Sep 23rd, 2011 Archives

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Beware! OneInv has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! If you hadn’t realized it earlier, today is the Autumn Equinox. The obvious significance of the date of course is that daytime and nighttime are exactly 12 hours long each, but for those of us in the HYIP community I guess it kinda marks the point where the industry really gets back into full swing after the holidays. Long time industry observers will have noticed the turnaround already but it’s from this point on that things really begin to heat up. So with that in mind I think there’s a chance that we’re going to see some of the best longer term HYIPs (new ones I mean) starting up around this time, or at least between now and Christmas anyway. It’s not really that difficult to figure out really, as this has always been a fruitful time for new programs, both long and short term. But the one I’m looking at today is a long term one called OneInv, and it’s also one I have a funny feeling is going to be making a major impact in the industry soon. Like I said the timing is good and there’s a definite void out there to be filled, and if the program is good enough then it can go right to the top. It’s early days yet so I won’t get too excited about it but OneInv is definitely showing huge potential to be one such program. I also suspect that the OneInv admin is an experienced hand and a man who knows how to run a decent program and achieve good results for anyone fortunate enough to take a chance on it at the right time.

So to start with OneInv has basically two distinct long term investment plans that contain a number of variations based on the size of your deposit. The majority aren’t exactly cheap, but smaller investors are accommodated. OneInv claims to be involved in two business activities, namely ForEx trading and arbitrage gambling, and these are the two sections into which the plans are divided. Let’s take a look first at the ForEx section.

This plan doesn’t have a fixed expiry date as such, and you will get paid for as long as you remain a member. Your principal however is subject to a 12 month minimum lock-in period, so if you join you’re going nowhere until that expires at least. After that you are free to either withdraw your principal and leave OneInv completely, or leave it in place and continue collecting. Deposits start from a $10 minimum and interest payments are made daily. Anything from the minimum up to $4,999 will earn 0.6% interest per day. Now, that might not sound like much at first (not in HYIP terms anyway) but with payments coming in seven days per week for a year you’ll barely notice the time passing before that builds into a significant amount. 4.2% per week and 219% in total by the time the lock-in term expires in fact, and that’s on top of your principal.

As there’s no fixed expiry date it’s hard to give a practical example because it’s entirely up to yourself when you leave. But let’s just say you intended to invest $100 for the bare minimum 12 months. On that you would collect $0.60¢ per day, $4.20 per week, finish with a net profit of $219 in addition to your original $100, and “break even” (ie reach the point at which you can’t possibly lose money) after 167 days. Granted that may seem like a long time but considering it’s less than half the length of the minimum membership it’s actually not that bad. The only thing I’d warn you about here is overstretching yourself. Because OneInv won’t give you back the principal for another year and because it takes several months to break even then don’t invest anything you might possibly be in trouble over in the event of a personal emergency. HYIPs aren’t charities you know so be sure and cover your own expenses plus add something to your savings before you get involved.

You are of course free to deposit more than $5,000 if you wish, and while I don’t wish to gloss over those options the fact that only a very limited number of people can afford them means I’ll just give a brief description. So for a deposit between $5,000 and $24,999 OneInv offer a daily payment of 0.8% interest, and for deposits from $25,000 to $100,000 the rate goes up to 1.2% per day. Both options are of course subject to the same 12 month minimum lock-in period, after which you may either withdraw your principal and leave the program or remain a member for as long as you feel like.

The second plan sees OneInv change direction somewhat, but the investment term is still quite lengthy. However as it’s going to cost you a $5,000 minimum to play, this one’s for the serious investors only. Allegedly this plan focuses on arbitrage betting and runs for a term of 300 calendar days. During that time OneInv will again make daily interest payments to your account, but unlike the ForEx plan this time they won’t be returning your principal at the end – they’re counting it already as part of your payments, though that’s OK because the payments are slightly bigger anyway. So for a deposit between the $5,000 minimum and $14,999 the daily interest rate is a basic 1%. No real difficult equations to consider there then, you break even after 100 days and complete the cycle with a total of 300%, out of which 200% is pure profit.

They admin has a lot of work in front of him establishing a reputation for his program that will inspire enough confidence in someone to invest $5K, but in time I think he’ll do it. I’m not so sure about the remaining plans though due to the cost involved, but I’ll give you a quick run through them anyway. For a deposit between $15,000 and $49,999 OneInv offer 1.5% per day, and for deposits between $50,000 and $150,000 they offer 2%. Both options again subject to a 300 day term and factor your principal into the payments.

