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27/02/2011. ProfiTaste Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everybody! After a couple of minor technical setbacks over the weekend – teething problems if you will – the most recent short term addition to the MNO monitoring list is now in full working order and ready for business. It’s called ProfiTaste and having launched only on Friday last it’s still a brand new opportunity for a fast couple of bucks for those who act on it.

There’s a lot of good groundwork gone into ProfiTaste in terms of payment processors, design, and a decent support network, so there’s no need to put too great a sense of urgency on it either. Most likely we can hope for a good number of weeks rather than days as a lifespan. But at the same time when it comes to short term HYIPs there’s no real reason to wait around too long either if you like what you see. And what you have on offer here is a series of paid on expiry plans. Nothing all that original it must be said – indeed a number of short term programs have had similar offers to ProfiTaste in the recent past – but what we have seen is that they can be extremely popular with fans of programs like this. As long as the admin has good intentions (we’ll see better evidence of that in about maybe another weeks or so) then it could well be a potential short term hit.

Four plans are available to choose from here, the shortest of which runs for just one single day. So by joining today you should be collecting your earnings by this time tomorrow. And that I know from experience is enough to get the attention of a lot of investors. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10, a fairly standard industry minimum at this stage I think. However the interest you will earn will be based on the amount you invest, with ProfiTaste rewarding the higher principal with the higher interest rate. Final payments made on expiry (after 1 day) all include the initial principal and are made at the following rates:
105% for deposits of $10 to $499, 106% on deposits between $500 and $999, and 107% on anything from $1000 to $1999.
Higher rates up to a maximum value of 128% are offered to larger deposits so check your members area if interested. Maximum deposit, for this and all ProfiTaste plans, is $60,000.

ProfiTaste‘s second plan also pays on expiry, this time after a 5 day investment term. You can join for the same $10 minimum, and for anything up to $1999 you will get back a payment, including your principal, of 128% interest. This is only very very marginally better than joining the one day plan and reinvesting the full payment received from that for five consecutive days, so realistically the only benefit is not having to withdraw every day. But there’s certainly not much of a reward in that sense for taking such a higher risk.
Higher rates of interest are also available to larger deposits. If that appeals to you then see the full list from inside your ProfiTaste members area. Maximum rate offered is 240%.

Next up is a plan that pays on expiry after a term of 10 days. For a minimum investment of $10 up to a maximum of $1,999 you can receive a once-off payment of 165% at the end of the term, which also includes your initial principal.
Again higher rates are applicable to higher deposits. The maximum rate is 500% so see inside the ProfiTaste website for further details.

The final option, and as is usually the case the one carrying the largest risk, pays on expiry after a 15 day investment term. You can join for $10 and for anything up to $2,999 receive 200% interest at the end, including your initial principal. Or in other words double your money.
Like the other plans, ProfiTaste also have higher rates up to a maximum of 800% on offer to those prepared to risk higher sums of money, so if you’re one of them then again you should see what’s on offer from within the members area.

So as you can see some of the investment plans are fairly high risk (well, I suppose they’re really only a risk if your spending more than you can afford) but if you stick to the more sensible ones then there’s no reason why the lower rates can’t be sustained for a good number of cycles. But getting back to the point I made at the start, ProfiTaste have a good variety of payment methods for you. AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, and the always welcome sight of SolidTrustPay make up the list. Payments to AP and LR are made instantly – something else that will bring in a fair number of members by itself – while payouts to GDP and STP are promised within not more than 24 hours.

As far as the design goes, ProfiTaste is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection and SSL encryption installed. To get in contact with the admin if you have any questions or support related issues then you can do so by filling out your details in the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. For a more personal touch you may prefer to speak directly to an operator, as ProfiTaste have several dedicated telephone lines offering support in many languages other than English, such as French, Russian, Italian, German, and Spanish. The program also features multi-lingual chat and all the most recent statistics on deposit and withdrawal stats are also on display.

