October 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! Since I didn’t have a proper update last night I’ll have to catch up with a lot more news from the industry over the last two days, therefore I have decided to postpone the review of TradeQ till tomorrow. But there’s a lot of interesting stories to report from around the industry so I hope you don’t mind, as I think it’s more of a priority to bring you the latest updates first.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much good news for the members of PowerfulStrategy as it looks like the admin gave up after the latest problems his program faced recently and probably thought that the AlertPay account suspension made it pointless bringing the program back with a newly registered domain as the future of the program was predictably bad. So I do understand why I didn’t get any response from him yet and that is why I had to move his program to Problem status on MNO. In my opinion, there was absolutely no chances for the program to recover and if I had my doubts about that a couple of days ago now it’s totally clear – PowerfulStrategy is gone for good.

There was better news for the programs whose domains were suspended. For instance today saw the welcome return of TopsFund (reviewed here) which has moved to another domain name after a few days offline and moreover, the payments have already resumed and I have received my pending already. This was just before LibertyReserve went down for a couple of hours (more about that later). So we can safely assume that after the downtime caused by the domain suspension issues TopsFund is back to normal and is paying fine now to all LibertyReserve investors with deposits in one of their investment plans – 21% for 5 days, 0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months) or 1800% after 360 days. The admin of TopsFund maintained excellent communication with me so far, even when his website was down and updated me on the whole process of migration. The update yesterday went as follows:
Perhaps it should be online within 24hrs-48hrs as we are waiting for the registry. We just bought the new domain. Thanks”.
Today I received another update after which I returned TopsFund to Paying Status and changed the links to the program which now lead to the new domain on which TopsFund will be located from now on. So please make sure you’re aware of that!

The admin of OneInv, also affected by this domain suspension thing, informed me that his program is going to reappear soon on a new domain as well, so stay tuned for news on that when it happens, guys. Meanwhile, here is the latest update on the current situation which I received from the admin of OneInv today:
We are working on this issue now. We just bought a new domain and waiting for the Dragonara change our domain.

It looks like the admin of WinnerEarn is still making himself look like a selfish idiot by sending fake emails about other programs which he thinks might be somehow involved in the collapse of his own monumental failure. Today I was informed by one of my readers that allegedly there was an email from someone impersonating the admin of ProfitsRaise in which members of the program were asked to demand refunds from AlertPay on the grounds of the alleged suspension of the program’s AP account. I’d like to assure you that it was a fake email and if you clicked on “Show Original” in your Gmail account you can see this is the case. The AlertPay account of ProfitsRaise is fine and all the payments are processed quickly (I myself was paid fast to AlertPay only a few hours ago). So I don’t see any logical reason why this guy from WinnerEarn wants to cause problems for the investors of ProfitsRaise unless he’s just totally lost the plot. And I assure you it will only be regular investors he causes problems for, and never the admins. Anyway, the admin of ProfitsRaise Andrea reacted quickly to this news and posted a counter-email denying all that was said in the above-mentioned spam email:
Dear investors,
I have an urgent quick update for you. I just received from some of the members fake email that our AlertPay account is suspended and that you should go for a transaction dispute. Please note that I DIDNT sent anything like this and our AlertPay account is fine. More to say I know now who did this and I its sad that WinnerEarn admin is so jealous about ProfitsRaise. I will be back with more ProfitsRaise later today, dont miss it!
Best regards, Andrea
ProfitsRaise Support”.

That was not the only email from ProfitsRaise today. The regular newsletter was also issued later containing more proof of the scamming email from WinnerEarn admin and also announcing the addition of phone support for English speaking members. I must say that it’s an important step in the development of the program which has been paying on three investment plans – 115% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days – to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for over a month already. I hope that ProfitsRaise will continue developing and I hope the interview which is going to be published during the week with Andrea will prove their intentions to make them the best short-term program online today. Meanwhile you can read the latest newsletter from ProfitsRaise (reviewed here) which also covered the subject of the recent LibertyReserve downtime:
ProfitsRaise News
Dear investors,
as promised I am back with some more ProfitsRaise news. I didnt planned to send two newsletters today, but had to react quick on situation we had earlier today. I would like to say again that everything is okay, nothing happened with our AlertPay account and its was just a fake email sent by WinnerEarn admin. For those who received this phishing email, check from where did it came and you will see the address:
I am surprised by his behavior but enough about him, who cares. Lets go for positive news now. Finally our phone support is up! Feel free to contact us via phone if you need a quick help or you just have some questions about ProfitsRaise. Please note that its English speaking phone support only, but I promise you more languages really soon. +441582806885
Unfortunately LibertyReserve website is not working at the moment, so there could be small delays with LR payments until the are back. Well, lets just hope they will be back asap. Take care!
Best regards, Andrea
ProfitsRaise Support”.

