Jul 8th, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Well it looks like most people’s favorites Spain seem to have one hand on the world cup tonight after pretty much dominating their game against the Germans. But I think most neutrals like myself will probably be pleased that no matter what happens there will definitely be a first time winner of the competition come Sunday. Of course I’ll try not to upset the partisans out there by telling you who I’ll be shouting for, lol! So anyway, I’m a bit later than usual in getting started tonight but I’ll try to be quick. Before the news there is another new addition to the MNO monitoring page I’d like to tell you about. It’s called Biffalo and it’s a short term HYI program.

There’s four investment plans to choose from here, and while three of them are fairly standard for the industry there’s another with quite an unusual twist to it. So I guess that’s where I’ll start. Biffalo‘s first plan, The Jackpot Plan, runs for a fixed period between Monday and Friday. Payments are made on Friday but the amount you earn is based on what day you join. If for example you join at the very start of the business week on Monday then you can expect to receive the full amount of 125% interest on Friday night. So for example were you to join with $100 then on expiry you would get back $125. Pretty simple eh?

But what happens if you join The Jackpot plan on some other day like Tuesday or Wednesday? Biffalo will still accept your deposit and will still pay you on Friday. The thing is they’ll just pay you a bit less the later you join. The interest rate declines by 5% per day, so for optimum just remember to join on Monday. Otherwise you would earn 120%, 115%, etc, depending on what day of the week you joined. I don’t know if deposits are even accepted on Saturdays and Sundays, but if they are they won’t be counted until Monday. The minimum investment is $10, there is no maximum, and payments are made on expiry. Your principal is included as part of that.

Maybe it’s a fad, maybe it’s a strategy, but one thing for sure is that when short term HYIPs are falling so far out of fashion with online investors the admins who come up with the freshest and most original ideas are the ones who will make the difference and get the attention of an ever dwindling number of players.

The other plans are a bit more conventional however and Biffalo‘s second offering, called The Precedence Plan, pays on expiry after a term of 7 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is just $10 with no maximum. Payment on expiry will be 130%, principal included.

Next up Biffalo has The Optimum Plan, but to be perfectly honest I’m at a loss to explain why it’s better than the others. It pays 160% interest on expiry for deposits starting from a minimum of $10 with no maximum after a term of 14 calendar days. I mean it’s not a bad return if it works out but why join the Optimum Plan at all when you can join the Precedence Plan twice? You’d make the same money with half the risk.

For the last plan Biffalo is offering to double your money after just 28 calendar days in what they call The Integrity Plan. Think that’s too much of a risk these days? Well maybe but there’s no denying that some programs did do it successfully in the past and when you consider that the minimum investment still just $10 the risk to your money may well be bigger but the actual financial gamble is only as big as you wish to make it (there is no maximum investment). So an investment here brings a 200% return, principal included, on expiry.

I know it’s difficult to say if especially that last plan’s going to succeed in the current climate with so many investors feeling more hostile towards short term HYIPs than in the past. One thing that makes me think the admin is no fly-by-night scammer is the way he has put his program together. By that I mean in terms of design and the effort he put in. The real judges as always will be the investors. We’ll see how that works out. But for now the limited choice of payment processors, restricted to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, is offset by the ever popular use of instant payments. So once you request your payments they should be made for you in under a minute.

Biffalo have opted to go with a custom written script. That’s OK but I’m less convinced about their hosting. It’s on Dragonara which as longer term readers will know I’ve always been a big fan of. Problems are few and far between for programs using their services but in this instance I can’t see that they are on a dedicated server. I asked the admin and his explanation was that (and I quote) “Dragonara protects your server against ddos attacks with the help of dedicated ip. Thus it seems that many projects are on the same server. But overall, our project has a dedicated server where we are located only.”

OK, personally I’d still be happier on a dedicated server but you can take any concerns you may have up with the admin directly by filling out the form and sending a message through the online support system which you’ll find a link to at the bottom of every page.

