16/11/2017. CoinPlace Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! CoinPlace has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well so far in what’s turning out to be a busier than expected business week here on MNO. Today I’m continuing by looking at a new mid term HYIP called CoinPlace. With the autumn season coming to an end soon and giving way to winter I imagine a lot of investors will be turning their thoughts to new programs that are going to be dependable income spinners for them before the holidays, so let’s see if this one fits the bill. There’s also a couple of news stories that might be of interest to you coming up in the second half of today’s update, plus a couple of good new programs I’ll be introducing here for the first time today so keep reading for that. Starting with CoinPlace first though, in many ways it’s quite a traditional style standard HYIP. Nothing too complicated but still professionally organised and set up with a decent operational and advertising budget, and a couple of plans I think a lot of investors might like. CoinPlace is brand new and came straight to my monitor’s Premium List almost immediately after it launched. So let’s get started and see if you might want it in your portfolios.
Starting with the investment plans then, there are three plans to choose from in CoinPlace. Two of them make daily interest payment while the other just pays you once on expiry. It’s the less attractive of the three options, but I’ll start with it anyway as it’s also the cheapest and shortest term plan. CoinPlace require a $10 minimum to join. Your principal is then locked in for a term of 15 calendar days. At the end of the term the CoinPlace admin then offers a single payment of 110% back to you, principal included. That’s your own money back plus an extra 10% net profit for yourself. So were you to let’s say invest $100 with this plan, the hope is that CoinPlace would give you back $110 on expiry of the 15 day term. Maximum investment limits are capped at $500 per deposit.
On expiry plans in the HYIP industry are rarely popular when the program offering them has daily paying alternatives. I would expect that to be the case in CoinPlace as well. So the second option will cost you a $25 minimum to join, and runs for a slightly longer term of 20 calendar days. The interest rate is 6% per day for the term’s duration, principal included. That adds up to 120% in total by the last day of the term, made up of your own money back plus 20% net profit. If we say then that a $100 deposit is made in your account CoinPlace offer to repay you at a rate of $6 per day. You reach the break even point and see your first profit after 17 payments, that is to say you earn back a sum equivalent to your principal therefore making it impossible to lose money, and complete the cycle with $120 in total. The maximum limit for deposits in this plan is capped at $10,000 per deposit.
The list of investment plans is rounded off by you third option which runs for a term of 30 calendar days. CoinPlace require a $50 minimum to join, so it’s still within a reasonable grasp for most investors. The term length is 30 calendar days during which the CoinPlace admin is offering investors a daily interest rate of 5%. Lower than the previous plan which means it takes a little longer to reach the break even point (20 days this time) but with more payments is ultimately more profitable. Your final return comes to 150% out of which CoinPlace is also including your principal. That means your own money back plus the maximum possible 50% net profit. The maximum spend is again capped at $10,000 per deposit.
If any of that is of interest to you and you’d like to join, then the next thing we need to look at are what are your payment options. The processors CoinPlace are currently dealing with are slightly more focused on digital e-currencies. You can use either PerfectMoney, AdvCash or Payeer if you favour the more traditional style payment processors, or BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, and Dash if you want to use a more modern digital e-currency. If using any of the digital currencies you will be using the CoinPayments interface. In this case technically speaking your actual investment will be made in BitCoin, you simply have the option to pay for it using Ethereum, LiteCoin, and Dash. Your interest payments will then all be made via BitCoin, so you won’t really have a choice in that.
I guess a lot of you will be pleased to hear that most withdrawal requests are paid instantly. That’s up to a maximum value of $500 which is going to be the overwhelming majority of transactions. For security reasons anything bigger than that will have to be handled manually by the admin, but either way they will all need to be submitted from within your CoinPlace member’s account area. In the event of instant payouts being delayed for some reason (and there are plenty of perfectly valid ones, such as account replenishment, security, etc.) the admin asks you allow him a further 24 hour waiting period to ensure all transactions are completed. BitCoin investors however please pay very special attention to this – you are required to have at least a $10 minimum withdrawal request before it is accepted by CoinPlace. I don’t know how long this will continue for but to be fair here the conditions are largely outside the admin’s control. With a backlog of transactions and the poor value users are getting on the fees required going through the Blockchain network it’s totally understandable that CoinPlace would need to introduce such a rule. Obviously it doesn’t suit the program any more than it suits the members, so hopefully the situation will change before too long. If this is a problem for you then don’t forget that CoinPlace have several perfectly good alternatives to BitCoin where this is not an issue.
