11/03/2018. AK47Capital Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! AK47Capital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! I hope the weekend has been going well for you so far. I’m publishing a bit earlier than intended today (a day earlier actually) on account of another new addition to the MNO monitor that I want to introduce. I’ll be getting to that in the news section pretty soon so keep reading for that plus all the main events from the biggest programs in the industry at the moment. First of all I want to talk about a promising new program called AK47Capital which was just added to the MNO monitor a couple of days ago. Nothing to do with real guns of course, AK47Capital describes itself as more of a “money machine gun” and who knows, maybe they will spray us all with dollars in the coming weeks or months. Even the design of the program (which is highly original) has a sort of gun theme to it. Instead of a regular cursor for example, AK47Capital features a target cross-hairs. Point it at an active link and click to open a new page. Point it anywhere else and you can put bullet holes in the page!
I don’t want to say the program is still “in development”, in fact it’s very much up and running in its current format, but I think the admin has really big plans for this one and will be putting in some enormous work in the coming weeks to take this one to the top. AK47Capital is also quite a unique program in terms of how it’s been built and organised so there isn’t much like it around the industry at the moment or even in the recent past, and that alone will help them stand out from the crowd even further than they already do. So let’s see what AK47Capital is all about and whether you would like it as part of your own portfolios.
First of all AK47Capital only have one investment plan. I do believe they will be adding more as the program grows and expands, in fact there’s even some space made for them on the website, but they haven’t been activated yet so for now it’s just the one. Before I get to the numbers I just want to say a few words on the process of joining, because AK47Capital is quite unique and will probably be unlike anything a lot of you have seen before. But don’t worry, it’s all very simple, to such an extent you may even feel confused as to why there isn’t more complicated procedures involved. Basically when you are on the website there is no need to signup because there isn’t any members account area. You just click the “Make deposit” button at the top of the page. Select a plan by “choosing a weapon”, then select your preferred currency by “choosing bullets” and the amount you are looking to spend, specify your email address and the e-currency account (only for BitCoin and LiteCoin, as other currencies will be processed to the same account you made your deposit from), and that’s it. You will get an email confirmation as a receipt which will also contain your affiliate link, and on the following business day receive your first interest payment, simple as that.
You will need a minimum of just $5 (or 0.01 BTC) which is perhaps slightly less than the industry average to join AK47Capital. The term then runs for 50 business days which is 10 calendar weeks, or close enough to two and a half months. During that time AK47Capital then offer members a daily interest payment of 4% every day from Monday to Friday. This eventually adds up to 200% by the end of the term. With AK47Capital including your initial principal into the payments, that means you are getting your own money back plus 100% net profit, or double your money.
If we put that into simple monetary terms then to see how a typical investment might work out for you, let’s suppose you want to invest with $100. In return for that, AK47Capital will pay you back $4 every day between Monday and Friday. With your initial hundred counted as part of those payments that means you reach the break-even point (earn back an amount equal to your investment therefore making it impossible to finish with a loss no matter what happens the program next) after 25 payments. This is half way through the full term, or five weeks, at which point everything else you get is pure net profit. You should then complete the term with $200 back on your own $100, or your own money back plus another $10 on top of that as your reward for joining AK47Capital in the first place.
Apart from unspecified investment plans which are going to be added at a later date, one other activity the AK47Capital admin will be adding is a so called “BetCoin” game. Don’t worry, it’s not mandatory and will just be for fun, but if you like it the idea seems to be you can gamble on what the official exchange rates will be on various cryptocurrencies at a particular point in time. This of course is just purely a gambling exercise so if you are going to play then be sure to just play for fun.
Payment processors then should you wish to continue and make an active deposit in AK47Capital are the next thing you need to know about. It’s a fairly standard list for the HYIP industry at the moment, with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash all included if you prefer the more conventional third party payment handlers, and a for those favouring the more direct route of moving their own money in and out of AK47Capital with a more modern cryptocurrency. What probably makes AK47Capital most unique in the HYIP industry at the moment is the payment schedule. Payments are fully automated, made every day, Monday to Friday, without you ever needing to ask for them or having any real waiting time. I suppose you should probably still check your payment processor account of course, obviously you will need confirmation that AK47Capital have actually made the payment and that it’s still safe to make further investments if you want to, but that’s about it. Technically you don’t really need to bother even visiting the AK47Capital website again after you’ve made the initial investment, everything should be taken care of for you from that point on.
