Dec 17th, 2011 Archives

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Hello, guys. There is only one week left till Christmas and many of us are feeling the festive spirit in the air. I know most of you will be looking forward to spending the holidays with their families and the majority might even forget about the HYIP industry for a while. This might prove a wise decision at first glance, but still you really should at least try to stay informed of what’s happening in the industry so in January you can safely come back knowing a bit more about the programs you might be just watching now. MNO is intended to help you with that decision by reporting the latest news, events and even discussing any suspicious activities that might signal the end of some programs before the new year hits. This may be not so obvious at first, but many promising programs could well launch during this slow period and become industry leaders in 2012.

As usual the end of the week doesn’t throw up too many surprises with not that much news to report so that was the reason I chose to skip last night and not publish anything and have a longer post tonight. I guess I should start with the update regarding StableProfit scam. As you might have noticed already nothing has changed regarding their selective payments and the program was moved to Problem status on MNO yesterday after more complaints from readers who had their accounts blocked after requesting payments. I can tell you with 100% certainty that StableProfit is now a scam, but with an absolutely amazingly long lifespan of over 90 days online – a result other short term admins could only dream of. Don’t bother with investing there now as the program went bust!

Now let’s get back to the news updates from the paying HYIPs. Starting with FXMoguls (reviewed here) whose regular weekly newsletter was just issued a couple of days ago. In that newsletter the admin of the program Jason assured members that his program is different from others and that it wouldn’t be a victim of Black December. Well, in my honest opinion he’s probably right as FXMoguls only launched nine days ago. Utilizing such long term plans as 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal returned on expiry through LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, it will be highly unlikely that the admin decides to pull the plug before Christmas. In my honest opinion, FXMoguls has every chance to become a highly successful program provided the admin keeps developing it like he’s doing now with his recent addition of the program’s own forum that will be a perfect communication tool with his investors. We’ll see how it works out after the new year but for now everything is going very well there and the payouts are processed quite fast. Here is the latest from the program:
FXMoguls Newsletter for the week
Dear members,
As always we wish to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks for your participation in what we believe and are assured will be the best and most fruitful investment opportunity of 2012 and beyond.
As was mentioned last week we have added a due diligence page to our website which can be viewed at If you wish to view our status at the more than 35 monitors that we are listed on then you may do so at the bottom of that page.
We are always happy to answer any questions regarding FXMoguls LTD. and the opportunity that it offers. Please send any questions through our contact form and you can be assured of a prompt response.
It seems to be a common theme nowadays to speak of Black December, and for whatever reason this has notoriously become the time when many sites either chose to close or do so because they were using new deposits to pay out old investors. You may be completely assured that FXMoguls LTD will be unaffected by this phenomena and will not fall into the category that so many other so called “Investment” sites so sadly do.
On that note it IS the holiday season. The holidays are about family and a remembrance of all of the things that we have to be grateful for. I heard a quote the other day that said if you have only $15 in your pocket then you are richer than 70% of the world’s population. That’s pretty incredible isn’t it?
We believe and consider each member and potential member of FXMoguls LTD to be our family. As such we have decided to create our own forum so that we can get to know you better and so that you can get a better idea of who we are and why we do what we do.
We hope that you will join and share your experience and successes with us. Please go to to sign up for your account.
As this is a member’s forum we do ask that you use your FXMoguls username on the forum as well. All accounts will need administrational approval so please allow 24 hours for us to approve your account.
Finally I just want to wish all of you the happiest of holiday seasons. We look forward to the future and to the success that lies before us.
Sincerely, Jason Barillo
FXMoguls LTD. Managing Director”.

There is still a very strong demand on credit cards deposits and withdrawals from the members of AlertPay. It looks like the payment processor can’t resolve the issues with Visa and MasterCard they experienced a few months back, continuing to frustrate its members. The apologies keep flowing on the official blog as the anticipation reaches critical levels causing AlertPay to lose popularity to its main rival, fellow Canadian SolidTrustPay who already introduced credit card deposits and withdrawals and is about to launch an international debit card anytime soon. Fairly speaking, other withdrawal options available for AlertPay verified members include Bank wires and Bank transfers are processed quite speedily. So the only available choice for AlertPay users whilst credit card withdrawals remain unavailable is to explore the options outlined in the latest update from their official blog last night:
Status update: VISA and MasterCard processing
As you know, over the last weeks, we have been continuously striving to find a definitive solution to re-enable VISA and MasterCard processing.
Our team is enthusiastic and relentless in their resolve to provide the best service possible. Although VISA and MasterCard processing is not available in the time-frame we had all hoped for, we would like to take this opportunity to assure you that progress is being made.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this service outage is causing. In the meantime, we urge you to explore the other payment options AlertPay offers.
Thank you to all our loyal customers who have stuck with us through this time, your support further strengthens our resolve!

Yesterday the admin of BaseBucks Jo (interviewed here) made some so-called fast track payments, allowing them to reach their 200% return faster than anticipated. The full list of payouts is available on the program’s website as linked to in the update. Next week, according to the admin will return to its current payment schedule which provides 4% weekly payments at the moment until you reach 200% of your original deposit (read more about this investment plan in my detailed review of BaseBucks published here). And this is the latest news in full:
BaseBucks – December 16th
Hello, As I mentioned in the previous result, today we are making a change from the norm (as a one-off!), and issuing todays result exclusively as Fast Track Payments.
So there is no global result today, and instead we have just completed 104 investors their complete remaining 200% returns!
View them all here:
* Unfortunately, the system isn’t designed to pay ONLY fast track payments, so these payments have been tagged onto the end of Wednesdays result…
But you can view them all never the less (scroll down, until you get to the payments with the BLUE icons next to them. The first 2 were paid on Wednesday, and the other 104 just now!)
Next week we will be back to the normal payment schedule;
1% Monday. 1% Wednesday. 2% Friday.
Jo. BaseBucks”.

Here is the list of the programs from which I received payments for the last 48 hours:
TopsFund, OneInv, HyperCompound, APEnergyInvest, TopWallet, ForexReflex, EVBusiness, LifeTimeProfits, FelminaAlliance, BaseBucks, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, ReProFinance, WorldwideCapital, HYIPInnovation, Royalty7, BonusPayMe, SolidForexLtd, JackPotProject, ProfitableSunrise and OnlineInvest.

That’s about all I have for you today, guys. See you on my blog soon and let the Christmas spirit overcome your soul!

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