February 2012 Archives

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Beware! MyDiamondShare has stopped paying! Do not invest there! 

Hello everyone! From the most recent programs added to the MNO monitoring list, perhaps one of what at first glance looks like one of the more complicated sites might be one called MyDiamondShare. This is a long term HYIP and while it’s not exactly brand new – in fact they’ve been online for over a month already – when you see the plans they offer you’ll agree that it’s still early days yet for them, and the real promotion is only starting to get underway now.

Of course when I say MyDiamondShare looks a bit complicated that’s not really the case. As an online investment program it’s actually really straight forward, it’s only that their website, which I must say is quite comprehensive by the way, might look a little daunting to those new to the HYIP industry at first. Experienced players will find their way round the MyDiamondShare website without too much trouble, but for anyone else I’ll go through the main points that you really need to know about them. See for yourself if you like it enough to risk a few bucks and add them tour portfolios.

Starting with the investment plans themselves, there’s four of them to choose from. To be brutally honest however, MyDiamondShare have made it a very very easy choice for you to make as three of the four are totally beyond the budget of the overwhelming majority of investors that I know. I’ll describe all of them for you anyway, but if you feel the choice is limited by financial constraints then don’t worry, the most popular plan isn’t all that bad, and does combine profitability with sustainability. It’s called The Bronze Plan and you can join it for a minimum deposit of $10. The term runs for 150 business days (30 weeks) and will make daily interest payments from Monday to Friday. During the term itself however you will receive a daily payment of 1.4% interest on your deposit, which is then returned on expiry.

So what does that mean in practical terms? Well, you’d be seeing a return on your investment that adds up to 7% every week, would put you into profit after 72 payment days, and see you finish up the plan with a total net profit of 210%. Your original deposit should then be added to that.

After that things quickly move into the realm of the most serious players, with MyDiamondShare‘s second option, called The Silver Plan, costing a hefty $5,000 to join. If you can seriously afford that then the investment term runs for 150 business days, during which time MyDiamondShare are again making daily interest payments (Monday to Friday). The rate increases to 1.6% allowing you to see your first profit after 63 business days and complete the term with a net profit of 240%. Your original principal should then be returned.

Purely for informational purposes I’ll just add a quick few words about the remaining two plans, which I expect few if any investors will actually take part in. Why not? Well, MyDiamondShare‘s third plan, called The Gold Plan, will cost you a $20,000 minimum deposit to join. It runs for 180 business days this time (36 weeks) and offers 2% interest per day, with principal returned on expiry. Or if you’re really feeling flush then check out the final option. It’s called The Diamond Plan and will set you back $50,000 to join, nice if you can spare it! The term is still 180 business days with daily interest payments of 2.6%. MyDiamondShare then offer to return your principal on expiry.

Payment options are predictable enough with AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney being available to channel money into and out of the program. MyDiamondShare does not allow instant payouts and so will be made manually. You will be required to log in to your account area and request the money yourself, but once done the admin requires up to 6 hours to have it processed. Do keep in mind however that MyDiamondShare won’t be working on weekends so be prepared for a longer wait if looking for a payment from late Friday to Sunday nights.

MyDiamondShare runs off a licensed Shadow script which although surprisingly not all that widely used in the industry is proven to be one of the most secure scripts around (which is why I don’t understand why the more serious professional admins out there don’t use it more often). The MyDiamondShare website is also highly professional level and support issues are dealt with promptly. For that by the way you can contact the support team by e-mailing them directly at one of the addresses listed, including one for support matters and another for broader more general customer inquiries, or at the telephone number included on the contacts page. MyDiamondShare have a postal address listed in the UK, however from experience I have yet to discover an online HYIP that didn’t merely use a virtual, serviced office which is no more than a mail collection and forwarding center. From inside your member’s area you will also discover chat and support ticket submission options. The MyDiamondShare website is fully SSL secured and hosted on a dedicated server by Vistnet with DDoS protection provided by GoldPoll.

