Dec 25th, 2009 Archives

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Hi, guys! It’s Christmas Eve now and I have just finished preparing. For the next two days will be not only quiet here in London, as many people will celebrate Christmas together with their families but also on MNO as I’m taking a day off tomorrow and will not bother you, or myself, with the news or reviews. Please spend this day with your family (as my Christmas poll shows that’s what the majority of MNO readers are going to do anyway) and enjoy your well-deserved day of rest. I will try to reply all overdue emails today before actually set to rest for another day so please expect some reply to yours within the next few hours.

It seems not only me is preparing for Christmas. Many programs admins also sent their best wishes to members or put festive greetings on their websites. For instance the usually very talkative admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) issued a typically long festive newsletter today. The newsletter mentioned the holiday payout schedule which would not be affected at all as all the payouts would be processed within the usual 24 hour timeframe every day. This differentiates PTVPartner from other programs as investors still like to be paid fast regardless of the season. I guess such a decision will bring even more investors to the program who can chose from any of the four investment plans paid on expiry (110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days) via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay or StrictPay. PTVPartner is definitely one of the best choices for short- to medium-term investments right now and the program rightly occupies the #6 place on my monitoring page. You can read more about PTVPartner and its unique features in my review of the program published here and I’m working on the updated review on PTVPartner which will be published on my blog just after Christmas. After that I’m planning to interview Garrett again and find out about the new features and a little bit more about his plans for the future.

But let’s get back to the newsletter. The Christmas Party proved to be a success and Garrett issued an invitation to a New Year’s Party which you can spend with your fellow investors. If you’re still considering it then I would remind you that over $500 will be given away during the Party. So it’s really tempting especially knowing that you don’t need to be a member of PTVPartner in order to attend. Please read more information about the upcoming Party and other news about the new site template in the newsletter below:
“What a wonderful time of the year!
We would like to Wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
With all that is happening this time of year sometimes we forget the little things like, the time we get to spend together, a warm hug from a loved one we don’t get to see often enough, a loving smile of appreciation and the affection we feel for each other. I am overwhelmed this holiday with all these things, and so many more that I am unable to express. I truly wish you a life as full as mine. For this Christmas is an especially joyous one for me. We wish many blessings to each and every one of you this holiday season.
Holiday Schedule
PTVPartner will not miss a beat this holiday season. Our program continues to pay out while all others seem to be in need of a few days off. You can expect a payout every day. Christmas eve, Christmas day, New Years Eve and New Years Day, payments will be a few hours later than usual, but still within the 24 hours following the close of business Zurich Time.
Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party was a Huge success. We had a Record-Breaking number in attendance. Never before have we had over one hundred members in a chat room at the same time. There was fantastic Music, singing and dancing, prizes and contests that lasted for over 8 hours! Thanks to all those that attended. Congratulations to all the winners.
New Years Party
We have had so many requests for a New Year’s Party, we are more than willing to oblige. There are so many members who could not attend the Christmas Party, as well as those who want to attend another. We will be giving out over $500.00 is cash prizes during this party too. So if you are one of us who prefers to stay home on New Year’s night, or you are one of us who would like to spend New Years night with the friends you have made online, then this is where it is all happening! What better way do you know to spend New Years with the people you enjoy…. other than right here at PTVPartner. Members and Non-Members are welcome to participate and ALL are eligible to win prizes. We would love to have you participate with us, and you are under NO obligation to become a member of PTVPartner.
Party on December 31st – Hours will be from 4PM GMT (10AM CST) to 8PM GMT (2PM CST) we will then reserve 2 hours for a Meeting in the Community Chat Room. The Party will then resume at 10PM GMT (4PM CST) and continue until we can’t stand it anymore!
So what do you say? Party at our House?
New Website
Our new website is operational for most. Some have had a problem or two and we are working it out. In the meantime we have made the old site available to those that have had issues. Simply select the template of choice from the drop down menu at the top of the page and you will be able to access your preference.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

