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12/03/2012. Daily News from the Industry


Hi everyone! Well, it’s Monday again and the start of a brand new business week and a brand new week for the HYIP industry too. I’d be hoping as always for at least a number of new opportunities (being an optimist on Mondays, unlike so many others) but so far it’s been a fairly understated start to the week with not a great deal to report. But you know the old expression that no news is good news can so often be especially true when dealing with this business, so I prefer to look on a quiet day as a day when things are just ticking along nicely, without a whole lot to worry about.

Of course that’s not to say that absolutely nothing happened today either, whatever else you might think of the HYIP industry, one thing about it is it never sleeps and there’s always something going on. So let’s catch up with the latest events going on with the programs monitored by MNO.



There was a new program added to Premium listing on MNO tonight – DividendService. The program is not brand new but has been paying fine for two weeks already, so we should see the first members in profit by tomorrow. The shortest plan available for deposits made via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay start from a $5 minimum and pays 1.4% for 15 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. The other plans requires a bigger minimum and like the previous plan allow compounding and return the original principal on expiry – 1.7% for 30 days, 2% for 70 days, 2.3% for 100 days. DividendService is running off an original and custom made script and the withdrawals should be requested every day and are paid manually within 24 hours of the request being made. The website is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server from Staminus and protected by Koddos. I hope that the successful run for two weeks is actually an advantage for DividendService and hope that the program will run successfully for a long time. Nowadays there are too many fast scams appearing online, so only invest what you can afford to lose. The full review of DividendService will be posted on MNO tomorrow so stay tuned for that!


Before commenting on HoldingsTrade‘s latest newsletter I would like to make some clarifications about something that may have been misinterpreted about recent messages in my ShoutBox. You should all know that I have no idea on how long a program will last for or how successful it will be. The admins generally don’t know that either as it’s really hard to take into consideration all the factors that might affect the performance, especially in the long run. So it looks that even my latest guess that HoldingsTrade can easily run for at least a few more weeks without interruptions raised some eyebrows and apparently made some investors ask for their principals back. Perhaps it was my mistake to even discuss it in the first place as I know that speculating can be harmful for any program and if you think that commenting on how long they will last can hurt their performances please accept my apologies as that’s not exactly what I meant. Please note that from now on I will NOT be giving any predictions about any program’s lifecycle on MNO. I know that I already promised not to do it but it looks that even my slightest suggestions posted on my ShoutBox can create a wave of panic and the dissatisfaction of some HYIP admins. That just means how influential MNO has become and how my word can make or break any program.

As from my personal point of view, I really should not care about guessing for how long a program will last and never tell anything if the program is paying fine and on time, as is the case with HoldingsTrade by the way which is the only current program on MNO Sticky listing. As long as the program is paying to everyone and is not showing any bad signs like the introduction of strange new plans or sudden delays in payouts, it’s fine with me and there is no reason to give a personal opinion, especially if it can be misinterpreted by some not so smart members who create rumors. So I can say to you officially that my comment on the ShoutBox about a few weeks of the lifecycle for HoldingsTrade has nothing to do with reality and was just a guess and no more – HoldingsTrade could last for a year or it could collapse tomorrow and the chances of both are absolutely equal. So please do not read between the lines and put words in my mouth! I cannot predict the lifecycle of any HYIP, so there is no need to spread rumors about that – a program is good as long as it’s paying and that is all that matters to me.

You might remember that in the previous official newsletter from HoldingsTrade (reviewed here) the admin asked investors to answer some simple questions that will advise him on the ways how to improve the site. Although the decision about implementing any changes has not been taken yet the admin promised to take all the information into consideration. As soon as I hear some real positive changes I will update you here. For today the admin chose to publish the so-called uncensored comments which some of members of HoldingsTrade submitted together with answering the questions of the survey. The admin also advised the members to stay in touch more closely and make use of Skype to communicate with him for any questions or HoldingsTrade‘s Facebook and Twitter accounts. I’ll just remind you that HoldingsTrade has been running for five weeks already and paying 3%-3.2% for 60 days returning your principal anytime you want with no fee to your LibertyReserve account. Here is the latest from the program:
Uncensored Reviews of HoldingsTrade
Dear Member of HoldingsTrade.
As you may be aware, We conducted a survey on 04-03-2012 and the response was amazing. I would like to personally thank everyone who participated in the survey. We have already started implementing the suggestions that were given by you and we will be updating you as its been done. In case you missed the survey, It is available here:
Some of our members were kind enough to leave us a review during the survey and we decided to post them for you Uncensored. These are the honest reviews from real investors. You can read those reviews in our home page here:
You may also leave us a review by filling our survey and we will publish it on the home page.
IMPORTANT: We strongly advice all our investors to add us to your skype account: Holdingstrade This way even if our website is not accessible you can be in touch with us all the time. You can also follow us on Facebook & Twitter to get all our latest news and updates.!/HoldingsTrade
We would like to express our gratitude to all the investors who has invested in our program so far.
If you have any questions, you can always contact our support department here:
Best Regards. HoldingsTrade Team”.