Moving on then to the more technical aspects of the CoinPlace website such as design and security, the first item of note is the secure Extended Vallidation SSL encrypted connection by Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. They have the above average Green Bar version, which is superior and a bit more expensive than standard. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by OVH. As for the script, it’s a unique and custom made product developed especially for meeting the needs of CoinPlace. Despite that it still manages to give the CoinPlace website a familiar easy-to-navigate feel, and it’s very user friendly throughout. Aside from English the CoinPlace website can also be viewed in Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Polish, and Vietnamese. Just use the flag icon at the top of the page to switch between whichever version you are most fluent in. It’s also nice to see CoinPlace making use of other promotional tools, specifically some recorded videos where you can now watch the main one on the MNOVision page here and some other video reviews on the program’s own website.
If you have any further questions for the admin that you don’t think were explained here, or indeed have any reason to contact him with any account related issues then there are several channels of communication open to you. The first thing you should probably check is the Live Chat, where, assuming you find an operator online, you might be able to get any minor issues cleared up in real time. If that isn’t available then for direct contact with the CoinPlace admin you can either e-mail him directly at the address listed, or else simply try one of the other chat options which include Skype and Telegram. CoinPlace list a postal address in Australia which is of course a lot more likely to be simply a virtual hosted office and not where you would find anyone connected with running CoinPlace physically located were you to pay a visit. Probably more useful for many readers though is that CoinPlace have made themselves available on social media networks, maintaining profiles on both Facebook, Twitter, and VK.
As for any business activities members are told supposedly back all of this up, allegedly CoinPlace are involved in crypto-currency trading. Though with little to no evidence to support this claim that you can check out and independently verify for yourselves then you should just treat it as a regular online HYIP with all the associated risks and pitfalls. Even if it was genuine, that still doesn’t guarantee anyone’s profit. As with any form of gambling, losers are inevitably needed if payments to the winners are going to be financed. And as there’s no way to predict what group you might fall into, you need to behave responsibly and protect yourself first and foremost. That starts with establishing a sensible spending limit that you will adhere to strictly and can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining CoinPlace at all then try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
As you can see CoinPlace is a fairly straight forward and uncomplicated “old school” type of program, so if you’ve already come to a decision about if it’s suitable for you or not then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with the other readers and answering the following poll. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable, and will eventually tell us how many people were right to go with their first impressions of the program either for better or worse.

I’ll start with the introduction of a newly added short-term program called GreenForex whose admin only added his program to the Standard List on MNO yesterday but was already enough time to complete one investment cycle. You see, with GreenForex you can choose from the traditional set of investment plans ranging from as short as 1 day to as long as 33 days. The deposit is returned with profits as a once-off payment on expiry which should be requested from your account and paid by the admin manually within 12 hours. Of course, the more you’re prepared to spend and the longer you want to commit your money for the higher the reward at the end of the term, provided of course GreenForex is still online by then. By the way, as of today GreenForex has been online for exactly two weeks, but it’s certainly not the limit as from my many years experience in the HYIP industry such programs can potentially last up to eight or even twelve weeks with good management and gradual growth. So, we’ll wait and see how it’s all going to go for GreenForex. The full review will be posted on MNO in a few days time, so stay tuned for that, and if you don’t want to wait please take a look below for some basic info.
