reality the value of your payments grows in real time while you watch. So it might be more accurate to say AriaInvestments pay you 6% over the course of a 24 hour period, running like a stopwatch that you can see growing by the second. You then have a choice of either withdrawing it or re-depositing it back into your favored plan.

Moving on to the more technical details of the AriaInvestments website, I have to say it’s gone from good to better in the short space of time they’ve been online. The major and most noticeable improvement here was the language. Although I wouldn’t say English is the native language of the admin, he has taken steps to make the website available in Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese which is going to go a long way towards making AriaInvestments more accessible to a wider audience. A german version was mentioned so hopefully that might be online soon as well. There’s also a short promotional video which can be viewed with either an English or a Russian soundtrack. The website is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by BlackLotus, and the program is running off a licensed version of the popular H-Script. More secure transactions and safer browsing are enhanced by the use of an extended Green Bar SSL certificate from Comodo, much better than just the basic version you’d normally see in the HYIP industry.

For any further questions to the admin or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there are numerous means of communication open to you. To start with AriaInvestments have the usual e-mail support form where you just fill in your details and submit. You can if you prefer just e-mail the admin directly at the address listed. AriaInvestments are also claiming to be a registered company in the UK – and they might very well be because anyone can do this anonymously online – and have a postal address to go with it. Generally though you’d be better advised to ignore these as they mostly tend to be virtual serviced offices and not where you’ll meet anyone connected to AriaInvestments every day. Probably of a lot more practical use to you will be the program’s social media profiles, where you’ll be able to find them on Twitter, Facebook, VK (which is a sort of Russian language Facebook), and also with a Skype group for further support.

On the business side of things AriaInvestments describe themselves as providing funding and start-up capital for new enterprises, something which not only cannot be proven but also offers no guarantee of profitability were it even to be true. So as experienced readers of a HYIP related website like MNO you probably all know what I’m going to say next – if you like to gamble then I guess AriaInvestments isn’t a bad program to risk a couple of bucks on but, but remember the operative word here is risk. There’s and end to this somewhere along the way, whether that’s a day or a year I wouldn’t care to guess, so remember to always stay within a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if joining AriaInvestments in the first place then try and keep them as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



HashPrime is the newest program joining the MNO Premium List. Within just a couple of hours of coming online it was clear that was also a most eagerly anticipated program among my readers. The thing is HashPrime is possibly the only HYIP now to accept deposits via SolidTrustPay with a fully pre-approved payments button and automated deposits – something that many admins tried to achieve lately but failed. Moreover, the admin has been apparently planning her program for a long time and with a huge initial advertising budget and a month long banner paid for on the MNO blog HashPrime is certainly one to watch. The main focal point that will turn the heads of many investors is the chance to use STP payment processor – something many MNO readers have been asking about. Payza featured in the original plans too, but complications (that is, bureaucracy) meant the admin decided to drop the idea for now and concentrate on the program instead. Other payment options include something that might satisfy every potential investor – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, and even direct Bank wires (contact the admin of HashPrime for details on that). The minimum to invest via e-currencies is $25 which is slightly higher than the industry average, but taking into consideration the availability of STP deposits that doesn’t seem too bad. In exchange for that you have an opportunity to get 1.5% daily interest that will be credited to your account every 24 hours for an unlimited term. Now you should pay special attention to the fact that although HashPrime seems to be a “perpetual” program in style (which is very popular now as you know), the admin still imposes a ten day initial lock-in period during which you cannot withdraw your original deposit. After ten days you’re free to go at any time you like, so keep this in mind when planning a strategy. The HashPrime website is running off a highly modified GoldCoders script which actually makes it almost completely unrecognisable when signed in. The program pays you manually within a 24 hour period after the withdrawal request is first made. The website itself is nice to look at, and contains a promo video explaining the BitCoin process where the program allegedly makes money for investors plus a further description of their mining activities to produce more BitCoins. BitCoin mining being named as their main source of income of course. The admin of HashPrime had to prove this to SolidTrustPay and even make a 30 minute phone call to them yesterday to have their payment button approved (so there might be some truth in that, who knows!). Actually, you can even buy and sell BitCoins from your account balance and take advantage on the price increase with time if you like (click Trade Bitcoins once in your account to try it). The site itself is SSL-secured and features an Extended Validation certificate issued by Comodo while being hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoS-Guard. Well, I believe everything looks fine about HashPrime and you can read more info in the upcoming review tomorrow, so don’t miss it. Here’s the first newsletter hailing the program’s launch (the admin has also created a blog to update on the latest developments, but it has to be filled yet):

We are Live
Our system is finally opened for new customers. If you have any questions feel free to contact us any time. Follow the information on our blog. We want to keep our users informed about updates and important information from our company. Visit our “blog” page where we put the most important information from our company.


