February 2012 Archives

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Beware! AVIFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there! 

Hi everybody! Hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far. I still have a couple of things to catch up on over the next couple of days, not least of which is all the latest news events from around the HYIP industry which I’ll get to in just a few moments. First on the list for today however is a brand new long term investment program that was only added to the MNO monitoring list only yesterday. It’s called AVIFinance and while on one hand looks quite a simple and straight forward program (not a bad thing at all, by the way!) it has a couple of interesting features to it that might help set it apart from some of it’s competitors.

For one thing I think we can all agree – whether you like it or not – that shorter term HYIPs have generally been more popular than long term ones so far this year. These things kinda move in trends anyway so I guess that will change several times throughout the next 12 months but for now AVIFinance are one of a group of longer term programs that will appeal to the short term investors by allowing them an early withdrawal from the program. Strictly speaking their own investment plan should run for 90 calendar days, but if you don’t want to tie your money up in an online HYIP for that amount of time then fine, AVIFinance let you determine your own investment term. Do keep in mind that it will cost you to leave early, but at least the option is there. The other thing is that you will find a series of investment bonuses available if spending $500 or more, which I’ll explain as we go.

If you join AVIFinance then there’s just the one basic plan to choose from, although this in turn is broken down into six sub categories depending on how much you are willing to spend. A lot of these are probably outside of the price range for the average reader but I’ll go through them all anyway. There’s probably something in there to suit every budget as you can join the first option, called The Silver Plan, for a minimum deposit of $10. As I already mentioned above the investment term runs for 90 calendar days, and during this time AVIFinance will make daily interest payments on your deposit. The rate is 2.1% per day which will add up to a total of 189% by the end, though more importantly you can earn an amount equal to your investment (ie break even) after 48 days. 189% will be your final net profit by the way, as AVIFinance will be adding your original principal to than on expiry. Maximum deposit here is $499 so the bonus system I told you about does not apply here.

The Gold Plan is the next choice and is open to investors willing to invest from a $500 minimum up to $999, but if you join it AVIFinance will add an additional 1% bonus to your account. The term is 90 calendar days during which you will earn 2.9% interest per day. That comes to a total of 261% which is your net profit once the admin returns your principal as promised.

For larger deposits ranging from $1,000 up to $2,999 AVIFinance have The Diamond Plan. Here for 90 calendar days you are offered a daily interest payment of 3.7%, adding up to a total net profit of 333% when your principal gets returned on expiry. In addition to that if you join this plan AVIFinance are offering a 3% deposit bonus.

That’s pretty much how the plans continue. You can check your the AVIFinance website for further details if you are looking to spend a more substantial amount of money, but for your information applicable rates will include the following:
4.5% per day for deposits between $3,000 and $4,999 with a 5% bonus, 5.3% per day for anything from $5,000 to $9,999 with a 7% bonus, and 6.1% per day for deposits starting from $10,000 with no maximum and a deposit bonus of 10%.

The available payment options include AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Payments to all three processors are made instantly, so once you log in to your AVIFinance account area and request your money, you should have it in your e-currency account within a matter of seconds. If for some reason instant payouts need to be disabled (security reasons, replenishment of accounts, etc) then the admin asks that you allow up to 24 hours for the payment to be completed manually. One other thing you need to know about the investment plans that I mentioned briefly already is the right to withdraw your principal from the program early. If you just don’t like the term or need some cash back for some unexpected event then AVIFinance will allow you to leave. They will however deduct a 25% penalty fee for doing so, so please factor that into your own calculations before proceeding.

Security is up to a reasonable standard with hosting being provided by BlackLotus. They have AVIFinance on a dedicated server. The program is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders and the website is fully SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any account related issues or any reason to contact the admin then you can do so by filling in your details on the support form and submitting it.