The investment plans on offer include – 3%-32% for 1 day, 5%-48% for 4 days, 6%-42.57% for 7 days, 8.64%-48.36% for 14 days, 12.76%-45.06% for 33 days. And of course, the daily returns only include your profits as your principal will be returned separately on expiry of the investment term with GreenForex. I guess regular MNO readers will get the drift that the shorter investment plans with smaller deposits in programs like GreenForex are better than risking large amounts. The minimum starts at quite an affordable $20 accepted via all the popular currencies – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash. By the way, there’s absolutely no difficulty in browsing your account area in GreenForex, as the site is running on a familiar licensed GoldCoders script. The site is also secured by EV SSL from Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by GeniusSecurity. There is a typical UK incorporation certificate available for public viewing and the admin is now boasting the recent addition of a phone number which members are advised to call if they have any issues:
“GreenForex: Phone number
Hello. We had added phone number. Now, you can call to us: +44 20 360 816 29
You don’t still with us? It’s time to join.
Best regards, Administration”.
If you want true originality in a HYIP then you look no further than CoinsEnergy, a brand-new BitCoin only program with fully automatic payouts that joined the Premium List on MNO straight on its official launch launch last night. Actually, I believe MNO was the first monitor the admin of CoinsEnergy has chosen to go with, going by very good results he got from it in his previously run programs that were extremely successful and brought profits to many investors. Of course I prefer not to name them publicly as previous success cannot be exactly replicated, but I hope that the admin knows what he’s doing and his new program will have a decent run as well. So, what is CoinsEnergy about?
By joining the program you will be advised to send any amount of BitCoin starting from 0.001 BTC to a specific BitCoin address. After that you can simply sit back and relax, as all your profits from there on are to be sent to your own specified wallet automatically. There is a particular schedule that can be seen in your account area with CoinsEnergy as well, but the principle works like this. On weekdays (Monday to Friday) you will be sent 1% interest every 3 hours, which makes 8 payments of 1% each, or a total of 8% daily. On weekends though (Saturdays and Sundays) you will be paid less frequently with the same 1% profit sent to your BitCoin address every 4 hours, thus making it 6 payments by 1% each or 6% daily. As the investment term is unlimited and you cannot get your principal back in CoinsEnergy anyway, MNO readers will get a good advantage over others, as the faster you join the more possible profits you’re going to make. And while it takes only two weeks to get into the profit zone with CoinsEnergy (after that you will get a passive regular income for as long as the program stays online). Judging by the admin not even having advertising banners yet it looks like the MNO readers have the edge compared to others who are going to discover CoinsEnergy and join it later when it’s going to be available on other monitors. The site itself looks extremely different from others with a futuristic feel to it and a well built original script, and a no nonsense approach to investment, with only necessary information provided essential enough to start your investment. The security of CoinsEnergy is top-notch with SSL EV (Green Bar) certificate by Symantec, and a dedicated and DDoS protected server from one of the leading companies in the industry DDoSGuard. Although you won’t need to check your account with CoinsEnergy after the investment is made you can still enter your assigned digital username and password sent to your email address on sign-up and check all your stats in your account area. It’s truly a beautiful program and will be reviewed on the MNO blog next week. You should really go check it for yourself, as the web design is simply stunning. I’m sure you’ll love it too! Here is the welcome message from the admin on the program’s official launch:
“Welcome to CoinsEnergy!
The greatest cryptocurrency program ever developed by human being welcomes all bitcoin users in the Universe!
CoinsEnergy is an investment program inspired by the brave idea that everything in the Universe are made from one basic substance – energy. Our team of genius programmers and mathematicians was able to develop the most comprehensive, self-organizing neural trading network ever invented. We call it “Energy Sheres”. With this system, we make at least 97% accurate prognosis of future prices movements and always know exactly what cryptocurrencies to buy and sell and when.”
The admin of the above reviewed CoinPlace shared the first stats for his program on their official Facebook page. According to him, it’s been 1,000 members with over $56K invested over the first two days online. While we might be sceptical about that, we should understand that HYIP admins always exaggerate stats and there is nothing wrong in creating a sense of excitement in order to push others to invest as well. CoinPlace is currently paying instantly on all the accepted payment processors and I can see a lot of interest from my readers and around the industry as well. Of course the admin will need a few weeks to bring profits to the first investors and prove CoinPlace is a worthwhile program, so we wait and see if that happens. Meanwhile, please read the latest update from the program where some investment tips are also given and the link to CoinPlace‘s Telegram chat is shared:
“Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
Welcome to the CoinPlace Company.