That’s it for the plans at the moment but I do know that the admin has something else in the pipeline. OneInv are expected to launch a shorter term plan in the not too distant future though details about the schedule are a bit sketchy at the moment. The suggested rates are already on display inside the members area but I’d rather not repeat them in this review, first of all so as not to confuse anyone but also because as the plan isn’t actually active yet the terms and conditions may well change. But whatever happens just make sure to follow MNO because as soon as something happens this is going to be the first place you hear about it.

Following on from that the payment options are a little restricted, but at the same time pretty much what you would expect from a program like this. OneInv only accept LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as online payment processors, though they also take bank wires and Western Union. No details (minimum deposits, etc) are given about the latter two other than you need to ask the admin for the account information. Payments to LR and PM on the other hand are made automatically from the script and will have to be requested. Once done you should allow up to 24 hours to receive your money. One other thing you need to be aware of is that in order to make an investment you will have to deposit in the program first and then choose the plan you want and redirect the from the available balance. When making a withdrawal by the way you’re going to be required to give a six digit PIN code. This number will be assigned to you when you first register with OneInv, so you should have it before you ever get around to actually spending anything. So remember to store it in a safe place because without it you’re going to have problems.

OneInv is hosted on a dedicated server with Dragonara protection and support, so I don’t expect any serious downtime. The script is customized and of quite good quality. I know that because I’ve seen the same one in use before and there was never a serious issue with it. Contact with the support team is quite good as in addition to the usual e-mail ticket submission form you can also find a telephone number should you wish to speak to someone directly. You’ll also find a couple of PO Box numbers for postal correspondence and their office address, although I know from experience you rarely find anything in these places. Well, not exactly rarely. Never in fact. But virtual hosted office spaces are a common feature in the world of business anyway and as long as you are fully aware of what OneInv is really all about and keep your eyes open then it’s not really a big deal. Something to impress the newbies really, but not much else. The same can be said of their certificate of incorporation which you can also see on the website.

While the script is good the texts do shall we say “borrow” heavily from other online HYIP related sources. OneInv‘s description of arbitrage betting for example is fine, except I’ve seen the very same thing on practically every other HYIP claiming to be involved there. Plus the one single example offered is that of a football match played two and a half years ago now. I mean come on, hasn’t anything else happened since? The way some admins talk you’d swear the the world of sports was positively crawling with opportunities for arbitrage bets, no? Anyway, my point is that just like any other online HYIP I wouldn’t really put much stock into what the admin tells us they are doing with our money after it’s been spent, even if the program is good. So as always set yourself a realistic budget that’s affordable to you, consider how long your money is taken out of circulation due to the length of term, and try to make more effective use of OneInv by using it as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


It looks like FIPO which remains the only program on the MNO Exclusive listing is doing fine and even flourishing if we’re to believe what the admin had to say in the latest newsletter sent late last night. He mentioned that FIPO was online all the time and didn’t face an hour of downtime during its 24 days in business. Moreover, the first payouts on expiry from the 2.2% for 22 days and 2.4% daily forever (with optional principal return after 24 days) have been processed already and the first investors are already enjoying their profits. The admin also confirmed that MNO remained the only official monitoring service for FIPO and asked other sources not to solicit money or free deposits for their “services” as all such requests will be denied. I would like to add that I often wonder why these so-called “services” are trying to squeeze every single penny from each program and keep flooding admins with spam in order to get mere cents for their awful monitors. Everybody knows that the vast majority of such monitors are totally useless for regular investors and will not do anything to prevent them losing money or warn them from investing if some selective payouts are detected. The proof is in the pudding as they say and you can see how many monitors still display Paying status for programs already confirmed as scams for several days. Anyway, let’s continue with the news from FIPO which was first reviewed on MNO here.
There were many other important points mentioned by FIPO admin. Among these are support issues as according to the admin due to increased membership of the program the Live support hours are going to be extended in the near future as soon as new staff members can be hired. Also the members have more options to communicate with each other by utilizing the program’s own Chat Area and official Forum where they can share their views and opinions about the program. An important way of interacting and getting to know each other is then created which is of utmost importance for any program’s development.
Another important point is payment processors where LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted by FIPO on automated mode starting from $5 while investments via AlertPay cannot be done directly but only via a special personal arrangement with the admin. This is supposedly for protection against AlertPay’s malicious activities, freezing HYIP accounts (just remember the latest incident with PrimFix where alleged issues with AlertPay brought the program down). So the admin of FIPO decided to accommodate only limited deposits via AlertPay and this is unlikely to change in the future. Such a cautious approach ca only be welcomed and I believe that the accepting AlertPay no longer gives any particular benefits for any high-yield income program at this point but saves the admin from future possible troubles with them.
The entire newsletter from FIPO can be read below:
FIPO Newsletter
Hello Everyone, FIPO has been online successfully for the 4th week and we have not faced a single moment of downtime or any other issues that has caused us to worry about.
We are truly motivated by the strength our teams have given thus far to ensure that everything goes smoothly from all angles. In addition to this, our members have also shown great support and trust in us, which gives us far better reasons to use this as a source of inspiration to take each step in faith.
We have clearly mentioned in our website that FIPO is exclusively by Money-News-Online but we still keep getting many support and chat requests whenever our Support staff are online from other monitors. We would like to reconfirm that we will not be interested in entertaining Support or Monitoring Services that are offered by other monitors. Kindly refrain from contacting us in this regard.
Our Live Chat Support are not able to stay online for prolonged periods due to the gradually increasing workload that is shared amongst our teams. We are making efforts to add new team members for increasing the hours our Live Support stays online. We will also be including the Phone Support service as soon as we complete this process.
Yet, we always make sure that Support Tickets are responded promptly.
We also must mention about AlertPay deposits here. We accepted only a few AlertPay investments during the initial period and most of the deposits have already matured. A few more are due for maturity in a couple of days. We prefer to not accept too many deposits in Alertpay as everyone know that AlertPay may cause certain issues for Investment Programs. Such circumstances have forced some potential Investment programs to lose their reputation.
So, we are unsure if we would be able to accept all your AlertPay deposits. We will gradually accept a limited number of deposits. We will keep you updated on this in the next newsletter.
Do you know that we also have a FIPO Members’ Chat Area in the website?
We invite you to join all our members and share your views with other fellow FIPO members.
Likewise, we also invite you to be a part of the FIPO Official Forum and exchange ideas and even post your queries. We do keep an eye on it and respond to as many of them as possible regularly.
This concludes the newsletter for now. We hope you have a great day!
Regards. FIPO Administration”.

