Mar 9th, 2012 Archives

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Hello everybody! Due to a general lack of important news from the industry I had a chance to take a day off last night and enjoy celebrating International Women’s Day which is widely celebrated in Russia where I’m staying for a couple of weeks now. There was some alcohol involved in the festivities so I’m kinda grateful that there was no news to report on MNO last night so I could fully relax and let loose. Anyway, a lack of news is usually a good sign for the industry and apart from the collapse of the low-quality SafeAgriculturePlan which was only on Basic listing on my monitor (so was never even mentioned on my blog) all the programs featured on my list are paying fine and that is the best reward for me as a blogger. During harsh times it’s sometimes better to stay with the leaders of the industry and keep 50% of all the investments with the established names while playing with the other 50% in the new ones. That’s only a temporary suggestion which should not be taken as investment advice, but that’s the way I feel now and the way your investments will be safer (if such word ever applies to the HYIP world). Your own strategy should of course change as the industry changes.

Speaking of the HYIP industry, I can’t help but mention a very weird observation I had while being here in Russia, namely huge street billboards advertising a company called MMM in some very prominent locations around the city. For those who might not be aware of it, MMM was a huge financial ponzi in Russia back to the 90’s which was disguised as a real investment company and which eventually resulted in losses for millions of people while only a few thousand of the smarter ones saw a massive profit. Don’t it remind you of the current HYIP industry? Only smarter people win while others lose. Mostly the victims are those who don’t understand the rules of the game, the most important of which is mainly “never invest what you can’t afford to lose”. Those who read MNO regularly should know that regardless of how great a HYIP looks and how sweet the admins speak you should treat it a game – no more, no less. That way you will maintain a better outlook for yourself and keep your peace of mind even if you lose a few bucks from time to time (let alone winning profits). You knew from the beginning that the money spend in high yield investment programs doesn’t belong to you from the moment of joining and now belongs to the admin at whose mercy you’re now at and on whose decisions the destiny of the program (meaning the destiny of your money) depends on.

Anyway returning to the MMM billboards on Russian streets, how do you think it’s possible as the owner of the original MMM back in the 90’s served a prison term (not a pleasant experience in Russia I’d imagine!) and was only released a few years ago? Well, a few months ago he started a second reincarnation of the most famous ponzi-pyramid in Russia with the same name which is based entirely online. And the authorities either can’t or won’t do anything about it as the program is clearly marked as a ponzi-game from the very beginning. And this didn’t stop people (including those who already lost millions in the very same thing in the 90’s) from investing there in hope of getting 20%-30% profit monthly (compare this with the 10% annually in Russian banks now to see the staggering difference). So the new MMM program has become a huge success at the moment and has a massive advertising campaign that includes even street billboards possibly sponsored by the big investors looking for commissions for themselves and increase the lifetime. I don’t know for how long the new MMM will continue and the aim of me telling you about it is not to encourage you to invest in it, it’s a ponzi, but just to make aware of the fact that as long as the ponzi games continue there will be people who want to play them regardless of anything. And a a person who already proved he knows how to build a very successful financial pyramid in the past is not seen as a negative but rather a positive factor for an investor when he sees the potential of what a particular admin can achieve and how much money he could earn.

