Nov 9th, 2009 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi everybody! All looking forward to the new week I hope? I have a couple ideas in mind for MNO over the coming week which we’ll get to in good time, but today I want to take a look in the other direction. I want you to cast your minds back a number of weeks to almost exactly one month ago. I suppose at the rate that new programs come and go in the industry these days it might not be that easy, but you can always refer to my monitoring page to jog your memory. The reason being is that the program I want to review this evening has been on my “to do” list for the last month. And the reason for the delay is that I was waiting for the first payouts to be made before proceeding. It’s called INSPremiumAds and it’s an autosurf.

I must admit I do have some mixed feelings about INSPremiumAds as I’m sure a lot of you will also have about surfing programs in general. Though there is much to be positive about too. In fact my initial reaction on hearing the news of its launch was one of excitement. The admin’s last project ran very successfully for two years you see, so you can take it for granted that this is a man who knows what he is doing and has a wealth of experience under his belt. On the downside however, good admin or not the surfing industry has changed almost beyond recognition this year and there is no denying the fact that it is merely a shadow of what it was just twelve short months ago.

Where it all went wrong is a story we’ll have to save for another day. For now I would rather assess INSPremiumAds based on its own individual merits. So what are the plans and what are the surfing requirements? Well, to start with there are three different plans available and there are a series of one time fees involved before you may join them. Basically what happens is that before depositing you will be asked to purchase a subscription package. I say you’ll “be asked” to do it but actually you will be told. It’s compulsory and the cheapest option is The Starter Pack. That will involve a once of $25 to join, and after you have done so you can spend anything up to $500 on ad packs. The price of one ad pack by the way is $50 so you had better be prepared to dig deep if you to join here. Or at least to giving it some thought.

The next option is called The Gold Pack and that will entail paying a fee of $50 before you actually deposit at all. The maximum amount you may spend on ad packs here is $1500 or in other words 30 ad packs. Now why on Earth you the investor would think it makes good economic sense to pay $50 just for the privilege of spending another $1500 of your own hard earned money I do not know. I’m sure it all makes perfect sense to the admin, but not to me. In recessionary times I thought he’d be a bit more welcoming of investors and their money rather than pushing his program deliberately beyond the financial means of so many potential clients.

But if $50 if no big deal to you then take a look at Diamond Plan. This will cost you a one time non refundable fee of a cool $100 to join, and that’s before you actually deposit at all. But if this is the plan for you then you may purchase up to a maximum of $10,000 in ad packs, or more specifically 200 of them.

So what do INSPremiumAds do for you in return? Well for a start you are only required to surf 5 days per week. Business days that is, Monday to Friday. The surfing process itself is a not often seen combination of autosurfing and manual surfing. You will be required to manually surf 3 premium sites first, and when that is done you will need to autosurf 5 regular sites which is done for you on a timer. At this point payouts are only made once per month, hence the delayed review. The cashout button from this point on will be enabled on the first day of the month, but of course it makes no difference when you join. Your account will be credited every surfing day so regardless of whether you join on the 2nd day, the 22nd day, or any other day of the month for that matter, your account will gradually be credited every business day until the cashout button is enabled again on the first day of the following month. You may then request your cashout.

Yet another feature though that will doubtlessly make even the most ardent of surfing fans have second thoughts is the fact that it can take fifteen (15!) days to process your cashout. What happens the money during this period is something I can only speculate on, but the choice of payment processors is quite good with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay making up a very impressive list. However you will also pay fees for both deposits and withdrawals, regardless of what method you choose to make them with. Now it’s not exactly unheard of for admins to pass their fees on to their program’s members, in fact even when an admin tells you that there are no fees it just means that he calculated all of that when drawing up the plans and has already taken account of it. But with the subscription fee already in place and the slow payouts this certainly isn’t going to help the admin’s case when recruiting new members.