Overall I have to say a bit more effort appears to have been made on this one that several other similar looking short term HYIPs, though that in no way removes the high risk attached to this or programs similar to ProfiTaste. In fact even if you were to believe the claims about the programs outside investment activities – in this case they mention among other things day trading – that still carries an enormous level of risk even in the world of offline business. Either way as no solid evidence is presented on these activities anyway (texts are not original and have been seen on older HYIPs) I still wouldn’t suggest you consider this as anything beyond a regular online HYIP. So if you are going to proceed with joining ProfiTaste, remember to first map out a realistic strategy. Keeping in mind that some of the plans being presented to you are at best unworkable, try and keep your expectations and your spending limits closer to the lower scale. By doing so you have, at the time of writing, every chance to earn an easy couple of dollars for yourself from this one. Just try to make a decision one way or another on if it’s suitable for you, and if it is then don’t wait around for too long just looking at it.


Staying on the topic of the above reviewed ProfiTaste I would like to clarify that the downtime yesterday putting the site offline for several hours was, according to the admin, caused by a huge DDoS-attack by their competitors. However currently (obviously!) it’s back online and paying instantly again. Moreover they re-installed SSL-encryption today of which they notified all members:
Hello Paul Abramson
SSL is now available for secure connection –”.

EliteAlliance remains one of the most popular programs with payouts on expiry offering 111% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 1 month, 260% after 2 months accepted for the deposits made via all the popular payment processors – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. The program already managed to get into the Top 10 on MNO monitor having been listed for just 3 weeks. EliteAlliance is actually quite different from the majority of HYIPs, the main difference being that you can join only by invitation from existing members (you can for instance use this link to join the program). then, given the closed nature of the program almost always instead of sending you regular newsletters the admin usually notifies you that you have something worth reading in your mailbox, so you could check your member’s area and find out what it was all about. The most recent newsletter which was published in the members’ area last night was mostly about the support requests which the admin seems to be really inundated with, so it was decided to add one more support staff member who will be answering basic questions from the members and lighten the workload on the admin Leon. Of course I support this decision, especially considering that Leon has already answered all the burning questions in my exclusive interview with him published here. And even before that interview I highlighted the most important features EliteAlliance has in my review of the program published here.
Anyway, back to the recent newsletter. Apart of some support changes it was also announced the first member’s poll will start tomorrow ( which can be accessed from your member’s area in EliteAlliance) and determine the future of the private investment forum where only a few members can see now.
Another important announcement from Leon concerned the deposits made directly to the program’s old LibertyReserve account avoiding the sign-ups. This practice will not be tolerated anymore and such deposits will be returned to their owners without any profits. So it’s much better for everybody to sign-up in EliteAlliance and start making money without any hassles. Judging by the plans outlined in the most recent newsletter from Leon I think EliteAlliance can expect a bright future ahead once all the improvements are implemented:
Update from Leon Reiter (Managing Director)
Dear Members, This is simply a short Update in order to let Everyone know what is going on around here these days.
I personally have been extremely busy this week due to numerous offline meetings and phone conferences. So, my apologies to all those of you who have tried to contact me unsuccessfully for the last few days.
Firstly, the most important thing… We aim to respond to all enquiries as soon as we can, but we receive a huge number of Support Requests every day. Seems like a lot of EliteAlliance Members open “High Priority” Support Tickets just to ask questions that have either been answered in the FAQs, or have zero discussion value and are just SPAM. Remember, other Members suffer from this! HIGH PRIORITY Support is the “911 Service” just for emergency issues, so please open your Support Tickets with appropriate Priority Levels.
Starting Monday, I will not be answering low-priority emails and handling Support Requests, as every second spent on these activities takes me away from doing something IMPORTANT that is required for us to continue to offer you a safe and risk free passive income opportunity. These activities will be assigned to our new Support Team member – Katrin. She is expecting a baby this August and some extra money is great for their family, so welcome aboard, Katrin!
Alex, of course, will still be putting as much effort into the common wealth as I am. As of now, there are 30+ Open Support Tickets which will be answered ASAP – your patience is appreciated.
Also, many people are still asking how they can gain access to Well, it was discussed before in another Update. You will be able to find the “Open Poll” link inside your Members Area on Monday 28 February. Then please click on the link and fill in the Voting form. The results will be collected in a public report at the end of the Poll. A majority of votes will decide whether the Private Forum will be open to new members.
In other news, I have been informed that our Facebook Fan page is almost live and will become visible in 3-5 days.
One last thing I would like to include is the fact that we are still receiving direct payments to our old Liberty Reserve account. All such payments will be reversed without notice and you will not receive any profit at all.
Please people, be informed that in order to gain profit you must first be a registered EliteAlliance member and be able to purchase Investment Contracts with the money available in your e-Wallet. Otherwise your money will not be used for trading and will be refunded.
Now I am going to continue with getting Pending Withdrawal Requests processed, so this should be done in less than an hour.
Thanks Everyone for being so supportive and patient. However, we are one HUGE family and everything being done behind the scenes is for Everyones benefit!
With best regards, Leon Reiter
Elite Group Managing Director”.