It seems not only PTVPartner will continue to make payments as usual during the holidays. The admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) just confirmed that XagaEnterprise would be working as usual even in this festive season. The earnings will be credited as usual on all the plans XagaEnterprise is offering: 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days (with the principal returned on expiry), 8%-10% weekly forever and 1.2% daily forever. I consider XagaEnterprise as one of the most promising for 2010 and will be publishing a new, updated review of it on my blog also after Christmas. There were after all new plans added since my last review of the program was published on MNO (read it here). So where will Kevin spend his Christmas holidays? Read the latest newsletter from XagaEnterprise below to find out:
I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010. May the joy and happiness surrounding you on this holiday.
There will be NO HOLIDAY for XagaEnterprise. Earnings will be credited as usual. And you can request for withdrawals anytime as usual.
XagaEnterprise Team is going to stay on Ballys Atlantic City tonight for 3 consecutive days. Don’t worry about payments, I will bring my superb laptop.
Don’t forget to Buy gifts for your lovely ones. Celebrate Christmas with your own way meanwhile I will celebrate it with Casino style. Free Rooms, Free Food, Free Entertainments, Free Comps, etc. Nice right?
That’s it for today guys and Go XAGA!
Thank you so much.
Regards, Kevin and Team

Verifield (reviewed here) is just another excellent program that has been paying for many months already and which I’m also considering a re-review of after Christmas. Since my first review in March 2009 Verifield has changed a lot for the better but it remains a very promising website with many unique features and offers. And of course don’t forget the vast array plans with payouts on expiry. Another interesting feature is instant payouts to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but there are many others which I will be discussing in my upcoming revised review which you will be able to read on my blog after Christmas. Despite the holidays the administration of Verifield is pretty sure that they could generate some money for investors due to events on the market which was mentioned in the newsletter. They also promised to publish some trading reports on Monday for all the investors. Here is the latest Christmas news from them:
Christmas time is here
Verifield would like to say Merry Christmas to all our Customers. This holiday is not just about Christmas trees and presents. It’s about care, it’s about love and family. Verifield care and love their growing family and would like to thank you for doing your business with us. Christmas time and New Year eve are specifically significant on the stock markets due to such known phenomenons as ‘Santa Claus Rally’ and ‘January effect’. There are specific trends during this time and Verifield plan do generate some good income during the holidays. We are constantly doing some positive trading here and will be posting detailed trading reports on upcoming Monday.

The administration of SazaInvestments (interviewed here) informed everybody that all the 8%-10% weekly payments have now been completed. I remind you that due to Christmas this week the payout button has remained open for the duration of Thursday instead of the usual Friday. Please note that next week due to the New Year celebrations the cashout button might be enabled on a different day. So please watch out for more updates from SazaInvestments (reviewed here) next week or for updates on MNO. If you want to find out more about SazaInvestments please refer to my review published here. Below are two emails I received from them today:
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and to enjoy it the best. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team.
All payments has been done again. For next week we will let you know in time when we will open the withdrawals again because it will be New Year. Merry Christmas again to everybody and thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team

AtlantisMutual (reviewed here) announced some Christmas Giveaway contest where you can show off your creative side, earn some good money for yourself, and increase awareness of the program among investors as the best efforts will be used in their future promo campaigns. If you’re not familiar with AtlantisMutual yet it’s a program that pays on expiry for five different investment plans: 105% after 7 days, 120% after 21 days, 191% after 60 days, 293% after 90 days and 391% after 120 days. The program has been online for several months already and always pays instantly to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. I’m sure you will not be disappointed if you try it out as I’ve had only positive experiences with them. More info on AtlantisMutual can be read in my interview with the admin published here. And below are the rules of the Giveaway contest:
Christmas Giveaway
AtlantisMutual are glad to announce the Christmas Giveaway contest. Make up a success story about your investment experience with AtlantisMutual Investment Alliance, attach your own photo and win $200 (1st place), $100 (2nd place) or $50 (3rd place); OR make a Christmas / New Year gift with AtlantisMutual logo or name on it, take a picture and send the photo to us by e-mail to participate in the contest. Every creative idea is welcome!
Stories should be at least 1000 characters long. We accept stories of existing AtlantisMutual clients only, so please don’t forget to provide us with your ID. All stories and photos that meet our requirements will be published.

MandarinInvest (reviewed here) is another excellent performer among the low-ROI programs around now. Many of these will be looking at great success in 2010 and could be among the best programs of the year as well. Having been paid for over two months already MandarinInvest slowly but surely built a good reputation by the constant addition of new features. Among those features I can list the translation of the website into dozens of languages as well as the introduction of instant payouts processed to four payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. By the way those four payment processors are just half of the eight payment processors accepted in total. The investment plans offered are: 1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days with the principals returned on expiry. Today the website of MandarinInvest has got a new Christmas look and you can find out more about that from the following update or by actually visiting their site:
We recently gave our website a refreshing new winter look and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We would also like to wish our members from all over the Globe happy Winter Holidays and a prosperous New Year 2010!
Sincerely, MandarinInvest Team