If you don’t want a ten day lock-in period and prefer to be able to get your initial investment back at any time you like, then Anancias might be a project that will interest you. Launched only yesterday the admin joined the Premium List on the MNO monitor today, so he’s already seeking a wider audience to showcase all the advantages of his program to potential investors. I doubt very much that Anancias means anything, but they present themselves as a legitimate ForEx trading business registered in Panama and offering 2.5% to 3.5% daily profit with the option to withdraw the original investment at any time with no fees. Remember that with Anancias not only can you withdraw your entire principal at any time you wish, but also make a partial withdrawal and adjust the level of compounding to your liking. Such levels of flexibility will be appreciated by anyone looking for more freedom in managing their own portfolios. The minimum to invest in Anancias is $20 which is accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. The withdrawals of both principal and profits are made by the admin manually within a 24 hour maximum. Anancias runs off a licensed script by GoldCoders, holds an SSL-certificate from Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by DDoS-Guard. I believe Anancias may become popular among MNO readers as it’s still brand-new and quite promising. If you have any doubts then wait for a more detailed review on my blog coming on Thursday. Here’s the first introductory newsletter posted on the website of Anancias on its launch:

Welcome to Anancias!
Hello and welcome,
We are happy to announce that Anancias has finally launched online; everyone is welcome to join us.
We specialize in providing Forex investment solutions to clients across the globe. At Anancias, we’re experts in low-risk Forex trading. We bring results to our clients, who enjoy a daily profit of 2.5% to 3.5%.
Our clients can withdraw their profits or their principal investment at any time. We also offer a full range of payment options, providing you with an easy and secure way to invest and withdraw your funds
At Anancias, we maintain a commitment to security, best-in-class customer service and, of course, profitability!
Join Anancias today and discover the difference as we grow your investment by leaps and bounds. Don’t forget to join our affiliate program so you can earn a commission when you refer your friends and/or family.
Best Regards, Anancias Team.


2FXLtd yesterday underwent a major overhaul of their investment plans and after a short downtime needed to change its website’s plan descriptions the program has obtained a “perpetual” style. Despite the concerns of some investors regarding the site’s scheduled downtime which took a bit longer than originally expected, 2FXLtd came back with a new plan paying 4% daily forever with the option to request principal withdrawal for your investment anytime. That actually makes sense to me as the old plan (which is still going to be available to join until tomorrow and existing investors still paid according to the promised terms) paying 8% for 25 days and the new “perpetual” plan creates an opportunity to double your money within the same 25-day period. Unlike the old plan though the new 4% daily forever one has no restrictions on withdrawal times, so anyone can choose their own strategy. Under the old plan 2FXLtd has been featured on MNO for sixteen days (and originally was reviewed here) and even for this relatively short period has seen huge recognition among my readers, propelling it to the #3 position on the Premium List. I’m sure that the new plan may possibly be the right direction for 2FXLtd to take them into the realm of more appealing “perpetual” programs that so many investors seem to like so much. More information on the changes is in the latest newsletter from 2FXLtd posted below and on their own website:

2FXLtd News – Principal return at any time
Dear members,
We’ve got great news for you! According to numerous requests from our members we decided to revise the accrual system of profits, and make it even more convenient and clear.
Our new and the only investment plan: 4% daily for ever, Principal return at any time!!!
This means that your deposit will not be included in the daily profits from now.
Your daily earnings will continue to be 4% (previously you got 8%, 4% of which were profit, and 4% had a return of the principal deposit). This means that you will still be able to double your deposit within 25 calendar days. But now you will have an opportunity to withdraw your principal deposit at any time without waiting for the end of the investment period. First of all, the innovation will save you from having to re-invest your deposit every 25 days. Now it is enough to create one in order to have a steady income!
Important: All existing active deposits in the old plan (8% daily for 25 calendar days) will continue to be served before the expiration of the plan. You will still be able to withdraw your profits daily or you can make a deposit in a new plan right from your balance.
If you want to invest in the old plan (8% daily for 25 calendar days), we intentionally leave it active for the next 48 hours.
We thank all our customers for both their feedback and ideas. We will continue to listen to your opinion to make 2FXLtd project better.
Sincerely yours, Alfred Cope (CEO of 2FX Ltd).


