17/11/2017. Bitfine Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! Bitfine has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! As the business week finally comes to a close this Friday I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend and putting your feet up and relaxing. No such luxury on MNO however (actually it quite pleases me to be in such a position!) as I have a huge workload to catch up on over the next week at least. Into the second half of November now and in the wake of the biggest program in the industry so far this year, I’m really surprised that activity in the HYIP industry seems almost at a high point for the year rather than a low. Well I suppose if there’s one thing we can always depend on in this business it’s unpredictability! In keeping with that trend then the program I want to look at before today’s news update is called Bitfine. It’s an ultra high interest program with an open ended investment term, i.e. a perpetual style program that pays members for how ever long it stays online. So let’s take a closer look at the details and see if you want Bitfine as part of your portfolios.
I’m going to start off with the plans as usual, but let’s begin by making sure absolutely everyone is crystal clear about one thing here – Bitfine is high risk, and is in no way sustainable in the long or even medium term. That doesn’t mean you can’t make money from it, it’s possible that some of you will. But don’t be under any illusions as to what you are getting yourself involved with in Bitfine, it’s not an investment, it’s a form of high risk gambling, so don’t play unless you are prepared to accept any potential losses with the same good grace you’ll gladly spend any profits with.
So, Bitfine is primarily a BitCoin based HYIP. You can use a couple of the more traditional US dollar based payment handlers to join, but all you are really doing there is financing a BitCoin investment nonetheless as your deposit is converted to BTC as are your earnings. With that in mind I think that’s the best way to describe any investments with the program. If this is in any way confusing to anyone there are numerous online resources where you can check live exchange rates, including the built-in widget on MNO. The minimum requirement for joining Bitfine is a 0.001 BTC, which at the time of writing is around $8. For all deposits up to a maximum limit of 2 BTC Bitfine pay members a daily interest rate of 10%. There’s no expiry date and no possibility to withdraw your principal, so once you are in you stay in. 10% per calendar day is of course a big commitment, difficult to maintain in the first place never mind sustain in the long term. But if you’re in a gambling mood the thing is you don’t need Bitfine to survive for a particularly long time, you only need them to be here for ten days or more to break even and see a profit. If you can get that far then it’s anyone’s guess how much net profit you might eventually walk away with.
For the record there are some higher rates available from Bitfine, but as it’s going to cost you upwards of 2 BTC to find out if they’re genuine or not I doubt very much these offers will find many takers. Just for your information I’ll run through the figures for you anyway. From 2 BTC to 5 BTC the rate is 12% per day, on amounts between 5 BTC and 10 BTC the rate is 14% per day, from 10 BTC up to 30 BTC the return is 18% per day, and finally for deposits between 30 BTC and 75 BTC the maximum rate of 25% per day is offered. All with no expiry and no principal withdrawal.
If you want to participate in the program then the next thing to discuss are your payment options. Hard to explain really, it’s sort of a mixed bag here. You see on one hand all deposits made in Bitfine are tied to BitCoin so that’s how you will be earning interest. You don’t necessarily have to use BitCoin to make an investment though, alternatives are available. You may also use PerfectMoney or Payeer, but as the program isn’t technically working with US Dollars all you are really doing there is using them to pay for a BitCoin investment with Bitfine. So even if you use PerfectMoney and Payeer to join, your interest payments are still coming back to you in BTC. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though, in fact the way things are going now this could have serious advantages if the exchange rate between USD and BTC keeps going the way it is at the moment, i.e. once you turn your BTC interest payment back into dollars you may end up with a bit more than just the 10% Bitfine are paying you. Then again, it could also go the other way, who can say? The important thing is that you always stay well under a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose if things don’t work out the way you hoped. Other than that just be aware that Bitfine have a minimum withdrawal policy of 0.0005 BTC, so make sure you have at least that amount in your account before asking for it. The good thing is that all the withdrawals are processed instantly, so you don’t have to wait once you have the correct amount to withdraw.
Moving on next to some of the more technical aspects of the Bitfine website now such as design and site security, although running off a licensed GoldCoders script you can see that it’s been heavily modified to suit the program’s individual needs and requirements for working primarily with BitCoin. The site features a superior Extended Validation SSL certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and is hosted on a dedicated DDoS protected server by AntiDDoS. The Bitfine website is available in English but also has Russian and Chinese language versions which should give it some amount of appeal to a wider audience.