Just like MandarinInvest another program called TheKapital (reviewed here) is also incorporated in Panama which seems to be a great international haven for many online HYIPs. TheKapital has a very unique script and accepts all the major payment processors. During the whole period of monitoring it from early September 2009 TheKapital always paid for both daily and weekly investment plans (1.5%-2.2% daily and 8.2%-9.2% weekly) within 24 hours of requesting it and therefore proved to be an excellent performer with no issues. The updates from the administration of TheKapital are quite rare overall but on Christmas Eve they couldn’t miss the opportunity to discuss the results of their activities during the last few months as well as sharing some exciting plans for the upcoming 2010. Please also pay attention to the restricted working hours during the Christmas and New Year holidays which was clearly outlined in the latest newsletter published below:
The greatest part of 2009 was the building of the relationships between our team and the clients at TheKapital. The combination of exceptional investors, our diligent staff, and most importantly your support, we have been able to grow from a start-up online company to an expansion that is now supporting worldwide investors. You have had the opportunity to grow with us and become more than an investor but instead become a part of TheKapital community. You have assisted us in designing new objectives, supported us through change, and held us to a highest expectation which allows us to continually grow.
In 2009, together we achieved great accomplishments. It began with the launch of TheKapital online investment platform followed shortly by growing investors, and growth in investment areas. With our establishment in trading markets including but not limited to Forex and Stocks and Commodities, we have been able to offer our consumers a stable environment that offers promise and balance to portfolios. With a common goal to enhance both our investment and yours, we continue to expand into new areas of business and continue to offer more options for our investors and consumers. Together this community is without a doubt growing, and we can only thank you for joining us in this adventure.
With demands and needs increasing amongst our community, new programs began to emerge. Loyalty-K-Points quickly progressed from an idea to an exceptional addition to our team. It provided an expansion in investment solutions for a wider range of consumers, helping to grow our community of investors, partners, and our staff. With this great process of growth, you expressed needs for more available support and we answered. With the implementation of consumer and investor support service through multiple avenues including phone support and live chat, we have been able to guarantee less than one hour response time in regards to customer assistance.
Now with TheKapital community embarking into 2010, we have many new projects and additions planned to make things easier, faster, and overall looking to offer a more refined operation. Our primary projects include addressing suggestions from you, our investors, and our staff. These planned projects include more convenient payment solutions for our investors, multiple language support to help eliminate the need for third party translators, and expansion of local representatives. These new projects will make our operations run smoother, your investments easier, and a better environment for our customers. To help make sure we are focused on the needs and wants of our community, a poll will be launched to make sure we are addressing suggestions in regards to website enhancement, investment solutions, and possible other needed implementations. Overall, we want you to know we are all working together to make ultimate satisfaction.
With the holiday season upon us, the days, Dec 25th 2009 thru Jan 3rd 2010, we will be running at limited capacity as our trading platform will close for the yearly financial reports of the company. In regards to our interest systems, CD-KFUND, BD-KFUND and GD-KFUND funds will resume on Jan 4th, 2010 and CW-KFUND, BW-KFUND and GW-KFUND funds, resume on Jan 1st 2010. However, all of the investors and partners in regards to your current transactions will be available for your viewing as usual. The phone support will be available with the exception of some required maintenance updates. The live chat support will be operational for occasional technical support queries. We personally recommend using our Contact Form during holidays for urgent issues that require a quick response.
As 2009 comes to a close, we are excited about the endless rewards the New Year will bring to our exceptional community. We hope the Christmas holidays bring you cheerfulness, and 2010 brings happiness and good fortune. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as you have and will continue to be extremely valuable to TheKapital Community.
Sincerely yours, Carlos Russel, Project Manager,
TheKapital International, Inc.