Of course if you do wish to visit the AK47Capital website again, there isn’t really a member’s account area as such. This might sound a bit strange to some of you, but was actually not that that rare in the industry a few years back. With no account area there’s nothing that can get hacked or stolen, so in some ways a lot of people liked this at the time. If you need to keep track of your own payments then not to worry, you simply need to keep an eye on your payment processor account, so make sure to keep a record if you want. As far as I can make out everyone seems to get paid at around the same time every day, i.e. en masse and not necessarily 24 hours exactly after whatever time you may have joined. In other technical aspects of the AK47Capital website, hosting is by Genius Security who are keeping the program on a dedicated server with their support and protection from malicious attacks. The site is also powered of a unique and custom made script developed specially to meet the program’s requirements. At this point I would normally comment on whether having a unique script did anything to adversely affect the navigability of the program, but with no members area and no passwords to save this isn’t really an issue. You only need to make direct transactions one time, and for that AK47Capital is boosted by the inclusion of a secure connection SSL certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and enhanced security when spending your money.
If you still have any unanswered questions about AK47Capital that you think weren’t explained in this review or have any other issues you need the admin to look at for you, there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. You may be able to avoid that situation completely of course by checking the website’s FAQ section. If you still need to get in touch then you can start by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the website’s contacts page. Alternatively you can just write directly to the AK47Capital admin at the listed e-mail address. Fans of social media will be able connect with AK47Capital on their Telegram account where you might be able to engage in Live Chat if the admin or an operator is online. There’s also a postal address in the UK where AK47Capital is registered as a company, though that really only serves the purpose of keeping up appearances for HYIP newbies as you won’t find anyone connected with running the program physically located there were you to visit. What’s a real rarity in the HYIP industry these days however is that AK47Capital have their own dedicated members forum, housed on its own separate domain. Payment posts, questions related to the program, just regular chit-chat about AK47Capital in general, plus a separate Russian language section for anyone not speaking English are all included.
As for any business related activities, namely how AK47Capital are supposed to be generating the profits that are paid to investors, we are told the admin is involved with currency trading. A far cry from the arms trading suggested by the graphics, that’s more of a reference to their currency “machine gun” being able to “shoot” dollars, BitCoin, etc. Anyway, it’s entirely up to you guys what to make of the back story, I know the majority of experienced players won’t even bother reading most of it, but just to anyone who’s tempted to believe it I ask that you remember even if it’s true there is still no guarantee of profitability in any business. All I can say is that in HYIP terms the AK47Capital investment plan is workable up to a point and can be sustained long enough for a good number of people to profit from it, but that also hinges on a lot of other factors that I can’t answer. The admin’s competence to run an online HYIP for example, or if the wider investing public will show any interest in supporting the project. So if you join, there’s always a risk. Make sure it’s one you are comfortable living with. Establish a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose as well as recoup from other sources without any problems if things don’t work out for you, and if joining AK47Capital at all then do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. While undeniably a very good website, and certainly a totally different approach to marketing, it’s unlikely AK47Capital will grow quickly. I would say the admin is looking at the longer term picture and aiming at gradual development. AK47Capital is a high quality site that certainly took a lot of time, money, and effort to create in the first place so let’s hope it all works out well and brings some good profits to everyone who gets involved.
So, what do you guys think? Like it or leave it? If you have given any thought to AK47Capital and whether or not you would like to join it or not then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and how many of you make a good decision as we learn more about how the program performs. The question is:

I’ll start by introducing the newest program to join the Premium List on the MNO monitor last night – BitReliability. You may as well dismiss the admin’s claims of having been online for about two months before yesterday, as just before coming to MNO for monitoring he has changed the investment plans completely and redesigned the website to make it more appealing to investors. So, it would be more correct to define BitReliability as a former “sleeper” that was deliberately created that way to boost confidence levels with investors still paying attention to program’s lifespan before joining. Savvy investors who like BitReliability should treat it as a brand new program which in essence it is. So what are the investment plans? There’s a few payment on expiry plans generally for at least a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin. They include 104%-142% after 1 day, 124%-374% after 5 days, 175%-1,200% after 15 days, and 12,200% after 74 days, and while the interest is fixed the rule of thumb applies as with any similar programs – the more you invest the more you are offered. Note that although the minimum to withdraw for traditional currencies is set at $0.10, BitCoin users should only enter with larger deposits as there is a hefty $200 minimum applied to withdrawals there. All withdrawals though are promised to be paid instantly on request, and I can confirm already as I have been paid a couple of times and moved BitReliability to Paying status on the MNO monitor with the full review coming in a couple of days.
BitReliability will look familiar to the majority of experienced investors, as the site is running off a licensed script by GoldCoders – the undisputed leader among HYIP script providers. There is a superior EV SSL certificate by Comodo for safer transactions while the hosting provider is Hetzner who keep the site on a dedicated server with CoverDDoS responsible for protection against possible malicious attacks. The BitReliability website is bilingual and available in English and Russian. The latest deposit and withdrawal stats are on public display, as well as a UK-based certificate of incorporation. Stay tuned for a more in depth look next week, guys!
