Mar 9th, 2011 Archives

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Hi everyone! Before tonight’s news, hot off the presses as they say, I want to take a closer look at one of the latest batch of HYI programs to be added to the MNO monitoring list. In this case it’s going to be SparkMetals, a brand new long term investment website that only started taking deposits yesterday. And as I’m sure most of you will be aware by now that despite the risks connected with this industry, if anyone is going to make a profit from SparkMetals it’s the ones who join early that will be the ones who profit most.

Choosing to join up or not is going to be a fairly straight forward decision for you – SparkMetals only offer one single investment plan so it either suits you or it doesn’t. But in the world of longer term HYIPs it does offer quite a high rate of interest in comparison to some of it’s competitors and should put you in profit in a time period that, relative to the length of the actual plan itself, is quick enough.

It’s affordable enough for just about any regular industry player to join, SparkMetals requiring a minimum of $10 for an investment. You are free of course to spend more if you want to, with a $10,000 ceiling put on deposits. The plan then runs for 120 calendar days and makes daily payments of 2.5% interest on your investment. At the end of the term your principal should then be returned.

So if we look at a practical example of let’s say a $100 investment that should bring you in a payment of $2.50 per day, adding up to $17.50 per week and allowing you to break even after 40 calendar days into the total 120 day term. After that you’re in profit and if the program goes the distance then your final profit from SparkMetals should amount to $300. Your initial hundred is then added to that. One thing that you need to watch very carefully however if you are a small investor is the payout minimum. The minimum withdrawal from the program is $1, so if you want to take full advantage of the daily payouts that means you are going to have to have a principal of at least $40 (2.5% of which is your $1 minimum).

The list of payment methods is up to a reasonable enough standard for the industry. AlertPay is there if you want a verified processor with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney available for those you prefer anonymity. Payouts are processed manually and will need to be requested. Once made the SparkMetals admin requires up to 48 hours to have them completed. And if you’re a fan of compounding then you’ll be able to use it if you want when making a deposit.

SparkMetals are hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with protection and support from Koddos. They are however not using SSL encryption. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and contact with the admin if you have any further questions or support related issues is through a support ticket submission form.

On the business side of things SparkMetals are supposedly involved in the trading of precious metals. A claim I’ll take lightly by the way as it’s unsubstantiated, and the texts are not original having been used by others in the HYIP industry before. But the website is very well planned and organized. The fact that they only opened for business yesterday means that your best chances of profiting from the program are if you join now and get in on the ground floor as they say. And as usual an investment with SparkMetals carries no guarantees and is best used as a small part of a wider more diverse portfolio with a sensible and affordably sized deposit.


Let’s start our news updates with a very welcome update from the admin of GreenBackShares Jeremy (interviewed here) which was later confirmed by MNO readers. It looks like all the pending and anticipated LibertyReserve withdrawals have been paid already, so officially we can say that GreenBackShares is back to normal. Of course it will take them some time to actually move the site to a custom-made script which they definitely need to do if they want to be assured that the situation that arose last week will never happen again. I remind you that constant hacking attempts resulting in the theft of some LibertyReserve funds was detected by Jeremy last week forcing him to first totally remove the site from the server to assure the security is up to highest level again, and then put the site back after disabling instant withdrawals. LibertyReserve funds then had to be replenished, with Jeremy exchanging them from a number of sources. Clearly this was successful because already last night I got paid from GreenBackShares to LR myself and was contacted by a few readers confirming they had gotten paid in full as well. More about the current issues with GreenBackShares can be read in the full live chat transcript with Jeremy which was held on MNO Chat last Friday and is available on my forum here. If you want to know more about the investment plans offered by GreenBackShares please refer to my detailed review of the program published here. And this is the latest update from the program posted on the site today:
All pending withdrawals paid – Mar 9, 2011
Dear members, as some of you may have already noticed, we have paid out all pending withdrawal requests this evening.
We hope this wait time was not too long and once again, we want to reassure you that things are looking up for us.
We will be migrating our website to a custom-build engine next week and from that moment on, we will be back with the GreenBackShares you were used to.

