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16/11/2020. The Reign of BitCoin and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi everyone! I hope the weekend has been good for you wherever you are and whatever you’ve been doing, though I suspect for a lot of readers this meant staying at home. There’s a couple of things we should catch up on related to the HYIP industry today, but that’s not where I want to start. For a while now I have been thinking that as the interests of my readers begin to expand then it’s only reasonable that MNO should follow suit. Indeed this has been the subject of discussion with some of you already by e-mail going back some time. The idea of not so much changing direction but rather branching out into other areas of online commerce has been floated by a couple of long term readers, they’ve stated their own personal reasons for this, and on consideration I must say I’m inclined to agree.

What I’m talking about here is BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies, and how you can use them both in and independently of the HYIP industry. For quite some time now more and more HYIP admins make the claim (true or not is another discussion!) that they use investors’ money to trade cryptocurrencies to make a profit for their investors. The thing about this is, that as BitCoin moves into the mainstream more and more HYIP investors begin to realise this is something they could do for themselves if only they take the time and effort to research the subject. As things stand it’s always the investor who carries all the risk while the HYIP admin takes most of the benefit, so it was always only a matter of time until regular investors thought it possible to turn the tables on this situation.

With that in mind then I’ve decided that going forward it will probably serve the interests of MNO readers much better if I were to dedicate more of my time to cryptocurrency related news, analysis, and opinion. Obviously I’m not abandoning the HYIP industry either, I’ve had way too much fun with that over the years anyway, I just know that you can’t stand still forever. If you have a laptop and a WiFi connection there are more ways than just the HYIP industry for you to earn a decent amount of money, if perhaps not a full time living wage then at the very least a nice supplement to your regular income. I can personally vouch for the fact that this is more than possible, I’ve been doing it myself for years now, just don’t ever make the mistake of thinking it’s easy – this is the main reason why a lot of people fail. You need to work at it, sometimes work very hard by the way, never expect overnight results, though when it eventually does work out it’s extremely satisfying. Not to mention the feeling of complete independence one can get from it.

My immediate intention at this point is to start an occasional series of cryptocurrency related articles on MNO that readers might find interesting or useful for making money. I don’t have an exact timeline planned for this just yet, I mean I suppose I’d like it to be weekly at some point in the future, for now I just want to get started and maybe build up to that later. In the interests of full disclosure though I want you all to know that I haven’t ruled out the possibility of guest posts, i.e. articles written by experienced cryptocurrency players that give an alternative viewpoint. Just to be clear, these will not be articles copied from other sources, they will be written exclusively for the MNO blog but just not written by me. There are a couple of longer term MNO readers that I’ve been in regular contact with over the years whose opinions and experiences I trust and value, people who know as much about the subject of cryptocurrencies as anyone I know, and who have expressed an interest in contributing. I have yet to reach any kind of a final deal with anyone, but I’m hopeful of coming to an agreement that is mutually beneficial and most importantly will provide the best possible free-of-charge information service for my readers. I’ll keep you posted when I have something of interest to say here.

For this first introductory article however I just want to give you some basic background information on why I think it’s important that we are doing this and what I eventually hope to achieve. Remember that you can still vote in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll about this and make your own voice heard. Voting buttons can be found here, and you can also e-mail me directly if you feel you have anything to say or offer on the subject at

So, from the traditional HYIP investor’s point of view, which is where I guess the majority of readers are coming from, why is it so important to learn more on cryptocurrencies right now more than any time in the past? Well, forgive me stating the rather obvious opening point but all programs in the HYIP industry accept cryptocurrencies now. PerfectMoney and Payeer are in decline to such an extent that an ever growing number of new programs never even bother to accept them. Given the legal problems that so many money transmitting services working with us dollars have gotten themselves into over the years (LibertyReserve and Payza serving lengthy prison sentences now for example) it’s hard to blame the admins. The majority of transactions mostly go through BTC and other cryptocurrencies to a lesser extent, the absence of US dollar based payment handlers has proven no barrier whatsoever to long term success.

