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14/10/08. News and Observations from the Industry


Hi, guys! Here’s all the daily news and updates from the industry. The best program now and for the near future is undoubtedly MegaLido. The growth of the program is simply amazing and I can’t stop wondering about the secret of the success Michael had with his program for the last couple of months having reached more than 7,500 members already. I hope to find out more details in my new interview with Michael which I’m going to publish here soon. I’m sure MegaLido deserves it more than most other programs. Meanwhile, you can read my first interview with Michael published here or the best maximizing strategy to use in MegaLido published here. I hope you’re enjoying also the second MegaContest which is now on and I’m glad to report that I received the cash equivalent of my iPhone yesterday to my STP account (unfortunately the eBay reseller Michael dealt with failed to deliver iPhones). So I can confirm that all the prizes are for real and all you need to do is to spread the word about MegaLido. The program and you will both win as a result of that: you will get more referral commissions and provide for the healthy growth of MegaLido for many months ahead meaning a stable income for yourself. So as you can see everybody wins in the end! Please read this weekly newsletter from MegaLido to make sure this program is the real deal:

MegaLido is growing more then ever, we are getting at least 300 new members joining us every day and that is an awesome rate. The autosurf industry was in a horrible condition until a couple months ago, everyone was afraid to invest, there were more people scamming than investing and I’m glad to see we are changing this reality.
A lot of people are trying to copy MegaLido‘s structure and that is wonderful, it shows people really know we are here for the real deal, to run the program in an honest way, this industry would be just amazing if everyone followed the steps we followed to achieve this amazing success we are living.
As I have announced on Saturday, we have now paid out over a million dollars and we are getting huge deposits every day, that makes our investments flow easily, I am expecting at least one million in deposits during the next week, I’ve been contacted by very serious groups in Europe and that will boost our investments even more. I am generating a lot of money, both for your profits and for me.
Only a few autosurfs on the industry have gone as far as we have and I plan to keep it, our relation has been working amazingly well until now and there’s no reason to stop it, we are much stronger together. MegaLido is getting bigger and bigger, and some people are becoming jealous of its success, I am sure there will be some problems on the way, there will be people trying to bring us down, there will be people trying to corrupt our members but nothing of that will affect us, we are here to fight for any problems we may face and we will maintain MegaLido online and growing, no matter what.
You, members, are the most important thing on this program and most of you are really working hard for it, I see people referring dozens of people to earn with us, remember that the harder you work, the easier it becomes to keep our cashflow and maintain our investments generating awesome results.
Of course, during these two months MegaLido is alive, we did not profit on 100% of our investments, there were losses too, but we managed to cover them so quickly we did not even touch our funds reserve. We lost money a few times and made money most of the times and because of that, we have built a very strong monetary reservation to serve you. We are always thinking about the future, and that’s what you should do too, make plans to the money you earn, invest more, earn more, travel, study, do whatever you think is the best thing for you.
Some people asked me if it would be hard to manage a multi-million program and the answer is: it will be the same, I have people helping me with minor issues so that I have plenty of time to run MegaLido and the amount of members of money deposit will not affect my schedule, so do not worry about it, everything will continue to be smooth.
Several new improvements are being made to the program and I will announce some great new stuff for you to enjoy very soon. Also, our 3D game will be ready this week and you will get a download link, I am sure you are going to enjoy that.
Also, we have finally upload our testimonials page, which you can visit here.  I am very happy with the number of testimonials I got, do not forget you can win a prize on Mega Contest 2 by sending yours, please send them to and I will happily publish them as soon as I can, these testimonials are very important for me, it shows how happy you are with the program.
As usual, I wish you all a great week and I wish you are enjoying your lives, if you are not, please have the courage to change it, do no care about what other people will think about it, there are over six billion people on this planet so do give up your wishes and dreams because of a couple of them, life is the most beautiful thing if you can enjoy it and the worst nightmare if you are not happy. I am pretty sure most of you have the possibility to change your lives into something better and if you don’t, fight for it because at least here, now, you only have one life, to do whatever it takes to be happy. Think about yourself and your own life, if you realize it is not what you want, you have plenty of time to change it, no matter how old you are or how difficult it is for you to change, just do it, the rewards will not come in numbers, but in happiness.