So what about the earnings? That is the one crucial difference between INSPremiumAds and the more traditional surfing sites. There is no expiry date as such on these ad packs you see. The daily rate of interest earned by you the member is variable. It will be something different everyday. But it will continue to be paid until such a time as you reach 260% of your initial deposit. So no need to worry if you should accidentally miss a day surfing here and there. You won’t be paid for the missed day but nor will you be penalized. You will simply have to surf for a day longer at the end. Anyway, to date it must be said that the interest payments have been very low. Typically between 1% and 2% as far as I can remember so expect to be at this for a while.

As for security, INSPremiumAds is currently hosted on a shared server. Simply put, that is not good enough and must improve. Also the script is licensed from Neversay. Usually a reliable service provider but I am no great fan of this current version. I find it unnecessarily complicated, not to mention the fact that it won’t work at all with some internet browsers.

I must admit that the track record of the admin is excellent and can only be envied by the overwhelming majority of other admins in this business. And for that alone I think INSPremiumAds is worth a closer look. If you can afford it that is! But his past glories will only carry him so far and despite the fact that he has proven himself more than capable of running and maintaining a sustainable and profitable website, the surfing industry simply isn’t what it used to be. The final word is that INSPremiumAds still has excellent potential but potential doesn’t pay the bills. It is in need of an overhaul if it is to be a success but I also think the admin is capable of giving it that overhaul. I suppose before I finish I should mention that the admin claims to be active in the ForEx market and that is how he is funding the payouts. It is an unsubstantiated claim of course, but the information is on the website if you wish to consider it. I’m not sure that trading in ForEx (or anything else) makes surfing programs more attractive to online investors these days, but that bit’s for you to decide.

Other news for today.

Just staying on the topic of INSPremiumAds for a bit longer I would like to bring you the regular update from the admin Ubaid. He reported that all monthly payments have been processed by now and that he is looking forward to even better results next month. Apparently the trading is going well and Ubaid emphasized therefore that the program is not depending on the new deposits in any way. Well, for me it’s really hard to believe that having only 65 active investors the deposits reached $87K like Ubaid mentioned, but who am I to judge? If you believe it then everything is doing really fine. I can at least vouch for the fact that the first monthly payouts to members have been paid successfully and we will see what will happen next. Here is the newsletter I was talking about:
Dear INSPremiumAds Fellows, Hope all of you are fine and in good health. First of all I want to tell all of you that all payouts of this month have been paid I paid more then 4.8k in first payout batch and now INSPremiumAds has 110 members and 65 active members and total active deposit is 87k in first month thanks for all of you support. Sorry for late communication with all of you but I want to inform everyone that trader life is very busy I went office at 9 am and came back around 10 or some times 2 am and after that I have no time or strength to sit online I am sure all of you understand it but I am working hard and working with team of professionals recently I have joined Dubai No.1 trader who is helping me very much and trading is going good I am looking forward to publish monthly statement on website there are many other more things to do which I want to done first and I am trying my level best to give my members No.1 support working on bank wire option once it will be done so everything will be in control and site will be more stronger. Last week went good USD was weak due to bad NFP data and gold was strong. I am trying my level best to make my position back in this industry once again I need all of you support.
All members’ subscription is extended to 1 year expiration last month total I gave 24% to all active members in near future targeting around 30-35% a month. I want to prove that I can run site with out cash flow because I am not running ponzi site so I have no problem if members joining or not or investing or not I am happy with current members but still signups are open for 120 active members very soon all free members will be deleted.
Thanks once again for all of you tremendous support
Ub, Admin. INSPremiumAds

It’s really strange to me that EuroProfitClub site (reviewed here) posted the same earnings this week – 23%, as last week. I wonder if the payments are still going on as I haven’t received my referral commissions requested five days ago. I wonder if the payments are done just once weekly however I found no info about that on the EuroProfitClub website. So I suggest to hold off from depositing there for the moment. I will let you know if everything is alright with the program by tomorrow when the batch of weekly payouts should be processed (according to the terms the payout requests should be paid within 24 hours after the request is made). Anyway, let’s hope for the best here!