As you already know, we’ve started the active investment stage for our project on November 12, and many investors around the world are already benefitting from our offer.
To date, more than 1000 partners have registered their accounts on the official company website, and the investments amount in the first 2 days exceeded $56,000. We sincerely thank you for your trust and cooperation, and, of course, our journey has just begun! Our team of professional traders is actively managing the invested funds and providing our partners with a stable daily income.
If you have not yet joined the friendly family of CoinPlace investors, it’s an easy thing to do:
– Register your own account within our platform CoinPlace;
– Deposit funds by choosing a convenient payment system and a suitable investment plan;
– Make profits and enjoy your life!
Do not forget to specify your e-wallet address in the profile settings, in order to ensure the convenient and timely withdrawal of your earnings.
In case of any questions or difficulties, you can contact our Support team anytime via the contact form on the website, in the Telegram-chat: https://t.me/coinplace, or by sending an email to support@coinplace.trade
Thank you for your attention and have a successful day!”
The website of CryptoSolution was offline all day yesterday and only came back a few hours ago which was nevertheless enough to complete all the necessary technical tasks and resume normal operations. The site’s disruption and prolonged downtime were reportedly caused by a major hacking attempt but seems to have been dealt with. I received my withdrawal so have no reason to keep the program on Waiting status on the MNO monitor any longer. Therefore, CryptoSolution has been returned to Paying Status. The very latest short Twitter updates from the admin are below:
“We started to use new BTC address SegWit for payments, now payments will be processed faster with less Commission”.
“Work is underway on updating the security system, the process of interest calculation will not be affected.
Estimated time of completion of the work 16.11.2017 – 12:30 UTC time
Thank you for your understanding, best regards CryptoSolution LTD”.
“We recaptured several major hacker attacks on our website. No data has been received, all your data and investment protected. The website resumed normal operation. With best wishes CryptoSolution LTD”.
CryptoSolution (reviewed here) was added to Premium listing on MNO exactly two weeks ago. Currently there are four investment plans to choose from – 4% or 5% for 30 days, 27% for 5 weeks, and 0.1875% for 672 hours. The withdrawals must be requested from the account area and are processed manually within 24 hours time. Recently AdvCash was added as first USD e-currency that is now accepted along with a vast range of cryptocurrencies, including BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, EthereumClassic, Dash, Lisk, Monero, Ripple, Zcash, DogeCoin, and BitConnect.
Over the last couple of days there were quite a few updates posted on the Facebook page of one of the currently most popular BitCoin only programs in the HYIP industry Bitcy. The most important one perhaps is the increase of the withdrawal minimum which is set at 0.005 BTC now (approximately $37 at current exchange rates). The step was really necessary as the Blockchain network has been really congested over the last few days and the high fees associated with smaller transactions would eat the majority of profits anyway. In such really tough times for BitCoin only programs Bitcy nevertheless tries its best to stay afloat by constantly reinventing itself and offering many other incentives to investors, like the Bounty program where the rules have been adjusted recently and “guess the BitCoin price” prediction game whose first winner was been revealed recently on Bitcy‘s Telegram channel. Bitcy offers several investment plans with daily/hourly payouts and principal return on expiry – 2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours – and paying once on expiry – 155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. If you want to find out more of the current #1 program on MNO Bitcy please check out the full review here and for all the recent updates from the admin have a look below:
“Change in withdrawal conditions – the best solution from Bitcy Limited
The overload in Blockchain caused by the huge number of requests for withdrawal made by users from all corners of the world hampers its correct work. To speed up the processing today the system generates a high commission regardless of the transaction amount. Thus, making small transfers is often unprofitable.
