Nov 22nd, 2011 Archives

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Beware! Royalty7 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! One of the more interesting programs to come my way recently (and there’s been a couple) has probably been one called Royalty7 which launched just over a week ago. It’s got a very basic but also very attractive mix of short to mid term plans that are easy to manage while still offering a choice between daily and on expiry payments. They tick a couple of other boxes relating to things like site security and payment options as well, which may – fingers crossed – indicate a possible hit. Something that would be most welcome at this time of year more than any other. So before we get to the days news stories I’d like to take a closer look at Royalty7 first, and see if you agree that it does have at least potential.

There’s a pretty simple choice to make when it comes to the investment plans, however I should warn you first that they are not really described all that well on the Royalty7 website and might be a bit misleading to some casual visitors to the program. But I’ll try and explain them for you as best I can here so at least MNO readers will have a fair idea of what they’re getting into.

So anyway, there’s only two plans for you to look at, one of which is short term and paying on expiry, and the other which is more medium term and makes daily payments. And that’s the one I’ll start with as it’s the one that might cause some confusion. It’s called The Classic Plan and can be joined for a minimum deposit of a slightly above industry average of $25. The plan runs for 30 calendar days, but make sure you understand before joining that despite the description Royalty7 will only pay you on business days. As the name implies the interest rate is 7% per day – paid from Monday through Friday – and will apply to all deposits regardless of how much you’ve deposited. During the 30 calendar day term you should encounter 22 payment days, and that means by the time of expiry your total payments should have accumulated to 154%. That will mean your net profit is 54% as Royalty7 includeyour principal. Maximum spend is $250,000 by the way.

If we take a simple example of $100 invested in this plan then, Royalty7 will pay you $7 per day from Monday to Friday until such a time as you have earned $154 in total.

The second plan is less profitable but does have the advantage of paying you the profit it does offer a whole lot faster. It’s called The Lite Plan and, as you may have guessed, runs for a term of 7 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is still $25 and the return being offered by Royalty7 is 110% on expiry. This payment will also include your principal, leaving you with a clear 10% net profit. Not bad for a week if it works out OK, totally achievable by HYIP standards, and in the hands of the right admin (unfortunately a highly unpredictable factor, though this one does seem both competent and experienced) quite sustainable for a good number of cycles.

And if we look at the same $100 sample investment made to this plan it’s really very simple – invest today and Royalty7 pay you back $110 a week later, or your own money plus 10% clear profit. Maximum spend is again $250,000.

If the plans look quite simple and sort of “traditional” as far as the HYIP industry goes (and that’s by no means a bad thing in my opinion), one thing where Royalty7 really distinguish themselves is in the area of payment options available to their members. It’s always an encouraging sign when an admin takes care of this before launching his program at all and really shows some serious intentions when he has all the popular processors in place right from day one. Royalty7 are taking AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay. Of course the use of the so called verified processors like AP and STP doesn’t mean a program can’t run into trouble further down the line. But by taking the trouble to authenticate his accounts – particularly in the case of STP – it makes a “fast scam” a lot less appealing to the admin. Bank drafts are also available so contact the admin for information on that, but if using online processors like most investors, payments will have to be requested from inside your Royalty7 account area. Payments are made manually and you are asked to allow a maximum of 48 hours (business days only) for the payment to be completed. Please note, especially for smaller investors, that the minimum withdrawal must be at least $2.

Royalty7 is running off a totally customized script though I can’t say it’s unique as I’ve seen something similar used in the past. Not the usual generic industry model which I’m sure a lot of you will appreciate, and it’s pretty easy to navigate too. The website is SSL secured by Comodo. The hosting provider may not be all that well known in the HYIP world (they’re called DedicatedNow) but they are keeping the program on a dedicated and DDoS protected server. You can contact the admin if you need to with any questions or account related issues by filling out the ticketing form on the support page. Royalty7 also list a postal address and an e-mail address where you can write to the admin directly.

I know it’s an old cliché by now to keep going on about “black December” but the fact is that for one reason or another the industry does take a dip in the last few weeks of every year. So why do I mention it then yet again? Well, the thing is it really makes it even more tricky than usual to assess a program. I mean even with the best intentions in the world if a program does not get the right support it will simply remain a minor hit at best with a cult following when it has the potential to do so much more, something Royalty7 undoubtedly has. But I guess that’s all part of the gamble, eh? Anyway, for what it’s worth the texts are all quite original which to me indicates a bit more of an effort on the admin’s part and describe the program as a “private investment and wealth management company” with too many financial interests to list here. Many of the usual HYIP favorites are listed of course, such as real estate, ForEx, and many many others. You’ll have to investigate that part of the program for yourself I’m afraid as there’s nothing in the way of solid evidence to convince me it’s genuine. But if you have a good feeling about this one then try as always to stay well inside an affordable spending limit and try to keep your deposit there as a smaller part of a wider portfolio.


There was a couple of updates from the HYIPs monitored on MNO which will be of particular interest to investors who favor AlertPay as an e-currency. As of today two more programs started using them – IncomeWith and FelminaAlliance.

