Mar 14th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! BensonUnion has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I have a couple of news stories to get through this evening, including the addition of a new program to the MNO monitoring list, but I’d like to start with an older one. Namely BensonUnion, which is a long term HYIP first listed on MNO upon being launched nearly two months ago. In a relatively short space of time they’ve won a considerable amount of fans and admirers and are sitting very comfortably in the top ten programs on my list. Not difficult to see why either, with instant payouts that have always been dependable on plans offering terms of 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days, and your principal back on expiry (or earlier with a fee deducted).

So today before the news I have an interview with Ragnar, who is the admin of BensonUnion. You can tell straight away just by looking at it that BensonUnion is one of the better more professional HYIP related websites out there at the moment, but in this case I was more interested in hearing what the admin has to say about it from the angle of an online investment program. However if you like what Ragnar has to say and would like a more detailed description of BensonUnion, the plans they offer, and some background information then I would suggest you start by checking out the original review first published on MNO here:

1. Hi Ragnar, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other peoples money.

Hello Paul! My name is Ragnar Wellington. I am co-owner of BensonUnion. My brother Samuel is my associate in this business. It took almost 2 years to establish BensonUnion but previously I worked for Washington Mutual. In early 2008 I started building the team to make money on Forex market and since early 2010 we started making BensonUnion to provide capital management services for every Internet user.

2. Can you share some facts about the BensonUnion business with us? How long have you been in operation? Tell us about any partners or assistants you might have working for you as well.

BensonUnion has been working online for almost 3 months but the team that is involved in BensonUnion was formed in 2008 and every trader or any other employee of BensonUnion are well-experienced guys.

3. Assuming someone is coming into the online investments industry for the first time, can you talk us through what what you do in a typical working day as the owner of BensonUnion?

Well, me and Samuel built pretty large and serious structure and sometimes it is really difficult to control it but we do our best for our investors success, thats all I can say to your readers Paul.

4. What are you offering investor in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

At the moment we have 5 investment funds offering up to 2.45% daily interest. Min. investment is just $10 and there is no maximum amount.

5. There are some who would say that giving investors the option of early principal withdrawal can put too much of a drain on the program’s resources and can have a detrimental effect on the cash flow if you let’s say experience a slow couple of weeks with more people leaving than joining. What do you say to that? I know it makes BensonUnion more appealing to fans of shorter term programs which is great, but how can you plan and budget properly if you never know who’s going to leave on any given day?

Well, this advantage attracts clients but it doesn’t mean that everyone wants to use it everyday. We did a detailed research of this function before enabling it in BensonUnion and it’s nothing dangerous if there are such transactions even everyday.

6. What payment processors are BensonUnion currently dealing with? Are you satisfied with them as partners or do you have any intentions to expand the list and add more options? Why aren’t you using SolidTrustPay?

We accept only Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money. One of our employees did a detailed research of each e-currency and found out that SolidTrustPay and AlertPay can’t process withdrawal requests quickly, also AlertPay puts at least 15% of all incoming transactions value on hold. So how would we use deposits for trading? – No way to do it with these payment systems.

7. Can you give us any other general statistics on the program, for example the number of active members, total deposits, total withdrawals, etc?

I’m sorry but we don’t disclose any internal information. I only can say that the start is better than we predicted. Thanks to marketing department and representatives department.

8. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems? Tell us also about the regional representatives? Can you tell us anything about them (such as what qualifies them to provide this service) and if anyone else is interested in applying what would be expected of them?

The best way to contact BensonUnion for English-speaking people is a contact form on our website, e-mail or live chat. Every client of BensonUnion who has at least $300 total deposited is eligible to become a representative. Representative department will contact you with details after filling the representative registration form.

9. One of my readers wants to know why you have such a slick looking video showing your office and plenty of staff/support staff, yet any time he tries to contact you he finds it impossible to get any kind of response. What do you say to this?

It’s impossible that he couldn’t contact us. Most likely he tried to call us when the office was closed. Support tickets are always answered within a few hours, much less than even 12 hours. Live support is always online in business hours.

10. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Sometimes our clients don’t care so much about their PC security and of course sooner or later they get hacked. In the nearest future we are going to implement SMS authorization security option. It will completely protect our clients from unauthorized access or withdrawals from their account. This option will be free for $5,000+ investors only. Also we don’t allow to change e-currency account numbers without contacting support service.

11. Can you tell us in detail about the security of BensonUnion? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? What level of protection do you have from DDoS attacks or other malicious activities?

I told you about upcoming SMS authorization option above, also we currently provide One-Time Security PIN option. We are hosted by Netherlands datacenter. There were no downtimes there at all. Our DDOS protection provider is BlockDos.

12. What script are you running off? Where did you get it and how secure is it? Is your website protected with SSL encryption?

Well, I wouldn’t call this thing script :) It’s a serious and large website Engine and it has to be done on top level of security because there were a lot of attempts to hack it and thanks to our programmers because nobody could do it. BensonUnion engine was developed by our programmers and they keep working on it.

13. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

I have a lot of connections with US financial people. Me and my associates help some small companies to go public. To go public means to move their stock to NASDAQ-OTCBB or PinkSheets market to make it available for public trading. Such companies pay us with their shares once we do our job.

14. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by BensonUnion. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

Our marketing department keeps researching this market. At this moment we spend pretty large amount for advertising every month and we increase advertising budget step by step. We use online advertising on investment-related portals and forums but in the nearest future there will be outdoor, trains, subway and magazines advertising in some countries. Once we sign the contract with advertising agencies, we will post a news release on the website.

15. Are there any plans to develop BensonUnion further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many other options open to investors?

We plan to add 10 more interface languages within a few months. It will help us to attract even more audience. Our representatives will make BensonUnion popular in their countries as well. Thats their job.

16. As the admin on an online investment program yourself, I see you have a lot of sound advice to offer about security? Would you like to say anything to people new to this business on how best to protect themselves and their money online?

Well, I’m not a security expert. All I can say is that investments with BensonUnion are pretty safe and I can tell for sure that our investors understand it with every next day they receive their interest.

17. And finally, is there anything you feel that wasn’t covered in this interview that you think the readers of MNO should be aware of? And also would you like to comment on the review of BensonUnion that I wrote? As it was more or less a matter of personal opinion (mine) is there anything in it that you felt was unfair, inaccurate, or otherwise in need of correction?

Everything was fine and we are satisfied working with you thats why we ordered the top banner place on your website and we will keep renewing it every month for sure. Thanks for your questions Paul!

Before we get to the other stories today I’d just like to say thanks to Ragnar for taking the time and trouble to answer my questions and hop you all find it useful in making a decision one way or another as to whether BensonUnion is a suitable place for you to invest or not. And of course good luck to those who’ve already joined the program, fingers crossed it will hopefully turn out to be a long lasting success story for all of us. I think we all deserve it by now.


Only one real update for you today, and that’s the addition of the brand-new mid-term program Investix to my Premium list yesterday. The program offers three quite sustainable investment plans paying from 5% to 7% daily depending on your deposit which can be anything between $5 and $7,500 for a duration of 25 calendar days. Investix accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and it doesn’t return your original principal on expiry, so your net profit will be between 25% and 75% after 25 days. The main bonus feature for investors is probably the instant payments which the admin promised will be available in his short greeting posted on the site and which I have already tested and got paid instantly:
Investix is now launched and available with its 3 distinct and very sustainable investment plans. We have all kind of security features in place along side prompt instant payments and more.
I will be looking at Investix in more detail on MNO very soon, but tonight I just want to add that the program is being run on a licensed script from MonetarySoft and is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus with proper SSL-encryption by Comodo. I guess these great features would be fine to maintain the security of the instant payouts to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading, I hope there was at least something interesting or helpful for you in there, if you like it you can always subscribe by filling in your address in the box near the top right side of my blog, and I hope to see you all here again tomorrow. See you all then!

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