There’s quite a lot of originality about the AVIFinance website with more extensive explanations than most HYIPs on things like the investment plans and the most common questions in general. Also included is a certificate of incorporation in the Seychelles, and even though I’m full aware of how easily even genuine authentic certificates can be obtained and don’t attach any importance to them, at least it shows a little effort from the admin. He might be more serious about the project but one thing that’s not entirely original is the text. It’s been copy/pasted and used in several other programs in the past, so AVIFinance is still an online HYIP and there’s all the risk that goes with that. As ever make sure you set yourself a modest and affordable spending limit that you will not go past, and of course try to use AVIFinance as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It might not be worth a place in the news update today but I just wanted to let you know that FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) has a new minor feature that will allow investors to move funds from different accounts. According to the admin it was added at the request of investors and I believe it will become as welcome as the recent move to allow transfer of funds between e-currencies – AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. FelminaAlliance is definitely developing nicely and after about seven months online is growing slowly but steadily paying investors sustainable returns of 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry. Who knows – maybe in the future FelminaAlliance will be the leading long-term HYIP. The latest news is below:
Internal Transfers Between FelminaAlliance Accounts Are Now Available.
After receiving numerous emails from our customers asking for a option that would allow transfers between FelminaAlliance account, we have added this option. You can now transfer funds from your Available Balances into any other FelminaAlliance account.


During its first one and a half months online GeniusVenture (reviewed here) has been a pretty reliable performer and the admin has never missed a payment to my LibertyReserve account from the original plan paying 1.5%-3% for 300 days. However today two more investment plans were added which I have some reservations about – 7% and 8% for 180 days – which were announced on the program’s website recently:
New Starter and Premier 180 Plan Launch!
We pay interest up to 8.0% daily to your account for 180 days. Total up to 1440% return.
Maximum $500,000 offered. Once reached $500,000 investment, this plan will close and not allow to invest.

So why am I not thrilled about those new plans? First of all the minimum to deposit is quite high, starting from $250. Secondly, it’s not quite clear to me from the description if the daily profits will be available for daily withdrawal or just accumulate and won’t be able to be touched like it was with the investment plans in EzProfit and other programs run by the same admin. I would strongly suspect that no one will be able to withdraw in those plans before expiry as the returns are just way too high to be sustained in the long run. But until I get further information I must assume that GeniusVenture pays daily on those plans and withdrawals can be requested daily. Since it might not be so easy to verify anyway, I would suggest experienced investors to avoid those plans as the total returns of 1260%-1440% after the expected period of 180 calendar looks very high and unachievable to me and that is my honest opinion – I don’t personally like them.


I also have kinda mixed feelings towards the new investment plans added recently to PlexCapital as well. The program has been paying successfully on 1.2%-2.7% for 365 days with principal returned on expiry to LR and PM (read more about the original plan in my detailed review published here) for a whole month now, and suddenly announced more plans. Things don’t look so gloomy here though and I believe that the first new plan called LifeDaily and paying 1% daily forever with the possibility of withdrawing your original principal after 365 calendar days is not so bad, and judging by its $10 minimum to invest it looks like a pretty viable option. I can’t say the same about the second new investment plan promising 5%-6% daily returns for the duration of 300 days for a $250 minimum spend. I can’t say that that new plan won’t pay daily as I’m not sure of that, but it looks like the admin of PlexCapital might deliberately mislead investors and the profits would in fact just accumulate in your account for 10 months and would be available for withdrawal only at expiry. Anyway, I need to work on the assumption that the program pays 5%-6% daily for 300 days, as I put in the program’s plans description on my monitoring but please be careful and do not invest in this insanely high plan as most likely it’s just another trap made by the admin. Please be reasonable and you will succeed as a HYIP investor – that is my advice to you! Here is the announcement of the new plans posted on the website of PlexCapital today:
Life Daily Plan & 10 Months Plan Launch.
Life Daily Plan : Interest send to your account daily for life as long as your principal with us. Compound not available. Pay 7 days a week. Principal available withdraw after 365 days.
10 Months Plans : Interest send to your account daily for 300 days. Principal including interest return. Compound not available. Pay 7 days a week. Principal included interest return.


I admire the efforts by the admin of HoldingsTrade during their first days online. For me it looked like the whole world was against him – during the first hours some DDoS attacks made the site impossible to load which forced the admin to migrate to secured servers by BlockDos. But it looks like the perpetrator was not satisfied with the results and made another attempt to ruin the program’s reputation by submitting a false complaint to the site’s domain registrar which instead of verifying the complaint first decided to act first and ask questions later by suspending the domain of the program. You might remember that the same thing finished off GibraltarFinancialGroup as well. However this is not the case with HoldingsTrade as the admin showed extreme professionalism and successfully moved the site completely to a new domain name with a different extension within hours. The site is now available with the same domain name but a different extension and obviously a different domain registrar. I have already changed the links on both my blog and monitoring pages, so all MNO readers should have no problem in accessing it.