If you like what you see but think something hasn’t been covered by this review and would like to pass on any further questions to the Bitfine admin then there’s a number of different channels open to you for getting in touch. To start with there’s a couple of different e-mail addresses you can write to directly depending on what your query is, and a built-in Live Chat feature which you can check for an operator first. You’ll find a postal address listed as well, though I suggest you ignore this option as they tend mostly (if in fact genuine to begin with) to be virtual serviced offices and not where you would find anyone connected to the program physically located.
That’s about it really, what you see is what you get with Bitfine. With almost four days under their belt now the first members still have a few more nervous days in front of them before they see the first profit, so it will be interesting to see how it develops now with the autumn season in the HYIP industry coming to an end soon. None of what Bitfine offer you is guaranteed, naturally, and we are of course still talking about what is essentially a gamble on your part. So if you do like the look of Bitfine and think it might be worth joining, just remember to establish what is an affordable spending limit for you (based on what you can afford to lose, not what you can afford to spend) and stay within it. And if you do join Bitfine try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
So, what do you guys think? Have you given any thought to Bitfine and whether you would like to join it or not then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and also tell admins what standards you expect from a program before you join. The question is:

I wonder whether Octoin with over 380 members under the MNO downline is going to repeat the former glories of LaserOnline and become one of the biggest programs in the industry soon. It certainly looks that way at the moment, as with rapidly growing membership and lots of interested investors Octoin is firmly on the path to greater things. The program can boast a huge advertising budget (it’s been already upgraded to Sticky Listing and purchased the top banner on MNO for one month) and boasts lots of unique features you cannot find anywhere else. It’s quite difficult to describe them all though, as Octoin is not just your regular HYIP, but something much bigger than that (or at least it tries its best to look that way!), so it would be best just to read my detailed review posted here for more information on this truly amazing program. If you’re just interested in Octoin as a HYIP then you can choose from a variety of investment plans ranging from 30 to 150 calendar days with the principal back on expiry with variable returns to PerfectMoney, AdvCash, BitCoin, Dash, Zcash, LiteCoin, and Ethereum. There are some specifics regarding the premature principal withdrawal as well as some insurance rates, so read more on that in the MNO review and on the program’s website.
By the way, if you wanted to make sense out of everything that’s on the table at Octoin you might be interested in attending their webinar. I’m not sure that by the time you would read this article on MNO you can still visit the links shared by the admin in the following newsletter, as it’s been on short notice announced only last night. I hope that everyone who wanted to participate was able to do so, as every member of Octoin checking his/her account in the program over the last 24 hours has been notified in advance. Hopefully anyone who missed the opportunity will have more such events organized in the future. I’ll definitely let you know on the MNO blog if and when they happen. Meanwhile you can read the following newsletter from Octoin containing some details of the webinar and the topics discussed there:
“Join first Octoin webinar 17 November. Giveaway of trading deposits. Win up to 1000 USD
Do not miss the chance to win trading deposit with up to 1000 USD during the first Ocotin webinar on the 17 th of November 2017.
We invite you at the informative conference with top managers of Octoin team. New opportunities and knowledge as well as communication with top professionals in blockchain technology will be available for you at this conference. Anyway, we are not going to waste your time. Please see below all the details.
1. What is this? Free informative webinar about Octoin project.
2. What time? 9:00 UTC. Your local time you can check here:
3. Where? At webinar room at Clickmeeting.
4. How to attend?
– Via Clickmeeting website: https://octoin.clickmeeting.com/octoin-welcome-session
Conference PIN: 168793#
– via Mobile Application Clickmeeting. Room ID: 268-668-513
5. For whom is it? For everyone who is interested in crypto currencies and blockchain technology, such as: Investors, Traders, Miners, Businessmen, Everyone who is simply interested how to earn in this market
6. What is it about?
– About the advantages and opportunities of Octoin project for you
– About different ways of earning at Octoin platform
– About the future prospectives of co-operation with Octoin team
– About the exclusive bonuses available only for the first participants. At the end of the webinar 50-100-300-500-1000 USD deposits will be randomly distributed among the participants
– About your specific questions (there will be Questions and Answers part of the webinar)”.