As far as Biffalo‘s business activities go they claim to be involved in playing the field in online auction sites. Buying low and selling high, basic capital rules I suppose. And while I certainly can’t confirm that that’s what Biffalo really do, I do know that there is at least some money to be made in that game. A couple of years back when I lived in Ireland I became friendly with a middle aged couple who returned there after 30 years living in the US. Florida actually so I was always a bit mystified as to why they left. But anyway what would at first glance appear to be the least internet savvy or technically able people (they were approaching 60 and had discovered the net aged 55) turned out to be a couple of real sharks! They made a fortune seeling all sorts of old junk online. You name, they sold it! Door handles, old car batteries, packets of bubble wrap for packing, second hand kitchen utensils, old rope, whatever it was if these guys found it and didn’t pay for it then they made a buck from selling it online.

Anyway, now I’m rambling. Basically my point is that the business is genuine but I don’t know if Bifallo participate in it. I mean I’m not sure if you really need capital from other people to participate there so treat them as you would any other online HYIP, have modest expectations so spend modestly, and accept losing money is just as real a prospect as winning it.


It’s good to know that PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) is back to normal. Although with the delay which made me put the program to Problem status this morning I received a reply from the admin full of apologies for the delay with fixing the script issue which prevented everybody from withdrawing for over 24 hours. It seems now the problem has been fixed and you can withdraw again. I’m thankful to Lars who replied to my email and also warned of some more possible downtime while technical maintenance is going on. Unfortunately he didn’t tell me anything about the possible timeframe for this update which was announced last week but I’m sure there’s no exact time for that since PrivateDiamondClub are experienced with technical difficulties. I hope everything will be back to normal very soon and we will hear something encouraging. This is the email I received from Lars today:
The Error is fixed.
Sorry. I just came back and saw the error yesterday. In our office we have no real computer specialists and our African Admin is very slow. If you know some web designer or someone who is trusted and can help with script issues I would be very thankful. Our site will be under update for 11 hours tonight. In this time the new site will be tested and uploaded. Starting from 11:00pm-10:00am GMT (LONDON TIME).
Best Regards

It looks like ReProFinance (reviewed here) managed to survive a huge DDoS attack on their servers recently due to the professionalism of their hosting provider Dragonara. I remind you that ReProFinance has been listed on MNO for over a month now and is paying instantly to LR and PM payment processors on two plans: 0.8%-1.5% for 90 days and 0.9%-1.9% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry. More on ReProFinance can be read in my detailed review published here. For now this is the latest taken from their website:
A huge DDoS attack has been repulsed
Today our site was inaccessible for a while due to a huge DDoS attack. The attack has been repulsed in a mean time, thanks Dragonara Hosting admins.

The ongoing world means that the random bonuses issued by FxCrudeOil (reviewed here) are still getting handed out on a regular basis. The last results were published in the latest newsletter where the admin also emphasized that the bonus will end with World Cup final on Sunday. So you have one last opportunity to earn a bonus as promised in the last email:
Thank you to those new members who joined.
All pay out has been completed.
During WC soccer fever we decided to start another exciting bonus offer along with current bonus.
We has been selected random members ID from http://www.random.org/ (members including free members.)
bellow are the random selected 5 members account ID
313 140 145 88 192
and 3$ wallet bonus (increase During semifinals) has been added in selected members account, congratulations all winners
Total members a/c available
Available: 337
Also running once in a lifetime BONUS OFFER!!
Our Offer : Upgrade with min of $100 in Industry Plan (pays 12% weekly for 12 weeks = 360%) and get a bonus 20% of your upgrade, deposited in Transport Plan (which will earn you 150% ROI)
Limited Time : from now until the end of World Cup – 11 July 2010.
Thank you and enjoy weekend. FxCrudeOil Admin

There was a strange email sent by StrictPay today. It contained nothing but a “pre-update” of the coming “update” that will be sent to the members soon. The strangest thing is that StrictPay advertised two blogs that have nothing to do with the payment processor itself and I wonder why this tactic is now adopted. Telling you to check other sources for their news updates and not SP themselves will no doubt bring some headaches to the folks running those blogs while SP themselves excuse themselves from the responsibility of informing their members directly of the situation is hardly a good development. The amount of time it takes to organize mass e-mails is the reason cited for this, but mass e-mails were never a problem in the past and it’s not as if their mailing list will have exactly gotten any bigger recently. For your information, my last withdrawal from StrictPay has been in pending status for over four weeks and I’ve been wondering if the next update will be a positive one or will confirm what the majority are grudgingly beginning to accept – the death of StrictPay. Anyway, I will let you know the recent news as soon as I receive it.

