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24/02/2012. Daily News from the Industry


Hi guys! Friday again and the end of the business week. During this time there were a lot of collapses, a lot of DDos-attacks, many sites working intermittently, which all caused concern for many investors. So overall it wasn’t the best week. The last possible scam to report this week might possibly be InvfairLimited which stopped processing payouts yesterday for no particular reason and till now my withdrawal was not processed and is pending for over 36 hours. I would like to warn you about that, so please do not invest in InvfairLimited for now.


As you might be aware NewGNi is a program officially monitored exclusively by MNO and is one of the most successful long term programs online. They have an obvious connection with the old GNI program which lasted for 18 months and was a huge success back in 2008-2010 with thousands of members. The NewGNi is offering two main investment plans which can be joined from $20 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay payment processors – 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry and with the possibility to withdraw your original principal after 180 days. More on the plans and the connection of the program with the old GNI can be read in my detailed review published here and my interview with the admin of NewGNi Jurgen here. I just wanted to bring your attention to the fact that NewGNi managed to become #2 on MNO’s Premium list just in less than two months online which in itself is an absolutely remarkable achievement, especially for a program which pays such low returns in an industry seemingly flooded with short term programs now.

To celebrate the two months online the administration of NewGNi has decided to make a great surprise to all of the members of the program in the form of a Sweepstake contest which will reward three lucky winners with $100 cash prize on the first day of April. The best thing about it is that in order to win you don’t even have to have an active deposit in NewGNi but being a member is a must, so join NewGNi and start promoting the program doing stuff as described in the latest newsletter from Jurgen issued today:
NewGNi – First Sweepstake contest
Dear clients, friends and fans
On the occasion of our first two months online, we are glad to announce our first giveaway contest here on NewGNi.
Three lucky winners will receive $100 each, paid directly into their preferred payment processor account.
Entering couldn’t be easier:
To participate all you need to do is to sign-up, with your email address or by authorizing your Facebook account. There’s a giveaway widget in our members area under the ‘Additional Pages’ section, called ‘Grab $100 bucks’. This is the only step you need to do to qualify for the contest, however there are more options if you want to earn more chances!
Earn More Entries:
Many times it seems like sharing giveaway information with your friends makes it less likely for you to win. Not with us! To earn additional chances simply start tweeting, sharing and liking NewGNi! You’ll be guided through these steps after you complete the initial entry.
Continue to spread the word! The more you spread, the more entries you’ll get. After completing all the steps in the widget you’ll be presented a ‘’ link. This link is unique to you. Every time someone clicks that link you’ll earn more entries – and better yet – if they sign up for this giveaway you’ll earn FIVE entries! So share away, Facebook, Twitter, your blog…you have nothing to lose!
You can keep coming back to the widget to check your status in the contest. Simply input the same information you registered with and you’ll be able to see how many entries you’ve earned thus far, as well as how many other members have entered the contest to date.
So it really is just that easy!
The contest will run until the 31st of March 2012 at noon GMT. The three lucky winners will be chosen at random and announced on the 1st of April 2012 – be assured, this is not a April Fools’ joke. To participate you need to be a member of NewGNi, an active deposit is not mandatory.
Good luck everyone and until next time!
With best regards, Jurgen
NewGNi Administration
 Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