There were a couple of updates from PiNeverEnds over the last 24 hours, one of them was dedicated to a simple matter of completing the PerfectMoney account verification process, and the other on the recent interview published on MNO a couple of days ago (click here to read). Some investors went so far as to say it was their personal favorite from all the interviews on MNO. In fact the admin of PiNeverEnds loves MNO so much, that he even created a specially dedicated page  for the interview and previously released review of his program (click here to read). You see, PiNeverEnds has a set of very original plans described in my review, but in a nutshell include the following – 3.14% for 20 business days (principal back), 0%-9% variable interest for 314 days (credited on business days only), 136% after 7 days, 264% after 31 days. Investments are accepted from the $25 minimum, and as PiNeverEnds has been online for over a week now (originally presented only on MNO) the first members have already been paid their principal and profit from the 136% after 7 days plan which I see has been reported on the MNO ShoutBox already today. A major misunderstanding regarding the Piphilologist plan happened yesterday when some investors complained that their accounts had not been properly credited. The admin explained everything by saying that everyone is credited at the same, 23.55 server time at night. So, if you were concerned where your profits were there was no reason for concern. For the variable daily paying plan in PiNeverEnds you should note when your account is credited for the first time. If you join on Monday before the 11.55 p.m. server time deadline then you will be credited on the same day by the script and will be able to request your first withdrawal after that. The same goes for any day of the week, except Saturdays and Sundays. According to the plan earnings credited on business days only (Monday to Friday) during the 314-calendar day term determined by the Pi-sequence of numbers. So, for the weekend deposits you won’t see your first profit before Monday night 11.55 p.m. server time. Hopefully, that makes sense now, and if not please refer to the latest newsletters from Greka Letero, the admin of PiNeverEnds, re-posted for your convenience below:

PiNE Payment Processor Update: Perfect Money
All, Very pleased to inform you that we have just learned our Perfect Money account verification has completed! We heard the requests from the community and acted. Feel free to verify for yourselves. As always, we are available to answer any questions via Support Tickets or when we swing by to chat. Greka Letero

PiNE Newsletter #3: MNO Interview
Good evening all!
I just wrote out the world’s most AMAZING newsletter…. and then my session timed out as I went to send it. So, like the Library at Alexandria, it is now lost forever… and I’m about to fall asle…..
Wow, thanks for the wakeup call there. Our Patron Saint of Mathematically Overcomplicated Programs, Father Paul Abramson, granted us an interview recently, and you have GOT to read it! We seized the opportunity to jump up on a soap box and the response has been fantastic. Everybody in unison now: “Thanks Paul!”
Hey, we’ve been online a week! And in about an hour and a half from now, the first early adopters of the 7-day plan known as The Glutton will be all wrapped up with a shiny 36% profit! Congratulations to you all.
Quick reminder: The Piphilologist and Euler plans pay weekdays only, and credits go out at 11:55pm server time. So for those who thought we just weren’t paying, now you know we’re not Shysters. Two more hours till everyone is caught up.
Ok, I’m getting delirious, so its time to catch some shut-eye. Remember, the best way to get questions answered is through a support ticket!
Take care all, Greka Letero


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeCryptoArbs2FXLtdAssuredAssetsPurpleWealth, TradingAllianceLimitedSparbsPiNeverEnds,  LaxoTradeCryptoFarmEastOil,  AriaInvestments. MaverBet, HashPrime (the first payments received), Anancias (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, VioletStock, ZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization.

That’s all for today, guys. As the new HYIP season is in full swing now and you wouldn’t want to miss the biggest and potentially most promising programs, please check the MNO blog and monitor often, and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. I’ll see you all tomorrow with the full review of HashPrime and all the latest news from the most elite and sometimes exclusive programs in the HYIP industry!

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