With the example of MMM I can prove to you that ponzi games are not necessarily evil and are not necessarily illegal in all countries of the world. And as long as you’re aware that a high-yield program is just a ponzi and play only for amusement with the amounts you can afford to lose there is absolutely no harm in it. Well, I can compare the HYIP industry with the redistribution of funds you can find in casinos and slot-machines, poker games or horse racing. So why do you think the HYIP industry should be more evil than those money-redistributing industries? And why is the HYIP industry depicted as a big scary thing while sometimes crooked governments impose some unpopular taxes that would remove the money from your pockets in an absolutely legal way that will go to building them more fancy palaces and bailing out crooked bankers that should have been in prison? That’s exactly what’s happening in many countries around the world. Many people are just not aware of it and think that the governmental money re-distribution mechanism is somehow more honest just because it’s legal. I agree that the vast majority of the HYIP admins are common crooks whose only aim is to pocket money in the process, but there are a few really talented ones that even in these harsh times are capable of running their programs for many months and even years, thus bringing profits for thousands of investors. And if in the end some investors still lose money, at least they can say they participated in something really big that was managed by a talented person that put his program’s longevity over a fast profit and thus making much more money for his loyal followers and himself. Exactly those programs are more than welcome on MNO, and as for for fast scammers – I will always be exposing your tricks as soon as I see them coming, so you’d be better off staying away from me. I’m a totally financially independent and solvent person and I will run my blog not for fast scams but to promote mainly quality and long-running programs by talented admins, and make sure I will find them and present their programs to you in a proper manner that will help them build the necessary level of trust and the investors to make money. That is my credo which I intend to maintain for the long run and I think I’m going in the right direction! Actually, I’m pretty sure of it.

By the way, if you like today’s article please note that it’s the part of my unbiased and very honest series called MNOFridays which I started almost two years ago which incline to educate HYIP players and tell them about the endless possibilities this industry has for you as well as some tricks used by HYIP admins. If you notice this is already the eighteenth issue of MNOFridays and if you’re interested in seeing others please don’t hesitate to read all the articles by following this link. And let me know what you think of this one in the comments below which will tell me what direction to move in next and what topic to discuss for the next piece. That’s it for today and now let’s get back to the daily news from the industry.



Just this afternoon the members of NewGNi should have received the latest news update from Jurgen, the admin behind what has in a very short space of time become one of the best selections out there for any online portfolio. By his own admission Jurgen acknowledges that there isn’t much content you’d exactly label “newsworthy” in the update, but at the same time I think it’s commendable that at all times he keeps the members totally informed of the on-going developments there, even if it’s just to say that their existing plans are ticking along nicely and to expect some changes. In this newsletter for example, Jurgen (who was first interviewed on MNO here) starts by outlining some changes being made to the NewGNi Facebook page, though these are largely cosmetic and have little effect on the actual program, which continues unchanged in terms of what they offer and how they operate. The investment plans available from NewGNi are as always a straight up choice between 1% per business day, or 6% weekly, no expiry, and optional principal withdrawal after 180 business days. Though there’s no reason why you can’t split your deposit between both. Some changes that will be taking place however include the continuing expansion of the website as it gradually becomes translated into more and more languages. And very professionally as well I must say, after inspecting the Russian version. Next up is a Spanish version, to be followed by NewGNi‘s transaction into German. No doubt this will do a lot to expand their membership base. And finally something else that will only benefit the program, and as a consequence its members, is the free money giveaway contest. You need only be a signed up member to participate, and don’t even need to have an active deposit to be eligible. For a full explanation of how NewGNi operates and the plans they have available then I suggest you start with my original review of the program first published here. Meanwhile the latest update from Jurgen is published for you below:
Newsletter 9 March 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
Another week has passed and I cannot believe where the time is going. How are you all?
Although there are no real news to share with you this week, we would like to update you on a few issues:
Facebook: Following the launch of Timeline for Personal Pages, Facebook has recently announced that Timeline Fan Pages will become compulsory from 30th March. We have decided to opt-in earlier and you can visit our new Facebook page now and here.
The new page is looking more contemporary and aesthetic. Major changes are the large cover photo, and that posts are not longer appearing in a vertical line, but instead side by side. Navigation made easier with the Date Selector in the upper right corner and we are able to pin important posts at the top of the page.
We’d like to encourage you to make more use of our Facebook page. Consider it as a medium to interact with us and your fellow members, to ask questions, to comment on your experience with NewGNi – or just to say Hello.
We’d Like to Hear From You!
Website localization: We expect our Spanish pages to be up by the end of next week and we expect that the German pages will follow shortly.
And…..there is more to come in the weeks ahead, so please stay tuned!
Finally we would like to remind you once again of our first giveaway contest. So far we have received 644 entries and the contest is still open until the 31st of March 2012. Three lucky winners will receive $100 each paid directly into their preferred payment processor account. To participate you need to be a member of NewGNi, an active deposit is not mandatory.
For more information on our contest please read our news section.
I’ll see you next week, please enjoy your weekend!
With best regards,
Jurgen. NewGNi Administration
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO“.


