03/02/2012. Daily News from the Industry
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of news on MNO over the last two days, but basically the simple reason for that was that there wasn’t really a whole lot going on. This is a pretty weird situation for the beginning of February and the middle of the business week, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. Anyway, I’m sure that this won’t last and very soon we will an increase in activities from both investors and HYIP admins. Today I have plenty to catch up on however, plus some new programs to introduce, so read on!
I would like to start with a warning that is now official – EVBusiness is ready to scam. Last night I received the first complaint from one reader and was able to check his account and independently verify that his withdrawal request was not processed within the promised 24 hour timeframe. Smaller withdrawal requests submitted by him were marked as processed as I noticed when looking through his account, but I can see that EVBusiness is now paying selectively so some investors may still report payouts. I myself can confirm that my own withdrawals from EVBusiness have been paid instantly or within 24 hours so far. However, it doesn’t mean that it’s safe to invest there anymore, as the thing about selective payouts is that once they start, they spread like a cancer and will reach everybody sooner than you think.
I would like to remind you that I already noticed the first signs of collapse of EVBusiness and let MNO readers know my honest opinion about it a week ago in this article. Some investors even tried to argue with me on my ShoutBox and said that the program might last much longer than I predicted. However, the inability of the admin to extend Sticky listing and banners on MNO is usually a pretty reliable indicator that he’s planning to run off with his member’s money pretty soon. And I was right because just a few days later EVBusiness suddenly changed their plans from longer-term 60-day plan to a much shorter 5 day plan at the same time increasing the minimum investment to $500. This alone made me give a warning on MNO which you could all read here three days ago. Now that my prediction came true I don’t want to say “I told you so”, but for me the fact is that the signs were just too obvious to ignore and not share them with you. So if you read MNO regularly and trusted my gut instincts you would I hope save money from investing in EVBusiness in its last days online. Please note that some monitors will still display EVBusiness on Paying status, although for me it’s obvious that there will be more and more complaints soon which will make more monitors change the status to Problematic as well. It’s just a matter of time now.
I would also like to say that EVBusiness was definitely a much more successful project than the previous PreMoney fast scam. However the tactics used by the admin were predictable and smart investors left the program earlier. For those who lost in EVBusiness, trust your instincts next time and read MNO regularly to be able to spot the early scam warnings which will help you avoid losing money. And for the record, I will continue to say what I want to say on my blog, even of it turns away (especially if it turns away!) some crooked admins. Actually I’ll be glad if they advertise on less strict sources, and I’ll keep my opinions unbiased and independent as I’ve always done.
NewGNi recently finished its first month online alive and kicking. The payments from the program are made once daily on business days and the first investors should be really satisfied with the profits made to their SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts from two available investment plans – 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the option to withdraw your principal after 180 days. The admin of NewGNi Jurgen is becoming more active and recently requested an interview on MNO, so I sent him some questions last night. Hopefully I’ll be able to publish that soon. As you might know, MNO was selected as the only official monitor for NewGNi and it looks like it has definitely paid off as Jurgen just renewed his big tower banner on MNO blog for three more month and it currently expires in the beginning of June. I believe that might be a good indication of their long term intentions for my readers and that is why I thought it necessary to mention it.
From the latest newsletter issued by Jurgen last night, members can find out about the new social bookmarking toolbar available on the bottom of NewGNi and about the SolidTrustPay promotion which has been running since STP first introduced as the third payment processor recently. I must say that the accepted STP funds definitely gave a boost to their growth which will hopefully continue for a long long to come. Here is the latest newsletter from NewGNi (reviewed here):
“Newsletter 2 February 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
For this week, just a short news update:
We are striving to offer you a convenient state-of-the-art investment platform and are permanently improving our portal. Today we’d like to introduce our new toolbar to you: Consider it as a gateway to social media practicality. You can access our facebook posts and twitter ‘tweets’ direct from all our front-end pages.
Since the standard toolbar, we used for a couple of days, broke our SSL encryption, we decided to create our very own one – and here we are: SSL throughout. Enjoy!
We will add more features in the weeks to come, so please stay tuned.
Unfortunately ‘All good things come to an end’, as performed by Nelly Furtado: I have to announce that our SolidTrustPay introductory bonus promotion is over. Yesterday we’ve received our 100’s STP deposit and credited the bonus to the depositors account balance. You may still invest with STP, as they are great – but there are no bonuses left for now.
That’s all for today, I’ll see you next time.
