OrangeBucks has stopped paying and has been moved to Scam status on MNO! Do not invest there!
Hello everybody! Before this evening’s news update which is a little longer than yesterday’s, I want to look at a brand new short-term HYI program that was added to my monitoring site only yesterday. And already it’s getting really hot. It’s called OrangeBucks, a program with a limited potential life span (something I would point out is true of all online HYIPs by the way) but while it runs is one that will make a lot of money for those lucky enough to jump in while the time is right.
I suppose you could say OrangeBucks have just the one single investment plan, but it comes with four different variations depending on how much you’re prepared to gamble. To be honest if you like your chances of turning a bigger profit from the program then most likely you’ll be better off doing it early, as the longer it runs for riskier it gets.
So starting with the first option, one of the numerous positive aspects to OrangeBucks is that you can join for a minimum deposit of just $1, which keeps it open to both the smaller investors who can’t afford much as well as those who just like to play the HYIP industry for fun. It doesn’t have to cost you more than let’s say a beer or a lottery ticket. Anyway, the term runs for 1 day and you will be allowed to withdraw 24 hours after your deposit was registered. The interest rate for smaller deposits is 110%, principal included, to that’s 10% net profit for yourself. Not bad for a five minute procedure.
Higher rates will apply to those prepared to take a bigger gamble. If for instance you deposit a $100 minimum then OrangeBucks offer to repay you 115% interest. Principals are counted as part of that so that will be a clear 15% profit for the investor. Again the term is just 1 single day and you will not be allowed to withdraw until 24 hours have elapsed.
An even more generous rate of 120% is available to those willing to go in with a minimum deposit of $200. The investment term remains at just 1 calendar day and no withdrawals are allowed before your deposit has been in place for a full 24 hours. Obviously OrangeBucks are counting your principal as part of the payment so the profit margin left for you is 20%.
And finally the most rewarding plan is reserved for those willing to take the biggest risk. For a $500 minimum deposit OrangeBucks are prepared to offer you a return of 125% on expiry. As with all the others the term runs for 1 calendar day and your deposit has to be active for a minimum period of 24 hours before you can withdraw from the program. Principal is counted as part of the payment leaving a net profit of 25% for you.
While there is no stated maximum amount you can gamble with in OrangeBucks, if you’re going to make a significant deposit of let’s say $1,000 or $2,000 the admin says he’d prefer you to contact him first and make sure it’s OK. And I have to say he makes a very good point as to why. The thing is if everybody else is going in with $10 or $20 and then you come along with $5 grand, it could really have a devastating effect on the program’s wider cash flow. It might require too much money earmarked for other smaller investor’s payouts just to service one single investor. That could mean he’s left with nothing to pay anybody else. Of course if your attitude is that you don’t care about anybody else, an alternative scenario would be that the OrangeBucks admin doesn’t care about you, keeps your money, pretends he never heard of you, and uses it to continue paying the smalltime $10 and $20 players. Nobody wants to see either situation develop, so if you’re a big spender then take the admin’s advice and ask before you spend. He’s going to make a lot of money from this with or without you so if he thinks your deposit will damage his chances of keeping OrangeBucks online for longer, he’ll probably tell you. And yes, I said “probably”!
Payment options are pretty basic and limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. That’s not going to change for reasons outlined in the OrangeBucks FAQ page and I have to say it’s regrettably difficult to argue against the admin’s logic here. On the plus side however I can tell you that payments are instant, something I can personally confirm after my first investment expired earlier today. You’ll need to log in to your account area and request the payment, but after that should see the money transferred in under a minute.
The design and security of the program are also very favorable features. Dragonara are the hosting providers and are keeping OrangeBucks on a dedicated and DDoS protected server. The website is SSL-encrypted and is running off a unique and customized script. It’s not the usual generic GoldCoders being used here but registering an account with OrangeBucks is remarkably easy. Once you enter your e-mail address and set your own password, then confirm those details you will then be taken directly to your account area, where the time of all transactions is recorded to the minute. If you have any questions about that or any other aspects of the program you can contact the admin though the online ticket submission form on the support page.