Now that the site is back online it’s very obvious that the admin is rightfully trying to play on his dedication to his site in order to encourage more deposits to HoldingsTrade. I think it’s not so difficult to achieve with very fast payouts processed to LibertyReserve accounts of those investors who invested in 3%-3.2% for 60 days with the option to get your principal returned at any time. By the way, I already got some confirmations from people who tried this and they said they got their deposits back without any questions. So kudos to the admin of HoldingsTrade for keeping his word and taking care of his members and the site itself which really deserves our full support and admiration. Here is the latest newsletter from HoldingsTrade (reviewed here) which was issued today:
Important Announcement from HoldingsTrade
Dear Investors, Members, Monitors & Haters of Holdings Trade.
As you might have noticed, our Domain HoldingsTrade.com was suspended because some scammers created fake reports and sent it to our Domain Registrar that we are a scam company and they suspended our domain without any notice. Everyone who has invested with us knows that we have paid all the withdrawals on time. We did not run away with your money and instead we have taken all the necessary actions and we are now available in HOLDINGSTRADE.
This actions clearly shows that some one does not want us to be here and wants to damage us as much as possible.
For all our investors: We know you will be rushing to withdraw your principal. We kindly request you to do that on Monday as today and tomorrow there are no trading and we will face a major loss if we have to send all the principal back. We know you will come back to us as we will be here forever.
For our monitors: Kindly change our domain from .com to .net and thank you for the support during our tough time and please publish the news in your monitor.
We would also like to express our gratitude to our investor Desert_Sand who was very supportive and helped us during the down time.
Please give us 24 hours time to process all pending withdrawals as we still have to some work left on the website. Our live chat support will also be online in few hours.
We thank you again for your patience and support.
Regards. HoldingsTrade Admin.


Some HYIP admins really make me wonder if the investors have no clue on how many people are participating in this industry and what their preferred programs are now. In my opinion, short term programs are largely outperforming longer term ones now and there is no way Profitima for instance can have 1,800 members after being online for less than three weeks. I would say it might be 5-10 times exaggerated as according to the admin the program now has more investors than even such established programs as NewGNi (the interview with the admin of that will be published within the next couple of days by the way). Sorry, but I can’t believe such stats for a program like Profitima. It doesn’t mean it’s bad or anything. It’s still paying fine to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay on all plans – 1.5% for 30 days, 1.7% for 60 days, 1.9% for 90 days, 2.1% for 120 days, but it’s way too premature to talk about such huge numbers before the program completed its first cycle. No offense but the most recent update from Profitima (reviewed here) looks like nothing more than cheerleading rubbish to me:
Fascinating Growth!
Dear clients,
We are very excited to inform you that our company is growing at an amazing pace and our first 19 days online were a tremendous success! Over 1,800 customers have joined Profitima and there are many new registrations daily. Our advertisements appear everywhere on the Internet and we see a very bright & prosperous future ahead for the project!
Best Regards, Profitima Administration”.


I have unpleasant news for HYIP investors again tonight with more closures. This time it’s the turn of PaidProcess and FACTUnion.