Best regards, Jurgen
NewGNi Administration
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.
Good news came from the admin of WinningProfits Bruno (interviewed here). He confirmed the first profits should be received by the first investors in the first available investment plans via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney since the program first opened three weeks ago – 5% for 24 days and 120% after 20 days. It looks like WinningProfits not only managed to successfully survive the first cycle but also introduced a new shorter term plan paying 10% for 11 days which is still available for deposits from a $5 minimum. Although I believe that the new plan makes the other two obsolete I still hope it might boost the program’s growth and make it more competitive than the other short-term programs. Here is the last email received from WinningProfits (reviewed here) yesterday:
“WinningProfits 20 days online!
Just a very brief email to announce that the members who invested in the warlock plan on day one have completed a full cycle and have been paid their profits.
Things are going very well and with the growth we are seeing I have no doubt that things will continue to stay on the up and up.
You can always contact us with any questions.
There was a short update from the admin of FACTUnion Amelia yesterday. She just announced the interview that she gave to MNO recently which you can read here:
“Interviewed By MNO
We have been interviewed by Paul of Money-News-Online and I highly recommend our members to read this interview:
Regards, – Amelia (Administrator) / FACTUnion.”
FACTUnion is a program that has been paying on two hourly (4%-5% for 30 business day) and one daily (1.2% for 150 calendar days) plans for over two months already. The payment processors accepted include AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $5 and the payments are usually processed instantly. FACTUnion recently increased their advertising efforts on many forums and monitors including MNO which reviewed it here. Hopefully, Amelia will be able to accomplish everything what she planned and the program will keep growing nicely.
Sometimes the communication between admin and members is crucial, especially when the site is under attack or unavailable for some reason. In that case, Facebook and similar social networking websites become very helpful and prevent panic. I’m going to make Facebook available for posting to MNO readers very soon too, but many admins already do so. For example SenrosGroup recently opened a Facebook page in addition to Twitter which was announced few days earlier, so hopefully that will improve communication there:
“Facebook Added
As you may have noticed, today we have lauched our official Facebook page. There is no doubt that social networks have become the essential part of our lifes and SenrosGroup will not fall behind these modern realities.
Please do not forget to follow us on Twitter – https://twitter.com/senrosgroup
And ‘like’ us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Senros-Group/237897199625160”.
You can read my full review of SenrosGroup on MNO here. The program accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum and currently there are three investment plans, each returning your principal on expiry – 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.8% for 25 business days, 2.5% for 50 business days.
The admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent (he’s going to be interviewed on MNO soon) is a pretty good marketer in my opinion. Just yesterday he paid for a package of three banners on MNO monitor for one month each which was greeted by many investors as a positive sign. And today a contest among monitors was announced in which three winners with the highest ref commissions paid till the end of February will be awarded with 6 month banner advertising contracts. This is definitely a good solution as only testing will be able to find the best monitors. Some monitors can boast a lot of referrals but as Vincent fairly said – it’s not the quantity but the quality that matters. I am pretty sure that MNO will bee one of the winners with the support of my loyal readers and investors. Here is the full message for monitors:
Win a 6 month contract of banner advertising on you monitoring site.
For the 3 most active monitors with the highest referral commission paid out by the end of February month will win an exclusive advertising prize for 6 month paid advertising on your monitoring site.
Its not quantity but quality that counts
Vincent Logan
CrownEarnInvestgroup, Marketing & Sale”.
CrownEarnInvestgroup was first reviewed on MNO here, make instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Investment plans are quite lucrative with 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, 136%-144% after 14 days.
The tactics of limited available units and opening and closing new investment plans are used by the admin of TopsFund (reviewed here). I remind you that you can read my full article in order to better understand such a strategy and avoid the hidden traps here. This is an article about EzProfit – a program run by the same admin in the past with a similar strategy used by its successor TopsFund. Anyway, the latest news might not be treated so seriously as it has axed the plan which was paying 2250% after 150 days and therefore was not popular among smarter investors anyway:
“Fixed 150 Plan Closed
Fixed 150 Plan closed and not allow to invest as the 5000 units offered already sold out.”
Clever marketing tactics can definitely be seen here, though experienced investors won’t invest in unrealistic plans like 1080% after 180 days or 1620%-1800% after 90 days which are still available. Despite the timely processed payouts to all TopsFund investors it might be too late to join even the daily paying plans now – 0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months), 0.6%-0.7% for 300 days (principal returned on request), 1.5%-3% for 150 days (principal back). They have been really good for the investors who joined seven months ago when the program just launched but it will be more difficult to break even now. So enjoy your profits while TopsFund lasts but be careful when joining new investment plans at the moment!