I’m glad to report that MNO Monitoring has a new leader now. The #1 program last night became ExtraIncome (reviewed here). For over three months the program has been paying instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on three investment plans with payouts on expiry – 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days – and for only 7 weeks monitoring on MNO it managed to achieve such a high status. I remind you that it’s not that easy to achieve a high rank on MNO Monitoring due to serious competition from other HYI programs. The higher rank means that a program managed to generate higher ref commissions which in turn indicates the level of popularity among my readers. So not only has ExtraIncome managed to become the highest earning program (currently) on my list at the time of writing, it’s also the most popular amongst readers. This is great news but we shouldn’t to forget that to achieve this the admin of ExtraIncome Phil (interviewed here) had to work hard and provide constant payouts to members. And as I can see from their own forum where I registered last night there are a lot of satisfied customers there. I sincerely congratulate Phil on this achievement with MNO and hope that ExtraIncome will continue its great job for a long time. Of course, three months online is a wonderful achievement but it’s also quite a long term for any short-term the program, so it might have some new challenges ahead but hopefully the growth can be sustained even further and the members will keep getting their payments instantly for a long time ahead.

ExtraIncome has managed to surpass the old leader of MNO Ranking GainBucks (reviewed here) from the top spot which they occupied for a number of months. It’s still popular of course but in my opinion GainBucks is going to close within the next couple of months. Why do I think so?
Well, first of all, I would like to remind that the program has been paying for nearly 6 months and for this time not a single complaint was received by me and all those who invested in the original plan offering 1% for 500 days are getting paid fast and with no issues. As you know, GainBucks introduced a few new plans offering quite sustainable returns of 12%-18% for 10 days and as far as I know everybody also got paid fine from this plan as well. But as this was a limited offer which we knew from the start and yesterday that offer expired and the plan is not valid anymore. However, another plan was launched instead offering 20%-30% daily returns for 30 days. Now can you see the difference between 20% profit after 10 days and 600% profit after 30 days? If the first rate can be sustained for as long as it was, the second rate is in no way so achievable, and I’m afraid that the members who are tempted by such high returns will lose their money and the profits they were going to receive will not be paid to them under any circumstances (you can read more in this article describing the same tactics used by the admin of EzProfit in the past). Especially, the new offer from GainBucks seems too good to be true if we take a look at its minimum deposit of $500 which is the price of one share which limited edition was allegedly issued for the first lucky investors. I honestly think it’s a trap so I would not recommend joining it, however I don’t any reason to panic either because all the investors in the 1% for 500 days plan are still getting paid perfectly well. Here are the latest updates from GainBucks published on its site:
10 Days Plans CLOSED
10 Days plans closed as we already reached the investment limit. Please do not invest or it will be returned back to your account balance without interest.
30 Days Plans Launched
We pay up to 30% daily to your account daily for 30 days. Total 900% return.
Principal Deposit and interest rate GUARANTEED. Limited invest amount offered, will be closed for invest once the units are sold out. Only 10000 available. 1 unit = $500. Investment must be multiple of $500.

It looks like the admin of SilverDigger Thomas has decided to pull the plug on his program and stopped paying. Well, he even gave the excuse that his LR account to which the deposits have been made during the last few days was somehow changed, allegedly due to some GoldCoders hacking. Well, if you ask me I think it’s total nonsense. First of all I find it impossible to believe that an admin dealing almost exclusively with LibertyReserve deposits could actually go for 5 days without realizing that nothing was reaching him. It would have to be laziness or stupidity of the highest order, but in any event I don’t believe either. The other reason is because so far nobody in SilverDigger which lasted barely for over a month was in profit. Paying 2% on every business day you could barely recoup even half of your principal had you joined even at the very beginning. Providing the admin’s story of GC hacking is true I don’t see why the program couldn’t continue since the account for actually processing withdrawals was not hacked. The funds of the investors are safe and in the admin’s hands, so if he was really honest he could refund at least the principal to his investors. I acknowledge that the new deposits have been disabled in SilverDigger now which is at least something commendable, but the admin’s actions are still questionable. And until proven otherwise I will consider SilverDigger as a total failure coming from a totally incompetent admin where not a single member was in profit and bore only losses. I think such programs have no right to exist in the HYIP industry where every investor should have a fair chance to gain some profits. Anyway, the fact is SilverDigger has been officially closed and here is the farewell newsletter from the admin, if you’re bothered to read his nicely written stories:
Hello everyone,
I am extremely shocked and am not sure how to react to this situation at this moment. The GC script of SilverDigger has been hacked and the hacker had changed our LR account of receiving deposits. This has been done almost 4-5 days back and I was not aware of this till today because I didn’t login to our Liberty Reserve account in the last few days. I just logged into the admin panel and processed the withdrawal requests even yesterday. Today when I logged in to Liberty Reserve, I was shocked to find that the LR balance was quite low, and so when I checked the history I found that last few days deposits I have not received in my account. Only after this I realized what has happened. Our LR account for receiving deposits and making payments always was U1845951. I found that the account number was changed to U2858153. U2858153 is not my account – those who have made deposits in last few days would have made to this account which is the hacker’s account. I am really not sure how to deal with this situation now. I was advised of the danger of GC script and we were seriously looking forward to move away from this script, but this incident has happened before I could do so. I sincerely apologize to all the investors of SilverDigger. I have disabled all deposits as soon as I realized what has happened and we cannot continue with our investment program in this situation.
I really am terribly sorry as I realize that if I had been more vigilant, I could have limited the damage done earlier before it was too late. All I can do now is to try to assess the damage done and decide on the future course of action.