I don’t know what about you, guys, but as for me I’m thoroughly enjoying the regular updates from Roman Novak, the admin of ProfitableSunrise first interviewed on MNO here. This interesting mixture of religious chat and a philanthropic approach makes ProfitableSunrise look really different from other programs. All of the newsletters issued by Roman are quite an optimistic and hopeful and deal with philosophical and Christian topics. That is really original concept for the HYIP industry and it will definitely find a niche in the current market full of fast scams and unstable programs. On this background ProfitableSunrise looks as solid as rock with payouts having been processed on time for over four months already since the program first came online and was reviewed on MNO a month after (read my review here). ProfitableSunrise accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and direct Bank wires on the investment plan paying 1.6%-2% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry.

In the latest newsletter from Roman he talked about the new charity initiative from one of the investment groups which allegedly invests a lot of money into the program and direct part of the profits to so-called “charity sub-accounts”. According to the admin the initiative should really help those people in need. On the topics concerning the ProfitableSunrise program itself I would like to mention the new multi-level referral program which was made for the benefit of the more active promoters and the special negotiable rates of referral commissions which Roman made available. And as usual there is a funny story for your enjoyment at the end of the latest newsletter from which you can read in full below:
ProfitableSunrise – Personal Message from Roman Novak.
Good Day!
It’s Monday morning and I hope you had a blessed weekend and are now ready to get back to business.
Everyone wants Monday morning to begin with good news. So let’s agree that we will only tell good news one another. Deal? Okay, it’s a deal then.
Last week another investment group joined ProfitableSunrise. I have found the leader of the group to be a wonderful and very decent person. His intentions are crystal clear and noble. The leader of the group plans to use the charity sub-account on ‘building and supporting orphanages and schools; planting churches and helping local pastors; providing free professional counseling and rehabilitation to drug addicts, youths, families and the homeless’ (let me remind you that members of the group can add funds to this charity sub-account from the interest they earn). I fully share his vision and find the declared use of the funds that would accumulate in the sub-account the right one. Who else would help those in need? The government? No, I doubt that… The government does run a great number of rehabilitation and charity programs, but they are too general, not targeted at all. They do not have the warmth that is so much needed. They do not make the people these programs are targeted at feel that they are not left alone to face their problems, that there are people out there who are willing to help them. I wish you the best of luck in this noble undertaking and pledge to double every amount you decide to spend from your charity sub-account.
In my last personal message to you I have promised to design and implement a multi-level downline program. I have kept my promise. My technical guys did a great job and from now on the multi-level downline program is available to all customers. How it works. 2 levels of downline commissions (5% and 2% on all deposits made by first-level and second-level downlines respectively) are available to individual members. Groups have access to 3 levels of downline commissions and the rates are negotiated individually with every group. All group leaders are invited to contact me to negotiate the rates of multi-level downline commissions for their groups. If you have any thoughts, suggestions and ideas about how I can make ProfitableSunrise better, please do not wait to send me an email.
I want to wish you luck in your business and remember that you are not alone. You reach out to help somebody today, tomorrow somebody will reach out to help you.
Here is a small prayer to motivate you this week.
An elderly gentleman passed his granddaughter’s room one night and overheard her repeating the alphabet in an oddly reverent way.
`What on earth are you up to?` he asked.
`I’m saying my prayers,` explained the little girl.
`But I can’t think of exactly the right words tonight, so I’m just saying all the letters. God will put them together for me, because He knows what I’m thinking.`
God loves you!
Roman Novak. ProfitableSunrise Founder”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 32 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise,   SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForex, RockferryFund, MoneyEra, ENR-G, SilverStructure.
From MNO Standard list: -.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, RoyalMiracles.

That’s all the news from the HYIP industry today, guys. See you with more updates and the latest events from the most popular programs on MNO tomorrow! So long, folks!

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