Another program with an excellent payment record for several months is IncoForex (reviewed here) and they also published an update which was really full of festive Christmas cheer. I encourage you to read it to the end to see what the admin (interviewed here) is trying to communicate. Many statements can be disputed of course but I guess in many ways he’s right when discussing the meaning of money in our lives. Anyway, IncoForex is paying variable daily returns of up to 3% for 180 trading days and it never let me down in over 4 months of monitoring it. I’m pretty sure that with the approach outlined in the newsletter IncoForex has a bright future ahead in 2010. See what you think:
This is the first Christmas that we celebrate together! But we can guarantee you that this is not the last one; it’s just the beginning of a long journey full of happy memories and things to learn.
During this year’s activity, our main goals were to provide a solid and trustful image of our company, to pay each and every one of you on time so that you can have your funds right on time. This mission has been accomplished until now and we want to step forward with you, continuing in the same rhythm of successful cooperation. We know how hard it is to trust an online investment company these days. And we try to attract your belief in our services, as we love to make you feel secure and glad with us!
We are going to improve lots of things, and one of the main objectives are going to be the improvement of our relation investor-provider. Each aspect of our financial activity will be analyzed and upgraded so that you could benefit from a maximum transparency of our company. All our team will be devoted to fulfill your dreams and ideas, at least those related to the financial aspect of your life. Whoever said money can’t Buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping. Our supermarket is open for you to Buy every financial product with unlimited warranty and you can benefit from it as long as you want to! Just that you make sure to carefully select those products!
The upcoming 2010 year will catch us in a perfect set for another decade. You, our customers, are going to be the most important part of our business! With your help, your ideas and positive attitude, we’ll take this program to clouds and back. Our traders and the team of experienced employees will make sure that you will benefit from all that we can offer! Santa Claus will read all your Christmas letters and will include IncoForex in the most important list of your dreams!
Our lifetime may seem short in when comparing to other “sharks” of the online financial investment. But, please, rest assured, this is just the beginning! When others will be “old”, our program will be the youngest of the best! This means that we will have enough time to fix all potential problems that may exist in our problems and we will try to upgrade all the services that may seem old for you! The world that we live in is one of a eternal change and we will take all the measures to be on the same wave with this change. We care for your feelings, hopes and expectations and we try to improve them, on the material field of your life. Money is not all, but without it, you can’t have all the material things that you wished for. Just that our world is not made in that manner. The energy of our human beings can be transformed and influenced by a powerful modern alchemy that will give you the feeling of security and financial peace!
Let’s materialize all our emotional hopes and sensations for a better world into a real, palpable experience with IncoForex! Merry Christmas!
WBR, IncoForex Team

The admin of OneDailyPro (reviewed here) sent out a short email in which he greeted the members of his program and wished them Merry Christmas. OneDailyPro will be working as usual during this festive season and the payments on all the plans (1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days) will be processed as usual. Here is the email:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project. We hope this e-mail finds you well.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Our staff wish you best of luck, peace, joy and happiness.
P. S. We are working as usual during these holidays.
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

StableInterest (reviewed here) suspended all withdrawals so you can’t actually make a withdrawal at all at this moment. At the same time the deposits are accepted as usual. I find it very strange and a little disturbing and advise you not to make any further deposits into StableInterest until the withdrawal button is back working again and the payouts get processed. Here is the update when I got today when trying to make my withdrawal request:
“Dear member, The withdrawal option is not available. For the period of Christmas holidays since December 24, 2009 to January 04, 2010, our company is working in a “stand-by mode”. All programs launched remain working. The profit is calculated at minimal rates. The withdrawal option will become available on January 04, 2010.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for staying with us.
Best regards, StableInterest.

From other recent news published on StableInterest website I found the following one which in my opinion has nothing to do with the program itself:
StableInterest joins the major firms: GE Energy Financial Services, CMEA Capital, Khosla Ventures and Energy Capital Management to invest a combined $13.2 million in Danotek Motion Technologies.
Danotek makes the so-called permanent magnet generators (PMGs) for wind turbines. The company says they contain no “wear-and-tear parts.” making them more reliable and less costly to maintain.
The specialists from StableInterest agree with Danotek officials, who claim the investment will allow it to expand research and development, install utility-scale megawatt load-testing equipment, hire and train workers and launch production of a projected 4,000 permanent magnet generators (PMG’s) annually.
Danotek says PMG technology is also more efficient, capable of operating at slower and variable speeds. As a result wind farms would be able to harvest an average of 15% more energy, providing approximately $1 million in additional revenue over the life of the turbine, Danotek said.
As said by Mark Robinson, the Manager of Clean Energy Investment Department: “This is considered to be an innovative technology that would give a greater upswing to the economic benefit from using the wind energy. We are happy to join this venture that would bring advanced generators to the global market

MoneyPlus (reviewed here) made an important announcement that the principal would not be credited to members’ accounts due to them celebrating Christmas. Although I think everybody has realized by now that MoneyPlus is not a real company after the very controversial interview with the admin that was published here. Please treat MoneyPlus just like an investment game and nothing more. Here is the latest news from them:
We don’t have interest on December 25, Christmas Day is a federal holiday celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child.
We do not make interest payments on official holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. We always send out email notifications informing all our customers on which official holidays we won’t be making interests.
Regards, MoneyPlus
MoneyPlus also mentioned that AlertPay will become a new payment processor accepting deposits on January, 4, 2010. They apparently have some issues with them now but they are going to accept it again for deposits very soon.