Bitcy (reviewed here) has been literally crippled over the last few days with so many BitCoin transactions hanging in the air and unconfirmed for a long time. That surely put a strain on the incoming funds, and forced the admin to increase the minimum withdrawal to BitCoin just to somehow accommodate the growing queue of both deposits and withdrawals pending for a long time. Of course, the transactions not being confirmed in Blockchain for quite some time is out of the admin’s control, but if something was not done about it I wouldn’t be surprised if Bitcy ended up facing collapse. In such circumstances I think that the only wise decision was to start accepting PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash which have all now been added to Bitcy‘s payment methods, while for the first seven weeks online the program only operated with BitCoin. Now that Bitcy is accepting four currencies the program might escape the troubles they would have with BitCoin transactions and offer investors more choice for deposits and withdrawals. This will be welcomed by the program’s investors with great enthusiasm and may result in a prolonged run for the program which has been quite success story anyway. I remind you that Bitcy accepts deposits starting from $20 and offers three investment plans with regular payments and principal back on expiry – 2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours – while five other plans are for daredevils only – 155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. The latest news of the USD-based payment processors can be found below:
“Profitable investments in USD – fiat payment systems are added
Bitcy Limited is constantly improving its service for the convenience of our partners as well as for expanding our opportunities. And today we are pleased to inform you about the addition of the fiat payment systems Advanced Cash, Payeer and Perfect Money on our platform. This will enable us to more effectively implement our own trading strategies and enter partnerships with major crypto currency exchanges.
Due to this innovation the platform, using automatic scripts, produces the most profitable trade in the directions BTC-dollar, Ethereum-dollar, Litecoin-dollar and others. Our company plans to add a number of other popular payment systems. Use all the possibilities and stay tuned!
The greatest achievements and pleasant surprises are yet to come!”
I’m posting this on Friday night, so you should remember that it’s time now to request your weekly payout from ResonanceCapital. If you read my review of the program posted here, you must know that your account in it is credited at the end of every business week and then you are able to request your withdrawal which is paid to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, or BitCoin accounts within the next two to five business days. The weekly investment offers include 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks. You can start investing with ResonanceCapital from a $50 minimum. Some investors though won’t be completely satisfied with such earnings and will try their luck by referring others to get some incentives as referral commissions. Just for such active promoters the latest newsletter was posted on the website which includes links to new promotional materials that can be used to spread the word about the program and bring ResonanceCapital new clients. I guess no one can argue that it’s an important part of any online venture and I believe ResonanceCapital will win big if their promo materials are up to standard and in different languages as posted below:
Hello, dear ResonanceCapital customers.
We would like to inform you important and useful news about the updated section “Promotional Tools” on the website and in the back office. Now, to improve your performance when working with the company, we have added the following promotional tools in different languages:
>> Corporate set of advertising banners in English, German, Russian, Czech, Polish and French.
In the shortest time, our specialists will prepare the next upgrade of the banner section by adding new languages: Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese.
<< Go to the “Promotional Tools” section in the back office
<< Go to the “Promotional Tools” section on the website
>> Full design presentation in PDF format in English, German, Russian, Czech, Polish, Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean.
Next week we expect to see a full design PDF presentation in French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and Hindi.
<< Go to the “Promotional Tools” section in the back office
<< Go to the “Promotional Tools” section on the website
>> Official advertising booklet in PDF format – an indispensable advertising and informational tool for all offline events of ResonanceCapital.
The booklet is available in English, German, Russian, Czech, Polish, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Hindi, Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean.
<< Go to the “Promotional Tools” section in the back office
<< Go to the “Promotional Tools” section on the website
Dear partners of ResonanceCapital,
Blocks with promotional materials are regularly updated, so we recommend you to visit this advertising section more often and to monitor the appearance of new tools and languages.
