January 2008 Archives

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Hi, guys! Sorry for not posting last night. I was moving my site to another hosting provider and came across some problems on the way. But everything is ok now and I feel like a winner. Do you know this feeling? It comes to you when you have accomplished something that you were planning for a long time. It comes when you sacrificed many things on the way just to get closer to your goal and your success. I bet Dave from FastProfitPro feels like this every day because he managed to create a really successful program that can be the next contender for the 12DP crown. This is what Dave himself said about it: “I am absolutely prepared if ever my program grows to be as big as 12DP. Obviously, I am going to have to hire some help to take care of the tickets and forum threads. BUT I WILL ALWAYS BE THE ONE TO HANDLE PAYMENTS. And if I’m not available then it will be Gotenks and nobody else. We are definitely going to devise a way to make it a little easier for me to do payments. Payments could take a little longer but I will still do it as long as I can. I will always spend time with my family also as that is a priority and a promise I made to them“.

What did it take Dave to become successful, to become a winner? Commitment, hard work every day, efficiency and constant improvement and development, honesty and integrity. That is the secret of his success. And do you think 25 days online is the end for such a program as FastProfitPro? No, it’s only the beginning of the long journey. Of course, unless something unexpected happens but there are risks in the real world too. I would like to publish the latest update from admin Dave in full and tell you that it you’re still watching from the sidelines please don’t hesitate to join FastProfitPro and support it with your deposit. You will become a part of history that way.

I hope you are having a wonderful day! I know I am! On to some news…

1. Another record is set! $26600+ worth of deposits in one day yesterday Jan.12 server date. I know you can easily break this and the next records you are going to make.

2. Just in case you do not know it yet, FPP has its own forum also found. If you are a member of FPP, you can use your registration info on our forum to log-in. Please visit it every once in a while and post your payments there too. And discuss our program also.

3. For those who do not know it also, we have an auto-vote feature on our site also. If you get paid, please take time to vote for our program as it shows those who are still watching in the sidelines that our program is healthy and strong.

4. We currently have 789 members. Let us target 1000 by the first anniversary on Jan.18. My challenge is for each one of you to invite AT LEAST ONE new member to our program. Share your joy to family and friends and online friends. You will then reap the rewards by getting 5% ref comms on all your downlines.

5. The only change happening on Jan.18 is the $1000 increase in daily deposit limit per member. As we grow, we need to make some changes that will benefit our program for the better. We have more than 30 active deposits of $1000 now and I am hoping that it will grow more and new records will be broken daily.

6. Our program is ROCK SOLID STRONG right now and will definitely stay that way for a long time. Let us target what 12DP has achieved and more. My new goal is to get $1M worth of deposits by early next month. We are still far away from that but I know with everybody’s participation, we can easily achieve that!

7. Again, I would like to reiterate, promote our site and vote at the monitors! Those two are very important! We already made it very easy for you to do both.

Now, on to greater things! To the future! Cheers!

So, hope you understand by now who is the winner. But who is the loser in this case? You should take your guess first! But I think you already know by now that I’m talking about Ray, the admin of DesiresHYIP that keeps insulting his hosting provider, GoldCoders team, LibertyReserve, some invisible hacker who stole all the money. Lol, he even mentioned me in one of his silly and childish excuses-updates on MMG: “Ray is my last name, and a message for this little einstein that keeps calling me a scammer: money-news: You won’t receive even a cent from your money as refund, you don’t realize that you also hurt the rest off ppl by screaming and calling me a scammer just to show up in front as the big man“. I’m not going to reply to this obviously sick person here. Better to do it on the forums where he published all this crap. But I’m very flattered that he appreciates my opinion about him so much. I never thought that the truth could be so painful! Maybe it’s his conscience pricking him or what’s left of it after he robbed his members? Anyway, I’m not gonna tell you what he has said for the last couple of days on forums. But there are certain updates I discovered and find necessary to mention:

1) Ray could have access to his database and his hosting provider confirmed it (btw, it’s the same hosting admin that provides Dave with perfect support) so that was a LIE.
2) Ray said that refunding without a database will take years but that is also an OUTRIGHT LIE.
3) Ray told me that I hurt DH members by telling the TRUTH which is an OBVIOUS LIE.