Matt, the admin of IncomeWith, announced his program had started accepting AlertPay after only 8 days online. Please note that for the current members it’s necessary to submit a support ticket and ask Watt to add your AlertPay account manually as changing e-currency accounts is not permitted for users in the script for security reasons. IncomeWith pays 105%-128% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 137%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days and 360%-2150% after 30 days. With the addition of AlertPay it has to be said they become more attractive to different types of investors which significantly improves their chances for success compared to programs that only take LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Matt also gave the link to his program’s review published on MNO last week (click here to read it) and promised to do an interview with me as well next week. Here is the latest news update from IncomeWith:
IncomeWith News
first of all thank you for supporting IncomeWith during our first week. I think we achieved massive results within those first 8 days as we almost reached 1000 members. Surely its just a start, we can do much better and with recent AlertPay addition I expect us to get to a next level. I am pleased to announce that now we accept AlertPay as many of you requested.
Recently IncomeWith was reviewed by Money-News-Online blog, for those who still didnt checked our review feel free to do it here:
Hopefully next week we will be able to give an interview as well, so stay tuned.
Best regards, Matt. IncomeWith.

The addition of AlertPay took a bit longer for FelminaAlliance. A couple of weeks since it was first announced they now join LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and Bank wire deposits for 1%-1.6% for 180 business days plan with principal back on expiry (read more about that in my detailed review published here). Unlike LR and PM deposits which are accepted without any limit there’s a ceiling on AlertPay deposits fixed to $500 per account. Apparently, the program doesn’t want to have any further issues with AlertPay who are notorious for seemingly random and unpredictable reversals and account seizures. That is why such precautionary measures from FelminaAlliance‘s administration indicate that they care about their image in the industry and their funds more than many may be aware. Those looking to deposit more than $500 via AlertPay are requested to do so via a direct bank wire. Instructions on on this were also given in the newsletter. The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday where the usual daily interests would not be credited was also mentioned along with a link to FelminaAlliance‘s Facebook page. Here’s the newsletter in full:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is an official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We proudly announce that we have finally integrated AlertPay into our system. From now on you can make your deposit using AlertPay. However, at the moment the maximum amount you can deposit using AlertPay is $500.00 per account, be it one-time or several deposits totalling $500.00.
Should you wish to deposit more, we invite you to do so using a direct bank wire transfer. This payment method is much more cost-efficient when it comes to bigger deposits. To make your deposit using a direct bank wire transfer, you need to:
– log into your FelminaAlliance account,
– go to the ‘Deposits’ section of your account,
– choose ‘Bank Wire Transfer’ as a deposit method,
– enter the amount you wish to deposit (the minimum for bank wire transfer deposits is $500.00),
– click ‘Proceed’ button,
– one of our customer service representatives will send you detailed bank wire instructions within a few hours.
Please note that there are no limitations in regards to withdrawals into your AlertPay account.
This Thursday, November 24, 2011 is the Thanksgiving Day in the United States. This is one of the official holidays that we observe. In complete accordance with our Terms of Service, no interest is paid on the official holidays in the US and Panama.
Make sure to visit and like our official Facebook page at This way we’ll keep you informed about the latest news, updates, links, tips and everything else related to FelminaAlliance.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.

Finally, the admin of BaseBucks (interviewed here) paid members the overdue payouts outstanding since Friday:
Payment News
I have finally completed all the pending payments from Fridays result. You will not believe how long that took, and how many errors it returned. You’d never know this system was supposed to be automated!
Mondays result I will add to Wednesdays payment, paying 2% there rather than 1%. As I cannot face another 700 transactions right now. I need the programmer to do a few things first.
More about BaseBucks which pays variable returns until reaching 200% from of original deposit in the program can be read in my review of the program posted here.

The third newsletter from HYIPInnovation was dedicated to the independent views of the program by independent blogs such as MNO. The link to the review published on MNO a few days ago was provided in this newsletter (click here to read it) along with the invitation sent to the members to openly discuss the program’s features. I believe the upcoming interview with the admin will also help maintain a necessary level of communication with members. The questions have been sent already and I expect it to be published on MNO within the next couple of days. I remind you that HYIPInnovation is a relatively new program launched just ten days ago, currently accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney into 5% for 25-40 business day investment plans. Well, here is the latest newsletter from the admin:
HYIPInnovation News Release 3
Dear HYIPInnovation members,
I am sure that most of you always base various decisions in life on more than one independent opinion about the matter, especially when such matter concerns your finances. The more opinions you will get, the more objective your decision will become. We at HYIPInnovation support the openness of discussions and we are always actively seeking independent third party professionals to provide their view of our program.
We anticipate to receive many more program reviews in the nearest future, but today we would like to turn your attention to the review article offered by Paul of Money News Online. Paul is an independent blog writer and HYIP critic. His article about our program can be found at the following link:
If your email program does not allow links in the body of the email, just type in your browser’s URL window the following domain name – Once the website is loaded, pick the “blog” option on the main page and simply search the blog for HYIP Innovation, or HYIPInnovation.
I hope you will find this review useful.
Yours truly, Sean Mebokan,
HYIPInnovation Administrator”.

The following programs have paid me for the last 24 hours:
Royalty7 (the first payments received), IncomeWith, ReProFinance, HyperCompound, FreedomReserve, APEnergyInvest, SingInvest, SolidForexLtd, HYIPInnovation, EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, VirtualPayments, StableProfit, BaseBucks, FelminaAlliance, TopsFund, OneInv, BonusPayMe and PokerProfits.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more news from the industry tomorrow and don’t forget to check out my monitoring page for the latest changes in program statuses every time before investing!

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