November 2011 Archives

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Beware! FreedomReserve has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! It’s been quite enough around the industry as is often the case as the week begins to wind down but there’s still a couple of news stories to catch up on. Before that I want to take a look at another new addition to my monitoring site. It’s called FreedomReserve and it’s another of those ultra short term style HYIPs that readers will either love or hate in equal measure. So if you’re a fan of this type of program then read on and see if there’s anything in this one that you might find suitable to take a chance on. FreedomReserve offers six investment plans in total running for various length terms and all paying on expiry.

The first of these runs for a term of just 1 single day and makes one interest payment on expiry, a payment that includes your principal. So join today and get paid tomorrow. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and for anything up to a deposit of $200 FreedomReserve offer a return of 105%, or 5% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows:
Deposits of $201 to $500 will earn 106%, form $501 to $1,000 will earn 107%, and from $1,001 to $3,000 will earn 108%. Check the FreedomReserve members area for information on larger investments if interested.

The second plan runs for a term of 3 calendar days and also pays on expiry. The same $10 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $200 FreedomReserve are paying back 116.5% interest, a figure that includes your principal so that’s 16.5% profit for yourself. If you’d like to make a bigger spend than that then the following rates are offered:
119.5% for deposits between $200 and $500, 121.5% for anything between $501 and $1,000, and 124.5% for $1,001 up to $3,000. For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the FreedomReserve members area.

FreedomReserve‘s next plan pays on expiry after a term of 7 calendar days and costs $10 to join. Your final payment will also include your principal. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and the return will be 142% on anything up to a maximum value of $200. If you wish to take a bigger risk then FreedomReserve make the following offers:
Spend from $201 to $500 and earn 149%, from $501 to $1,000 and earn 156%, and from $1,001 to $3,000 for an offer of 163%. Again check out your FreedomReserve members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.

As you can see risk grows exponentially as the investment terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how achievable these figures really are before taking up any serious involvement. But at least you can still join for a minimum spend of $10 and for FreedomReserve‘s fourth investment plan which runs for a 14 calendar day term that can supposedly earn you 191% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $200. Beyond that the rates are:
205% for $201 to $500, 219% for $501 to $1,000, and 270% for $1,000 to $3,000. Larger investments are again accepted so for information there see the FreedomReserve members area.

Next up are two less realistic plans. The first runs for 30 calendar days and pays once on expiry. The minimum deposit is $10 and for anything up to $50,000 the rate being offered is 2,600%. And if all that doesn’t sound unfeasible enough then check out the FreedomReserve‘s final plan, something I’ll include here purely for informational purposes. For a $10 minimum deposit up to a maximum of $50,000 they offer one single payment of 8,900% on expiry of a 60 day term. Needless to point out to seasoned players at this stage that there have been scores of similar HYIPs to this one offering similar if not identical plans in the recent past. But for the benefit of those new to the industry it won’t hurt to point out the obvious – none of them ever actually paid out on plans like this one. Having said that, quite a few had very successful runs of a number of weeks on their shorter term plans, so you’d do better to look there if joining.

Payment options are very limited here with only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney in use, and I wouldn’t expect that to change. So remember there’s no refunds if things don’t quite go your way, but you don’t have to spend too much if that bothers you. Payments are not instant and will have to be requested from inside your members area. You’ll notice a little 24 hour counter in the middle of the FreedomReserve homepage counting backwards to zero. Once that happens the clock is re-set to 24.00 and the payments are processed. So not only will you know when the next payment is due, you’ll also know when the last one was made so you can look around the main forums for independent payment confirmations.

The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script which most will spot instantly anyway, and is also SSL secured to give safer transactions. Hosting is provided by AntiDdos who will no doubt be a familiar name to you by now, hosting dozens of programs similar to FreedomReserve. They’re keeping FreedomReserve on a dedicated server. If you have any further questions or have any account related issues for the admin then the main point of contact is by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page. FreedomReserve also list a telephone number and include a Live Chat feature. Though no timetable is included as to when you might find an operator there (you can always ask the admin about that if you want) I have at least seen it working from time to time.

Texts offer little background information regarding any kind of business plan backing the whole thing up, though that’s hardly surprising as there’s unlikely to be one anyway. FreedomReserve is presented as an online HYIP which is a high risk activity so remember to control your spending as you would with any form of gambling, set yourself modest and affordable spending limits, and try to keep a wider more diverse portfolio.


