January 2012 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello, guys. I hope you’re all doing well. Me too as I keep enjoying my vacation in the sunny Dalmatian coast of Croatia. At the same time, I work hard to keep you updated on the most recent news and events from the HYIP industry and today was quite a fruitful day with three more programs added to my monitoring. All the programs listed on MNO keep paying as of today which further prove my theory of becoming a monitoring solely for elite programs run by professional admins. With MNO you can be sure that quality is much better than quantity! Anyway, I will introduce the new programs a bit later and for now let’s talk about the important news and updates coming from the programs listed on my monitoring page.


Nobody can deny now that APEnergyInvest (reviewed here) has managed to become one of the most popular long-term programs with investors after more than two months online. Unlike many other admins, Mal from APEnergyInvest prefers stable growth of his program and does not try to fake the numbers. I believe that 1700+ members after 70 days online is quite a decent achievement for such a program which pays on three investment plans – 1.9% for 30 days, 2.3% for 180 days, 2.5% for 365 days via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and returning your deposit on expiry. Still, I think that faster growth is coming as more of the older investors hit the industry again after the holidays and the admin seems to realize that. Just today he purchased the top banner on MNO monitor that will be displayed for the next month in less than 24 hours from now. I think an interview on MNO might be also in the pipeline, so stay tuned for further developments on that front.
According to the most recent update posted on APEnergyInvest‘s website, the holiday period was still fruitful for the program with over 400 new members joining and over 5000 “likes” posted on Facebook since its first inception in late November. The admin also encourages members’ to promote the program and promises that he is doing his best to provide stability with fast and mostly instantly processed payouts. Hopefully this strategy of gradual growth will pay off and we’ll soon see APEnergyInvest as an emerging leader in the HYIP market. Though I think that’s already well under way:
New Year Update
All of our staff have now returned from their holidays and we are now set to move forward into 2012 and become the best investment web site in the industry.
Firstly, we would like to welcome the 400+ new Investors that joined us over the Christmas and New Year period. This underlines our strength and the fact that our amazing start up in November was not a fluke and the momentum is continuing. Our affiliate program participants are doing a fantastic job and along with our modest advertising strategy we believe this slow build up is the best way to keep our business growing at a sensible pace. We now have 1700+ investors!
Thanks also, to our Facebook users. Over 5000 “likes” is incredible in such a short space of time. It shows how powerful social media is and we will continue to use our Facebook page as a supplementary part of our business. Its especially good for keeping you up to date if the main web site is ever offline.
We are very happy with our current investment plans and we do not intend to add to them at the moment. In our recent Facebook poll the majority of our Investors were happy with the current set up, so for the foreseeable future all things will be staying exactly as they are “stable, steady and profitable” the way everybody likes it!!
All withdrawals and end of term deposit returns are all paid up and totally up to date. We have never missed a payment deadline and will continue to strive for excellence at all levels of our service.
We do plan an increase in advertising shortly. This will hopefully expand our user base even further. There is no time like the present to use your affiliate link to refer your friends and colleagues as the brand awareness of APEnergyInvest becomes more widely known. You know you can trust the longevity of our Investment Plans and therefore can make plenty of extra money by confidently inviting people to join under your affiliate link. Go to the Affiliate Center in the members area for more details of our Affiliate Program.
More updates will be posted soon.


I know that many of you liked FXMoguls (reviewed here) for its fast payouts and low minimum investment of $0.01 via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney into 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal back on expiry plan. For the first five weeks online FXMoguls managed to become a program of choice for hundreds of members. Many of whom have joined but not deposited yet, possibly due to AlertPay missing as a payment option. I know that many MNO readers, particularly those from the US and Canada (though by no means only) are fans of that payment processor and don’t join HYIPs unless they take it. Well, starting today FXMoguls (the admin was interviewed here) accepts AlertPay as well. I believe that the minimum to deposit will be not $0.01, but rather $1 which is the minimum transaction allowed via AlertPay themselves but still will be very affordable for any investor who would like to try out the program. Existing members of FXMoguls can change their profiles by going to “Account Profile”-”Update Profile” and filling in your AlertPay account details (with the answer to your security question and your existing password). The last feature is made exclusively for your security, something taken seriously as the script for FXMoguls was developed from scratch:
FXMoguls Newsletter – Alertpay added!
Dear members,
We would like to first thank each of you who were kind enough to submit feedback and ideas on how we may improve FXMoguls. The response was overwhelming.
What was even more overwhelming was the amount of members who requested us to add Alertpay as a payment option.
So, it is my pleasure to announce that we have added Alertpay as an option for deposit and withdrawal at FXMoguls. We hope that this addition is well received and adds to your experience with FXMoguls LTD.
Sincerely, FXMoguls LTD.