Another program that makes me wonder is FxCapitalInvestment. Last night one of my readers complained to me that he was not paid despite the admins e-mail about the processed cashouts being sent yesterday. So I have sent an email to the admin and received a reply from his that the program experienced some problems with AlertPay payment processor recently (I wonder why it was not reported then) which resulted in a shortage of funds in AlertPay. So if you were not paid to AlertPay for some reason you should send the admin your SolidTrustPay account instead. There was also a technical issue with the script that didn’t help either. And finally, the admin of FxCapitalInvestment Greg (interviewed here) is pondering about transforming the program to a more stable low-ROI HYIP with more sustainable returns, of course after all the pending payouts are cleared and everybody is paid. I’m not sure how to deal with all this info yet but if you have any issues with your payouts please report to me and I will try to help you receive your outstanding payouts. So far FxCapitalInvestment will stay in Paying status on my blog until proven otherwise.

Guys, do you still remember that scammer that used to run PexmoFund, UnixTrust and most recently XmasPolo? The last one closed already after just a few days online (I have warned about it on my blog a couple of days ago). Well, he made the headlines again last night by sending an absolutely ludicrous email to all the members of PexmoFund:
Greetings to you today, This letter would get to you in surprise as you think we are down or not paying, this is not the case. PexmoFund has been experiencing series of challenges however this is normal and we are back, all cash out request are been processed from this moment and we would pay you shortly if you haven’t receive payments.
If you have any problems or concern you may contact us and our customer support representative will handle your inquiries.
Thanks, Admin
Needless to say that PexmoFund just cannot re-open again after two weeks of silence and non-payments. Of course, nobody was paid and the only aim of this email was to lure some newbies to make some money from unsuspecting investors for the New Year celebrations. His celebrations that is, not yours. It’s obvious to me that after his (yet another!) failure with XmasPolo program the admin tried to bleed every last penny from his previous programs. I for one am still receiving spam e-mails from somebody telling me how wonderful UnixTrust is. Well, after such behavior with PexmoFund and XmasPolo it’s no wonder to me that the admin is using every dirty trick in the book to get more and more money, possibly just to open another short-term scam. So please beware of that and MNO will tell you about his next project if I have any info on it!

Not every short-term program is a scam of course. Some of them run for a good number of cycles and are relatively fair games that allow members to earn some money from them. For instance, I was paid on expiry today from OctProfit program. I was in the plan offering 118% after 4 days but if you’re feeling lucky enough you may want to try the other riskier plans on offer like 150% after 10 days and 175% after 15 days. Of course, it’s hard to predict the lifespan of OctProfit but I believe that after starting a huge advertising campaign (I saw already a Sticky topic purchased on MMG forum) I guess the program has a bright future ahead. The admin seems to be an experienced enough person and I suspect it is not his first online venture. By the way, he has already sent me answers to some interview questions which I’m going to publish tomorrow. So stay tuned for that. The review of OctProfit has already been published on my blog and can be read here.

Another short-term program that was launched the same day as OctProfit is HyEmirates. Unlike them however, this one has more sustainable investment plans offering 110% after 5 days, 125% after 10 days and 150% after 15 days. Payments from the 5 day plan should be expected by tomorrow and I hope the admin will agree to answer some questions for the interview soon which would clarify his claims about arbitrage betting activities. Until then I would suggest you take HyEmirates as a regular HYIP though a quality one in my opinion. You can read more details on in my review published here. Today the admin sent his regular newsletter to all the members and stated that for the first 5 days online HyEmirates managed to attract 200 members that deposited $10K. Well, it’s not a bad achievement from such a program and I’m looking forward to the further growth that will hopefully follow the first payouts on expiry tomorrow. Here is the newsletter:
This is HyEmirates Technologies Inc. Staff.
Our website is now online for 5 days and this is our first Newsletter. Let’s start with our success so far. During these very first days almost 200 members joined us and around 60% made their first deposit. Total deposit has reached $10,000 mark already. Not a bad amount for beginning! Our bettors has done a good work this week and managed to return us another impressive set of profits.
Let’s share your thoughts and ideas there. Therefore we can also build our member community network. Administrator Martin Lauren is there to answer all your questions you may have.
In this newsletter we would also like to remind you that HyEmirates has a nice Referral Program. Tell your friends about us using your referral link and earn 5% referral commission from every deposit they do! For your referral link and promotion banners, please check “Referrals” page in your member area. Only members with active deposit can gain from their referrals.
That’s all for now. New week is ahead and we’re looking forward for new ventures in sports industry. Thank you all for your support!
HyEmirates Technologies Inc. Staff