Another reason is that cryptocurrencies, BTC in particular, have become more mainstream over the last few years. There are shops and businesses that accept BTC as payment, I’ve seen a few ATM style machines in public places where people can convert BitCoin into cash, you can see the daily exchange rates and BTC related stories posted in newspapers. Even when I am out walking around the city here I sometimes hear snippets of conversations as I pass people waiting for a bus or queuing in a supermarket discussing BitCoin with each other. Even after the crash of late 2017 it managed to recover the most of its value and is now trading at around the $16K mark at the time of writing. Make no mistake, interest in making money via cryptocurrencies is as high now as it ever was.

Something else to keep at the back of your mind (though not too far back!) is that 2021 which is just around the corner is widely anticipated to be another bumper year for traders as it falls on the year after another halving event took place. To give you some perspective on this, the last time this happened was 2017 when the value of BTC topped an all time high of over $20,000 per unit. On one hand MNO is ready to accommodate the highest quality programs that are going to be launched to take advantage of this future development since the current HYIP market is quite sluggish to say the least right now. But on the other hand I think it’s also time we acknowledge that investors can act independently of the HYIP industry, bypassing it completely if they so wish, and make their own money without the admin middlemen. After all, it’s profitable now not just to invest in HYIPs but simply to keep BTC and other cryptocurrencies in your wallets for profit, either holding it long term waiting for the price to rise or else for more regular buy/sell trading based on day-to-day speculation on the price.

Finally, and ultimately the deciding factor in all of this, has been the views expressed by MNO readers. I already mentioned the MNO TalkBack opinion poll above where there’s been huge interest from you. It’s going to stay open for a little while longer but to date the vast majority of you are voting for learning more about the crypto market, so that basically settles the matter on why I’ve decided to launch the series now.

OK, so that explains why I’m doing this and according to feedback from readers why so many of you are in agreement. But how about what you think the whole exercise is going to achieve? What can we all help each other with from all of this? Well, my own aims are pretty simple, and I also think perfectly achievable without ever resorting to complicated or confusing language. The first and most important lesson is always to learn the basics about BTC so you will be well equipped with the necessary knowledge to start investing once the HYIP industry is eventually back to normal. If that’s the only thing you learn for now you can always fill in the gaps later in your own time, because there are more opportunities here than just the HYIP industry. Of course I’m sure that many of you will already be well versed in the workings of cryptocurrencies, however for the sake of creating a brand new guide from scratch that will also help beginners and those with only the most basic grasp I hope the more experienced readers among you won’t mind me covering some old ground. This can be a learning curve for all of us so it certainly won’t hurt, and the idea is to create a database that everyone can use as a reference point no matter how much experience you think you have.

Getting past the basics I think it will then be extremely beneficial to move into some of the finer details of how cryptocurrencies operate. We should try to learn about BTC wallets, software, exchangers, cards, mining, other related information to be able to start your own cryptocurrency backed activities and diversify your portfolio with HYIPs. My real intention here is to explain what is what in plain language and using as few technical terms as possible, assuming you follow the articles and read them in the order of publication.

I also think, and this may be drifting slightly off topic but whatever, that it’s a worthwhile exercise to explain and discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of using cryptocurrencies against the regular fiat currencies. The various means and strategies open to you when it comes time to buy and sell your crypto coins for profit is another important aspect of this which I hope to cover in depth as we progress through the series.

The ultimate goal is that cryptocurrency related articles will be published on MNO on a weekly basis. This is especially useful when first of all the slump in the HYIP industry continues but also because there’s no obvious end in sight right now. I know we all hope the situation will improve when Covid subsides and the cryptocurrency market grows, it’s just that no one can put their finger on a calendar and say exactly when this is ever going to happen. In the meantime hopefully these articles can fill the gaps and shutter the prejudice some MNO readers might still have around the crypto markets. Stay tuned for next week’s opening article on the subject and make sure to subscribe for all future posts to be delivered to your email address which you can submit here, or follow on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter. For any further suggestions on subjects you might be interested in reading about in upcoming articles please contact me here, email me directly at or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog

Before we move on to the regular HYIP related news then I would ask you all to please answer the question. You can choose from the following options, just pick the one that comes closest to matching your own personal outlook.