As you might know, ForexReflex (reviewed here) also utilizes an original script which allows the admin to constantly improve functionality and make it more user-friendly. The main improvement announced by the admin of ForexReflex Patrick (interviewed here) in today’s update is the possibility to reinvest the original principal automatically for which you can change the settings of a particular deposit in the program. I remind you that ForexReflex pays daily straight to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay accounts so you don’t have to request any withdrawals. Just use the member’s area to manage your existing deposits or add new ones. Current investment plans include 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.7%-1.9% for 30 business days, 2%-2.4% for 60 business days, 2.2%-2.8% for 90 business days with principal back on expiry. To further encourage promotional efforts among members the admin also announced the doubling of referral commissions for the month of January and some small changes that will make your affiliate efforts in ForexReflex a nicer experience. For more information on that please read the full update from the program below:
January Referral Campaign, automatic re-invest
Dear Members and Guests!
Once again we’re here with news of expansions to the site. This time, we’ve added numerous new features and also launched our 2012 January Referral Campaign.
Automatically re-invest principal
In order to enable our customers to earn even more (with reduced Payment Processor fees), we have created a feature that allows you to choose to re-invest principal automatically. A simple drop-down menu in the Investment settings lightbox (appears when you click “change settings” on your investment widget) enables you to choose “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether you want to automatically re-invest principal or not.
2012 January Referral Campaign
ForexReflex is proud to present yet another campaign – 2012 January Referral Campaign -, this time aimed to help members of our affiliate program (and members to come) to better promote our site. Referral commissions on all levels have been doubled, providing an excellent opportunity to further increase the financial gains presented by ForexReflex.
During 01/11 – 01/31 2012 new affiliate commission rates are as follows:
1st level – 10%, 2nd level – 6%, 3rd level – 4%
Other additions to the site
Our Development Team crafted a nice extra feature to the Affiliates page – If you have not set up a default affiliate commissions account in the Affiliate section and make an investment, the account you used to fund the investment with, will be used as your default affiliate commissions account with the relevant Payment Processor.
Investment Widget layout has also been overhauled – new layout contains a bit more “breathing room”, as well as additional “Amount re-invested” field for Completed investments.
Also some minor changes were made to the Affiliate Statistics section’s layout to enable serious affiliate program members better overview of their downline.


If you read MNO blog last night you might have noticed that straight after the interview with the admin of JunixOverseas Justin was published (click here to read it) his program went offline for several hours. No surprise that jealous competitors obviously don’t want to see the program succeed, but I’m glad to see the admin took all necessary measures to ensure it won’t happen again by upgrading their DDoS protection level. As you might remember from my review of JunixOverseas posted here, the program accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay and pays on two plans with no expiry date -1.8% per business day and 10% weekly – and one special plan available only for the month of January – 0.1% hourly for the duration of 30 calendar days with optional principal return afterwards. Here is the second official newsletter from JunixOverseas sent just a couple of hours ago:
JunixOverseas – Newsletter#2
We hope you all have had a great week thus far. Ours has been hectic but very rewarding,emotionally.
This newsletter comes with a mixed bag of information and updates.
The first, happens to be that our website was down for a few hours yesterday due to a DDOS attack. Though we have a very good level of DDOS protection, we suffered some downtime and had to upgrade our DDOS protection scale to upto 5 GBPS. Though we are new, our site has been attacked. We take it as a source of experience for us to improvise.
We also would like to thank Paul from Money-News-Online for the rather elaborate and informative interview that was published in the blog. You may read it here:
We hope it has helped everyone to know more about JunixOverseas and provided you with sufficient information that may have been missed earlier.
That is about all the news and updates we have today from our office.
Should you require any assistance, do contact our Support team.
Best Regards. Olivia. JunixOverseas”.