One of the biggest programs in the HYIP industry right now is undoubtedly ETHMine which is especially popular with investors who prefer crypto currencies over the traditional payment methods. There’s also a great level of flexibility on the investment terms. With ETHMine (reviewed here) you can join for at least $10 via BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, or DogeCoin with all funds converted to USD at the exchange rate at the time you deposit and withdraw. Depending on the investment amount you will be assigned 2.6% to 3% fixed profit credited to your account with ETHMine on a daily basis for a full calendar year term. There is no need to wait for the full year to make a profit in ETHMine though, as you’re allowed to withdraw any part of your principal after a 24 hour lock in period for a 5% exit fee. Thus, after sixteen days online ETHMine has managed to bring profits to many investors satisfied with smaller profits, but with even more people aiming higher. Among the latest news posted by the admin is the launch of a representative program where successful applicants with at least $1,000 in an active deposit can be rewarded with a higher affiliate rate on investments made by their referrals. I’m sure that more new features and ideas are in the pipeline as the admin of ETHMine knows what investors want and how to deliver. More updates from the program will be on MNO in a couple of days, for now here’s an explanation of the representatives scheme and how to apply:
“Join our rewarding Representatives Program!
We hope you’re doing well, wherever around the globe you may be, and hope you had a wonderful Women’s Day.
Our phones have been ringing non-stop since we announced our global live phone support was up and running, and we can’t thank you enough for the reception. We’ve already received a lot of great suggestions, and helped many of you improve your ETHMine experience even more. The response has been inspiring, reminding us just why we’re doing what we do. It’s our pleasure to open the world of Ether mining to you, to see you working together to create something wonderful.
You probably already know that our Regular Program, which brings you a referral commission of 10% from referral earnings. These are applied to each user that owns a personal account, no active deposit needed! Just share your affiliate link and earn. An affiliate link is available in your personal account in the ‘referrals’ section why not get started now?
Then for those most active ETHMiners, we’ve introduced an exclusive tier that makes mining with us even more rewarding. We’d like to give something back to you as our top platform contributors, and that’s what we’re writing to you about today.
Our Representatives program rewards our imaginatively named Representatives with additional referral commission 5% of your every referral’s contribution, to be exact. The more you share, the more you are rewarded. Couldn’t be simpler!
If you want to become a Representative we also ask that you support and promote our project in your region through any legal way possible. Our developers are continuously working to make it more than worth your while, don’t you worry about that!
You can also reach out to other Representatives, both in your region and worldwide, for additional support. We list every one of our global representatives in a table updated weekly – a hall of fame of sorts.
You can apply for Representatives status as soon as you top a total of $1000 in active contribution. The application should contain the following information and can be sent to: representatives@ethmine.biz. We’ll assess your application within 24 business hours, and you’ll be informed of your status via email.
We’re welcoming more Representatives each day so why not check in and take part? There’s nothing to lose, and everything to gain! We’re taking the world of Ether mining to the very top and we welcome you all to jump aboard.
Until next time, wishing you happy mining!
Best, The ETHMine Team”.
BitifyLimited has recently added a German version to become the second language the site has been translated into after Russian joined the default English version. Here is what the admin had to say on this:
“German language
We continue introducing additional languages within the framework of active international development and popularity among investors from various countries of the world. Now our website is fully available in German for numerous German-speaking users!”
I’m quite sure more languages will be added in time, as BitifyLimited is diligently following a strategy of gradual development which should help them last longer than their counterparts, especially important in these harsh times. Well, after the addition of more payment options and finishing the first investment cycle I can say that BitifyLimited is surely on the right path to success. I remind you that you can read the full review of BitifyLimited posted here and enjoy instant payouts to most of the accepted payment processors. The list currently only includes NixMoney from the traditional payment gateways but several crypto-currency options, like BitCoin, DogeCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, BitcoinCash, BitcoinGold, and Zcash. The minimum to invest starts at $10 and you can join plans with daily payouts and principal back on expiry (2.2% for 15 days, 2.6% for 30 days, 3% for 45 days) and just paying once on expiry of the term (160% after 20 days, 240% after 40 days, 340% after 60 days, 1000% after 100 days, 5000% after 200 days). Of course, you should be sensible with your investment and stick to the shorter term plans for a better chance to profit in BitifyLimited.
There is still no luck for investors who made a deposit in Octoin just to find out that all their funds forcibly converted into a new cryptocurrency OctoinCoin (OCC) one fine day. Well, I can’t really call it a fine day at all, because the initial value has fallen from $100 to $5 for one OCC, a staggering 20 times less than the original price. Although to the admin’s credit he still pays profits in OCC quite fast and those who downloaded the OCC wallet as required are still able to get at least some money to exchange it further on the Exrates or Yobit online platforms. The other alternative is to wait for the price of OCC to increase, but for the last few weeks it only ever went down. For that reason only I am still keeping Octoin on the MNO monitor in the On Hold section and will only move it back to Paying if the price of OCC reaches the initially announced $100. Latest news from Octoin include reports of the latest conferences which some promoters are still holding in some Indonesian cities and even in East Timor (for the first time ever!), nothing major though, so just take a look below if interested:
“Video about conference in Banjarbaru! Watch it!