The important thing never to lose sight of here is that OrangeBucks is exactly what they present themselves as – an online HYIP based game, and a high-profit/high-risk form of gambling. Nobody, least of all the admin, is telling you any different. In fact even the program’s own advertising slogan reads “a fascinating game” so honestly there’s no excuse for not being fully aware of what you are getting yourselves into with this one. But I do like admins like this one. Guys who won’t try to lie to you about what they are doing, and guys that are totally up front with the fact that the program will run for however long enough money comes in to pay for what’s going out. As long as that happens then everyone involved makes a profit. The day it stops you make a loss. Simple as that.
The admin is also doing his bit to keep existing investors happy and supporting the program. Especially if you do make a larger than average deposit you are encouraged to at least make a partial redeposit for another cycle, maybe just your profits for example. You don’t have to of course, hit-and-runners are part and parcel of the short term HYIP industry anyway, and it is your money to spend as you please. But at least it’s a positive sign that the admin really wants to keep OrangeBucks online for as long as humanly possible. How long will that be for? Well, that’s the million dollar question that no one can answer. Ten days would be a fantastic result in my opinion. Two weeks would be even better, but I really shouldn’t speculate because it doesn’t help and it really depends on the support from investors anyway.
I guess it’s not suitable for everyone, and if you’re one of them then pass. But if you’re in this business at all then chances are you enjoy a gamble. But if you’re going to take OrangeBucks up on the offer then I suggest you don’t sit there thinking about it for too long. For what it’s worth the first ones to join have been universally pleased with the whole thing. They’re getting paid, they’re getting paid fast and they’re all happy about it. And I should know because I’m one of them. As always someone has to lose someday, because that’s how they all end with no exceptions. You’ve got an excellent shot at the moment but as past results do not guarantee future earnings then keep it sensible and try to diversify. And remember to enjoy the game!
After a successful year online the administration of ReProFinance decided that it was time to update their plans to a higher percentage to make it more attractive to investors and at the same time provide the higher overall profit you can potentially make from the program. I wonder what kept them from doing it earlier and getting an even more impressive membership base by now, but I guess it was their original plan to go low-key for the first year and then increase the rates as an already well established name in the industry. I remind you that the old plans used to pay you 0.8%-1.5% for 90 business days and 0.9%-1.9% for 180 business days and starting from now you will be paid 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days. As was already the case your principal in ReProFinance is returned on expiry and the daily fixed interest is credited to your account on business days only. It can be withdrawn instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. So all the rules remain the same except interest rates increase making ReProFinance more profitable and in my opinion will definitely attract more investors to the program. Here is the latest newsletter from ReProFinance which was originally reviewed on MNO here and currently occupies the #7 spot on the MNO monitor in order of popularity:
“From new strategies to new investment plans
We always make our best to keep our clients informed of the latest news and today we are happy to announce the changes in our trading strategies and trading staff increase. Also we are pleased to tell you about entering new developing markets which can provide an increased liquidity and profit increment in 2011-2012.
By hedging the risks and using innovative trading algorithms on stock markets, we have achieved profit increase at the first stage of using new strategies. At the second stage we will introduce new conditions to the investment plans which will definitely become more profitable for investors of ReProFinance and those who just think of joining them.
The new conditions of the investment plans:
Conservative investment plan:
Investment sum: $10-1,000
Profitability: 90 days – 1.6%, 180 days – 1.8%
Balanced investment plan:
Investment amount: $1,000-5,000
Profitability: 90 days – 1.7%, 180 days – 1.9%
Aggressive investment plan:
Investment amount: $5,000-20,000
Profitability: 90 days – 2%, 180 days – 2.2%
Special investment plan:
Investment amount: 20,000 – more
Profitability: 90 days – 2.3%, 180 days – 2.5%
New investment plans are the result of work of the mature investment company which constantly develops and can offer new and profitable investment plans to its investors at any new stage of work.”