In a regular weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) members were informed that the internal exchange between e-currencies and bank wire interest is now allowed in their account area. That means you can exchange LibertyReserve into AlertPay or PerfectMoney for instance without paying any fees. The same goes for Bank wire deposits which is definitely handier than waiting until you get the minimum amount to withdraw to your bank account. Please note that you may convert other e-currencies INTO AlertPay, but never OUT OF AlertPay, as this is strictly prohibited by them.
FelminaAlliance pays quite moderate returns of 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry. They’ve been online for over five months now and have already earned a reputation as an excellent performer among fans of quality long-term programs. Hopefully the recent addition of AlertPay and the coming hiring of regional representatives will help FelminaAlliance grow further and pay its members for a long time to come. Here is the latest weekly newsletter from them:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is an official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season full of happiness and blessings.
We are working hard to make 2012 a successful year for all of us.
First in a series of coming developments and updates in our system is a new option allowing every customer to choose different payment options to withdraw the available balances from his/her account. For example, if you have funds in your Available Balance (Bank Wire Transfer) you can now withdraw them into your Alertpay, Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money accounts. Log into your FelminaAlliance account and go to the ‘Withdrawals’ page to learn more.
Our technical department is finalizing the integration of a new area dedicated to the regional representatives. It is coming really soon.
Today is January 9, 2012, Martyrs’ Day in Panama, it is one of the official holidays that we observe. So no interest will be paid today. According to our terms of service, no interest is paid on weekend days and official holidays.
Please find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Felminacom. This is the fastest way to read the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.


