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01/06/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hi guys! I hope you’re doing well and looking forward to the summer as today is the first day of June. As you know summers are usually slow periods for the HYIP industry and some people even suggest that there are many scams appearing during this period. Well, I can say that the last two summers for me were totally different. And if the summer of 2010 was really awful and the industry was at a standstill after the closure of several giant programs in early 2010 the summer of 2009 was really great and there were many good quality short-term programs especially towards the end of it. As you can see summers are different and I expect this one to be something in the middle – surely it won’t be as exciting as 2009 but it will definitely not be as bad as last year. And of course, by reading MNO on a daily basis you will be able to choose the HYIPs that you like, avoid the ones you don’t, and try your luck in them.

So let’s start today’s update with probably one of the most gradually growing programs that’s been paying for six months now – UnicornInv. The program was first reviewed on MNO way back in December 2010 (read the review here) and the admin of the program Thomas was interviewed later this February (read the interview here). Honestly, I didn’t believe that UnicornInv could last for so long even by paying such low returns of 1% on every business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the option of withdrawing the principal after 180 business days. UnicornInv accepts SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the minimum to invest is quite a moderate $20. In the interview Thomas said that he didn’t even consider adding AlertPay to the accepted payment processors list, and I believe that was due to a bad previous experience with them. As you know AlertPay recently put an end to what could potentially have been the best program year in ExoticFX, destroyed a promising short-term program EarnMoneyMarket, and tried their best (but thankfully failed) to take down GorgonProjectInvest. So UnicornInv obviously chose the path of slow and sustainable growth which was pretty successful and brought it to #3 in the MNO rankings of the most popular programs online. The admin is known for issuing updates quite rarely and only when the need arises. So I believe yesterday was a day when the next newsletter was needed to be released. The reason behind it was the celebration of 6 months online which in itself is a wonderful achievement, especially within this period when the vast majority of HYIPs struggle to survive for one month. The strategy seems to have worked well and will be a good example for other admins that running a successful program for a long time would be more profitable for them than to create fast scams five times a week. Anyway, reputation is what matters here and it looks like the admin of UnicornInv realizes this like nobody else. I would like to congratulate him and the members of UnicornInv on such a great achievement and hope that I am repeating this message in another six months from now.

In the latest email from UnicornInv Thomas apparently decided to make the program more known to others by announcing a referral contest where every member of the program can participate. I’m just quite discouraged with the main prizes the five most active referrers with the biggest number of active referrals will get – in total the prize will be $1500 paid directly to the winners e-currency account. I mean it’s great if you win it but I just hope that the financial condition of UnicornInv really allows the admin to spend so much money on attracting the new members and that it will not affect the sustainability of the program in the long run. Anyway, the contest will last for the whole month of June and the winners will be announced in July. If you want to try your luck with UnicornInv please read the full details here:
30 May 2011 – Newsletter
Dear Clients. We are glad to announce the accomplishment of being online and at your service for six months as of today!
To celebrate this achievement with you, our valued clients, we are going to have a great referral contest, which will commence today and will continue for the whole month of June. At the end of the contest we will give away five cash prizes to its lucky winners.
Refer to Win! Invite friends, family and colleagues to UnicornInv, and win prizes. The member who invited the most active referrals to UnicornInv will be awarded the First Prize. The member who invited the second most active referrals will be awarded the second prize and so forth…
As we all know, there are no contests without rules. Please note the terms and conditions of our referral contest as follows:
1. All members of UnicornInv can take part in this contest. You do not need to have an active investment to participate.
2. Only referrals with an active investment will be counted.
3. Only referrals referred as from today, May 30th until June 30th will be counted.
4. You are not allowed to open accounts referring yourself.
5. The winners will be announced during the first week of July.
The prizes offered for the winners will be:
1st prize $500, 2nd prize $400, 3rd prize $300, 4th prize $200, 5th prize $100
As mentioned before, the prizes are cash prizes and will be paid direct into your payment processor account.
We invite all our clients to take part in this competition and wish you the best of luck in winning one of our prizes. Let the good time roll!
Finally, allow me to say thank you to each of you for being with UnicornInv!
With best regards,
Thomas Andersen & Team”.