Always remember that your success depends on your results, and the results accordingly depend on the actions. However, actions do not grow from scratch, and you need to thoroughly prepare before you start performing effective actions. Our professional promotional tools will help you in this.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
GideConsulting (reviewed here) has been listed on MNO for over eleven weeks and has never missed a payment so far. GideConsulting has been only working with crypto-currencies like BitCoin, LiteCoin, and Ethereum, accepting it from investors starting from a $20 minimum to its 11% for 10 business days daily paying plan and a $100 minimum to join its 140% after 30 business days with a once-off payment on expiry. As the script GideConsulting runs off is a custom-made and unique, there were some bugs initially that the admin and team have been working hard recently to fix. The latest update from the admin discussed what was going on behind the scenes over the last week or so, and you can find the short notice on that below:
“New Updates :
– Deposit issue with numbers fixed.
– Operation History now shows withdrawal batches.
– Profit fixed in the Operation history section.
– Referral page bug fixed.”
If you read my review of RenaissanceInvest posted here, you should be aware of the program’s investment plans that include 0.8%-1.2% per business days for 90 days, and 1.6%-2% per business day for 180 days with the principal return on expiry and with the option of early principal withdrawal on request. You should also know that RenaissanceInvest accepts investments via PerfectMoney, OkPay, BitCoin, and AdvCash starting from a $10 minimum and process payouts within 24 hours of request. Apart from the investment plans members can also supplement their income greatly by taking advantage of its multi-level referral program that would greatly reward active promoters. Exactly how these bonuses are paid and how they are rewarded is explained by the admin of RenaissanceInvest in the latest update posted recently in the News section:
“Dear investors. We present you our bonus system. Promotion bonuses
There is a promotion bonuses system for the customer funnel investors.
Everybody can make a profit not only investing, but attracting new investors.
How it works:
During registration, you get personal identification (promotional) code you can provide with everybody who wants to invest in our company to make a high profit.
New investor points out your identification code during registration than information about him is going to be available in your personal account in “Downline” menu, and you will get a profit of his principal.
Promotion bonuses system consists of three levels.
The first level is the Investor you attracted.
The second level is the Investor attracted by the first level Investor.
The third level is the Investor attracted by the second level Investor.
You may attract so many three-level Investors as you wish.
System group leaders:
Attracting more investors, you get a new status of a group of leaders.
The higher your status, the more your bonus percentage.
1) “Member” – Amount of deposits – $0-$1000 – Interest rate – 7-5-3%
2) “Partner” – Amount of deposits – $1000-$10000 – Interest rate – 10-5-3%
3) “Master” – Amount of deposits – $10000-$50000 – Interest rate – 12-5-3%
4) “Guru” – Amount of deposits – $50000-$100000 – Interest rate – 15-5-3%
5) “King RI” – Amount of deposits – $100000-no limit – Interest rate – 20-5-3%”.
I must say that the latest addition of the Kazakh language to the TradexTop website looks like a bizarre choice. Really, I cannot really imagine a person living in Kazakhstan not being able to speak Russian or English, or even both. Well, their President is fluent in Russian for sure as is most of the population there, and TradexTop has been available in Russian, and even had a Russian video presentation alongside with the English one, for quite some time now. In any case, I believe that at least someone may the new language version useful:
“Website version in Kazakh
Dear Friends, our website now supports Kazakh. It is now even more convenient to invest and earn with TradexTop for Kazakh-speaking Users.”
TradexTop (reviewed here) has been quite a successful program that has been running for almost four weeks now and listed on MNO since day one. There are lots of investment offers to choose from, both with the daily payouts and principal back on expiry – 2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days – and just once-off paying on expiry plans – 150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days. TradexTop offers instant payments to investors to almost all the accepted payment methods which include PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, DogeCoin, Zcash, and BitcoinCash.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ChainGroupService, GideConsulting, Octoin.
From MNO Premium list: Bitcy, TerminalSkyNet, Ellir, AlpexTrade, CryptoSolution, CoinsEnergy, Bitfine, CoinPlace, Strike7, ACO.
From MNO Standard list: TradexTop, GreenForex, RenaissanceInvest.
From MNO Basic list: InfiniteAlliance, RiseFinance, BitWaves, HouseHash, BISTInvest.
That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you again on Sunday when I’ll be back with a detailed look at an interesting program called ACO along with the latest news and updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry, and maybe even some new additions as well. So don’t miss Sunday’s post, and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe for the regular updates to be delivered directly to your email address! Have a good weekend and remember that if you have any questions you can always reach me on Telegram @mnoblog or contact me with any questions by submitting the form here. Remember to always invest sensibly with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 17th, 2017.