If TopsFund is already removing some plans the admin of OneInv (absolutely the same person, by the way) is doing exactly the opposite – adding a new plan with a one off payment on expiry. Today another plan paying 1620% after 180 days was added with a minimum investment of $500 via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney:
“Medium Term Plan Launch!
Medium Plan pay 9% daily for 180 days. Total 1620% return. Principal deposit not return. Your pure profit will be 1520%. Will be closed once reached the investment limit.”
I guess there is no need to say that such plans cannot be recommended and according to the same EzProfit strategy discussed here and taking into consideration that the program is being run by the same team we can conclude that it will most probably finish in six months from now – the time when the first payouts on expiry of this new plan are due to be paid. As with this 1620% after 180 days plan two more investment plans in OneInv are not recommended for the same reason – 1500% after 300 days and 2500% after 250 days. With two other plans offered by OneInv (reviewed here) you still have a fair chance to be in profit – 0.6%-1.2% daily forever (principal back after 12 months) and 1%-2% for 300 days. I myself don’t expect OneInv to collapse soon and in my opinion will to pay for six months at least which should be enough for the admin to lure newbies into the on-expiry plans and make good profits for himself.
LifeTimeProfits (reviewed here) just recently celebrated two months online. That was definitely more than enough for the first investors to profit from their 3%-5% for 50 business days plan via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for a $10 minimum. Please note that the original principal is already included in the daily earnings and is not returned. Hopefully that alone will make LifeTimeProfits more sustainable in the long run and it will have many successful months to come. Here is the latest from them:
“Second Monthly’s Birthday
We are proud to inform our valued investors that we are celebrating today the successful completion of our second month online; During this period, we have proved our efficiency, and our investors can witness that LTL is just doing great with very fast payments, proper members support and without any major complain.
This is just the beginning, and LTL still have a very long way to travel along with the investors who trust us.
Finally, we can say only that actions speak much louder than words, trust us and we will never let you down.
Best Regards. Lara
I already got a few complaints from readers regarding communication problems with the admin of PanamaHedgeFund. He seems to either refuse to reply or with huge delays. I contacted him regarding the inaccessibility of his site a few days ago which worried many investors but still haven’t received a reply. I just saw the small update posted on the website of PanamaHedgeFund which is currently back online explaining the reason as an extensive DDoS attack:
“DDoS attack
PanamaHedgeFund was offline for the last 24 hours due to a DDoS attack. In one week we will add more servers and upgrade to more powerful anti-ddos protection to ensure non-stop work and 100% uptime.”
Anyway, at the time of writing PanamaHedgeFund is back online and I’m glad to note that all the withdrawals are still being paid instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on 1.9%-2.7% per business day for 30-365 days plans. I guess such prompt payouts are compensation for the admin’s incapability to communicate properly. If you wish to read more about the plan in PanamaHedgeFund which is quite complicated you can check out my review published here.
A new program added to Premium listing on MNO and Sticky listing for a whole month is GibraltarFinancialGroup. The program is a good example of the gradual expansion and new features in order to provide stable long term growth and support prompt payments for weeks to come. Just look at the website of GibraltarFinancialGroup and you will see they’ve been running successfully for over two months. However, I should warn you that the program started back in November 2011 with different investment plans and according to the latest news update published just a couple of days was refurbished and changed to more profitable plans only recently:
“Good news!
We have worked in a long time and keep rising in a successful way, we have proof it through our stable profit share and we are giving all we might to keep it as stable as they were. We have gone through many researches and our strategy has been proofed, increasing our investors profit better and bigger.
And now, as the proof that our strategies is powerful and could bring better profit, we have decided to change our plans.
Now our newest plans give our investors bigger profit in short time, and more stable than before.
Kind Regards, GibraltarFinancialGroup Team.”
GibraltarFinancialGroup‘s currently offer on expiry plans which you can join via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for a $10 minimum and will definitely be familiar to experienced short-term players – 105%-127% after 1 day, 116%-190% after 3 days, 128%-267% after 5 days, 141%-355% after 7 days, 190%-650% after 15 days, 300%-1300% after 30 days. Please note that withdrawals are not instant and might take up to 24 hours. GibraltarFinancialGroup is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured and hosted on a dedicated and protected server by AntiDdos. The downtimes are highly unlikely therefore and I expect some good results from the program, especially considering the admin was quite generous in advertising. You can read more about GibraltarFinancialGroup here tomorrow, so don’t miss it!