Quite a lengthy newsletter was also received yesterday from the admin of PrimFix Derek. He was interviewed on MNO just yesterday and part of the update was dedicated to this. I hope you will find the answers to some of your questions in this interview posted here. For those already familiar with the interview will also find something new in the most recent update from PrimFix which is paying on three investment plans on expiry – 120% after 15 days, 160% after 30 days, 210% after 45 days – and accepts all the popular payment processors with a $10 minimum – AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. So, you will also find information on:
1) some advertising tools to better promote PrimFix,
2) more reviews of PrimFix were announced,
3) a reminder on the ongoing contest for the best testimonials,
4) members promotional activities on Facebook and Twitter was encouraged,
5) some stats were provided according to which PrimFix already has over 1700 members and over $120K in deposits after less than two months online,
6) betting activities where they allegedly make money for its members were explained,
7) two more images of the distribution of the program’s funds were presented,
8) a lot of satisfaction was expressed by the admin on how his program is progressing.
These were just main points of the most recent newsletter from PrimFix (reviewed here) and if you want to read more please keep reading for the latest news from Derek:
Dear members,
As promised, here is a newsletter with our monthly results. Before we start, I would like to ask you to support us, at a little battle going on at the InvestelLife blog. Please vote for us so that more people will hear about PrimFix and join our great team!
Also, the famous hyip blog and monitor Money-News-Online interviewed us this week. We covered some very nice topics on it, so there might be something you’d like to know about us but never asked. You can read it here: Another review was posted at MonetaryPress, they also said some really nice words and facts about PrimFix. We are pretty sure that blog will be among the most popular in the industry soon. As usual, if the reviews and interviews available don´t answer your questions about the program, please contact us through our live chat in the main site or through our support ticket system, in either English or French.
Check our new advertising tools too, we have just updated it with text links, they are catchy slogans for PrimFix that will make you feel like putting one of them in your forum signatures! Since we´re talking about promotions, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook, these social networks are very powerful advertising tools and we’ll start some huge campaigns on it very soon! Start following us and recommend it to your family and friends, I am sure most of them will love the idea of making a 60% profit in only 30 days, right?
Also, keep checking our Ongoing Promotions page on a weekly basis, we will launch a new promotion this week, you can check this page here:
Let´s start with the results now, PrimFix has over 1700 registered members, and a bit over 2000 if we count PrimFix Lite deposits. We had a very busy month when it comes to betting and it paid off. We are still far away from our goals, so we´ll probably have no rest while you enjoy your summer vacation this year! We have over $120,000 in deposits at the moment and our cash flow is amazing, which allows us to keep money in our Bookmaker accounts. We had to withdraw some funds back a few times this month, that really amazes us.
Since we have a lot of money being deposited now, it’s a lot easier to make arbitrage bets and that is what we are focusing in at the moment, we expect to minimize the risk involved in our bets in 5-15% from now and on. Many members asked how we don’t get caught and we learned it with time. Now we place arbitrage bets among usual bets!
Our funds distribution and total profit in the past 30 days are shown in the graphs below:
As the graph above shows, our total profit was of about 60%. Some people may think that we made only enough to pay plan B profits but that is not true. Investments expired in the first weeks of May were paid using profits generated in the last weeks of April so we were able to pay all the profits and still have a positive cash flow. It might be a little confusing but we are making more than what we offer you, that is great because we can place bigger and bigger arbitrage bets every month and still have a backup fund!
May was a very special month in the sports betting market, there were many big and profitable events including the UEFA Champions League final which I’m sure a big part of our members watched! It was a great month in terms of profit made and goals achieved for PrimFix, I could make a list of dozens, if not hundreds of places where our program is listed, there’s a huge list of blogs, monitors and forums who listed us, people are talking about PrimFix everywhere and in all languages over the Internet.
All your efforts in promoting PrimFix are appreciated, you’re all doing a great job and we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I hope you were satisfied with our monthly results and please don’t forget to dedicate a few seconds of your time to vote for us at InvestelLife’s battle and post in forums or monitors.
Have a great week everyone,
Best wishes, Derek”.