ReProFinance is not the only program that changed plans recently being online for an already significant amount of time. Another popular program EurosFund which was firstly added to MNO two months ago announced a few days back that the original daily plan which offered 2.5%-4% for 60 calendar days including principal was scrapped. It’s been replaced with an offer of 0.5% daily forever with an optional principal return after 365 days. This is a very interesting twist to EurosFund‘s development I must say and was totally unexpected. Hopefully the new daily perpetual plan where you can invest $10 and higher can extend the lifetime of the program and make it successful for a longer time. So at the time of writing EurosFund offers you the following investment plans – 0.5% daily forever, 300%-480% after 60 days, 450%-600% after 30 days, 450%-675% after 45 days, and 102%-125% after 1 day. As you can see they are totally different from what was analyzed in my original review of EurosFund posted here. This is the latest news posted on their website a few days ago:
“Daily Plans CLOSED
Daily plans closed as we reached the investment limit.
Please do not invest into the daily plans or it will return back to your account without interest.
Beside daily plans closed, we have now launch a new “Daily Forever” plan which pay you daily forever.
You will receive the interest after 24hrs of your invested date daily forever as long as your principal deposit with us. You can withdraw the principal deposit after 1 year.”
Today saw a rather weird newsletter from Richard, the admin of LucrativaFund (interviewed here). In it he said that LucrativaFund is going to issue their own debit cards powered by Barclays Bank and investors wishing to get them should contact him for more information. According to Richard delivery of such cards will take up to 14 days and it will probably cost you something for shipping. I myself would strongly discourage you from doing this. As you might know HYIPs and proper offline business like one of the most powerful and reputable worldwide banks like Barclays have absolutely nothing in common. If any HYIP admin invites you to buy a card it’s not something to be taken lightly. And definitely no money should change hands, even if it’s allegedly only for “shipping”. I’m 100% sure that cards are non-existent and you can contact Barclays yourself to confirm it. Please always remember that even such quality HYIPs like LucrativaFund are just pure ponzi games and have no real business backing up their income except the incoming spends from new investors. Whatever the admin of LucrativaFund tells you about his business activities which allow him to pay such high returns as 110%-120% after 5 days, 120%-140% after 10 days, 7%-8% for 20 days, 12%-14% for 10 days and whenever period of time it’s running the program still remains what it is – a risky HYIP-game and you should always remember it. LucrativaFund has been and remains a very strong program paying for over a month already but this won’t last forever and possibly the trick of getting you to pay for such debit cards is aimed at extending the lifecycle of the program. I assure you that you won’t get any card, even if you order it. To my memory no HYIP promising debit cards has ever once actually delivered. Anyway, LucrativaFund is still paying fine and within the promised 48 business hours as far as I know and I guess that is the main thing that should be of concern to HYIP investors at the momenr. Here is the latest newsletter from LucrativaFund (reviewed here) announcing their own debit cards:
“LucrativaFund NEWS
Hello LF Investors,
I would like to introduce LucrativaFund Debit Cards powered by Barclays Bank. You may purchase it by contact with your shipping details. Usually it takes up to 14 days to deliver LF Debit Card by FedEx. If you are the owner of our LF Debit Card, you get an assurance up to $100, 000 by our bank.
LucrativaFund running successfully for more than 1 month and going stable with the new dedicated server by KoDDOS which more powerful, high secured and reliable.
As i mentioned in my previous newsletters, we doing awesome promotion and you can check our advertising on the most reliable and expensive forums and monitors: MMG, TalkGold, InvestLife monitor, PTP, PTC forums and many others.
I request every LF investor do not forget vote for us every time when you get paid and if you have any questions, issues please feel free to contact LiveSupport first to better assistance.
Thank you for being with LucrativaFund.