As Michael pointed out in his newsletter there are many programs that are trying to copy the success of MegaLido. The most successful among them is 12DailyForever which is growing at a very healthy pace with more than 1,200 members already. This is also a program where like in MegaLido you should surf to earn 12% for 12 days but you are allowed to withdraw 4 times a week with 5% withdrawal fee. So the program is less profitable but still interesting to look into. For more info please read my interview with the admin of 12DailyForever here. There are some contests taking place in 12DailyForever program as well where you can win great prizes (I won the referral contest again last week). The prizes are also real and can be quite attractive so take a chance and participate in the contests. But let’s take a look at the newsletter the admin of 12DailyForever sent out recently for more details:
We have a new contest going on in TalkGold forum and winners can get a free 60$ LibertyReserve if he or she wins it. This is the url to the contest, I want all our members to dominate the contest and try to win it.
Finally, We are opening a new contest today called BEST INVESTOR CONTEST
1) Any member with an upgrade from 1000$ to 3000$ gets 3 upgrade units free
2) Any member with an upgrade from 3001$ to 6000$ gets 6 upgrade units free
3) Any member with an upgrade from 6001$ to 12000$ gets 12 upgrade units free
Thanks for your support and note that if you have any problem in your account, please talk with your admin directly on yahoo messenger ID: richardlunor_12dailyforever or send a support email and will be answered without delay

I have listed another program on my monitoring page that aroused some controversy among investors straight after it came online. I’m talking about SurfExchange the new site that was around for 2 weeks already but started their massive advertising campaign just a couple of days ago. It’s strange how some people can change their opinions so fast like one infamous blog that was rather strict in their decision to fight the scammers and published this announcement not long ago:
Coming to the rotten apples of the week, ProtoAds and Surfovat initially looked good but as and when time passed their performance of work also degraded to a great extent. Their lame excuse of payment processors blocking their accounts has proven the fact that they were here only to scam members with an attractive design. Honestly, there are a group of people who do all this, as we linked recently a site called SurfExchange with many others and possibly many other sites that are running well are owned by this admin or possibly a group. We shall detect if any sites like these pop up so that the investors can be protected from such programs.
As you can see there was no real evidence presented by these so-called scambusters to substantiate their speculation. Yet, many people believed it for some reason (I don’t know why people are so trusting, because it’s coming from somebody without any proof presented). But the most interesting thing is that these bloggers changed their point of view straight after being paid from SurfExchange for monitoring and moreover they stated on MMG forum:
SurfExchange was added to our Site Tracking page, admin has paid us for it. As you already should know our service of tracking is paid while the articles we share in the blog are totally independent and free of charge.
Well, in other words no sign of evidence was presented to prove their speculation which I found quite an unprofessional approach. I always believed that if you say A you should say B as well and not hide behind some statements in the hope your readers will believe you.

Anyway, you will be able to read my full review of SurfExchange very soon on my blog. Today I would like to add that the program has two plans: 10% for 14 days (surf plan) and 9% for 14 days (no surf plan). The minimum to invest is Surf plan is $6 and to No Surf plan is $10. All the payouts are made in SurfExchange are made on expiry to different payment processors: LibertyReserve, AlertPay, AlterGold or StrictPay which is being accepted currently. As I said already all the details will follow in my review of SurfExchange soon. So stay tuned for that!

VolcanoInvest is staying afloat and still paying. Though there are some hiccups that were recently reported to the admin by the members. First hiccup was the fact that not all the deposits were credited instantly to members accounts and some were missing. To fix this issue the admin implemented the buttons in the member’s area and now you can easily report if your deposit is missing:
Let me inform you about new buttons in your account. After you logged into your VolcanoInvest account you will find 3 new buttons.
These new buttons will help you to activate deposits in case if after payment the deposit will not added automatically.