On the 17th of February there took place a big Octoin conference in Banjarbaru, Indonesia. Professional speakers from our team told future users about the basics of blockchain and various cryptocurrencies.
There were many visitors at this conference from very different businesses. For example, a trader could meet a businessman or a miner could meet an owner of a start-up there. The cryptocurrencies are interesting now for everyone without any exceptions.
Of course, our project Octoin was also discussed. Our lector (Heru Martin) had explained
in details about the differences and the advantages of our platform, as well as
about our programme for mining OCC and fast p2p exchanger.
The team from Indonesia continues to work perfectly and is becoming more professional and experienced. If you did not get to this conference, you can see the video report (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lejy3VH7iLk&feature=youtu.be). And in the video section on our website (https://octoin.com/video/) you will find many other interesting materials.
We are waiting for all of you next time!
Octoin – your safe partner in the cryptoworld!”
“In Pasuruan and Tulungagung there will be meetings with users of Octoin – March 11!
The team from Indonesia continues to amaze: in recent months, many webinars and conferences have been held. A lot of people joined our community during this time. Leaders from other countries can safely take an example from them!And they surprise us again by conducting 2 conferences in 1 day.
In the Tulungagung the conference will be held at 18:00 – 21:00 UTC + 07 at the Hotel Istana (Jalan KH Agus Salim No 73-75, Kenayan, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung). Speaker: Mr.Purnomo.
In Pasuruan, the event will be held at 11:00 – 14:00 UTC + 08 in Valencia Resto (Jl.Hayam Huruk No.11 Pasuruan). Speaker: Imran (082199809998).
Professional speakers from our team will talk about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. You will also learn how to make money on the Octoin platform. You can all see how on Octoin you can mine OctoinCoin to trade it on major international exchanges. And of course, everyone will have the opportunity to ask any question to our representatives.
Separately it is necessary to say that at the conference in Tulungagung, in addition to the usual program of our speakers, training in trading with crypto-currencies will be presented. By using the skills that you acquire, you will have the opportunity to honestly earn big money with the help of your intellect.
Are you interested in crypto-currencies, trading and mining?
Do you think where to invest?
Do you want to make money on new technologies of blockchain?
If you answered “Yes!” To at least one question – be sure to come to our conference!
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – new era of blockchain!”
“The first conference in East Timor!
February, 22 – this day in the city of Dili there was a regular conference, which was organized by our team. This is one of the first major conferences that took place in East Timor or Timor-Leste, as it is also called.
During this event, the speaker Mr Imran, talked about the technology of blockchain, about crypto-currencies and about our project Octoin. The conversation was about the development of this sphere, its prospects and the opportunities for earning money.
Each visitor had the opportunity to ask any question of interest to the speakers from our team. For us, it is very important to have feedback and open communication with people who are interested in self-development and improve their prosperity.
Our leaders from all over the world will continue to work as actively and develop together with us and our users! And if you suddenly did not get to this conference, then be sure to come to the next one!
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!”
NeuralFinance is another fast scam that couldn’t stand the pressure of reduced investment activities and collapsed a couple of days ago after less than four weeks online. As you can imagine, with a 1.5%-3% daily plan no one came even closer to a profit with NeuralFinance which was a huge disappointment for many investors who expected better. On the final day the admin couldn’t think of anything better but just to disable the withdrawal button, so no one could even make a request which was usually processed instantly. Deposits are still being accepted in NeuralFinance but the program has been moved to Scam on many monitors including MNO. Nothing really else to add to that except stay away and don’t invest in NeuralFinance any longer!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NobleDDoS, ETHMine, AK47Capital, BitReliability (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ForeverMoney (the first payment received).
That’s it for you tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and for voting on the MNO TalkBack page where the majority of readers are feeling positive about the next peak in the HYIP industry within the next couple of months. And what’s your opinion on the next peak which was discussed in the latest MNOFridays article posted here? Click here if you haven’t voted yet and see what others think. And if you don’t want to miss anything interesting or exciting that the best HYIP admins are preparing for you please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe to the regular updates here. If you have any questions remember you can chat with me privately on Telegram @mnoblog or to my email address via the Contact page or directly at abramsonp@gmail.com I’ll be back in a couple of days with a full review of BitReliability and all the latest news and updates from the industry. Stay tuned and talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 11th, 2018.