Best Regards, Richard Brighton”.
The admin of SecureReturn Alex was quite pleased to see his program reviewed on MNO last night (read it here). They’ve been online for two days now, meaning that the first payments on both investment plans – 117%-120% after 5 days and 140%-145% after 10 days – are going to be paid in a few days only. So far I have received only some referral commissions from SecureReturn to my LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts and I must say they were processed instantly as promised. I hope that in a few days we will actually see the first withdrawals processed on expiry and the admin of the program Alex promised to issue another newsletter by that time. Meanwhile please read the first update where Alex gives the investors link to the review of SecureReturn published on MNO last night:
“SecureReturn reviewed on MNO!
Hello members,
I am very excited and happy to let you know that famous blogger Paul has reviewed SecureReturn on his most successful blog, You can find the review here:
I hope you will find the review useful for better knowing of our program. And stay tuned for our next newsletter which I am going to publish when we complete our first cycle.
Best Regards, Alex. SecureReturn”.
Corraliva (to be reviewed on MNO tomorrow) has added another rule according to which you can withdraw your principal from the program prematurely (before your investment term expires) for a 25% fee. They 1.2% for 60 business days, 1.6% for 90 business days, 2% for 120 business days and 2.4% for 150 business days with principal return on expiry or (if we take into consideration the latest rule) on demand with a 25% fee paid to your LibertyReserve or AlertPay accounts. I must say that I uncovered quite an interesting piece of information about the admin of Corraliva which I’m going to reveal tomorrow in the review. Stay tuned for that as it will be interesting, but be warned, you’re not gonna like it! Here is the latest update from Corraliva:
“Principal Withdrawal
We are happy to announce you that you may now withdraw your principal before it’s maturity period. If you are not interested in continuing investing with us for any reason, you may withdraw your initial at any time. Please do note that you will be charged 25.00% of your initial amount. For instance, if your initial is $100.00 USD, you will only receive $75.00 USD when requesting your payment. If you have any question or feedback, please contact us either via Live Chat, E-mail Support or call us at +4402032868520.
Thank You. Corraliva”.
The latest update from the currently On Hold program FondosMayores regarding the upcoming changes is interesting but in my opinion makes no sense. According to the update from the President of FondosMayores the program will be under construction and will go in a new direction after that. I remind you that the program was supposed to resume payments within the next few days and it was the condition why it was placed on Waiting status on MNO instead of Not Paying status. Now apparently they have some other plan in mind in how to extend this period of accepting deposits at while not paying interest to existing members. And I guess they will take every opportunity to confuse investors and make them deposit in a semi-dead program from this point on. That is why I took the decision to move FondosMayores to Problem status on MNO where it will remain until payments resume in full. Before that I wouldn’t be accepting any excuses from the countless presidents of FondosMayores which seemingly change leaders like a third world banana republic. Here is the latest email from FondosMayores just for your amusement:
“Fondos under Reconstruction – Note from the President
I need to send this note to clients Kathy Diaz
As President of “FondosMayores” I am writing to inform you that the website will be under construction with new direction. We are adding a new director to our team. As well as some new ideas that take into account new projects. If these cause any discomfort we apologize, and promise that all our effort and work will be to your satisfactione. Expect and updates each week from our new team. Our support personel is not aware of anything, so only contact Presidency.
Any questions or suggestions contact Presidency, email
Kathy Diaz
PS. THE B CLUB: will be contacted by e-mail and will receive updates next week.
New Direction Team FondosMayores
Offshore Investments That Work”.