One admin who seems to have been busy last night is that of LuxorAlliance. The program’s first newsletter is taking a leaf from the above mentioned FelminaAlliance and is also looking to make this a weekly event. This first one is quite a lengthy piece by the way so if you’re a member then pay close attention. However given that LuxorAlliance is quite a new program that only launched about a week ago (you can see the review of it here) there’s quite a lot of background information on it that the admin seems quite keen to explain to us in further detail. I guess it’s not a bad way to kick things off and for a first newsletter will be seen as a reference point that later investors may refer back to if interested. Among the topics covered are why exactly LuxorAlliance has organized itself the way that it has – in other words why did they choose the hosting provider that they did, why did they choose that particular script, why do they advertise exactly where they do, and so on. Just to remind you, LuxorAlliance is offering a good mix of plans that include 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, and 2.8% for 60 days, all of which return your principal on expiry. I’ve included the full newsletter below and do have one issue to comment on myself, but I think you need to read the update first to fully understand what I mean:
LuxorAlliance expands the boundaries
Hello LA Investors,
We highly recommend you to download and read LA Weekly News in PDF format http://luxoralliance.com/laweekly_issue_1.pdf
LA Weekly is online newspaper that published every Tuesdays and created by LuxorAlliance Group to keep you up to date with our work. We’d like to share with you challenges that we face, questions people ask us etc. This is the first issue that include six main themes which you can see at the left column.
LuxorAlliance Technical Characteristics
Everyone knows that Time is Money. That’s why LA develops the easiest way to use features. To save time for our investors and create opportunity to make more money. Basic overview, accessibility, Font Size/Spacing is easy to read, main navigation is simple identifiable, unique and consistent content which is easy to skim through.
Why GoldCoders script?
By analyzing scripts which are used on different investment programs we have chosen well-known one by goldcoders. It is easy to use for every investor no matter if you’re new to industry or already experienced. Our programmers completed this script with modifications by improving security, safety and usability. So it’s custom goldcoders script.
Why Comodo?
Comodo is a leading brand in online security and the world’s largest provider of business-validated SSL Certificates. Comodo secures and authenticates online communications for over 200,000 business customers worldwide and protects more than 25,000,000 global users of its award-winning desktop security solutions.
LuxorAlliance has ID Authority which is a certification based trusted third party operated by Comodo. The ID Authority is a central repository of website identities and the credentials of the entities behind the website.
LA Promotion
Advertisement on Monitors/Blogs
 This is a first week since we introduced LuxorAlliance to our online investors. Now is a time to order advertisement from the most progressive monitors, bloggers and make promotion in social media. We are not going to buy useless ADS unlike others do, since we are taking care of every 1 cent of our and especially our investor’s money. We don’t want to waste funds for services that don’t properly work.
First monitor/blog we found to be interesting and professional is money-news-online.com (MNO). The Admin of MNO is Paul who reviewed LuxorAlliance. We want to thank him for this great opportunity to participate in advanced community. He seems to be a polite, intelligent man with good skills of eloquence. We decided to try MNO with a standard listing which coast $600 ($400 fee, $200 – re-invested in our program).
The reviewer of MNO probably has a different understanding and idea of who we really are. He is right, that registering company in UK is not so complicated and you can even register your own company online. But in fact, you may face with many difficulties by providing real company papers, identities documents, bills etc. Let’s face the fact that our company was founded in 23rd Feb 2009 and we have got enough experience to manage finance activities properly with a high level of potential growth.
Another review has been written by hyipingmoney Admin. We really appreciate his clear review with different examples. We hope it will give people better idea about investment.
We chose the most progressive, resultative and exclusive monitors where you can check our real program status: money-news-online.com, hyipexplorer.com, goldpoll.com, shumonitor.com, popularhyip.com, hyipnews.com, hyip.com, hyipscope.org, list4hyip.com, hyiphall.com and others.
Social Media Promotion
As you can see we have Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot pages which allow us to extend communication with you. Currently, our facebook page has nearly 1000 likes and 700 are talking about LA. You can also join them.
LA Features
LA staff uses high-level of security to ensure full safety of the system. We use licensed script by Goldcoders with modifications by our team. Also used on LA trusted Comodo Premium SSL which is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet. LA hosted on dedicated server by Koddos and DDoS protected with a high-experienced LA staff combined with Koddos team. Also, we use firewall, web filter by Barracuda and Acunetix advanced software. All investors have strong account security and monitoring 24/7. Our server has auto-backup system of all information.
We offer multi-language online support 24/7 for our investors. Our staff speaks english, spanish, german, italian, russian and mandarin.
Another way to contact us is support form. We will reply you within 24 hours.
You can read our short news at facebook, twitter and blogspot.
Our phone support and fax available on business hours from 9AM to 5PM (GMT).
LA Statistic
Current Statistic
We don’t want to show you crazy amounts, fake statistic with hilarious numbers like others do. Just reality and facts.
The most asked questions of the week:
Do you pay on weekends and holidays?
We pay 7 days/week without exceptions.
Are you payments automatic?
All withdrawal requests we do process manually for security measures.
Funds are usually available within 24 hours. If you don’t receive your withdrawn funds please contact us and we will solve your problem promptly.
Can I deposit using PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve and withdraw using Bank Wire?
You can withdraw/deposit with Western Union or bank wire. In these cases fee for transfer will be applied. LA takes 4% fee to withdraw funds + bank fee.
Can I have several accounts?
According to our rules you are not allowed to use same computer to abuse our referral system. We will take penalty for such actions and next time your account will be suspended.
Is your company real?
We are real and registered company. Follow this link to search information about our company (Company Registered no. OC343540).
Who manages the funds?
Our staff is one of our biggest assets. Every employee of the company is dedicated to satisfying your needs by providing excellent expertise, available to you at any given moment. Every employee at LuxorAlliance is dedicated, capable and determined to provide you with the best service possible.
Our investment management agency specializes in providing loans in exchange for collateral (generally, homes, cars, jewelry, etc.). Some of our most frequent clients are casinos and booker’s offices. Because we offer loans to our clients at a high interest rate, we are able to offer higher return to our investors. By circulating our investor’s capital, we achieve the desired financial goals. Stability of our services is enhanced by close cooperation with loan management agencies, leading law firms, employment agencies, realtor groups and reselling companies. Solid partnerships with reliable companies all over the world help us provide our investors with reasonable solutions for payments and legal securities.
What is transaction code?
Transaction code is your second password to withdraw your funds.
Do you offer compounding?
We do not use compounding as it creates unnecessary stress on a program.
We’re looking forward to face challenges and joys of the next week.To sum everything up that has been a great week.
Thank you for being our loyal members and walking this road to success together with us.
Sincerely, LuxorAlliance Team”.
OK, just something I wanted to clarify about my own position relating to the registration of LuxorAlliance that the admin deemed necessary to comment on above is that “the reviewer of MNO” (that’s me!) does NOT have a “different understanding” of this. I know exactly what it is and if anyone is interested have done some research on the subject personally. You will NOT be asked for anything of the sort the admin mentions above when it comes to registering a business in the UK. Not company papers, not identity documents, not utility bills. None of it. In fact you need not even be able to locate the UK on a map of the world in order to register a company there, much less be investigated by the authorities. A child could do it. If you would like to know the full story then please read the following article, but I can assure you that LuxorAlliance‘s registration is of no more value to you as an investor than the paper it’s written on. I’m not trying to deliberately make an argument about this by the way, but the fact is I know exactly what I’m talking about and what the admin tries to tell you in this newsletter is simply not the case. Read about it here.