Do you know that LavishFund has had one of the most successful launches seen recently among the short term programs with similar investment plans offering 20% for 7 days and 150% after 7 days returns? Just after 3 days online the program has 475+ members and counting. So how can we explain such success? I guess that is because LavishFund (reviewed here) has everything to offer the short term gambler as such:
– instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney,
– affordable minimum of $10,
– pretty talkative admin who is already issuing the second newsletter today and is preparing the answers to my interview which is planned to be published on MNO by tomorrow,
– huge advertising campaign spread across many forums and monitors with banners and Sticky listing purchased on the most popular HYIP blog online – MNO,
– first referral contest with good prizes for the best promoters in total deposits from their referrals announced today,
– very lucrative 2-tier ref commissions that allows you to get rewarded for your advertising efforts and therefore should bring a lot of new members to LavishFund in the longer run,
– perfect script from MonetarySoft that handles instant payouts and is definitely more secure and reliable than GoldCoders,
– good protected hosting on a dedicated server by KoDDoS which although couldn’t stop the site from being offline for a few hours last night has everything fixed by now,
– Live and phone support which according to the admin work around the clock and tirelessly replying to members’ emails and queries.
If that’s not enough then maybe it’s just too good to be true and the admin intends to make his quick scam or he intends to run his program for a relatively long term? Nobody can answer that question, except the admin himself whose name is Lachlan, by the way, and I hope you will be able to find out more about his intentions in running LavishFund in the upcoming interview. So far the payments were processed fast and all the investors are satisfied with that. Hopefully, in a couple of days we will see the first of them in profit from LavishFund‘s two plans which both expire in 7 days from the date the original deposit was made. The latest lengthy newsletter which just highlights the activity and vivid nature of Lachlan’s personality is published below, so take the time to read it and be prepared for the interview soon:
Second Newsletter about Gigantic Growth
In this second newsletter, I would like to address some great events happened lately along side some addition in description and justification of our program, its plans and our advertising strategy. Yesterday, our website was inaccessible for up to 2-3 hours due to some technical difficulties or may be a undersized DDoS attack? Whatsoever caused it, our efficient hosting staff (KoDDoS) did take prompt actions to help us get over the situation and we shifted to a new IP address (which is the actual reason for mentioned petite downtime).
But downtime isn’t just all that this newsletter is suppose to be about, right? Its about our exceedingly successful launch as LavishFund turned out as a gigantic snow ball which is rapidly increasing. I salute every one who participated in this launch phase and made it all possible. I couldn’t announce about our contest any earlier although I should have done that, so here are the details about our contest:
LavishFund features a recurring referral contest with appealing rewards for top 3 promoters. The winners are chosen every week on Sundays and the prizes may vary week to week. We already have an engaging and enticing 2-tier referral program that pays up to 10% commission (collectively) from your direct and in-direct downline. Positions in the Top-10 table (click here) are based on total contributions made by your direct downline alone and is reset every time winners are announced. We have appealing $250, $100 and $50 USD cash prizes that will be paid to LibertyReserve accounts of the winners.
LavishFund is incorporated and registered in United Kingdom”, and as a matter of fact such registrations (not just limited to LavishFund) means nothing to most of our experienced HYIP investors and that is why we neglect going any further to defend or persuade this claim apart from the 1 line quoted above. Since a registration, generic domain name, licensed script, DDoS protected hosting, unbeatable support, phone number, unique design, instant payment, SSL certificate are considered as important pillars of any serious HYIP program, that’s why it means so much to us and the optimistic point for LavishFund is, we have all of these that makes us look more appealing towards Investors! Please be adviced as we all are part of this HYIP industry, which unfortunately is under constant threat and abused by low-life arrogant scammers, so Invest what you feel is suitable for you and in the meanwhile our management is trying to make an excellent and positive example out of LavishFund!
Last night we were reviewed by one the most famous blog of HYIP industry, and that naturally is Money-News-Online! You can read this review from here:
Did I mention “unbeatable support” above? Absolutely I did and I do mean it! LavishFund takes the pride of providing unbeatable and REAL 24 hours a day, 7 days a week support. Our live chat representatives handled over 500 sessions of chat and answered almost a hundred phone calls (in which most of them intended to verify the phone number). A maximum of 30 minutes tea break is all what our hard-working representatives get during their shifts.
Now about the advertising campaign? Yesterday we upgraded to “Sticky” (the top class listing) on the biggest Money-News-Online and other good monitors such as HYIPScope. We also spent good money on advertising on Money-News-Online and other places which of course includes MoneyMakerGroup (MMG) forums. LavishFund has all the top class monitors and blogs working with us along side pretty much occupied threads in all of the forums especially MMG. If you are not already a member and looking for an attractive RCB offer, I highly recommend you to check HYIPScope monitor which is paying highest RCB for investing in LavishFund!
That’s all for now, and once again thank you for support and appreciations!
Regards, Lachlan Nicholas.
LavishFund Management.


I am simply amazed by the determination of some admins and perhaps even their stubbornness when it comes to proving my assumptions wrong. Possibly in response to my blog post published last night, the admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent (interviewed here) has decided to make the investors less picky and posted a link to the so called payment guarantee as a pdf file. Whatever the rush is to pursue investors with huge money to deposit in CrownEarnInvestgroup I have no idea. I would like to remind you that according to the dictionary definition of the word “guaranty” is “An undertaking to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some contract or duty, of another, in case of the failure of such other to pay or perform; a warranty; a security.” Then the question arises – who is in his right mind is going to guarantee HYIP investments for the hugely profitable but unsustainable investment plans offered by CrownEarnInvestgroup – 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, 136%-144% after 14 days – made to totally anonymous e-currencies like LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are totally irreversible and out of jurisdictions of any authorities for which reason they are widely used by HYIP admins and investors? Nobody can provide such a guaranty and the ready made template of the document posted by Vincent doesn’t prove a thing as there is no such body in the world who would secure your investments in HYIPs. Sorry to be harsh, but I just wanted to make it clear and encourage you to spend only the money what you can afford to lose in any HYIP and not put thousands into one program expecting it guaranteed by someone. If you do this you might not only lose your money but also tempt an admin to close the program prematurely causing other investors to lose as well. So I believe that CrownEarnInvestgroup (reviewed here) might last for a long time if nobody invests $5,000 or more which is what the admin so eagerly hopes for judging by today’s newsletter, covering the same topic already for the second day in a row:
Payment Guaranty
Dear Investor
After many requests we decided to put up our Payment Guaranty for public to view as many ask questions about it. Se link
This legal contract can be requested by any investor with amount invested from $5000 and up. To do so, we need your contact information to legalize the contract signed by you and owners of CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd.
For any further questions of requesting a contract, please contact administration directly on
Kind regards, Vincent Logan
CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd
Marketing & Sale”.