It looks like hyip.com gave up the last remaining shred of decency (again!) by lashing out at OilStructure (reviewed here) for daring to advertise on MNO. Sanity has taken a back seat once more with this “monitor” while hiding the real reasons behind his latest “Do Not Invest” alert (ie temper tantrum) to his readers instead of saying straight out that his decision has nothing to do with OilStructure‘s performance (which is still paying like clockwork) but rather is out of his continued self-declared war on common sense. Well, just read this alert regarding OilStructure posted on the website and compare it with the obvious reasons why he’s doing it totally scaring off all the advertisers and potential investors alike:
All hyip.com users and visitors are now strongly advised against investments with OilStructure (website Oilstructure.com). All users are recommended to request contract termination and early withdrawal of invested principal.
This program, while previously having above average popularity factor, is NOW more than likely to shortly close.
The most indicative failure sign is administrator’s new choices of lowest grade promotion resources dedicated to featuring of fast folding scams.

OilStructure program is now starting topics explaining their own position on that on the popular forums and monitors defending its right to manage their own business as they see fit regardless of what a blackmailing monitor has to say. Anyway, in my opinion you should definitely blacklist such monitors that tell you what to do not based the facts of the program’s performance but rather out of spite to others. This is hardly professionalism and I’m glad that more and more investors and admins alike are starting to realize this now. The explanation from the admin of OilStructure came earlier today telling their side of the story which I’m republishing below (you have to draw your own conclusions but I think you’re smart enough to see who’s right):
Dear member!
We got a letter from hyip.com:
“Hello admin, Please note that a “Do NOT Invest Alert” has been issued for your program due to hyip.com listing rules violation.
Specifically, you have started using the so called services of money-news-online.com which has always been an indication of programs’ failure and the fact of it is always communicated to the public (see multiple examples here: hyip.com/news/line/10/News+of+HYIP.com). This is also a reason for the rule which hyip.com has in place on incompatibility of listing with any and all servises of MNO.
Please have a little respect to the rules of others!”
When we signed up with hyip.com we did’t read anywhere we can’t be listed or reviewed with some other listing or monitoring. Now, without any logic and explanation they POST “Do NOT Invest Alert” .
Another thing. We already monitored with hyip.com during 34 days. 680 USD hyip.com admin got from us as profit and more then 200 USD as profit from referrals. Now, admin of hyip.com taken our money and run.

I would say that from now on you should check the advice of hyip.com and do the exact opposite as it again showed its total bias. It’s an ego driven business that only ever issues warnings about HYIPs the admin feels have insulted him, but never about any genuine scams that continue to advertise on his monitor without any questions asked. No warnings to the huge numbers of investors in any of the scams he has listed, some of which retain paying status for a week or more after closing. TopFinancial for instance, at one time he returned them to paying status after the dogs in the street knew it had closed. Strangely his own rules don’t apply to certain programs like CherryShares and EzProfit either to name just two which means that rules are applied at the admin’s convenience merely as a blackmailing tool. Anyway, I prefer not to waste anymore of my time with this particular monitor as we have absolutely nothing in common but with more and more facts coming to light from various admins I can’t ignore it and have to say it again: try to differentiate between good and bad monitors and when you notice you’re being lied to by one just leave them and don’t return. This will save you a lot of money in the long run!