One of the most popular online programs now is definitely Verifield (reviewed here). The program is firmly planted in the Top 10 list on my monitoring page and is not going to lose its position anytime soon. Unfortunately the admin ignored my request for an interview even though previously agreeing to it. I reminded him two or three times already. It doesn’t change the fact that the program is constantly improving and paying always instantly to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The most recent update taken from their website touches on the global expansion of the program which we have seen many times on different websites as setting up regional representatives. In Verifield it’s named Investment Manager Development Program but the meaning is still the same – expansion and localization of the program on local markets. With such an approach Verifield will definitely stay in the spotlight for some time:
Expanding Global Presence
IMDP stands for Investment Manager Development Program, an innovative program dedicated to development of Verifield‘s Global Presence and offering advanced partnership opportunities to represent Verifield locally as an official Verifield’s partner. The registration is already open for any Verifield member. Starting 1st December 2009, IMDP portal will become officially available for all Verifield visitors and will provide even more personal assistance and information about Verifield products in your country.

So if you’re interested in representing Verifield in your home country you can apply for it on the website. By the way, I think I will cover the website again in a revised review on my blog soon as many new interesting features were added since its first introduction on MNO back in March 2009. Mostly I mean such interesting features like the SafeCard that will significantly increase the security of your account with a unique code known only to you (meaning no one will be able to withdraw funds without this card). Also the recent addition of the Allegiance program where you can get paid just for promoting Verifield by converting your credits to cash that can be transferred to your account immediately and will be available for instant withdrawal at the rate 15 credits = $1. The credits can be obtained by different promotional actions listed on the Verifield website (I have exchanged credits worth $13 today which were paid instantly to my LR account so I can confirm that this scheme is actually working):
Verifield pays credits for any action, just imagine and get paid for almost any type of help, see for examples below:
Leave a feedback on a forum, use your native language
Help with website correction or translation
Distribute Verifield news and announcements in your blog, on a forum, anywhere
Create a banner or promo, get paid and published your work on our website
Build your own blog about Verifield
Drive traffic to Verifield website and see your Verifield credits grow in real time!
Propose a unique Verifield promotion strategy along with your practical example and receive Verifield credits.
Build your ad-campaign at any search engine or other website, along with using your referral link, provide the receipt as proof and receive credits for visitors and bonus credits for your campaign.

I’m also pleased to report to you that I was on Verifield on expiry today and put the money back to the most risky plan offering 208% payout after 60 days. Of course you can chose a less risky plans like 103% after 3 days, 108.4% after 7 days, 139% after 30 days or 196% after 60 days if you prefer. Please note that the daily rates can fluctuate for a while so you can expect to receive a slightly different payout on expiry.

One more quality program paid me 191% after 60 days to my PerfectMoney account. It’s AtlantisMutual (reviewed here and the admin was interviewed here) which is performing well for many months now. I believe it’s one of the few long-term programs that is able to survive the Christmas period, however I don’t like to make any predictions about that. Though I don’t believe the program is a real one (the address in London is definitely fake) but it’s organized pretty well and has every chance to run for a long time. AtlantisMutual offers four investment plans with the instant payouts to LR and PM on expiry: 105% after 7 days, 120% after 21 days, 191% after 60 days, 391% after 120 days.