As with the majority of online HYIPs (well, all of them actually!) I always have a couple of doubts and misgivings, but I’d still be cautiously optimistic about the prospects of MyDiamondShare to make a profit for it’s investors, particularly the early ones. In the interests of fairness I still need to say something that I don’t like about them, though they’d be largely cosmetic. For one thing for such an enormous website with a wealth of content and reading material, almost none of it is original. It’s all been copy/pasted from various sources, including the website of an actual financial services company based in the US. The other thing I don’t really like is the whole concept of “shares” behind the program. Supposedly your MyDiamondShare account is made up of shares that members can buy and sell. The reality is of course that your principal is locked away long term and you can’t “sell” anything until the investment period expires, after either 30 or 36 weeks. So it might sound like an interesting concept but in practical terms there’s no difference between this and any other long term HYIP, except of course it’s been made unnecessarily complicated for newbies.

But like I said, all that’s just cosmetic and shouldn’t adversely affect the workings of the investment plans, surely the most important point about MyDiamondShare. Just remember as always that high yield only ever comes with even higher risk, so try to keep your investments comfortably under a spending limit that’s easily affordable to you and try to keep MyDiamondShare as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



NewGNi is undoubtedly the most popular long term program now, a status achieved after less than two months online. Paying 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the possibility to withdraw your principal after 180 days, NewGNi became the most talked about program due to its obvious connection with the old GNI that was been the biggest program on the net back in 2008-2010 which was explained when I first reviewed the program back in December (click here to read it). Two days ago the full interview with the admin of NewGNi Jurgen was published on MNO in which he discussed that and other interesting features of the program. The interview was published here and I must say it was really among the better ones I’ve done in recent years, so I really advise you to read through it.

As a matter of fact that interview was one of the topics of today’s newsletter sent to all NewGNi members. The main subject however was technical, and concerned the non-delivery of emails (especially the important ones containing PIN-codes in case of a change in your IP-address and activation email to confirm sign-ups) on which there was a simple solution offered by Jurgen – to open a free account with Gmail which is the safest email provider anyway and use it when you sign-up and deal with NewGNi to ensure the prompt delivery any important emails from them as well as the interest and withdrawal confirmation emails. I’m sure members of NewGNi are experienced enough to realize that prompt communication between an investor and a program is the proper way to handle this. So I’m sure they will take the advice given below into serious consideration:
Newsletter 15 February 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
For today just a short notice, mainly for members who joined us recently.
During the last couple of days our support got many requests from members, reporting that they did not receive our activation email, login PINs etc. These are automatically generated system emails, that certain email provider refuse to deliver, for whatever reasons. Notorious are for example: aol.com, shaw.ca and comcast.net.
In such cases, we advise to open a free Gmail email account, to use with your NewGNi membership. Gmail is not only the worlds largest, but more importantly most reliable email provider – and you won’t miss any email from us. If you have already signed up with a different email address, please contact our support department and we will be glad to assist you, changing your email address in our system.
Please do not use the same password you are using with NewGNi, for your Gmail account!
I’d like to conclude this newsletter with reference to our interview, conducted by Money-News-Online, which was published recently. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, you’ll find it here.
Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon!
Best regards, Jurgen
NewGNi Administration
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


FXTrust (reviewed here) has been online for only three days but has already managed to become a popular choice for investors looking for fast profits on LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on a variety of plans paying on expiry – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-230% after 3 days, 142%-600% after 7 days, 190%-1300% after 14 days, 350%-2600% after 30 days. Although the payouts are not instant, so far they have been fast enough in order to win the hearts of online investors. I hope that FXTrust will continue its growth and keep payments on time for the long run and become a profitable program for the majority of the investors. Here is the latest newsletter in full:
FXTrust #1 Newsletter –“Impressive Growing Up with more than 1000 Members!”
Hello our dear FXTrust investors,
I am very pleased to carry great news to all our investors as it is really impressive to know that our FXTrust is growing rapidly.
Day by day we try hard to become the best investment company among all others, now we are proudly serving more than 1 thousand clients around the world.
From the very beginning of our work, FXTrust has been convinced that it’s on the right track and the results of its work are proven today in our “Withdrawal Proof” page. Over $27,000 has been invested along with $12,000 has been paid out already.
The rust, amiability and openness are the foundation of investment in FXTrust .. Stay with us and you will absolutely be satisfied with our services. We still have a lot to share!
Should you have any doubts, questions and concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time. We will always be here for you.
Best Regards,
FXTrust Administrator”.