The more efficient and professional HYIP admins have already issued some updates regarding this LR downtime which fortunately only continued for a couple of hours delaying payments to LibertyReserve from being processed. Here is the latest from the admin of OnlineInvesmentBank (reviewed here) which managed to pay 7% for 20 business days returns to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney investors for over five months already:
LibertyReseve.com is currently inaccessible. Either it’s DDoS attack or maybe some unscheduled maintenance. No updates on the situation posted on http://blog.libertyreserve.com so we’re left in darkness,so We can not process LibertyReserve payment right now. All we can do now is wait and hope the issue will be addressed and resolved soon.
Support Department. OnlineInvestmentBank”.

HyperCompound (reviewed here) keeps improving and today it was announced that a testimonial page had been added for investors to express their feelings about the program in general. Here is the latest news update about that posted on HyperCompound‘s website today:
Last Week Testimonials
We are pleased to announce that we have implemented new feature: last week testimonials. Now you can view last week testimonials submitted by other program participants here”.
I would like to remind MNO readers that HyperCompound is one of the few long-term programs that utilize a unique concept in their work which was discussed in my interview with the program’s admin posted here. HyperCompound has been paying already for about four months without a single issue on a unique investment plan which combines flexible and set-up daily returns with daily increasing bonuses and returning your principal on expiry – 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days.

As I myself was never a fan of compounding in HYIPs I didn’t sufficiently cover the subject when compiling the review of FelminaAlliance (published here a month ago). Two types of compounding are offered by the program and this was the highlighted topic of the weekly regular newsletter sent today. I will not give any comment on this as I believe compounding is not a good practice for HYIP investors, especially if they have to wait to be in profit with FelminaAlliance for such a long time being paid relatively small returns of 1%-1.6% for 180 business days. Anyway, that aside FelminaAlliance is developing fine and with no hassles – certificates of deposits will be issued on each investment shortly, bank account details can be added to members’ accounts now which allows you to send Bank wires if you like, etc. I hope that with such steady development FelminaAlliance will be able to become the next big thing in the HYIP industry but even if it is going to happen I don’t expect it to become huge before the new year. Here is the latest newsletter from FelminaAlliance in full:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is an official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
In this newsletter we would like to highlight the use compounding in your FelminaAlliance accounts as we receive numerous questions about this.
As you may already be aware we are currently offering 2 compounding options – Basic and Enhanced.
Basic compounding option lets you choose any compounding rate from 0% to 100% with the increment of 10%. Under this option you can modify the rate of compounding at any time and as often as you like. Depending on the rate chosen, the respective portion of your daily interest is added to your account principal. So, for instance, if you choose 50% compounding option, half of your daily interest will be added to your account principal while the other half will be available for withdrawal at any time. 0% compounding rate means that all of your daily interest is available for withdrawal.
Enhanced compounding option is only available at the 100% rate and the choice of it cannot be cancelled during the selected term. At the moment you can choose to use the enhanced compounding option for 3 pre-selected terms – 90, 135 and 180 business days. This earns you extra 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4% added to your basic daily interest rate respectively during the selected term. The only limitation is that the choice of the enhanced compounding option cannot be reversed under any circumstance.
Should you have any questions about the use of compounding options in your account, do not hesitate to contact us.
This week we will definitely start issuing certificates of deposits. More details will follow shortly once this option is finally integrated.
Another important feature has been added to all member accounts. You can now add your bank account details directly to your account profile. We have added this option to all member accounts. You no longer have to go through the hassles of sending your bank account info to us so that we could send your interest into your bank account.
Make sure to visit and like our official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Felminacom. This way we’ll keep you informed about the latest news, updates, links, tips and everything else related to FelminaAlliance.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.

