Oct 6th, 2008 Archives

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Hi, guys! Listen carefully because you won’t want to miss another great chance to earn some extra money from MegaLido – the best autosurf of 2008. The admin Michael (read my interview with him here) announced another Mega Contest that is going to start today. During the next 10 days you should promote MegaLido in some ways specified in the rules so you could have a chance to be among 60 winners who will share some great prizes from MegaLido. By the way, if you still don’t know how an autosurf program works, what are the advantages of joining MegaLido or cannot come out with some original strategy of maximizing your earnings from MegaLido you’re advised to read my article “Winning Strategy in MegaLido” that is published here. More than 5,000 members have joined MegaLido and I bet all of them are happy campers by now earning 144% every 12 days. If you’re not a member you’re missing the best program. So join MegaLido and get your chance to win these great prizes that are described in this exciting new contest:

Mega Contest Part 2 will reward 60 people, the prizes will be divided between top promoters and most active members, prizes will be distributed as following:

#1 Prize

The member with the biggest number of active one level referrals, counted from 2008-10-06 until the contest end will receive $400 sent to any e-currency of his/her choice. Old referrals will not be counted for the contest.

#2 Prizes

The first 20 members to have 12 active first level referrals (incentives allowed) will receive a prize of $60 sent to their e-currency account of choice. You need to contact us as soon as you reach 15 new active referrals and you’ll be added to the winners list, the dead line is the day the contest will end. You better be quick!

#3 Prizes

The first 5 members to have 10 active second level referrals will get $60 worth of upgrades sent to their MegaLido account. You need to contact us as soon as you have them and you’ll be added to the winners list.

#4 Prizes

We will pick 10 members who post their screenshots on forums and each one of the winners will receive $30 in cash. Winners will be picked randomly, post as much as you can and your chances will be increased!

#5 Prizes

We will pick everyone who has at least one active referral and 15 lucky winners will receive $36 worth of upgrades. If you have at least one active referral, you are eligible for the prize.

#6 Prizes

You need to write a review about MegaLido on your blog or website and post it on public forums, and of course, send us an e-mail with that. We will pick the best 5 reviews and each one of them will be rewarded with $20. If you don’t have a blog, create one and get a chance to make some money!

If a user wins two contests, he/she will only get the prize for the bigger one and the next winner on the list will go up one position. This is going to happen because I want to give everyone a chance to win!

The contest starts 2008-10-06 and ends on 2008-10-15. Go for it!

So, guys, start promoting the best autosurf program of 2008 and I’m sure you won’t regret it! By the way, other great plans were outlined by MegaLido‘s admin Michael in today’s weekly newsletter and they are really worth your precious attention:

Today I added a new item to the FAQ, lots of members want to invite people who live with them at the same house and use the same computer to join MegaLido, we allow that as long as you e-mail us with details.

We are going to implement a new support system on the upcoming days that will save me some time and leave more time to take care of payments and other things that need to done every day.

We want people to know what you think about MegaLido so I’m asking you to submit testimonials about your experience with MegaLido. Please submit them to testi@megalido.com and I will publish them on the website, by doing this, you are earning credit for the MegaContest, so there are good chances you can get a prize!

We are dealing with top quality designers and new promotion tools will be available soon, it will be even easier to promote MegaLido to everyone you know with the new tools, I’m sure you’ll like it!

Finally to draw the line under MegaLido I would like you to think over these words which MegaLido‘s admin Michael in the end of his weekly newsletter because they are really wise words coming from a wise man who made this wonderful program possible and keeps helping us to gain substantial income from our upgrades in MegaLido:

I hope you are all happy with what MegaLido is providing you, I’m trying to do my best in order to achieve the maximum success. The last two months have been amazing for me, both personally and financially as I can see I’m helping a lot of people with MegaLido‘s earnings. It feels really great to know I’m doing something actually good. I wish you all a great coming week and enjoy your profits and lives, there is so much to be done out there, and you are the ones who have the possibilities to do so. Thanks so much!

Other news for today.

The admin of TradersInvestments Jean (read my interview with him here) reported today about the fast growth of the program and thanks all the investors for their trust. I remind you that TradersInvestments is paying 20% for 6 days daily and is still growing strong. I hope the project will last for a long time and will allow us to earn some good money. Here’s the latest newsletter from the admin of TradersInvestments:
First i’d like to thanks to all members that supported our program on forums. It is really important to our program.
I’m very happy to say that TradersInvestments is growing constantly and we are getting an average of 50 new members daily, which is an awesome rate for just a week of a program. We plan to double this rate during the next month with special contests and advertising methods, and we hope that by doing this the program is going to grow more than ever.
TradersInvestments is a very special project for me and I feel really good to notice it is a success till now. I appreciate all your help in order to turn TradersInvestments into the best hyip on the market right now.
Once again, I wish you all the best and I hope you will all be as happy as I am with the program. In order to succeed, we need to set up goals for our lives, turning TradersInvestments into the best hyip program that industry has ever seen is my goal this time and I’ll do anything to achieve it.