PaidProcess was a total flop in my opinion. Despite being extremely popular with short term players the program barely managed to last for one cycle, so not many people saw a profit. In my opinion two key factors might have contributed to this – the extremely rapid growth and the greed of the admin. It seems that he outsmarted investors as many expected a longer run from such a widely advertised program. Yesterday that was a strange sign already which though not featured on my blog was widely discussed on my ShoutBox (by the way, if you want to participate there please do not hesitate to contact me with your desired username and password for activation). Some investors reported payouts from PaidProcess were not processed instantly, which worried me even more when I realized that the Rating page on the site was completely removed. That alone made me react immediately (regular readers might know I’m pretty fast when it comes to such things!) and I moved them to Problem status and notified the admin. Then the weirdest thing happen – he replied telling me that withdrawals had resumed as there was an issue with LR and PM reserves that had since been funded. But he then tried to tell me he had never removed the rating page and confronted me saying that I was imagining it, though I know for sure the page was gone. This was put to the readers on MNO ShoutBox and I let them draw their own conclusions as whom to believe. It looks I was right and just a few hours after that the payments had stopped again. I was notified about that by my readers immediately which prompted me to move PaidProcess to Waiting and later on to Problem status. The funniest thing is now everybody can see that the rating page is no longer on PaidProcess’ website and see who was right in our dispute with the admin. What really made him scam so fast is beyond my understanding and I would not have believed his story even if he had told me that anyway. As you know – one lie requires another to cover it up!

FACTUnion was also moved to Problem status on MNO today. Actually it was the admin Amelia who had contacted me first and complained of issues her program was having with AlertPay. As you know, I don’t believe much of what HYIP admins try to feed me on a daily basis, lol. But the fact that FACTUnion‘s admin contacted me first and asked to move her program to Problem status made me think again. So according to her, AlertPay is now “taxing” the weekly profits from HYIPs, and increased the rate from 10% to 50% making it impossible to run the program anymore. I am aware that AlertPay is in a position to do whatever they damn please, but you can’t deny the fact that it’s totally the admin’s responsibility to decide who to do business with. To blame a payment processor for the sudden collapse is less than professional. After all those stories about AlertPay, I wonder why admins use them at all and then pretend that they were not aware of how they behave. In my opinion, if you deal with AlertPay be prepared for consequences that can adversely affect your program. A positive effect can be more investors, but at the risk of them blocking your account with all the money any time AlertPay pleases. So it’s the admin’s responsibility to accept them or not so the excuse from FACTUnion just sounds hollow. I cannot say that the program was run honestly, considering the fact that FACTUnion still accepts deposits from unsuspecting investors. An honest admin would disable this option asap but it looks like it doesn’t bother Amelia all that much. She said it wasn’t her intention to scam, but that’s exactly what she’s doing right now by continuing to steal new members money. Well, it’s up to her conscience but my conscience is clear as I have moved FACTUnion to Problem status already and warn you against investing in this scam.


I have a brand-new short term program in the MNO vaults which has been added to Premium/Sticky listing on my site late last night – FinStockLimited. This might be a good choice for investors preferring to play with new short term picks as they pay on a variety of investment plans on expiry which might be already familiar to you – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-200% after 3 days, 128%-275% after 5 days, 141%-370% after 7 days, 190%-700% after 15 days, 300%-1500% after 30 days. As usual in such case FinStockLimited only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits and in all the plans the minimum deposit starts from $10. The withdrawals are not instant and promised within 24 hours of request, but from my first experience with the program it takes significantly less time to get paid. FinStockLimited has a familiar hosting on a dedicated server with AntiDdos and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with SSL encryption. More about FinStockLimited will be in the upcoming more detailed review so stay tuned for that. Meanwhile you can read the welcome message from the program’s admin Bryan below:
Welcome to FinStockLimited!
Dear visitors of the site FinStockLimited!
Let me give a brief introduction, my name is Bryan Oswald and I am the founder and the administrator of the FinStockLimited.
The long-awaited moment which all of us has been waiting for – FinStockLimited has begun the work and officially launched.
Here, within the name of FinStockLimited, are giving our warmest welcome and congratulation. The last testing’s day and checks, to all of our systems and strategy of our site have finished.
The result prove and shown, it works stably in every area.
FinStockLimited is ready to work, receive and welcoming client.
We have begun to work online with providing a licensed script, a very strong DDOS Protection and high level security of users accounts, and many kind of support services.
You will not find it hard to register and join with us, we have made everything interactive and very user friendly.
Entrust us your funds, and we will bring it in a better way to profit the best result of your return of investment.
Best regards, Bryan Oswald.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAllianceHoldingsTrade, AVIFinance, FinStockLimited (first payments received).
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, EurexTrade, CrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForex, Perfectiva.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund, PXSense, Profitima.
From MNO Basic list: AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more news from the HYIP industry on MNO and I hope to see you all here tomorrow!

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