We made a decision to rationalize the costs of traders and provide you with the highest possible revenue. Therefore, it’s been decided by the management of Bitcy Limited to raise the minimum withdrawal amount to 0.005 BTC. In addition, to reduce the load on Blockchain today you can make no more than two requests per day. These measures are temporary and will be abolished as soon as the problems in Blockchain are eliminated.
Bitcy Limited takes care of every partner!”
“How to win 0.05 BTC – the winner in the competition of analysts is known
A few hours ago the competition of analysts from Bitcy Limited finished. The participant who mentioned the price closest to the rate of the BTC / USD pair on the site: coinmarketcap.com valid for 12:00 GMT, shared the post about the competition and filled in the application form has become the owner of a pleasant financial bonus of 0.05 BTC.
The Bitcy’s team congratulates the winner! You can find out his name right now on our Telegram channel: t.me/bitcy
Subscribe to our communities in social networks and Telegram channel and do not miss a single competition. Share this post so that your friends can also take part in our lotteries. Believe in yourself and in luck and, perhaps, next time it will be you who’ll be announced the winner.
Bitcy Limited has pleasant surprises for you every day!”
“New conditions in the Bounty program – hurry up and get a bonus!
Bitcy Limited fully justifies the trust of its partners so together we are becoming more successful and more popular. At the moment the company pays a huge amount of bonuses for reposting in gratitude for your help in promoting the company, and now we are manually processing thousands of requests every day. In order to optimize the workload of our employees and focus our efforts on the development of the company it’s been decided to change the terms of our Bounty-program.
What has changed?
• Amount of payments. Bonus for sharing our posts on your pages in social networks will be 0.0001 BTC.
• Number of news. Get a bonus for reposting only one news in the community mentioned on the Bounty page: https://bitcy.biz/?a=cust&page=bounty.
• Hurry up. The first 1000 participants get bonuses: 500 people who submitted requests after reposting news in Facebook, and 500 – in Twitter.
Now you need to hurry to get a bonus for a repost. This condition will make our Bounty-program more dynamic and give the competitive spirit to its participants. Bitcy Limited takes care to make your work on our platform most exciting!”
When discussing ResonanceCapital in my detailed review posted here I often wondered about the unnecessarily complicated registration process. The program’s plans include 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks for $50+ deposit via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, and Bitcoin. Finally common sense has won the day and the registration process is going to be much simpler. You can read what exactly has been kept and what’s been removed in the update below, and just after that check out with one of the ResonanceCapital‘s admins Mr. Maris Landsbergis who is also featured on a couple of promotional videos for the company embedded on the MNOVision page as well:
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Due to our company’s global development, the number of its clients increases on a daily basis. Whereby, ResonanceCapital‘s Technical Department faces a rapidly increasing number of requests from agents to simplify the registration procedure on our company’s website for quick and barrier-free access to ResonanceCapital‘s investment products.
Based on these requests, we decided to upgrade our registration form for new customers. As of now, any first time customer of our company can by his own or by her own specify a convenient and memorable password for accessing our back office, thus reducing registration time several times by omitting time for a PIN code delivery to his or hers phone or e-mail address. That’s why we recommend entering complex and reliable passwords for accessing back office at registration and avoiding to reveal this authorization data to third parties under any pretext.
Moreover, after conducting an in-depth analysis of customer requests for the last 2 months, ResonanceCapital‘s Technical Department re-engineered our SMS messaging service. A great number of our customers based in various countries regularly requested us to change notification and PIN code delivery method. It was due to the fact that when sending notifications from ResonanceCapital, SMS billing data centers in most cases faced critical load (over 50,000 SMS messages per day). It lead to failures when delivering some of the SMS messages to our customers. It also forced some of our customers’ cellular operators to block messages delivery due to mass mailings.
To solve this problem, from now on all info-notifications will be delivered to our customers’ e-mail addresses only – except payment PIN codes being used to withdraw funds and transfer funds between customers. This will significantly reduce the load upon SMS billing allowing for almost instant reception of payment PIN codes via SMS.