ResidualForexIncome is one of the best low-ROI HYIPs in my opinion because it provides its investors with unprecedented levels of transparency and verified members can actually see that ResidualForexIncome is a real company and not just another set-up enterprise with no outside income whatsoever. You can find out more info on ResidualForexIncome by reading my interview with the admin published here. But today I would like to report you about an update I received last night from the admin of ResidualForexIncome. Here it is:
Kindly be informed that our Testimonials webpage is now released! Only real people talking about their experience with us there.
Do you want to be the “hero”? No problem. Just send us a few text lines about your experience or impression about ResidualForexIncome, your full name and short info about yourself. That’s it! And do not forget to attach your photo .
See you on our website and stay tuned!

This is the latest newsletter from StableFinance program:
This is to inform you that all pending and outstanding payments for this week have all been made. Please if you did not receive your payments do not hesitate to contact us. And those payments which where unable to be processed and the pending AlterGold payments have all been refunded to the respective members accounts. Please verify that all your account details are right, for our next payment.
I hope you are all having a nice weekend. As you can all see StableFinance is growing very slowly because those members who receive payments do not vote and do not think of helping to promote StableFinance. The fact is for StableFinance to be strong and perform its services efficiently it needs to growing in members and popularity. This way we will maintain the stability cause StableFinance was designed to live for years without any hindrance. Once the system grows very properly we will automate all payments and members can then receive there cash outs instantly.
Please, we ask all of you to join in promoting StableFinance as much as you can. And also let me make it known that for those who are still free members and have not made any investments that you can also be a part of the StableFinance Wealthy Cake by just referring others. We pay you 5% of there invested amounts for as long as they exist on the system. This should be a good opportunity for those marketing masters. Also before the end of this week as you all know that the coming weekend that StableFinance will be a month old. And we will be beginning our ref contest soon and will run till the end of October. All informations regarding this will be published before that time. So to all you Internet Entrepreneurs and Marketers – come join and let’s make you and StableFinance a great program with the best stable financial High Yield Investment program available today.
Thank you all for supporting StableFinance and we hope to serve you best.

Despite the fact StableFinance paid all the pending withdrawals I will not move it back to “Paying” status on my monitoring page until the admin fulfills his promise in allowing AlterGold members to withdraw to other e-currencies. I have a deposit with StableFinance in AlterGold and despite all the admin’s promises it has not been done yet and my pending withdrawals were returned to my account. In addition, I received some complaints from my readers stating that it took such a long time to get a reply from the admin of StableFinance and that he didn’t even give a proper reply at that. It’s no wonder that StableFinance is growing slowly and no referral contest can change things until the admin changes his approach and runs his program in a more professional way.

Despite all the facts I mentioned in my review of Olympex-Group published here I can’t deny that the program is paying. And moreover, it’s paying instantly. I received another payout from Olympex-Group and am really thinking about reinvesting shortly. I remind you that Olympex-Group is offering four investment plans for the investors: 110% after 10 days, 135% after 25 days, 187% after 50 days and 360% after 100 days. The great thing about Olympex-Group is the fact that it’s paying from May 2008. Although this can be a discouraging factor for the investors as well because as a rule the longer the program online the less chance that you will be in profit with it. I hope Olympex-Group is still a stable program and will run for a long time. Anyway, it has survived e-Bullion collapse and e-gold crisis and even promised to pay all pending e-Bullion transactions to other e-currencies Olympex-Group accepts now. Though I really don’t know how it can be done due to e-Bullion’s demise. But if they really exchanged e-Bullion and didn’t keep investor’s money there, then there is a chance though it’s quite slim in my opinion.

I received my first payment from Richard-Falk today from the 14 day plan. I would like to emphasize that in Richard-Falk you will be paid your 150% not in 14 days, but in 14 BUSINESS days so please don’t count Saturdays and Sundays. Of course I reinvested again in this plan because I still think Richard-Falk is a good option. My interview with Richard is available here.

Also I received my payouts today from MegaLido, 12DailyForever, MaxShare, PanaMoney, LargeSum, SafeAtom, MutualForexFund, Olympex-Group, Tradelite, TopProfitWorld, HermisCapital and TradersInvestments. This is all the news for today and I will see you tomorrow!

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