The next regular newsletter from the admin of ExoticFX Charles is entitled “Explosive First Week” though in my opinion a better name would be “Striving For Excellence”. It amazed me how even the slightest inconveniences for the members of ExoticFX which inevitably has to happen for every new program is treated with the utmost seriousness by Charles who takes every appropriate measure to rectify the situation and fix everything asap. Moreover, realizing that the complicated script which is unique to the program and has some many features not normally found in the HYIP industry Charles takes literally every opportunity to explain it in more detail while at the same time refusing to compromise the security of the website in favor of simplicity.
It looks like ExoticFX (reviewed here) paying on multiple plans with principal return on expiry (1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, 2% for 180 business days with daily payments, 1% daily for 2 weeks, 1.28% daily for 4 weeks, 1.55% daily for 6 weeks, 2.3% daily for 8 weeks with single payments on expiry) is regarded by many other HYIP admins as a direct threat. So despite being hosted on the same top-notch Swedish servers that also host the famous WikiLeaks site, the admin still decided to increase the security level to new heights. According to him, the program is going along nicely with over 600 members after a week online. And he promised to become the number one program online very soon proving that they have everything in place to succeed in this industry. ExoticFX is really striving for excellence in my opinion with a lot of exciting plans in the pipeline including the addition of Bank wires and more payment options besides AlertPay, LinertyReserve, HD-Money and GlobalDigitalPay, and the addition of trading newsletters and trading accounts where the members will see how ExoticFX makes money for them. I suggest to read the following newsletter in full to see what else this potential (indeed probable) future leader of the HYIP market has to offer you both now and in the coming weeks and months:
ExoticFX – Explosive First Week
Our first week has come and gone, and what a week it was. ExoticFX is progressing ahead of schedule and ahead of schedule is always good. So I thought I would write a more personal message to our members this time just to enlighten you on where we have been, where we are now and where we are going.
Our First Week
With every new endeavor there road can be, let us say…a little rocky.
Prior to launch we did our homework, we searched forums, spoke with moderators, researched past program archives and discussed the options. We feel we did a much better than average job, but not perfect.
Since our launch we have experienced a couple of issues.
First we had some issues with the API’s used to Masspay via LR and AP. On a couple of occasions LR sent us the same batch number twice which caused some members to reflect as paid in our script while actually not receiving the withdraw profits. This has been corrected and will no longer be an issue. The 4 or 5 members that experienced this were paid.
Secondly, we had a similar problem at AP. This was our fault as we failed to properly research the AP masspay system and did not realize that they had an IPN system for returning information regarding payouts. Again, this problem has been corrected and will no longer be an issue.
Thirdly, We had a handful of deposits arrive in our system that did not populate the ExoticFX member’s account. On a couple of occasions this was simply typical computer packet transfer loss. On another instance it was caused by propagation timing while we were re-pointing our DNS.
Even though there were only a few, and I mean less than 10 with all errors listed above, affected, we aren’t willing to allow any discrepancies in our system to remain. Since the inception of these errors and upon the insistence of our accounting staff, we have created an automated cross verification system that will be implemented that will ease the process. This will allow us to upload the ecurrency history into our script to mechanically verify all deposits and withdraws have been processed properly. Any discrepancies will be immediately dealt with. No other script has this feature.
Fourthly, We survived our first DDoS attack. Less than a full week old we had a DDoS attack against our program. It amazes me that our program was attacked at such an early stage. The natives are already getting restless it appears.