Unlike MoneyPlus, another program ZenithInvestment (reviewed here) announced that they were having problems with AlertPay forcing them to stop taking them. I know for sure that at least one member was refunded to AlertPay already and the admin of ZenithInvestment (interviewed here) promised to introduce SolidTrustPay as another payment processor instead soon. So let’s hope for the best. ZenithInvestment also announced some bonuses for new deposits and you can read about that in detail in the latest newsletter published below:
Compliments of the Season to all Members of Zenithinvestment.
Firstly, We wish to announce to you that all pending payout have been completed today and we will appreciate you casting in vote for us in any of our monitor/forums.
Secondly, We also want to use this opportunity to announce to you that from today, we will not be accepting payments from AlertPay service not until we are able to rectify the problem we are having with them. Those that upgraded with AlertPay should please add other processors to their account or send us a support ticket with your username and the new processor you wish to add and we will adjust it manually into our system from the admin area of ZenithInvestment. Our apology to all our members that upgraded with AlertPay as we are doing everything possible to finalise the issue with AlertPay.
Thirdly, we will be adding a new payment processor to the site, which is SolidTrustPay to replace the AlertPay account so everyone can have more processor option to upgrade / withdraw with.
Christmas Upgrade Bonus
We are giving out free upgrade bonus to our upgraded members as a Christmas gift to show our appreciation to you.
Buy $200-$399 and get free $20 to your account
Buy $400-$599 and get free $30 to your account
Buy $600-$999 and get free $50 to your account
Buy $1000-$1099 and get free $80 to your account
Buy $2000-$10000 and get free $150 to your account
Finally, we want you to earn some extra cash by referring new members to ZenithInvestment and earn a free 3% bonus of their upgrade.
We appreciate all your Continuous support and thanks for being a part of ZenithInvestment. Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New-Year that will bring you great success.
Your Admin. ZenithInvestment

If other admins try to bring their members only good news on Christmas then the admin of XrateInvest Karin really disappointed me recently forcing me to move her program to Paying selectively status on my monitoring page. Apparently she didn’t fulfill her promise to me to take care of the delayed payouts and only small investors were paid while the investors with thousands of dollars and are still waiting. I find this approach simply intolerable and as you know the one thing I tolerate least is lies. I suggest Karin to pay to everybody as soon as possible and not to turn into yet another Christmas scam. I know that she reads my blog and hopefully the members will pending payouts will be paid soon. However seeing so many complaints about XrateInvest in my mailbox over the last 24 hours I tend to doubt this will happen. At this particular moment I advise you not to put a penny there if you don’t want to lose your it. I will keep you updatied on the situation with the payouts on MNO so stay tuned for the latest news!

For your information I’m currently investigating the registration process in the UK in detail. I hope to have a detailed report of how easy is to register a business in the UK and we will discuss if it’s really any guarantee for your investment. As far as I can see almost every second HYIP is claiming to be registered in the UK these days and put this proudly as some sort of guarantee on your investment. So I hope my article will help put an end to this ugly practice. Let’s put a stop the lies and make this industry better in 2010! I’m planning to publish the detailed results of my investigation in the new year so stay tuned for that!

Apart from SurfVesper and 220Group which both stopped paying and were moved to Problem status on my monitoring page many other programs are still paying even on Christmas Eve. Here is the full list of programs that I received payment from over the last 24 hours:
Investorum, PTVPartner, ArbsFund, GeniusFunds, ZenithInvestment, FinanceNova, RefMotor, TheKapital, Caziroca, OneDailyPro, KobelCapital, StarkFund, MoneyPlus, CedexInvest, Verifield, HugMoney, MandarinInvest, InvestmentForge, AimTrust, IncoForex, Flanita, CSMFinance, AsiaInv, NanoMoneyCorp, WestFinance, SazaInvestments, FaithInvestment, GlobalFund, SantiVentures, Vegamex, RosalinFinance and XagaEnterprise.

I sincerely wish you and all your families a very Merry Christmas and will see you on my blog on December 26! Until then I have turkey to cook!

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