So, returning to today’s topic. What did it take for Ray to become such a scammer and such a loser? Well, I have an answer for this: un-professionalism, greedy, insulting and childish behavior, constant complaining and refusal to take responsibility for his actions. This is his formula of scamming. Harsh but true!

And finally these are the words of one of my readers that I received by email who asked me not to disclose his real identity: “I totally agree with you (with what you posted on your blog) excepting that I do not believe that he is unexperienced!…to me, the admin (desireS) is nothing more than a scammer and he could have found a better excuse…I know desireS from past, way before he started this hyip. To be more exactly I know him since Lighthalzen (he was my referral and this is how we met). I want to tell you just one thing about him: his real name is not Ray! I know a little bit of his background, and that’s why I didn’t joined his program. I knew that he will become greedy and run with the money. I must say that I didn’t expected to be so early. If you are going to publish this, do keep my mail and my person private! I could reveal a lot more about him, but I’m not in the mood right now…I’m waiting to see if he is going to do at least a partial refund. If I would disclose everything I know about him now, more than certain I will screw up the chances for those who are waiting a refund“. So you know that you shouldn’t hold out much hope for a refund from this guy, but even if you somehow get it in the future don’t trust him anymore! Remember if he refunds you 30% he will still stay with 70% pure profit and I have my suspicions that he’s doing it to open another HYIP in the future. If you know there is a saying: fool me once – shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me! Remember this and don’t let him scam you twice.

Other news for today.

The interview with the admin of Finansert is on the way. I just received a reply from Andrew: “I am sorry for this delay replying to you. As you might have noticed we have experienced certain problems with our hosting which was unable to cope with DDoS attack we received, so we were busy with moving our website to another server. As for interview – you are welcome to send me all questions you might have and I will be more than glad to answer them to you“. I also noticed some downtime on Saturday when they were in the process of changing servers. But since all the investors were warned about it beforehand I didn’t consider this worthy of mention. Anyway, the last payment I received from Finansert was on Friday because they don’t pay on the weekends. My review of this promising program can be read here.

I made my third upgrade today in PSTraffic though the payments haven’t started yet. I already know what my strategy will look like and I’m going to post about it next week. This is the last update from Jamie posted on ASAforum:
Once the weekend approaches most forums get pretty quiet.
I’m just as excited as everyone to start processing payments. In my experience and I’m sure many of you veteran surfers out there know that once a program gains momentum it’s hard to stop it and that’s where dedicated members start coming out of the woodwork. Once this momentum snowballs more opportunities arise.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. The first ad pack purchases will expire on January 15th but I would like to remind everyone that payments will be processed in 3 business days. Although I use to process payments daily within 24hrs (I know my old members that have been with PSTraffic since 2006 can vouch for those quick payments), I was advised by some forum admins and other surf veterans that it would be best to process payments in 3 business days
My first upgrade will expire in 2 days and I expect to receive it by the end of the following week. I think this program will be one of the biggest in 2008. Wanna know why? Then read my review of PSTraffic here.

I haven’t reported much about GreenLinkAds and QXLsurf for a while because they are paying after the upgrade expiry and I have to receive the payments soon. So just for your info: both are doing well. Bayu, the admin of GreenLinkAds just finished paying all pendings from January 10. Jeff, the admin of QXLsurf is paying on the same day as your upgrade expires so all the members have been paid for January 13 already.

Thank you for all your support, guys, and for reading my blog. Now on the new hosting I feel the future looks bright and I have many plans to achieve my goal: to make my site more interesting and useful for all the online investors. Some improvements are on the way so stay tuned. And remember: better be a winner like Dave and not a loser like Ray! See you all tomorrow, guys!

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