There was an important announcement made by the admin of HitNRunMasters NB (interviewed here) in his last newsletter sent earlier tonight. In a few days the minimum cost of joining the program will be raised from the current $10 to $100. So If you were considering joining HitNRunMasters and have less than $100 at your disposal now is the time to get moving. That’s not all as apparently the admin is considering a further increase to $500 starting from January 2012. Well, I don’t really think it’s going to work out somehow, as I believe HitNRunMasters will isolate far too many small investors who really make up the lifeblood of the industry. I believe that the program can continue to run perfectly well for a few more months with such minimums as I believe anyone who wants to join for a smaller amount already did so, but at the same time a high minimum will it make harder for the program to grow. By making it a closed society of relatively rich investors can help him eliminate a lot of the workload taken up with smaller investors which often requires a lot of time and effort but ultimately does very little to assure the stable growth of any program. I also find it interesting that those who deposit over $2,000 in HitNRunMasters are promised membership of some elite club where the admin will teach them how to make money in HYIPs. I must say I’m really skeptical about the professional qualities of the admin of HitNRunMasters who was well short of the mark when he predicted the collapse of one particular program a couple of months back. So far no real proof to the program’s activities was presented so I would be grateful if anybody investing said $2,000 shares their experience in this closed insiders club. Just remember that at this point HitNRunMasters are to be treated the very same as any other HYIP, claiming something without providing any proof. So be as careful with them as you are with everything else on the net. But as things stand with the program at the moment HitNRunMasters (which was first reviewed on MNO here) currently offers terms of 1.5%-2.8% daily for 365 days with your principal back. Here is the full newsletter:
Major News / Insiders Club / Read Carefully
It is time.
We have done a lot of research on our membership and have come to the conclusion that the smaller investments are not worth the time and effort needed to maintain them. We are making hundreds of payouts of amounts of less than 20 cents daily. This was not in the plan when we came online. We are at the stage where we need to put on extra staff to administer the extra work. Our financial people have said it does not make economic sense to pay people to administer profits than are less than their pay. I think that is obvious.
Effective on October 21st we will no longer accept investments of less than a $100.00. We are not trying to hurt anyones feelings here, its just we have created too much work for ourselves that revolves around small investments. We simply have too much to do in our daily HYIP research and cannot continue to attract huge numbers of minimal investors. After the first of January 2012 we will raise this limit to 500.
We have stated that we dont need daily investors to make payouts. We want to move ahead with our plans, as hinted at earlier, to form an inside investors group. This group will receive updates on programs we are participating in as well as fact based inside info on when and how to successfully manage a hit and run strategy on these programs. This group will receive alerts as to when to get in, when to get out, how much to invest and at what time and what plans to address. Our insider info will ensure this groups success as it has ensured ours for more than 10 years. The insider group will be trial run with those of you that have already invested $2000 or more. Once we work out a few more details we will begin to open it up, a little at a time, to investors at the $1500 level, then the $1000 level and perhaps even those at the $500 level. The information will only be accessible from within your HnRM account. We are not advocating that you invest $2000 now just to get in. We are going to trial run this program with those of you that have already invested $2000 at this time. I will speak more on this issue in the coming days. The main focus of this release is to allow our promoters to prepare for the change in the minimum investment.
We do realize that any changes can create fear among HYIP investors thinking this is some cash grab ploy. Lets us calm any fear by stating that in a cash grab scenario, the minimum investment is lowered, the payout percentage is increased or some easily obtainable bonus is offered. We have done none of these things. We are actually lowering the amount of funds we will receive by eliminating the vast majority of new sign ups. We need to do this in order to discourage investments that will cost us money to administer. We cannot afford to deal with the management of them anymore. We prefer to take in less cash but create the time we need to work on the more profitable goals we have in store for the future of HnRM and our members.
HnRM will be the shining star for the serious investor.
We told you we will change the way HYIP is done.
We are ready to prove it to you. Those of you that have been with us for a while now already know that we are stable, consistent and reliable. As we venture forth into the last quarter of this year and further on into 2012, HnRM, together with the serious HYIP participants will become an unmatched force in the world of HYIP.
Admin NB”.