To say that I was disappointed to see the video submitted by the alleged founder of Luxor Trade a mythical person Adam Grant on the occasion of the company’s three years anniversary is an understatement. Actually the swf file you’re invited to watch was no more than the very same 2 minute speech issued earlier of a person with a British accent (I would hazard a guess probably from around the Birmingham area but native Brits reading this probably take a better stab at that than me) on a flashy background with nothing interesting was actually quite a flop. Hire a better voice actor next time admin, maybe that guy from The X Factor is available. In the update it was also announced about further plans to post videos of LuxorAlliance‘s office later on and post a list of regional representatives of the program in the next bi-weekly newsletter. Please read the update and see the video first to see that there is nothing special about it, just the same audio track all over again and then we will discuss LuxorAlliance‘s chances to keep its paying status on MNO next week:
Hello Dear LA Investors,
We are introducing LuxorAlliance‘s Official Video by CEO, Adam Grant. We recommend you to watch it in full size:
Many people requested us to make a video of our office and LA Staff. We will start to work on it within next two weeks.
In our next LA Bi-Weekly News we will post all our representatives who obtained LA tickets during this period of time. We have a lot of work ahead of us which we’re looking forward to complete for satisfaction of you our dear investors.
Best Regards,
LuxorAlliance Team”.

I am fully aware of the fact that the sudden increase in activity from the admin of LuxorAlliance Alan (interviewed here) lately was not universally seen as a very good sign. They were usually a quietly performing program for about two months now paying successfully on four investment plans with principal back on expiry via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with later AlertPay addition – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days. As you might remember three days ago there was another shorter term plan added paying 5% for 5 days with principal return on expiry which worried some experienced investors who rightly saw the danger sign there. I myself had my own doubts when the admin launched that new plan and I made a guess that most probably the deadline which originally was 48 hours to invest would be extended. In response to that Alan assured me that I had nothing to worry about and that the plan has nothing to do with LuxorAlliance‘s intention to scam and that it would NOT be extended under any circumstances. Here is his reply given to me two days ago regarding this query:
We’re not planning to extend this plan in anyway. We’ve created this one just for 2 days for small period of time because otherwise our project will suffer and we don’t want that. We just realized that our investors could use some celebratory spirit which we have because of anniversary. And also we found it to be advantageous to us too since our project will become more popular because of that. Since we’re already paying decent amount of money for promotion we realized that it would bring us as much interest in our project after that promotional offer.
We didn’t take into account that a lot of HYIPs are using this strategy when they close down. But that was actually the main reason why we created low deposit bracket.
Best Regards, Alan”.

And guess what I see today? A newsletter announcing the extension of that said plan paying 5% for 5 days due to “popular demand”. The new deadline is Monday night when the first deposits are going to expire and the principals should be returned to investors. I’m not implying that this puts an end to the program exactly on Monday, but it might well happen within the next few days. Otherwise the admin would not lie to me personally trying to persuade that I had nothing to worry about. I still see a very bad sign in that plan’s extension and I will not hesitate to share it with MNO readers who should know my concerns and make their investment decisions with LuxorAlliance based on this new information. Please note that I’m not trying to predict the program’s collapse in any way and I don’t want this to happen, but the most recent newsletter makes me think that the admin has something else in mind. That is why I would not recommend investing in LuxorAlliance for now, even if you were paid promptly. It’s better to wait till Monday and see if the first payments on expiry of the ultra short term plan are going to be paid. Please believe my experience – I can smell something brewing and it’s not good. Very conveniently for the admin he excused the lack of payouts for the coming weekend by some work on the instant payouts which will conveniently be introduced next week, when by chance LuxorAlliance might be as good as dead. So keep an eye on the updates from MNO within the next few days after reading the latest newsletter from LuxorAlliance (reviewed here) which I don’t like one bit and hold off from spending a dime till Monday at the earliest:
Hello Dear LA Investors,
Since there has been a lot of requests to prolong our “Anniversary plan” after some deliberation we decided to grant this opportunity till Monday 11.59 PM. Since it hasn’t been fair for those people who didn’t have enough time to change their currency and some people have been away on vocations. Therefore you’ll have a chance to still deposit for a short amount of time. We really hope you will have respect for your fella investors and accept this fact with open mind.
Also since we’re currently working on instant payouts and forum we have to change our payout time for 48 business (mon-fri) hours. This change is temporary and it’ll be soon changed to instant payouts for your convenience. This method of payment is getting tested now and early introduction is planned to occur during next week.
Thank you very much for you understanding and loyalty,
Best Regards, LuxorAlliance team”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CrownEarnInvestgroup, LuxorAlliance, LavishFundHoldingsTrade, III.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, FixedMonthlyIncome, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, UniteProfitBensonUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, InvfairLimited, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s everything for today, guys. I wanted to take a day off first, but I believe that some news had to be posted in order for you to avoid possible losses over the weekend. Stay tuned and always be the first to know with Money-News-Online!

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