Sep 27th, 2011 Archives

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Beware! KistFunds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well my short vacation trip to Poland is finally over and I’m back in Berlin tonight and ready to finally go back home again in a couple of days. But it was definitely a nice way to spend a couple of days and well worth the trip. Straight back to business now though and I want to continue the theme from last night’s review and carry on with slightly longer term HYIPs again this evening, focusing this time on a brand new program called KistFunds. That’s a low ROI program making daily payments based on the size of your deposit and that only opened for business a little under a week ago now, but when you see the length of the KistFunds investment plans that can be considered brand new.

Starting as always with the plans, there’s really only one of them with four variations based on the amount of money you deposit there. As with a good deal of longer term HYIPs not all of these options would be affordable for everyone, but not to worry because KistFunds can still be joined in for just a $10 fee under what’s called The Starter Fund. It runs for a term of 120 calendar days, during which you get paid on a daily basis. The rate is fixed at 1.3% per day, and once you’ve completed the term your principal will then be handed back. The maximum amount you can deposit and still avail of this rate is $1,00. Your total net profit should add up to 156% on top of your initial principal.

So if we take a very simple example of a $100 spend, KistFunds should return $1.30 to you every day until you have gotten $156. Then they will return the original hundred. And while that all takes 120 days, you will at least break even after 77 days.

Unusually, or at least uncommonly, for a long term HYIP KistFunds second plan is also relatively affordable and within the grasp of more investors than not I think. It’s called The Professional Plan and the minimum cost of joining is $101. Investments are subject to a 120 calendar day investment term and in return for joining you receive a daily interest payment of 1.6%. That rate applies to all deposits up to a maximum value of $1,000. By the end of the term that should amount to a net profit of 192% which is in addition to your original deposit which is then returned.

After that prices start to go up so KistFunds will need to do a lot of work establishing themselves if they’re to attract any serious money and investors to the remaining three options. The next one is called The Expert Fund and will cost you at least $1,001 to join. For the duration of the plan’s 120 calendar days KistFunds are offering a daily payment of 1.9% interest, plus your principal returned on expiry. This would allow you to clear a net profit of 228% for yourself. The maximum deposit here is $5,000.

And finally The VII Fund (should that be VIP fund? I don’t know but that’s what they’re calling it) is open to deposits from a $5,000 minimum up to $200,000. By joining it you receive a daily interest payment of 2.2% for 120 calendar days which ads up to 264% in total. This can then be considered net profit after KistFunds return your principal.

There’s a couple of other very important points to consider relating to the plans before making a final decision as to whether they’re suitable for you or not. First of all if the 120 day term is a bit long for you then there’s an early withdrawal option. You are free to request your principal and leave KistFunds at any time if this no longer feels like something you would wish to do. There’s a fee for this service (naturally, there always is) and will require you to surrender 20% of your investment before it’s released. That can eat into your earnings in the program very severely so do be sure about it first and try to make some calculations as to what the real cost would be were you to leave on a particular day. Incidentally, the remedy for that is to simply not join if this isn’t a term you’d really like to commit yourself to. The second point I wanted to make is the availability of compounding – ie instead of withdrawing your interest you re-deposit it to your original principal for an increased payment. For reasons I don’t need to go into here I’ve never quite liked it as an option myself, but you decide for yourself on that.

As for the payment options, KistFunds offer you a simple choice between AlertPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney. Payments have to be requested and will then be made manually by the admin. He asks that you allow up to 72 hours to get everything processed (honestly, way too long in my opinion) but does suggest that it’s usually a great deal faster than that. He also says it may take that bit longer at weekends and holidays. I have to say that my own payouts have all been instant up to this point so couldn’t possibly have been made any faster, but this is not actually promised, so if you get them then fine but at least be prepared to have some patience.

KistFunds is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a DDoS protected dedicated server. The website is properly SSL secured. If you have any questions for the admin you can get in touch with him either through filling out the online ticketing support form and submitting that, or else by just e-mailing him directly at the address provided. KistFunds also list a telephone number in the UK for phone support, and a postal address for their office (though having viewed the place on Google Street View can tell you this is definitely NOT a commercial property, lol!).

KistFunds texts are a straight copy/paste from other HYIPs. Where exactly the original version came from is anyone’s guess by now but it certainly wasn’t here. So as is usually the case if a company is taking the description of it’s own business from another website they’re either not really involved in it or else aren’t particularly good at it. When it comes to HYIPs it’s no real indicator of how good the program might be. Good or bad, you still have to work within a strictly enforced budget that’s affordable for you, and if you go ahead and take a chance on KistFunds then try and work them into a diverse and balanced portfolio.