Finally it’s official – after a few days the admin of ENR-G officially announced yesterday that SolidTrustPay had been fully integrated in the program’s script and from now on the instantly credited deposits and instantly processed withdrawals by STP should be running smoothly. STP becomes the fourth payment processor accepted by ENR-G for investors looking to join any of the investment plans with principal returned on expiry and fully described in my review of the program published here – 1.2% for 30 days and 2.2%-2.7% for 90 days. I think this addition along with the successful migration of the website to a more reliable BlackLotus server which prevented the program from being offline (which happened to ENR-G quite a lot while being on Koddos) and apart from today’s short technical issue that was rectified by BlackLotus within an hour the site looks to be very solid and stable now. The instant withdrawals are processed smoothly and I believe that ENR-G has a bright future provided the admin keeps working hard and maintains the stability of the website and the instant withdrawals. By the way, a couple of days ago the admin Joshua joined the MNO ShoutBox after asking me to approve his account seeing that there were a lot of interest and questions from my readers so I sincerely welcome his efforts in maintaining a proper communication level with all the current and potential investors. I wish Joshua and his investors every success and am publishing the latest newsletter from him below:
STP enabled at ENR-G!
I’m really happy to announce that Solid Trust Pay deposits and withdrawals are now instant.
We really had a heck of a time getting it integrated with the script and getting the payments instant. A big thank you goes to STP though for their help in guiding us through it.
I do apologize again for the delay but we didn’t think it was fair to allow STP deposits but to not have instant withdrawals. But that has now been fixed and everything is running smoothly.
I’d also like to mention that we added 7GB more RAM and 2 more processors to our server. The move to Blacklotus proved to be a very good one as we haven’t experienced any downtime since the mo0ve to my knowledge. So thank you all for your patience.


I think that the admin of III which collapsed in less than three weeks is exactly from the cohort of the admins which are really not welcome on MNO. I myself do not want to hear any excuses from admins that are not capable of running a program even to the point when someone is going to be in profit with them, but when it collapses blame all the world around them but never themselves. They claim to have done everything required to maintain the Paying status of the program but evil hosting Staminus broke down and hacked into their allegedly very secured and unique script and stole all the money. Sorry, but that sounds really weird to me and I simply cannot believe such stories. All I know is that the admin has pocketed the money belonging to investors by creating a classic fast scam by buying sticky listings on monitors and forums for 1-2 weeks and then suddenly started offering a short term plan which was obviously just bait in order to scam fast. Which he did. And did so successfully and in an ugly way. Like they always do, like the admin of III did. Now he promises to revive the program in an email that was sent to me yesterday. Sorry, but how on earth are you able to revive the program which is dead now an on Scam status on many other monitors. He will not be able to return the money of investors from his past scam and without it nobody will invest again. There is only one solution – he has to open a totally different program under a different name. But I hope if that’s going to happen he’s not coming to MNO. I will expose his scam as I can see his signature now pretty clearly and recognize the poor tricks he’s playing on investors. Anyway, here is the last excuse about the closure of III after less than three weeks online:
Sorry to all. Our script got hacked. Its fully protected, it seems staminus really worst for hyips. 100% they steal money from hyips. Beware about them, we lost like 20k in this project, we bought ads for next one month but give us for few days, will try retrieve our program to run. If you can please inform this post to all forums.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTradeRockferryFund.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise, BulletProfit, FelminaAlliance,  SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForex, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra, ENR-G, FreedomTradingLtd, SilverStructure.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: CreditProgramBankWalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, RoyalMiracles.

That’s everything I have to report today, guys. I hope you found my thoughts about the industry useful for you and I would appreciate all your comments on my MNOFridays article in the comments section or on my Facebook page. I hope to see you all on my blog soon and have a nice weekend, everyone!

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