There was some really bad news coming from MAHIFund today (reviewed here). The thing is AlertPay yet again maliciously blocked their business account without providing any reason therefore making it impossible to either pay the profits or accept the deposits via this payment processor. Those who deposited in MAHIFund within the last 30 days are advised to submit a transaction dispute to get their money back as soon as possible. According to the admin Anuschka (interviewed here) her AlertPay account has more than enough funds to accommodate the full return of principals to all investors. I guess if that was the reason why AlertPay had blocked their account in the first place as this payment processor is widely know now as a HYIP killer when seeing a lot of money coming into their account they suddenly block it and keep it for themselves. Surely the investors of the programs can file a dispute but from many experienced investors it’s known that there is absolutely no guarantee that such disputes would be satisfied and in 90% cases it’s useless. If it’s not just flatly ignored you will receive an amount which much less than what was put in. So when using AlertPay in exchange for the possibility of getting your money back the programs are paying with reduced life cycles, overall worse than expected results, and premature closures. I hope that with MAHIFund it won’t happen as it has been announced already that the program would stay with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment options and continue paying instantly to investors preferring those options. I can confirm that the payouts remain instant to LR and PM as I got a couple myself today. MAHIFund offers the following investment plans: 1%-1.5% for 15 days (principal back), 2%-2.5% for 25 days (principal back), 170%-180% after 30 days, 190%-210% after 40 days, 240%-260% after 50 days, 30%-32.5% for 8 weeks. Here is the latest email from MAHIFund sharing the bad news with the investors:
“News MAHIFund : Alertpay account blocked
Dear customer
Alertpay blocked our Bussiness account wih them for unknown reasons and without any notice.
We are unable to process withdraw requests or make any other action while they accept our investors continue to deposit. We also stopped ourself to accept deposits with them, founding their attitude totally unprofessional.
We apologies to our Alerpay Investors but the situation is out of our hands. All deposits alertpay are less than 30 days old so we urgently request our customers who deposited using Alertpay to make a refund request from Alertpay as Alertpay hold in our account enough funds to refund all active deposits Alerpay. Exchange to anoher e-currencies are not possible.
You’ll can only recover your deposit. Profits Alertpay in system are lost as we refuse to assume lost from Alertpay and balance alertpay in our system will be deleted soon. Our Alertpay Account hold enough funds to refund all deposits so as we cannot process any action with our account, the problem have to be solved with Alerpay.
Please request a refund to Alertpay for your deposit. Process is simple, submit a ticket to Alerpay choosing “Transaction Dispute” and fill in their form.
MahiFund will accept only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney.
Regards, Anushcka Cuperus. MAHIFund”.
Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours and listed under Paying Status on the MNO monitoring page:
LucrativaFund, BetterMoneyLife, OnlineWealthFund, GorgonProjectInvest, Opulentia, CyproRealty, EarnGroups, GulfReserve, MAHIFund, Insectrio, OrangeBucks, ReProFinance, SafeDepositary, SecureReturn, AdvanceFund, PowerfulStrategy, GlobalFxTrades, InvestNetGroup, PermanentProfit, BrantonsGroup, StraDox, AlphaForex, EurexTrade, BaseBucks, EverydayEarnings, ViscoCorp, EurosFund, Corraliva, UnicornInv, PrimFix, StockBiz, MGFunds, EasyDollarsGrowth (the first payment received) and WindFund (the first payments received).
The newest addition to the MNO Premium list today is a program called DranTex. It’s a fairly uncomplicated program offering two investment plans – 120% after 7 days ($20 minimum to invest) and 10% daily for 14 days ($10 minimum to invest). The deposits can be accepted via all the well-known payment systems – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay – which gives a definite advantage over their competitors. DranTex is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted by Koddos on a dedicated and DDoS protected Staminus server, so everything is up to a reasonable standard here. The first welcome message has been posted to celebrate the program’s opening today:
“DranTex is Opened for Operation!
Welcome to the official website of DranTex Ltd, We are glad to announce our online operation today dated June 22nd, 2011.
We sincerely hope you will participate in our program as we offer you our best services.
Best wishes from our management team.”
More about DranTex will be discussed in my review which is going to be posted on MNO soon. Stay tuned for that, guys, and see you all tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jun 22nd, 2011. Comment.
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