Finally, We made an upgrade to our DDoS protection which required the re-pointing of our DNS. When we did this we experienced some down time as well as an aggravation of our Keycode system. Members were not able to access the site for a several hours. Because of the mishap, and, because several members have a hard time keeping track of the expired keycodes, we have added a feature to your members area that displays the most recent expired keycodes. Now you will have a referrance. If at any time you are experiencing an ‘Authentication Failed’ error message, …..
ONLY two situations will cause this error message.
1. Using an expired ONE-TIME use Keycode.
2. Improper input of the captcha words.
Both have relatively simple solutions.
The Captcha system we employ is the highest security available. Yes it is hard to read sometimes. But it is simple to refresh until an easier to read set of words are displayed. Hopefully you agree, the better security is worth it.
Our Keycode system provides a higher level of security than ANY of the ecurrencies/processors we accept. There is NOT ONE other program around that provides a higher level of security than ExoticFX. I agree, the keycodes can be difficult to keep up with. But we have installed a reminder inside your accounts to provide you with a list of the last used keycodes and they are automatically sent by email when they are all used.
Be certain and review the ‘expired keycodes’ reminder inside your account. When in doubt, simply request more. Once requested, the old keycodes are automatically forced to expire, the new arrive by email and are ready to be used.
Online investment programs, and their members, are bombarded with hacking attempts, ddos attacks, keylogger attempts, phishing emails etc. Providing the best security to be found, ensuring the safety of your funds and sometimes protecting ourselves from ourselves can, should, and i am sure will, at the very least, provide most of us with a lessened level of anxiety.
More security is….Just better!
Our first week, in spite of the above, has been an overall Extreme Success.
We have an Alexa Ranking for the month of 49189.
We have 629 members.
We have a total of over $90,000.00 invested.
I would venture to say that is not a bad first week. We are already being recognized as ‘The One to Watch’ by many of the top players. We have no doubt we will quickly climb the ranks as we become the top Program of this year and years to come. This statement is not made lightly or just to hear myself say it. We will not stop, we will not fail. We will become the number one program available and that is a promise. You watch! I can guarantee the competition is!
Where we are headed.
In our Design, and on our Journey of becoming ‘Numero Uno’, we realize we now have a road ahead that must be paved. No more ‘Rocky Road’ for us. And as you can clearly see, we are well on our way!
We have the Most Secure Investment platform on the Net!
We have a Successful Track Record we have Absolute Faith in!
We have Un-Rivaled Support from a huge staff of tireless individuals that want nothing more than to assist you in any challenge you could possibly face.
We have our Senior Market Analyst, Joshua Clements as well as one of our Top Analysts John Hobbs and myself who have many ideas to implement in an effort to assist you in your individual and ExoticFX related trading endeavors. Just to name a few. Over the coming weeks and months, we will implement the following;
1) Bank Wire transfers
2) Additional Ecurrency platforms as method of payment / participation
3) A Progression Chart that will show our gains and losses on a daily basis
4) A ‘Top 20 Traders’ page displaying the Highest deposits of our ExoticFX members along with their ExoticFX Trading Account Investment Choices, Compounding and Reinvestment selections, Total Withdrawn and overall gain.
5) A Weekly Trading Newsletter designed to assist you in becoming an independent investor.
6) Personal Trading accounts to allow you to utilize our brokers to place your personal or individual trades.
7) An upgrade to ‘Our Favorite Places’ allowing us to display ideas and suggestions on where to find products and solutions for Asset protection, Offshore Investing Strategies, PC Security, Protecting you ‘way of life’ in the coming Global Recession. And many more areas of assistance.
These are just a few of the ideas that you will see being implemented as we move forward in becoming the Top Online Investment program on the Net!
You can clearly see that we are serious in our endeavors and will, if we are not already, become a force to be reckoned with.
The Exotic Side of Forex
ExoticFX – Just Profits!
Charles Martinsen. ExoticFX Admin”.