The second hiccup was noticed after the powerful anti-DDoS protection was installed by their hosting provider. Some members of VolcanoInvest weren’t able to access the site or their accounts properly. To avoid these problems the admin issued another very important update which contains step-by-step instruction for the members which you definitely should read and use if you have any problems:
Let me inform you about new DDoS protection.
Question 1: I can’t reach the site.
Answer: Close the Browser or Tab and try again after 15 minutes. Link:
Question 2: I can’t pass through “Click to continue” filter, I always go back to the filter again.
1) Load: , you must see:
This is a one-time security verification process.
Click Here To Enter
2) Click on: Click Here To Enter, you must see:
Your connection is being secured.
If your page does not load, Click Here.
3) Wait several seconds or click on: Click Here, you must see VolcanoInvest site.
4) NOTE: If VolcanoInvest site is not loaded and you go back to:
This is a one-time security verification process.
Click Here To Enter
CLICK on REFRESH button on your browser or press the F5 key on your keyboard.
Question 3: I can load the site, but I can’t load the login page.
Answer: Close the Browser or Tab and try again after 15 minutes. Link:
I hope my answers will help you. Please, understand that the strong DDoS protection – VERY important, otherwise our site may down due to massive DDoS attack. If you sometimes have little problems with access to the site, I think that this much better than the site down due to DDoS attack.

SilverInvest program that is involved in silver trading and the review of which you can read on my blog here has published some interesting observations on their site. I will give you only some excerpts which I found rather interesting for investors:
We are speaking today with silver analyst Ted Butler who appears more optimistic about silver than ever before. Ted has worked with our company for about eight years and we have literally had thousands of conversations together. Ted has never openly set a timeframe on his forecasts, but has in recent statements revealed that silver is about to explode. Even though he has no interest in making his bullish forecasts public, he is never shy of offering valuable insights and advice when we speak in private. He now states that silver scarceness will intensify and prices will climb enough to change the dynamics of the silver industry forever.
There are few once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, and silver is one of them. I have personally invested heavily in silver, as I foresee some of the largest returns in this market over the past decades. There are no guarantees in life and without taking certain risks, one cannot profit enough to even overcome inflation. The time is right to invest 10% to 20% of your personal assets in real, tangible silver. If the leading silver expert of all time (and it is obvious who that is) tells you that this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for, then you should follow his advice and act now.

Currently I’m in the process of preparing an interview with the admin of SilverInvest Louise and it will soon be published on my blog. Hopefully Louise will be able to give us more details on the investment activities SilverInvest are involved in.

I have to reconsider my opinion of PanaMoney as well and remove it from my Top recommended list though there’s absolutely no problem with withdrawals. The reason for it was an unpleasant discovery I found out recently when chatting with their support. It appears that on some days you will not receive any profit to your account because of the Forex issues. In my opinion, it’s kinda unfair and gives PanaMoney an additional reason not to pay on some days. The explanation that was given to me by their support that their currency trade was not in profit for the current day didn’t seem reasonable to me. So now I have to reorganize all my strategy in PanaMoney because they will pay on some days. I honestly believe that the only people who can benefit from PanaMoney program faster are investors with amounts bigger than $1,000 for example. They will have the chance to get higher daily rates and so be in profit faster. If you are a small investor be ready to wait for an indefinite period until you’re in profit with PanaMoney. For more info regarding PanaMoney program please refer to my interview with their admin published here.

Not all the news is positive today. It appears that although StableFinance paid me last week, it did not pay many other investors. I received many complaints about it so it was decided to move StableFinance into “Not Paying” category again. It’s a pity that a program with such great potential is ending like this.

The same goes for Richard-Falk. I didn’t receive any payout yesterday because of alleged problems with LibertyReserve payment processor:
Due to a LibertyReserve problem all LR payment will be made tomorrow. All PerfectMoney and Pecunix payments are made.”
Well, it’s strange that some people actually received their profits to LR last night. In addition, it seems highly unlikely to me that LR had some problems because all the other programs paid me and moreover, I didn’t hear anywhere about LR having some problems. So I will put Richard-Falk program on hold until I get some reasonable explanation from the admin. I advise you to postpone your deposits in Richard-Falk anyway until the situation is clear.

I was paid from different programs over the last couple of days including: MegaLido, 12DailyForever, Tradelite, QuantumInv, TradersInvestments, MutualForexFund, AggeroInvestment, SilverInvest, SafeAtom, LargeSum, GrandEarners, VolcanoInvest, MaxShare, TopProfitWorld, Olympex-Group and GoldNuggetInvest (the first payout). See you tomorrow with more news from the industry!

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