I noticed today that one of the most original long-term programs currently in the HYIP market – HyperCompound (reviewed here) – added an Italian version to their already extensive list of multi-lingual versions provided by professional translators. Italian is now the seventh language, joining Spanish, German, French, Russian Chinese and of course the original English. I think this is of utmost importance for the program as will help expand its horizons to a much wider investor’s audience and will keep make HyperCompound more attractive to the existing membership. Here is what was reported by the admin (interviewed here) today:
HyperCompound website is now available in Italian
We are pleased to announce that our website is now available in Italian! More languages will be available soon.
I would like to remind you that HyperCompound is currently ranked at #6 among the 38 programs from my Premium listing after only three months of monitoring. This definitely indicates that the program has already managed to attract a lot of savvy investors appreciating the originality of the project paying on a complicated return of 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days with principal returned on expiry. Instantly processed payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney also contributed to its success and I wish the admin a lot of success developing more new features that will improve the performance.

EsplinoGroup is another program that keeps developing despite it quite young age of only six days online. The program is just about to be reviewed on MNO blog tomorrow but even now I can see a lot of interest in it from readers who prefer short term programs. Plans with fast payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors on expiry include – 103%-110% after 1 day, 117%-160% after 5 days, 155%-290% after 15 days, 215%-700% after 30 days, and 600%-1200% after 45 days. The admin of EsplinoGroup keeps updating members on an almost daily basis and the latest was sent just today discussing the improved security of the website which now has an extra layer of protection from the well known producers of Norton antivirus Symantec. Here is the latest from EsplinoGroup:
New security level.
We continue to care for the safety of our site and accounts of investors.
Now our site is under constant control of the Corporation Symantec which developed Norton – one of the most famous and powerful anti-virus programs. Due to this, you can be sure that there are no online viruses, Trojans, spyware and other Internet threats. You can verify this by clicking on the icon “Norton Secured”, located in the lower right corner of our website.
Support team EsplinoGroup.

I can see that the admin of HitNRunMasters NB (interviewed here) lived up to his promises and the new design has been implemented, changing the program’s look for the better in my humble opinion. In fact the look of any HYIP website is very important when creating a first impression on potential investors (though that’s probably even more true of shorter term programs) but the essence of the investment plans and its concept should also be unique. That is why I believe that the new design is more in tune with the program’s real nature. I remind you that HitnRunMasters offers 1.5%-2.8% daily returns for 365 days which increase day after day and reward the more loyal investors who choose to stay with the program over withdrawing the principal which is partially available after two weeks term. Please refer to my detailed review of HitNRunMasters posted here for a good example of how it all works.

GlobalBankInv which was just introduced on my blog last night was down for over eight hours today. The admin of the program in private correspondence with me blamed his hosting provider DdoSWiz for not solving the issue fast enough. I believe this downtime shouldn’t affect the program much as it’s still quite new and was only launched two days ago. However, it would be great to prevent the situation from happening in the future as it can really damage them a second time. GlobalBankInv pay on highly profitable short to medium term plans with payouts processed to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-219% after 3 days, 137%-600% after 7 days, 180%-1075% after 15 days, 270%-2550% after 30 days, 8890% after 60 days. Anyway, the admin already told me that the site is back to normal except for the server time which was affected but should be fixed within the next few hours. I will keep you updated tomorrow when I should receive my first payout on expiry of the one day plan from GlobalBankInv! By the way, the short official update was already posted on the program’s website:
Support Our recent downtime was because we moved our site to a better Server. Within few hours all transaction related problems will be fixed.

Unfortunately, it looks like 1MonthMillionaire was planned as a fast scam as the admin pulled the plug exactly when it came time to process payouts for the first investors who joined 120% after 6 days plan. In light of this I believe the recently exposed connection between the still running IMakeMoneyNow and the collapsed 1MonthMillionaire which can’t be denied is now firmly in the spotlight. If it’s true and the two programs are run by the same admin does that mean that IMakeMoneyNow is going to collapse as well following that of its sister program? Or maybe 1MonthMillionaire was deliberately created to provide some additional income to make IMakeMoneyNow last longer at the expense of the other investors? Today I received a strange request from the admin of IMakeMoneyNow who said that he was ready to answer some questions for the interview on MNO. Apparently, he is now afraid that the premature collapse of 1MonthMillionaire will have a very bad impact on IMakeMoneyNow which was first reviewed on MNO here and was caused the controversy from the admin who blamed me for bias against his program/programs. Well, I don’t see any reason why I should conceal what I find out from my readers which will help them make more reasonable investment decisions and I do not regret a bit that I pointed out on my blog the thing that was started by the confusion of the admin sending newsletters for both of his programs when he sloppily added a different email address where it was not supposed to be. Anyway, I’ll to allow him to defend his point of view, especially if it can make his second program IMakeMoneyNow last and will be sending him some questions later. We’ll see what he has to say in his defense!