For the last few days I received a few complaints about the inability of some members of EliteAlliance (reviewed here) to access their accounts in the program due to the fact that they forgot their secondary passwords which they themselves set up in the first place. I am aware that EliteAlliance is paying on all its plans on expiry – 111% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 1 month, 260% after 2 months – so the members can forget the password between the time they join and the time they have to make a withdrawal in order to get paid. However, this is not an excuse in my opinion as its solely the members’ responsibility to remember that important info. These passwords are there to provides you the necessary level of protection from unauthorized access to your account in EliteAlliance and withdrawing your money without you knowing it. According to one of the co-admins of EliteAlliance Alex he simply couldn’t stood and watch how the program was blamed for lost password and inability of the administration to issue the new secondary passwords. So in order to avoid such an unfortunate situation in the future and avoid any problems the administration is currently working on adding a series of questions when new members of EliteAlliance (since EA is a private investment club you can only sign up on the invitation of existing members – to join under me click this link) will be able to set up some security questions the answers to whose will have to be provided in case members forget their secondary. According to the admin this is a time consuming process and also the main reason why payouts can be slightly delayed now. Members were promised to be rewarded for their patience during recovery process with the interest credited for the missed days while the impatient ones will only have their principal handed back without interest. Alex also reminds us about the terms of service every member had to agree with prior to joining the club and promised that more payment options would be available by the end of the week. I remind you that at this moment you can invest in EliteAlliance starting from a $10 minimum via four different payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. More updates from another co-admin of the program Leon (he was interviewed by MNO here by the way) should be expected by the members of EliteAlliance within the next 24 hours. And in the meantime please read the latest update concerning the secondary password issue and the pending solution below:
Update from Alex Reiter
Dear Business Partners,
After all the recent events, I just cannot remain indifferent to what is happening in some online communities and forums.
I am the second administrator of EliteAlliance and I feel that I have a right to post this.
I was simply shocked by the way some people can be so negative to the whole EliteAlliance and the job Leon does for all the members.
What in the world would affect some of the members to start blaming Leon for such issues as a SECONDARY PASSWORD LOSS?
Leon agreed to help all those members who lost their secondary passwords not only to issue new passwords, but also to credit their accounts with interest for the full period of time.
And now some of these people try to blame the administration for the delay with this.
Imagine the situation where hackers steal your primary password. They will be able to log in to your account, but not able to withdraw your money or change your e-currency account.
But if they recover your secondary password on the first demand then anyone having your primary password can access your secondary password.
And eventually, what’s the sense of having an additional level of security provided by means of SECONDARY PASSWORD???
As we started this process of recovering, we encountered 4 attempts to obtain a new secondary password to withdraw members’ funds to a front account.
This can happen when a member’s computer gets infected by a Trojan virus. Then a hacker can simply access the email account of a victim, e-currency accounts and so on.
After all, we are in the process of upgrading our website so that any member can recover his/her secondary password by using SECURITY QUESTIONS.
These Security Questions will be set only once during registration by new members. As for the other members, they will receive new secondary passwords.
The most patient members will receive their extra (bonus) earnings, but some impatient members (thankfully only 0.01% of the membership) will receive their initial amounts only.
I would recommend that the most impatient members read (and learn) our Terms of Agreement page at:
Please pay attention to the following General Policies points:
2. You are responsible for all activity performed online under your password.
5. EliteAlliance will ensure full confidentiality of all personal information and financial data.
10. EliteAlliance reserves the right to terminate service based on a contract violation or the improper use of the service.
Please understand that this only concerns IMPATIENT Members. Our ESTEEMED Members (those who understand the situation and are showing their patience) should not in any way feel that this message pertains to them.
The whole latest delay with payouts is related ONLY to the above situation as we are clearing up database and the system in order to help and protect our members who lost their secondary passwords.
This delay has absolutely nothing to do with our financial situation. Our turnaround totals half a million euros a day, we have millions in assets only in our trade/bank accounts.
And we will sustain for a long time in spite of everything. We are safe as always and will stay that way for years to come.
The last, but not the least. Leon will come up with an extensive update within the next 24 hours. And by the way, we will have some new payment methods by Friday.
In the end we will have everything back to normal in a matter of days.
Take care and best regards,
Alex. Elite Group”.