I’d like to start the news update for today with an important message that will definitely be taken positively by people who like more interaction and direct communication with me and other MNO readers. I’m talking about my ShoutBox which is going to be enabled for general chat from now on, so you will be able to share your views on the industry, ask some questions, or just discuss the programs monitored by MNO in a very convenient way. The ShoutBox will be open during the time I’m online and I will be able to answer your questions straight away and take some measures against possible scams. Note that you will still need to send proof of non-payment to my email address but at least you can warn others and to name and shame such selectively paying scams like UnitrustDirect. Please don’t swear or post any links on my ShoutBox and behave yourselves, so it will be a pleasurable experience for everyone. I will see how the things develop over the next few days and then will decide finally the future of the ShoutBox. So far I can see that it’s a popular tool for expressing your thoughts in a professional manner and I hope it stays this way. Enjoy!

I’m glad to confirm that VirtualPayments keeps paying and I didn’t get any complaints from readers about the payouts not being made. I hope this will continue and if so I will publish a full review on Sunday. Still want to watch how it all will develop. I remind you that VirtualPayments was added to my listing just a few days ago and offers 3.7%-5.7% payment over a period of 90 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. The program only accepts deposits via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $7.

The administration of NeoProgress (read my interview with them here) announced the addition of another language version of their site. This time it was translated into Romanian which became the second version for the international members of the program after the recently introduced Chinese. Within the next couple of days an Indonesian version will be completed as well as two more offices in Bulgaria and Romania being opened which could be something refreshingly new after the Nigerian offices that we saw earlier. But this is all still in the pipeline which can’t be taken into consideration if we have to assess the program as it stands right now. And the most concerning point at this moment is the disabling of instant payouts from NeoProgress which was announced a couple of days ago and on which the administration is supposedly working hard according to the last update on the website:
NeoProgress now translated to Romanian language and we opening new office
As we promised, we continue to work on localizing our site and today we added Romanian language.
Now all our interface inside and outside completely translated and every visitor from Romania can enjoy of native language. Also we are opening now Regional Office for Romania and Bulgaria people, it will be announced soon.
We are actively working on the localization of the website and within 1-2 days our site will be translated into Indonesian language.
Please note, we are also completing work on the protection of the new payment server and soon we will enable instant payments.
NeoProgress Client Support Department”.
However, I find it quite worrying that some complaints started appearing on the major investment forums about the selectively processed payouts from NeoProgress. Obviously such complaints can come from members that don’t read the updates and therefore are unaware of the temporary disabling of instant payouts. However, we cannot dismiss the possibility that the admin really started paying selectively and under the news of manual payouts is trying to stall payouts to bigger investors. Anyway, today I received an email from one reader claiming that he was not paid by NeoProgress (reviewed here) for over 24 hours. Unfortunately, he hasn’t provided me with his login credentials so I cannot verify his info and am currently waiting for more information. So I would like to ask MNO readers to let me know if you were paid by NeoProgress within the last 24 hours to assess the status of the program better and shed some daylight on the status of the program. At the moment if you’re considering investing into one of the plans offered by NeoProgress (1.5% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 60 business days, 2% for 90 business days with principal back on expiry) I would suggest it’s better to wait until the payouts are back to normal. And I really hope they’ll continue paying despite some bad votes already floating around.

Tomorrow I’ll have a review of a new program called FinMarks that was added to MNO listing just a couple of days ago, making instant payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on two investment plans – 3.5% for 60 days with principal returned on expiry and 144% after 12 days. In the introductory newsletter sent to members today the admin of FinMarks gave some general information about his program and some of the features available. Please read it below and if you want more information stay tuned for tomorrow’s review on MNO:
Launch Newsletter
Accept warm welcome in our most professional financial project. We explain in detail all information in to our website.
Still if you have any more specific question you can always feel fee contact through our 24×7 support section.
Remember we only give top priority on technical section only and this section only for member use. Who want to give advertise option only use advertise section and we gradually review and select advertise option and it will take some more time. If advertiser use other than advertise section we ignore that support ticket and will close it with out any review.
General section is for people who are still not member and want to know about our project.
Technical information
We are running with dedicated server and protected with very popular and secured koddos anti-DDoS provider .
We use newly develop Probizscript with automatic withdraw system and they assured us its is completely secured and keep protect members funds.
Other business news
Our trading team time to time send you information about market situation and growth on financial condition.
Thank you all and keep support to make FinMarks big.
Peter. Project admin. FinMarks”.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
FreedomReserve, ReProFinance, EliteGain, BonusPayMe, StableProfit, BaseBucks, FinMarks, HyperCompound, RapyWealth, KistFunds, FelminaAlliance, SingInvest, BrantonsGroup, EurexTrade, VirtualPayments, NeoProgress, WorldwideCapital, LightWaters, SapaInv, TopsFund and OneInv.

That’s all I have for you today, guys. Please stay tuned for more tomorrow and I hope to see you on MNO then!

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