Speaking of IMakeMoneyNow, the program keeps paying to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors and I received another payment tonight promptly. So I don’t see the reason why we should write them off just yet if it keeps paying to everyone. I even received another update from the admin informing members of the delayed payouts to PerfectMoney since it was down today for a few hours. Well, PerfectMoney is back online by now and the withdrawals should be processed I believe on all the plans offered by IMakeMoneyNow – 104%-133% after 1 day, 108.5%-170% after 2 days, 124%-300% after 5 days, 152%-650% after 10 days, 220%-1300% after 15 days, 990%-2944% after 32 days. Here is the latest update from them:
PerfectMoney payments will be delayed
Hello, It’s Dave, admin of IMakeMoneyNow online investment program.
Just wanted to notify all of you that Perfect Money website is not available at this moment. Therefore, all payments and withdrawals in this system will be impossible until they fix a problem on their side.
Dave. IMakeMoneyNow admin”.

For some reason I was asked by a few of my readers about a program called PreMoney and why I do not monitor it on MNO. To tell you the truth, the more I’m thinking of it the more PreMoney resembles the recent scam Divatri which was included in MNO Exclusive listing for a couple of days shortly before I discovered and exposed it as another short lived scam run by the infamous Ali Al-Jibouri, widely regarded as one of the most detested criminals in the HYIP industry. Anyway, I have a gut feeling that those programs (Divatri and PreMoney) are connected in some way and even have the same owner which would perfectly explain the fact that the admin of PreMoney approached me only once and asked to buy banners on MNO but was refused due to my policy of never selling banners to programs I don’t monitor. After that I never heard from them again while he keeps throwing money at many monitors, buying ads and listing his program on almost every single monitor at the same time avoiding MNO. I have no problem there as I already have way too much going on to keep me busy for a long time ahead, but at the same time there are some certain similarities between Divatri and PreMoney which cannot be denied. Starting with their DDoS protection provider to similar date of registration of the website to other smaller ones whom I could talk about at length which lead me to believe it may well be Ali Al-Jibouri behind PreMoney as well. That explains perfectly well why he avoids MNO, not to be exposed by me again and only asking for banners. Anyway, there is more to that and along with the ridiculously inflated stats indicating over 25,000 accounts reached after three weeks online (!), a cheap UK certificate of incorporation which can be totally anonymously purchased online (read my article here on how it easy it is to obtain one) and more lies including offering advertising its own Debit card which is obviously non-existent and never ever was issued to any HYIP program due to their illegal statuses in the real financial world. But possibly the most blatant lie uncovered on PreMoney‘s website is the alleged banking guarantee provided by the well known Swiss UBS bank. Please note that this bank was already notified by me and other investors that PreMoney is using their logo illegally which can result in some legal consequences and even subsequent closure of the website of PreMoney anytime soon. Today a reply was received from UBS and (surprise-surprise!) there is no guarantee provided to PreMoney. Here is the official reply from UBS I received today:
We are unaware of any guarantee given by UBS to PreMoney and we are following up with the web-site owner for further information about the background to their claim. Given the above, we recommend not relying on PreMoney‘s claim that they have a UBS Guarantee.
Regards. UBS Internet Security”.
So, there is lie on top of another lie and written all over PreMoney‘s website. I just can’t believe there are so many people getting so excited by it all. Keep in mind that PreMoney may well be run by a well known scammer and racist who is responsible for many short lived scams already such as OscarFunds, Corraliva, and Divatri. Given the preceding warning from the bank I would not advise to invest in PreMoney, but if you have already invested do not redeposit. Well, at least until you can see the truth about PreMoney‘s website. Spread the word if you concerned about that but please note that this is my personal opinion on PreMoney which might not necessarily be shared by other investors!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours and remain on Paying status on MNO monitor:
BIA, PerfectLottery, BrantonsGroup, BruyetteInvestment, SafeDepositary, OnlineInvestmentBank, TrustIncome, HitNRunMasters, BaseBucks, AdvantagesCapital, FreedomFxStrategy, HyperCompound, KistFunds, MirexGroup, PowerfulStrategy, AuruMoney, WinnerEarn, StockBiz, AGSTrade, RichesBank, After60Days, FIPO, RoliteIncome, EsplinoGroup, FelminaAlliance, IMakeMoneyNow, TopsFund, OneInv, LargeProfit, GlobalBankInv, NeoProgress, SuperHotPay, BrandDaily, BetForInvest and FirstCoasts (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you found some interesting facts on MNO tonight and I will be glad to see you back here at the same time tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry and a review of the new short-term program EsplinoGroup. I’m also hoping to have an interview with the admin of FIPO, a program monitored exclusively by MNO, so stay tuned for that!

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