The admin of HitNRunMasters issued another newsletter marking two months online and anticipating the imminent launch of the new website with better graphics and interface hoping to attract more savvy investors to the program allegedly making money from its clandestine links with monitors and exchangers (read more about these activities in my interview with the program’s admin NB here). According to him, HitNRunMasters are getting noticed all over the industry with more and more investors joining daily and he anticipates some good results from piggybacking on other HYIPs opening now in huge quantities some of which could potentially survive well into 2012. I fully expect HitNRunMasters to be among them judging by the level of commitment and effort the admin is putting into it. I would like to especially mention the regularity of payouts which are processed to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on their single investment plan – 1.5%-2.8% daily for 365 days with principal returned on expiry (read more on that in my review of HitNRunMasters published here). The payouts have to be requested from your account and made to your LR and PM accounts on a daily basis at approximately the same time every 24 hours. This is exactly the level of precision I would like to see from every long term program online and HitNRunMasters is exemplary from this point of view. I hope the admin will keep it going and keep the promises made in the latest newsletter republished below:
Heading to the TOP
We are well on our way to becoming a top choice for HYIP investors. Each week we are seeing an increase in the numbers of members joining our program. More and more SAVVY investors are finding their way and migrating to our site. As time continues to roll by, profits remain consistent and members continue to invest, we anticipate that our program is going to rise to the top of the charts.
Our profit making ability is undeniably sound, intact, and accelerating as we rapidly approach the last quarter of 2011. Over the course of the third quarter we exceeded our own expectations and took huge profits from the HYIP market. With the implementation of numerous new programs, several of which we fully expect to make it into 2012, our profit strategy is safely raking in profits.
HnRM is now approaching 70 days online and ramping up for the increased popularity we are beginning to experience. Our new website is nearing completion and should be visible within the next few days.
We invite you to take advantage of our position in the HYIP industry and become a member of HnRM.
Admin NB”.

PowerfulStrategy remains one of the most popular programs online occupying #3 on the MNO Premium list and successfully paying instantly for four full months already. Recently the admin added a fourth payment processor in SolidTrustPay to the previously available AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Here I need to emphasize specifically that all the payouts to all the payment processors from PowerfulStrategy are always processed instantly which is another advantage over similar programs. The current investment plans offered include 1.8% for 10 business days, 2% for 25 business days, 2.3% for 60 business days, 2.8% for 120 business days. The original principal is also returned on expiry. You can check out the original review of PowerfulStrategy first published on MNO here.
Today is yet another reason to pay closer attention to them as for the third time now PowerfulStrategy offer a 5% deposit bonus on all the deposits made today server time. The 23rd day of the month is considered to be the program’s birthday and unlike me (unfortunately!) HYIPs apparently celebrate it every month, because every month is already a huge achievement. If we talk about such programs as PowerfulStrategy offering both medium and long term plans we can say that four full months is quite mature already. The 5% deposit bonus is available for instant withdrawal anytime you like but you need to hurry up because this offer is only available today, September 23rd server time. Here is the full update posted on their website earlier:
23th September is our birthday, our age – 4 months. By the existing tradition we announce the new bonus campaign! Make deposit on 23th of September and you will receive bonus of 5% of the deposit amount to your balance during the day. You can withdraw this bonus instantly at any time! Campaign is active from 00:00 to 23:59. Server time you can see in member area!

FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) now has its own page on Facebook so congratulations to them for that and hopefully it will increase their membership. Anyway, using Facebook is becoming kinda standard practice for many HYI programs nowadays and hopefully it will be the first step on more developments with the program soon. By the way, I am ready to send some questions for an interview to the admin soon so if you have anything you want to ask FelminaAlliance you can send me your questions within the next 24 hours to my email address and I will include them in my list. I remind you that FelminaAlliance accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $20 and direct Bank wires starting from $1,000 in an investment plan paying 1%-1.6% for 180 business days and returning your original deposit on expiry. Here is the latest news taken from FelminaAlliance‘s website:
We are available on
We have launched our official page on, the leading social network in the world. On it, we will be posting daily updates about our operations, services and news. Everyone is invited to visit and LIKE us.

There was some disturbing news today regarding PokerProfits (reviewed here). The program’s AlertPay account was suspended because of the alleged receipt of some fraudulent funds and the admin was required to send some additional verification documents like usually happens in such cases. Well, knowing AlertPay I don’t think that the outcome will be positive as they are widely known for blocking accounts of HYIP admins even without such provocation. The admin of PokerProfits though promised that in the worst possible scenario he will be able to pay to those who deposited via AlertPay via other accepted e-currencies (LibertyReserve or HD-Money) but how it will affect the program’s cashflow he didn’t say. I’m quite concerned however that this info was received not from the admin of PokerProfits directly but rather from one of my readers who was concerned by the AlertPay depositing option now leading to the suspended page on AP and therefore contacting the admin. His reply is given below but despite his positive tone I think that PokerProfits might be in trouble and at least before the payments to AlertPay resume or another official update is issued on this matter I would not recommend investing there anymore. Here is what the admin has to say:
Hi. Today Alertpay temporarily suspended our account because we received a fraudulent payment. It seems that an investor sent us fraudulent funds.
Anyway, I have spoken with them and they have requested ID documents from us. I have just sent off those documents. I expect that the issue will be resolved by tomorrow and I will be able to complete your withdrawal.
If the issue is not resolved in a timely manner, we will cease accepting Alertpay and will convert all accounts to an alternate currency (with the option to withdraw your investment via Alertpay if you wish).
I hope to complete your withdrawal within the next 24 hours.

One more short term program was added to the Premium list on MNO today called IMakeMoneyNow. I must say here that the program is not very new and has been running for over a week now so caution is advised. So far the payment record of the program was impeccable and you can see that all the payouts are processed once daily as indicated by the timer everybody can see when entering the website. IMakeMoneyNow can be described as quite a typical program accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 and having a lot of different plans with payment processed on expiry – 104%-133% after 1 day, 108.5%-170% after 2 days, 124%-300% after 5 days, 152%-650% after 10 days, 220%-1300% after 15 days, 990%-2944% after 32 days. IMakeMoneyNow is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos with SSL-secured pages throughout the website. More on the program you will be able to read in the upcoming review on MNO blog, so stay tuned for that, guys!

The list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours are given below:
OnlineInvestmentBank, HitNRunMasters, RichesBank, EurexTrade, PerfectLottery, AuruMoney, TrustIncome, BaseBucks, 1MonthMillionaire, FreedomFxStrategy, PowerfulStrategy, SafeDepositary, UnitrustDirect, After60Days, NeoProgress, FIPO, WinnerEarn, HyperCompound, AGSTrade, iForexGain, MirexGroup, ReProFinance, StockBiz, GlobalFxTrades, PokerProfits, BrantonsGroup, StableProfit, BruyetteInvestment,  TopsFund, OneInv, FelminaAlliance, LargeProfit,  SuperHotPay, ViscoCorp and RoliteIncome (the first payment received).

That’s all I have to report to you tonight, guys. I hope you all have a very nice weekend ahead and hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow with another review and all the daily news from HYIP industry!

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