MAHIFund (reviewed here) successfully completed the first shortest cycle of 1%-1.5% for 15 days by having paid all the requested principals instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as usual. During the next 24 hours there will be a 5% bonus available for any investors making a $100 or more deposit in one of the available plans – 1%-1.5% for 15 days (principal back), 2%-2.5% for 25 days (principal back), 170%-180% after 30 days (principal included). An interview with the admin of MAHIFund Anuschka was published on MNO blog recently and can be read here. This is the latest short notification from her that appears when you try to access your MAHIFund account:
We have now more than 1000 customers registered and today our first investors started to completed their first cycle of investment. In order to celebrate this Special day all deposit over $100 made in the next 24 hours will be awarded with 5% bonus.
By the way, I was one of those who received my principal instantly from MAHIFund last night and hopefully it’s just a beginning of a long lifecycle and the profits the program is going to bring to its investors.

As promised a few weeks ago the administration of FondosMayores (now calling itself “B Club” for some reason) announced the temporary suspension of crediting members accounts with daily profits. At the same time it was not noticed that for some weird reason the program will gladly accept new deposits while this continues. What is the point of that is the program is going to be restructuring? In my honest opinion, this excuse was given because FondosMayores is ready to scam now and will use these few weeks to collect more deposits before vanishing into thin air. FondosMayores has been a good program so far paying in time for seven months but we can’t deny the fact that such a move simply cannot be taken by its members positively. I don’t know if the admin will keep his promise and the program will get back to work on June, 24th as promised in the following newsletter, but for now I would not recommend investing in FondosMayores and the program will stay On Hold on my monitoring until payments resume (I will keep you updated on that on MNO):
Dear clients
We would like to welcome the new “B Club” members, and also say a warm hello to our current long term clients.
It has been awhile since our last update, we have been working hard to restructure for the new B Club members, it has been a lot of work and very crazy as there are many accounts that need to be added and then corrected to reflect balance and positions.
As we talked about in the last update we are thinking it is better to take some downtime to make the corrections. As you can imagine it is difficult to operate the database and correct accounts, move accounts, update passwords, ticket support etc.
What the team has decided to do is take a break starting on May 30th, and then business would resume again on June 24th. During this time the site will be available and all will function as usual. However during this period the database will be being reworked and so there will be no interest payments during this period: during the restructure and “house cleaning” phase.
During this time frame we will also be working on upgrades on portfolios, and interacting with clients to make proper corrections, and so really it is not a holiday, but a time to make things stronger for the future.
Keep in mind that support systems will remain in place and so if there are any questions they will be replied to within 48 hours
Please note for the 1B club, first monthly will be done as stated in 1B club website. All B club members, keep updating with your 1B club link.
The FondosMayores Team
FondosMayores – Offshore Investments That Work!

Finally one of the most consistent performers on MNO in recent weeks has definitely been GulfReserve (reviewed here), and with plans that offer 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, 1.2% for 150 calendar days, and 105% after 5 calendar days it doesn’t really have that many direct competitors. If you’re already a member of GulfReserve or have just been reading my blog over the last couple of days you’ll have been aware that this afternoon we had a Live Chat session with Alina, the program’s admin, on the MNO Chat Room. After some initial confusion about the start time (hey, even I forget what day of the week it is sometimes, lol!) it eventually got underway and as usual was well attended by old and new members alike. Everybody had a fair chance to ask any GulfReserve questions to Alina and at the end of it five lucky participants were rewarded with some nice prizes. So it really pays to speak up and let your voices be heard, guys! Anyway, the session was held a bit earlier than usual as I guess not everybody can keep the same schedule, but if you missed it and would like to read the full transcript you can see it on the MNO forum here. Congratulations to the readers who collected a prize for themselves and if you would like further information on what Alina herself has to say about GulfReserve you can also refer to my interview with her published here.

Just to finish today’s update as usual I would like to list the paying programs from my monitoring page that paid me during the last 48 hours:
GorgonProjectInvest, LucrativaFund, OsWealth, EarnoSphere, ReProFinance, EliteAlliance, GulfReserve, Opulentia, PermanentProfit, InvestNetGroup, EurexTrade, AlphaForex, ViscoCorp, EurosFund, BrantonsGroup, StraDox, UnicornInv, MAHIFund, Insectrio, SafeDepositary, CyproRealty, PrimFix, UmProfit, StockBiz, MGFunds, AdvanceFund (the first instant payment received) and MakeProfit2Day (also the first payments received).

That’s it for today, guys! Hope to see you on MNO blog tomorrow!

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