There was one more short-term program added to MNO monitoring tonight called SolidInv. The idea that SolidInv might be from the same admin who ran TrueEarn has been raised by some but I’d say the admin could be simply playing on TrueEarn‘s success by offering the same plans and spreading these rumors himself to get more attention. The lack of participation in short-term games at the moment only adds to the risk, and you do need to understand that investing is such programs like SolidInv is already a very a risky venture to begin with. However if you like it you can think about investing your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay (the accepted payment processors) into one of their plans – 116% after 5 days (minimum $5), 140% after 10 days (minimum $50) and 210% after 20 days (minimum $100). SoliInv is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a DDoS protected and dedicated Staminus server with SSL-encryption from DdoSWiz. The design is quite standard and nothing special. However, since SolidInv has been online for three days already we can judge its real performance pretty soon after the first payouts should be completed. A more detailed review will be published on MNO tomorrow so stay tuned for that, guys.

The second program to been added to MNO a few minutes ago and which will be reviewed soon is another short-term game called ProfitStars. ProfitStars accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and AlertPay e-currencies and the minimum to invest is only $5. It’s a licensed GoldCoders script based program hosted on a dedicated DSoS-protected server by BlackLotus with SSL-encryption. While offering a seemingly high-ROI plan of 36% for 3 days in reality you will be getting only 8% profit as your principal is counted making it a pretty reasonable return for an online HYIP. I wonder if it will help ProfitStars last longer than similar programs in the past but one thing is obvious for me – the program is really trying its best to stand out from the crowd. There are some interesting features available which will be further discussed in my coming review: the possibility of earning a $0.1 bonus simply for voting, the unique system of bonus 1%-3% on top of each of your reinvestments into the program, the possibility to invest into a special 4% daily for 90 days plan with principal returned at any time on request etc. I believe such innovative features can make ProfitStars which has been online for three days now one of the most popular short term programs online. Not to be biased I will let you read the first newsletter which was issued two days ago for yourself:
Hi and welcome! My Name is Michael and I am admin of the Profit-Stars.com high yield investment program.
I’d like to offer you a very simple beginners plan that is 36% daily for 3 days, meaning that you will be receiving your funds back together with profit on a daily basis getting 108% in total. Easy? Yeah, but this is just the beginning.
I will highly appreciate those members, committed to support ProfitStars in any possible way, let’s say, reinvesting. I decided, that Every reinvesting must be awarded with bonus: 1% plus to your deposit in the case of one reinvestment, 2% – in the case of two reinvestments, and if you make 3 to 5 reinvestments, you will receive 3%. That means, the longer you stay with the program, the higher return you acquire. For instance, if you have deposited $100, then withdrew $108, and you are happy, you would be able to make another one with 1% plus, so that you will initially have $101.00 on your deposit. If you make 3rd or further reinvestments, you will have $103.00, which is the base for calculating 36% daily.
Each time when you make reinvesting, you receive a star. All the stars are shown in your Member’s area. If you collect five stars in the program, you will be able to join my special plan, available for the most loyal members, which is 4% daily for 90 days with possibility to withdraw principal at any time.
As I mentioned above, every move toward program promoting will be highly appreciated and rewarded by me on your way to making the program spread to a wider audience. One of the principles laid in the base of the ProfitStars marketing plan is to pay for every payment proof posted by a member on the forums and monitors where ProfitStars is presented. You will get $0.10 for every post on your account automatically. No need to explain much how critical your support is. Just do it for ProfitStars and ProfitStars will do all for you to feel happy with your money making.
Of course, you will also be earning on referral commission, which is 3%. And I am going to begin a referral contest soon to boost program expand over the net and, at the same time, award the most active members. The terms of the contest will be announced nearest days. Also the contest will be announced for the most active posters and voters, and the prizes will be no doubt appreciable.
So join and stay in the line.
Kind regards, Michael.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
OilStructure, FreshReturn, Disalina, InWolton, OnyxInvClub, ReProFinance, GoldCollarInvest, BookmakerOffice, AvaInvestment, SevenStarProfit, FundsOMatic, FluxRates, FairHYIP, XaresFunds, PrivateDiamondClub, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment, CashMiner, DynFxTrade and RedOrchidInvest.

Tomorrow will see two posts, the first of which will be an interview with the admin of one of the most promising low-ROI programs of the summer – YamaFinance (reviewed here). Stay tuned as it will be an interesting read!

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