Since its first appearance online 70 days ago FXMoguls attracted a lot of attention offering longer term investment plans via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting with a minimum deposit of only $0.01. The first lucky investors who joined the original plans of 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal back on expiry should be in profit by now so congrats to them on making the right choice. The first information about FXMoguls was available on MNO in my detailed review posted here and my interview with the admin Jason which can be read here. Since then a few changes marked the successful development of the program – the minimum amount to deposit was increased to $10 and AlertPay was introduced as the third payment processor, but the quality of the service provided by FXMoguls remained impeccable and the payouts fast.

Today there was a new development from the admin which I’m sure might raise some eyebrows. Newer shorter term plans have been introduced that would last for 60 business days and will pay you your original deposit on expiry. The difference with the original 150 business day plans will be the removal of compounding and the slightly different rates of interest. One will earn 2.2% daily for amounts ranging from $10 to $749, 2.8% daily for amounts from $750 to $3,499, and finally starting from $3,500 you will receive a 3.5% daily interest rate. As with the original plans the principal will be returned on expiry. However please keep in mind if you have already invested in the 150 day plan in FXMoguls transferring your new deposit from the old one will not be possible.

I hope everything is clear for you with the new plan but the question arises why a successfully running program like FXMoguls would offer medium term plans in the middle of its lifecycle. Obviously the admin didn’t take this decision lightly and told me that more investors asked for it thus leaving the program with the dilemma to continue with old plans as usual or take advantage of the current interest in medium term programs and try to compete with them. I don’t believe myself that it might be considered a warning sign yet, because the changes are not so drastic and in order to break even even on those new plans you will have to wait for at least two months. In my opinion such a move will be beneficial for the program in the long term as it will attract more new investors and possibly increase its chances of survival in the long run. Anyway, in my opinion it’s too early to judge the possible effects on FXMoguls as it will only become clear over the coming months. So far they’ve been paying fine and I believe the fifth place on the MNO Premium list achieved after two months online proves that FXMoguls might go for the same term again or longer. Here is the latest newsletter from the program announcing and explaining the recent changes sent out late last night:
FXMoguls Updates for 2-14-2012
Let me start by wishing you all a very happy valentine’s day. We here at FXMoguls hope that you have a glorious day and enjoy yourself.
You may recall that we asked members a few weeks back what they would like to see added to FXMoguls to enhance our program. An overwhelming number of you had asked for shorter term plans. At first were against this idea due to the fact that it gives us less time to generate returns on the funds invested.
After some consideration we have found a way to offer you shorter term plans without compromising the stability of our program. So it is my pleasure to introduce to you the Investor, Tycoon and Mogul short term plans. They will be as follows.
***Please note that all of the below plans run for 60 business days. Principal will be returned at the end of the term and compounding is NOT allowed for these plans only (it is still allowed for the 150 business day plans).***
Investor Short term – 2.2% daily for 60 business days with principal returned upon completion.
Tycoon Short Term – 2.8% daily for 60 business days with principal returned upon completion.
Mogul Short Term – 3.5% daily for 60 business days with principal returned upon completion.
The deposit thresholds for these plans are the same as for the other plans so there is no change there.
As I’m sure the question will arise, we are unable to switch current active deposits to these new plans and we apologize for any inconvenience that may cause.
You will notice that the daily percentage amounts for the short term plans are slightly lower than the longer term plans. This combined with not allowing compounding is what allowed us to offer these plans to you. We understand that the lower percentages will not be appealing to everyone but it should be enough to satisfy those who prefer to receive their principal back quicker. For others the longer term plans are still there for you as always.
I hope that you will enjoy this new addition to FXMoguls and we greatly look forward to the future of our programs.
Sincerely FXMoguls LTD Staff.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAlliance, FinStockLimited, FXTrust, HoldingsTradeAVIFinance.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, CrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, BensonUnion, SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForexSenrosGroup, InvfairLimited, ProfitsMax, MyDiamondShare.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin.

That’s about it for today, guys. I hope to see you on MNO again tomorrow with another review and all the daily news from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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