The admin of EliteGain (reviewed here) issued a newsletter last night which seems to be given over almost entirely to responding to my admittedly scathing opinion of perhaps the most crooked and rigged promotional “contest” I’ve seen in the HYIP industry for a while now. Still, if anyone wants to believe that three accounts registered within ten minutes of each other will come from nowhere to scoop all three prizes at the last possible moment and out performing all the listed monitors then continue. But I mean come on, an election in Burma or North Korea would have been less predictable! Anyway, I hope I can drop the subject now because it’s up to the readers here if they want to be treated like idiots or not. Continue doing the required promotional work if you honestly think you’re in with a chance of winning one of the prizes, ‘cos it makes no difference to me. But all that aside EliteGain is a mid to long term program that offers terms of 3%-5% for 40 business days, or 7%-14% weekly forever. The latest Newsletter from Jessica (who doesn’t appreciate comparisons with her more famous Hollywood namesake, lol!) can be read below:
First Contest Winners and MNO
This is an important newsletter along with announcement related to second weekend hands-on contest and winners for first session. But I will get started with a good news that due to high recommendations from our promoters club, we are considering on adding “Paid-to-promote” feature however more details on this will be announced later.
Now I would like to address an important issue which caused “abuse” to our first contest session but first, here comes the explanation for our first winners, and at same time, I would like to thanks Paul Abramson for his kind views on this and I also request him as well as all curious members to pay attention. Its obvious the registration of our all three contest winners is with difference of 10-15 minutes each but I will still deny to objections raised by Paul. These members are serious promoters from our promoters club that we organized even prior to launch of our program, so do Paul himself is one of those people, that I personally contacted prior to launch of program and whatever names of members were quoted in his article, Paul himself joined even prior to those members at 3:33 PM server time with difference of only 30 minutes. So, if “Paul” is not a dummy account created by me, then there is no way anyone should raise objections on other winners.
I also want to share the problem we experienced during the very first session of this contest, In our contest page, we meant to mention that there are 1-2 credits rewarded if you login “daily”, but I don’t know who to blame, our script was rewarding these credits each time they logout and log back in. Similarly, many members made several small deposits of $1 USD to keep getting reward of 100 credits. That is how this system was abused but our technicians are already working on this problem and it will be sorted our as soon as possible. Although we cannot blame up-line of any member found guilty in intentionally abusing this contest system, however at least 2 of them, who were warned and kicked out of this contest, did belong to Money-news-online’s downline. Announcement for second contest will be made very soon, hopefully tomorrow and current credits balance will reset automatically.
I “proudly” announce, first session contest winners:
1. Abdul Zaman zam789
2. Hasib ul hassan tkimaaar
3. Nancy Qaid nancy1
I didn’t intend to blame anyone at all but what I figured out from article published at Money-news-online last night, that most likely it was Paul’s downline who might have complained about it but I personally wrote email to everyone who was found guilty and no other action was taken apart from deducting their unfair credits. I am sure Paul Abramson is wise enough to understand this explanation and he will also proceed wisely and show this side of image as well to his readers and general public. I also request to “each and every” members to contact me directly, if they feel there is any problem prior to making wrong assumptions, as it may cause damage to our reputation which is not fair and wise. Also second session of contest will be for members and promoters only, since we originally intended to give them this incentive, therefore from next sessions, Any monitor or blog will not be able to participate.
Also before anyone comes with a ridiculous theory of “how could an official contest of any investment program could face this issue” so please also come up with name of any investment program that never faced any technical issue at all. Our team believes these problems are logical but unpredictable at same time and we are already working on correcting these rules for contest. We also believe that every one face challenges but those who are capable to fight and get over it, are actual winners, and that is what we are upto and that is what our members expect from us
I apologize to all our members, that this newsletter become more convincing towards one specific issue or in response to one article and therefore promise that soon we will come up with new and positive announcements of not only cosmetic features like Paid-to-promote but also something what has never been seen before, so stay tuned
Jessica. Administrator, EliteGain.
 P.S: Exclusively for Money-News-Online readers… I am “Jessica Parker”, not the famous “Sarah Jessica Parker” of HBO drama series and movies. Its possible that Paul might be fan of her, but not mine, so anyone please don’t refer me assuming “Sarah” as I will certainly not sign any heart warming autographs for them.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 48 hours and hold Paying status on MNO monitoring:
SuperHotPay, LargeProfit, SoaretInvestment, PerfectLottery, ReProFinance, UnitrustDirect, SapaInv, RapyWealth, HyperCompound, HitNRunMasters, OnlineInvestmentBank, BaseBucks, KistFunds, GlobalFxTrades, EliteGain, GeniusIncome, MirexGroup, ProfitsRaise, PokerProfits, WorldwideCapital, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, StableProfit and PaidJack.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. See you tomorrow with the most up-to-date information about the most popular programs online from any source in the industry!

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