Good news for the members of InvestPlatforms (reviewed here). Today I finally received my pending withdrawal from the program which was requested 5 days ago. The administration team are currently fulfilling the promise made in the last newsletter published on the site. Of course it might not be such a bad start for the recovery process, but I’m quite concerned if everybody is receiving their payouts. Might it be that the administration is processing selective payouts just to get their positive status from monitors back? I would appreciate if the members of the program updated me on their payouts they may or may not have received from InvestPlatforms today. This will definitely help me in determining the current status of the program which is now set to Paying on MNO.

Unfortunately, it looks like CarInvestment and EuropeInv simultaneously stopped the formerly instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors. Only AlertPay withdrawals are being processed instantly now. This actually confirms the theory that those two programs were run by the same administration team as suggested by many investors. There were just way too many similarities in the design, hosting and plans to deny it, and now we have just another confirmation of that – both programs stopped paying on the same day. Of course we cannot say that CarInvestment or EuropeInv were bad programs. Quite the opposite – they were pretty damn good. Both programs lasted for 25 days with CarInvestment offering 105% after 1 day and EuropeInv with 108% after 2 days. So they actually achieved a level other HYIPs could only dream of. Surely, it’s sad to see them go, but many investors made good profits from them and I believe they were fair games. We should probably expect payments to AletrPay to continue for a day or two but they will stop soon enough once the account empties, so stop investing now if you don’t want to lose your money later. Both CarInvestment and EuropeInv have been moved to Problem status on MNO monitoring and all their banners have been removed as well.

There was another program added to MNO Premium list today called FixedMonthlyIncome. This is a very interesting program offering 10% monthly interest on deposits starting from $1,000 which will be paid to you indefinitely until you request your principal back. Apart from the huge minimum required to join, FixedMonthlyIncome only accept Bank wires which can be made via the form provided on their site. There is also a system of bonuses that you will receive every three months to encourage you stay with the program in the long term and which will be further discussed in my detailed upcoming review. Note also that the minimum to withdraw in FixedMonthlyIncome program is $500 which will also be processed via Bank wire, so if you invest say $1,000 you will not be able to withdraw on a monthly basis unless you go with a principal+profit withdrawal. I don’t know who would ever deposit such huge money in an HYIP with such low monthly returns but the aim of the program is obviously to distance itself from their competitors. Personally I don’t know any other HYIP apart from FixedMonthlyIncome which accepts exclusively Bank Wire and WesternUnion transfers. Anyway, at first glance on the website it looks nice but access is kinda intermittent at the moment. FixedMonthlyIncome is hosted on a dedicated Piradius server but no DDoS-protection has been installed. The admin of the program assured me though that they are currently working on that and choosing from among the top service providers on the market. I hope by the time FixedMonthlyIncome is reviewed on my blog they will already have it installed.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
ExtraIncome, EliteAlliance, Escaliva, ForexTradingTeam, ProfiTaste, OilCapital, Agromatica, GorgonProjectInvest, CorpBayGroup, FutureTrails, GainBucks, InvestPlatforms, ViscoCorp and MidasGoldFund.

That’s all the new for today, guys. See you all tomorrow, when the new and hopefully successful business week starts. Stay with MNO at all times for the most up-to-date information from anywhere in the HYIP industry on a daily basis!

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