EliteAlliance (reviewed here) is still going strong and paying fine on all the investment plans on offer – 111% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 1 month, and 260% after 2 months. You might remember that I reported yesterday that I recently had been paid on expiry of the 1-month plan and that EliteAlliance had finally made it into the Top 5 of the most popular programs on MNO after being monitored for just 32 days. In the latest update from EliteAlliance (which is a private investment club which can be joined via this link) the admin of the program Leon who was earlier interviewed on MNO (read the interview here) announced that despite his business trips and events scheduled for the next few weeks putting him on a very tight schedule it was decided to record another Live video or audio interview where the admins will reply to any questions you might have about EliteAlliance or its future plans. Every member can now submit their questions for the upcoming conference by clicking the link “Ask Admin” which is located in top left side of your member’s menu. Generally I’m quite satisfied that EliteAlliance recently decided to become more open to its current members and according to the results of the latest poll where you can still vote but which will soon finish the active members of EliteAlliance will gain access to the program’s own private forum very soon. In addition to that, a conference room for the members of EliteAlliance (I imagine it will be a similar analogue to MNO Chat) will be open in the near future which the admin also talked about in the most recent newsletter which I’m republishing below:
Important Update
Hello Everyone,
It is Leon here. This is just a short update on what is going on around here these days…
We have an awful lot of work ahead of us this month to get ready for the upcoming conferences and meetings. It is just two weeks before the 2-day National Asset-Liability Management conference in London, which I will be attending on 24th & 25th March 2011. A week later, I will be at Marriott Hotel in Brussels preparing for the 17th Annual Risk Europe Conference – the European premier risk management event.
These are just some of the major events. Besides, there is a number of meetings and conferences to attend here in Austria.
Last week I received an offer from one of the Members to record an audio or video version of the interview and answer any questions EliteAlliance Members may have presently. Although I am extremely busy with my workload this week, it is very important for me to take time aside to respond to the call and give Members an opportunity to ask questions directly to Administration. Thus, if you feel you have a question that deserves to be included in the upcoming LIVE Interview, please either submit it from within your Members Area or send it by Email ( The easiest way is to simply click the “Ask Admin” link on the left to submit your question. I will try to answer every question that is submitted, but the most interesting ones are guaranteed to be included.
Next, we are adding a new feature – Live Conference. It will let Members stay in touch and communicate by voice, video and instant messaging chat. The website will soon be updated to include new links to our Conference Room, Private Forum and several others. The Open Poll will soon be closed, as about 60% of members has already expressed their views. The report will be published at the end and the Forum will become accessible to more people.
The last thing for today… I have just received a list of Pending Withdrawal Requests and will have them completed within an hour or so.
Now, I MUST get back to work… People, please do not hesitate to submit your questions for the Interview if you have any. Have nice profits Everyone!
Best regards, Leon Reiter
Elite Group Managing Director”.

The programs that paid me for the last 24 hours are:
MidasGoldFund, GorgonProjectInvest, BestProfitInv, ExtraIncome, ImperialFund, AssetManagement, GreenBackShares, ForexTradingTeam, DenXon, OilCapital, ExoticFX, Agromatica, CorpBayGroup, GainBucks, FondosMayores, UnicornInv, EliteAlliance, FirstMonetaryFund, ViscoCorp, SparkMetals (the first payments received) and FundOfProfit (the first instant payments received).

FundOfProfit is the newest addition to the MNO Premium list and a program offering instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney account holders with a $10 minimum to participate. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, has SSL-encryption for security and is hosted on a dedicated server protected by AntiDdos company which also hosted several other popular short-term games. FundOfProfit just launched less than 24 hours ago and the first payouts for the hourly plan which is the best in my opinion have been already processed. The investment plans include four options: 4.36%-5.6% hourly for 24 hours, 105%-129% after 1 day, 140%-400% after 7 days, and 180%-2200% after 30 days. The afore mentioned plans will be more closely analyzed in the upcoming review of FundOfProfit which is scheduled to be published on MNO by tomorrow. So stay tuned for that, guys!

That’s about all for tonight I think. I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow and really hope you agree that you will stay better informed if you read MNO on a regular basis!

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