How familiar are you with BTC and other major cryptocurrencies?

View Results

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QubitTech continues its reign as the biggest powerhouse of the HYIP industry at the moment. While the world of online investments are now largely inhabited by low-quality fast scamming programs QubitTech on the other hand keeps pleasantly surprising members with its impeccable timely payouts now into their sixth month online. So those of you who had the foresight to join QubitTech when it was listed on MNO might have reached over 20% net profit on your deposits made available from BTC and ETH funds starting from a $100 minimum. And while the minimum investment amount seems a tad large for some of you over its first months online QubitTech has proven their grand plans are not only on paper but are actually implemented as time passes. With the current surge in value of both BTC and ETH cryptocurrencies I believe QubitTech‘s vaults have greatly increased in value which will hopefully carry the program through the predictable annual winter blues and emerge as a future industry leader which others may follow in 2021. Really, QubitTech‘s results and overall growth have been astounding so far and its exemplary work should go down in the HYIP industry’s historical annals.

If you have been under a rock and somehow missed QubitTech and its detailed review posted here I guess I should explain a thing or two about the program’s investment plans. Well, actually it’s really only one plan available called the “Digital License” which promises to pay a daily variable return of up to 2% (monthly average of about 25%) for the duration of your investment cycle which expires once you reach 250% ROI. Withdrawals are allowed to be made once you reach at least $10 on your balance and they are subject to a compulsory 2.5% fee and are sent to your BTC or ETH account within 72 hours in manual mode. As you might see, even the first investors will probably have to wait for months in order for their deposits to expire and earn huge returns, and we all keep our fingers crossed for that to happen.

Among the latest news posted on the QubitTech website were details of the second BaseCamp starting today in the Mexican city of Playa del Carmen, near Cancun. As the first BaseCamp held a couple of weeks ago was a huge success and three more BaseCamps scheduled to be held in Thailand, Nigeria and the EU I can believe that the unorthodox approach to advertising QubitTech will have a great impact on all future developments. By the way, last Friday there were three leadership meetings held online and this time among English, Spanish, and Russian speakers they tried to cater to the Thai speaking community which might signify a new beginning for QubitTech‘s expansion on the always lucrative Asian market also hit by the coronavirus pandemic but more likely to recover from it much faster than Western countries. Just read the latest from QubitTech and wonder at its skilful advertising strategy embracing both online and offline elements in perfect harmony:

Important information: Second BaseCamp in Mexico
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We remind you that there are only 5 days left before the start of the second BaseCamp in Mexico.
We encourage all Hispanic users to register for the event –
Last places left!
Those users who already have registered for the event can to pay for participation in the account (this also includes accommodation).
More about this –
We ask you to do this as soon as possible.
Besides, everyone who has passed the registration must send us information about the purchased air tickets.
You can do this by writing to a special Telegram account – @BaseCampQubitTech
Visitors to the upcoming BaseCamp in Mexico will be living at the finest hotel on the coast – Grand Hyatt (Playa del Carmen).
Follow our news!

Closed Leadership Meetings
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We are happy to tell you that QubitTech Leadership Meetings in ZOOM with CEO Greg Limon will take place this Friday (November 13).
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will receive links to leadership meetings as before to your email.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish language – 15:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian language – 19:00 (MSK)
Always with you, QubitTech Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: QubitTech, GlobalCryptox.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about all I have to report today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading MNO even during those hard and unpredictable times the world has been experiencing over the last few months. I’ll be back with a new article on cryptocurrencies and all the latest programs from the MNO monitor in a couple of days, so stay tuned and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter. Let’s hope the overall situation will improve sometime soon and we see more profitable programs coming our way on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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