Ok, I guess it’s time to announce two new programs on MNO’s Premium list today (one other was added to Basic list only and therefore will be skipped, according to my rules).


The first program added today straight to Premium/Sticky listing on MNO was RelaxCapital. The program just launched yesterday when the official welcome message appeared on its site:
We would like to welcome you to the RelaxCapital official website. In response to numerous requests from our existing clients, we moved our business online for giving ability to the international customers to use our services easily. Please have a browse around the web site and make sure you register as this is something you cannot afford to miss.
RelaxCapital Team”.
Running on a totally unique and custom script built from scratch, RelaxCapital offers four investment plans via three popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. Starting from a $10 to $200 minimum you can invest in such plans as 1.5% for 30 days, 1.7% for 60 days, 2% for 90 days and 2.5% for 180 days. The interest on your deposit will be credited on every calendar day and on expiry you will get your full original deposit back. RelaxCapital website made a good first impression on me with uncomplicated plans, SSL security, original script and DDoS protection by DdoSWiz on a dedicated server. More will be posted in the upcoming full review of RelaxCapital tomorrow, so stay tuned for that guys!


Another program added to Premium list on MNO tonight is WinningProfits. The program has just launched and will be monitored exclusively on MNO, just like another already quite popular program NewGNi (reviewed here). I guess this decision will be good for the program’s advertising budget as it will save the admin a lot of money on unnecessary monitors most of which are useless anyway. And I have a feeling that WinningProfits is built to run for a long time. At least I can see that this was the admin’s intention judging by the offered investment plans which combine medium investment terms of 20-24 calendar days with modest profits of 20%. The program currently accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $5 and two investment plans are on offer – 5% for 24 days and 120% after 20 days. This is not much compared to others and I don’t expect WinningProfits to become popular overnight, but if the admin intends to run her program for a long time she will not object to slow growth. At least that was her pronounced aim for 2012 to the potential members in the welcome news piece posted on the site today:
Today the final testing of the website has been done and we have officially launched what will be the strongest and most well run HYIP of 2012.
Apart from the stable investment plans WinningProfits features a nicely compiled website with a great design and a lot of useful information provided. I like the fact that the website is fully SSL-protected and is hosted on a dedicated server with strong level of protection against DdoS by BlackLotus. The most important thing though is that the program is running off a totally unique script which I believed again shows that the intentions of the admin are quite serious. Anyway, I wish WinningProfits‘ admin the best of luck in running her program and will be publishing the full review of the program on MNO blog within the next couple of days.


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, TopWallet, JunixOverseas, OnlineInvest, RelaxCapital (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, ReProFinance, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, WorldwideCapital, HYIPInnovation, ForexReflex, PaidJack, FXMogulsNewGNi, FelminaAlliance, LedgerWallet, SolidForexLtd, ProfitableSunrise, GeniusVenture, WinningProfits (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: StrongDollars, LifeTimeProfits, LuxorAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. The news update was a bit longer than usual as I missed yesterday completely. But I hope you find MNO a useful resource for the latest developments from the most popular programs online. Stay tuned for more news tomorrow and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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