The last program that paid me on expiry today was SavInvest (reviewed here). I invested in the most risky 2.8% for 28 days plan and was right as the program is doing just fine. All the payouts are being processed on time and I believe that the fast return of my principal today indicates that SavInvest has no cash flow issues to speak of which is a good sign. Other shorter plans are also available including: 1.4% for 7 days and 2% for 14 days. Of course, your principal will be returned on expiry which can be made via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay payment processors.

The administration of XagaEnterprise program (reviewed here) is considering the introduction of compounding. They are currently offering: 1.2% on every business day forever, 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days. First however they would like to ask the members’ opinion which I think is a very wise decision. So if you support this idea please don’t hesitate to email the admin and tell what you think. Here is the email I received from XagaEnterprise administration today:
I received so many emails asking about compounding option. How many of you want compounding option?
If you want it, please send email to support. If the demand exceeds 30%, I will make compounding option.
I am thinking about compounding option based on weekly mode. So it will be 8-10% weekly. And of course for Life too! What do you think?
Feel free to give critics or suggestions. Email us.
Thank you. Regards, Diana. Customer Support

There is a weekly update available on XrateInvest website which is doing fine by the way. It appears that their adult cam site is doing great and bringing even better profits than expected. Moreover, the new website with the adult content should be ready by next week and will probably become their latest profit-generating tool. Here is the update from XrateInvest:
General Company update from Karin (updated weekly)
08/11/2009 – – Profit grows 68% in one week
I promised you that our site will become our main webcam site. The site with hundreds of different amateur models from all around the world online in English, German, Italian, French and Spanish has grown 68% in profits last week.
We are working hard to finish in the next week

I would like to finish the daily news section today with an important update for all the clients of AlertPay payment processor. There are some huge changes on the website including a new withdrawal option to Visa and MasterCard credit cards (!!!) available, the possibility of phone verification for North American clients of AlertPay that should increase the security of credit card holders plus the introduction of a slightly lower credit card fee. Please read the full update from AlertPay for all the details below:
Hi AlertPay members, November is going to be our most exciting month in a while! The AlertPay team has been hard at work developing all sorts of new features and functions. You will be very happy with the improvements we have made:
Credit card withdrawal
If you have a Visa or a MasterCard, you can withdraw funds from your AlertPay account and it will automatically convert to your credit card’s currency. You can now withdraw the money in your AlertPay balance to your credit card in three different currencies: USD, GBP and EUR. This makes withdrawing your money faster, more convenient and just as secure.
Please note that you will only be able to withdraw up to $250 USD (or equivalent) per transaction temporarily. We apologize, but this service is not available for American Express.
Pay in different currencies with credit card
Now you can make cross-border payments in three currencies — USD, GBP and EUR — and save money on currency exchange. All you have to do is choose the currency you wish to be billed in for that purchase and avoid paying extra fees.
We apologize, but this service is not available for American Express.
Phone validation
When shoppers make a credit card purchase through a website, they will receive a validation code by phone that they must enter at checkout to complete their purchase. This will help protect our sellers by preventing fraudulent payments. This applies to U.S. and Canadian shoppers alone and will only be done one time.
Lower credit card fees
Now for the most exciting news of all: lower credit card fees! Members who receive credit card payments will pay a little bit less on every credit card transaction. We have lowered them from 5.0% to 4.9%, saving you just a little bit more money. And every little bit counts!
And don’t forget…
Website Review is still in full swing for our online sellers. We are stream-lining the procedure to make it even easier, so stay tuned. Please leave a comment about your Website Review experience in our Facebook discussion or other post.
That’s all for now, but we will be back very soon with more exciting updates!

Here are the programs that paid me today: OctProfit, FinanceNova, PremiumCapital, AtlantisMutual, CSMFinance, LogicProfit, GeniusFunds, XagaEnterprise, BlackDiamondPortfolio, OneDailyPro, SavInvest, HyEmirates, PanaMoney, CedexInvest, GlobalFund, KobelCapital, CorpoNano, PTVPartner and Verifield.

That’s all the news for today, guys! Thanks for your attention and I will be back tomorrow with the promised interview with the admin of OctProfit and with all the daily news and updates from the HYIP Industry. See you then!

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