In case you still face difficulties related to PIN code delivery via SMS, please try changing PIN code delivery method by replacing the current one with an email service (we recommend gmail.com). You can do it yourself in the “My profile” section by checking the box “I would like to receive a PIN code by E-mail”. You can also carefully validate your phone number specified in your profile, it should contain the following: country code with the “+” prefix, your cellular operator’s code, and your phone number (without spaces or other separating character).
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
Hello, dear ResonanceCapital customers.
Today, we invite you to read the updated answers to the questions from the video interview No.1 by ResonanceCapital Business Development Director Maris Landsbergis. We understand that not all of our customers can watch videos, therefore many of them have expressed a desire to get the information in text format.
? QUESTION 1: Maris, please tell us about your activities: what is your position and how much time do you spend in the office?
— ANSWER 1: I’m a Business Development Director of ResonanceCapital. My main task is to expand the network of our representative offices around the world, namely, to have at least one representative office of ResonanceCapital in every city of each country. In fact, I’m in the office not often, because I have to meet in person with representatives of our brokerage partner companies that manage some part of our capital. You know, when it comes to millions of dollars deals, you cannot do it remotely, you have to fly and hold long negotiations, so that the outcome is suitable for both sides.
? QUESTION 2: Who are the customers of your company?
— ANSWER 2: Actually, at the moment, more than 70% of the total capital in management consists of the personal funds of the ResonanceCapital founders. The remaining 30% are the assets of private investors who join us from different parts of the world. We work on 5 continents, and every day people are talking about us more and more.
? QUESTION 3: Where do you invest the ResonanceCapital management funds?
— ANSWER 3: At the moment, we use a diversified management strategy, namely: 10% are distributed on the US stock exchanges in the purchase of Penny Stocks; 10% are placed in speculation on currency pairs in the Forex market; 10% are invested in new companies which enter the stock exchange (IPO); and 60% are invested in operations with cryptocurrencies. By the way, 10% remains with us as free cash in the event of covering unforeseen risks that inevitably arise when working in the financial markets.
? QUESTION 4: You work with financial instruments, and they are highly volatile. How do you manage to provide customers with a fixed percentage of profit?
— ANSWER 4: Yes, we work with volatile instruments that show very good movements, and it does not matter to us in which direction the market is moving, as we earn both on growth and fall. Otherwise, how can you earn at least 288% per year on non-fluctuating instruments that grow by 5-10% per year? We give our clients a fixed percentage of profit, so that they can plan their investments and profitability. For example, over the past 12 months, we have earned 338% of the total capital, and we are investing this profit in the further development of our business.
? QUESTION 5: How do you plan to develop in future? How do you see ResonanceCapital in 3 years?
— ANSWER 5: In 2017, we have become a licensed financial company with the ability to work all over the world, and this year we are also planning to develop the European market quite actively and open our representative offices in many countries. In 2018, we are planning to develop the US market, as well as the South America market. In 2019, our plans include the global development of the Asian market.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ChainGroupService, Octoin.
From MNO Premium list: Bitcy, TerminalSkyNet, Ellir, AlpexTrade, CryptoSolution, Bitfine, CoinPlace, Strike7 (the first payments received), ACO (the first payments received), CoinsEnergy (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: TradexTop, RenaissanceInvest, GreenForex (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: InfiniteAlliance, BitWaves, HouseHash, RiseFinance, BISTInvest (the first payments received).
That’s all the news for today, guys. As you can see, activity in the HYIP industry is currently at one of the highest points of the year and even the collapse of LaserOnline didn’t slow things down. Of course, you should really stay updated for more exciting investment opportunities to be found here on MNO and you’re welcome to subscribe for the daily news to be delivered to your email address or simply follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter for real-time updates. I’ll be pleased to answer your questions, so submit them here or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. With so many new programs to be reviewed on MNO I will not be wasting time and will be back again tomorrow with a detailed look at Bitfine plus all the latest news from the HYIP industry. See you tomorrow on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 16th, 2017.