Another program joining MNO last night is PXSense. Although the program is only listed on Standard Listing in my opinion, it has more interesting features and is certainly more sustainable. PXSense is really quite different from most others in the industry and apart from only one investment plan paying 2% rebates for 75 calendar days for $10 units which can be bought via AlertPay, SolidTrustPay or LibertyReserve PXSense also offers a matrix and pixel advertising to its clients as additional revenue streams. The program is running off a MonetarySoft script and is fully SSL-secured. Hosting is on a dedicated Staminus server protected by Koddos.
I will be discussing more features of PXSense in the upcoming review soon. But for now I would like you to check the latest newsletter from the admin posted on the program’s own blog a few days ago which will describe features over the last month online:
“Celebrating 1 Month
Hello everyone,
I am Christer, Your Admin! Today PXSense becomes one month young. We had a wonderful month full of positive developments, attractive bonuses, fulfilling promises, and of course a rapid growth! Before I get started with today’s lengthy newsletter, I am thankful to all promoters, supporters and of course our PXSense team, that consists of highly talented and motivated people who have proved their performances and who have rock solid experiences and expertise.
At this stage we are exiting the “Lite Launch” phase and entering the phase of standard operations. Our team is compiled and PXSense is fully complete. PXSense is todays’ most extra-ordinary program with ALL-IN-ONE exclusivity. We are empowering investors, we are empowering advertisers, and we are empowering promoters of smaller scale to giants with huge downlines. PXSense is on the cutting edge of technology, service, business development and innovation. That makes PXSense the PERFECT choice for EVERY ONE.
Open Challenge:
My Open Challenge to anyone is to show me an operational program that can offer the same or better services, concepts and features than PXSense.
Matrix Placements:
Upgrades from before the announcement of the Matrix Program are NOT considered for Placements. All Upgrades bough on the 16th of January of after that are eligible for Placements.
The system calculates your placements automatically after buying Upgrades. You don’t have to buy 10 Upgrades and after that 10 more. You can buy 20 at once and you will get your 2 placements automatically.
The PXSense Experience:
We are still running contest for original testimonial, paid post, banner or anything creative related to PXSense. Our mission is not only to make money for you and add value to your advertising, but also to make you have fun with our system. Making money and having fun is the true PXSense Experience.
Instant! Withdrawals:
Celebrating our first month anniversary is a good excuse to make another addition to the “never-ending” process of improvements and introductions of new features. We are giving you Instant Withdrawals to Alert Pay. Now, you don’t have to wait for your request to be processed, instead it will be paid as soon as you click the “Withdraw” button. This feature only concerns Alert Pay withdrawals.
Note: Instant withdrawal are only exclusive to members having active on-going rebates.
How you can earn from showing advertisements:
We have increased the conversion rate of your Credits-to-Cash to $3 per 1000 PTP Credits. This is a promo offer for our anniversary and it will expire in few days. Then we will go back to the original $1 per 1000 PTP Credits.
Promoters still earn PTP credits from visitors who click on banner ads as well as pixels. You, as a Promoter, are still awarded with PTP Credits for each click made by the visitors you send to the Pixel Page or simply by showing the Pixel page for viewing only. To get credit you will have to promote your Pixel Page Link, found from the Referral Tools in the Member menu, and also to be PTP Approved through text message verification.
To learn more click here: https://www.pxsense.net/s/contents/promoters/
Thank you for your time,
Christer and the PXSense Team”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RelaxCapital, WorldwideCapital, GibraltarFinancialGroup (the first payments received).
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, EurexTrade, PammGroups, FXMoguls, IncomeInt, ForexReflex, LuxorAlliance, WinningProfits, GeniusVenture, CrownEarnInvestgroup, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, LucidNature, PlexCapital, VascoForex, SenrosGroup, InvfairLimited.
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, PanamaHedgeFund, Profitima.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, PerfectLottery, UFOWin.
That’s about it for tonight. I hope my articles help make your experience in the HYIP world more profitable and if so check out my blog tomorrow for more new and updates from the industry and a detailed review of GibraltarFinancialGroup. See you all then!
Filed under Daily News by on Feb 3rd, 2012.