March 2012 Archives

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Hi guys! It’s good to know that the industry seems to be getting back to normal as for the last few days there were no problematic programs announced and all the programs listed on MNO have been paying good. And I’m very pleased to see it! As I mentioned many times already sometimes a lack of news and the lack of too many new programs is actually a pretty good thing and is compensated for by the proper payouts from existing programs. I believe no later than next week we will see increased levels of activity and new quality programs emerging in the market. This is a positive trend anyway and I hope it will stay this way for some time. So let’s get to the news.


Some exciting news that I know a lot of you were waiting for was just announced. Investix (reviewed here) is going to launch a new contest on the MNO Chat room where every member of Investix regardless of if they have a deposit in their 5%-7% for 25 calendar days plan or not will be able to participate. All you need to do is answer the questions posed by the admin to earn a $5 cash prize to their LR or PM accounts. To participate you need to open an account in Investix and add an MNO Chat username to your profile in the program so if you win the prize the admin can identify you among others. I remind you that everyone can join MNO Chat and I have already thousands of registered members there (please note that this is the MNO Chat room now, and not the shoutbox on my blog page). Not many post there now as the industry is kinda slow, but I hope that will change now that Investix is launching the contest. Hopefully this will attract more members to MNO Chat who can make some free money along the way. Please use this unique earning opportunity from Investix and remember that you have to register an account on MNO Chat before you’re able to post there. Approval of your account can take up to 24 hours, so please do it soon as I will be able to approve the first accounts tomorrow morning. And wait for more contests on the Facebook page of the program which are going to start in a couple of days too.

There was more than just the MNO contest in the latest newsletter that was sent to the members of Investix just a couple of hours ago. The admin Hamzah also noted that his program is getting increasingly popular and thanked members for the support, pledging that further improvements to Investix will be made by adding unique features like the new one allowing members to choose the desired method of withdrawal between automated and manual instant payment which they can set up in their accounts. There was also a big part of the newsletter devoted to the unique features offered by TrackEgg which Investix endorsed after a couple of other programs did it earlier. Going by the excitement expressed by Hamzah in his newsletter the TrackEgg service should be really helpful not only to Investix investors but to the entire community involved in HYIP investing. Here’s the full newsletter:
MNO Contest and TrackEgg
Do you remember the first newsletter I sent? And then again in the second I mentioned Investix is just like a giant snow ball which keeps getting bigger day by day, and now this is the third time in my third newsletter that I claim just the same thing. But before I proceed with my today’s update, I would like to thank all of the members who showed appreciation in our efforts and gave us very positive responses and feedbacks regarding the addition of 3 investor tools which are only UNIQUE TO INVESTIX and its members. We believe in “Empowering our Investors” and “Staying ahead of the Competition” therefore you will be hearing about more of these features in the coming days.
FaceBook contest idea is still in pipeline, but the response I have got so far is impressive. We have almost 250 likes at our FaceBook page and I am sure as we start the contest in a few days, It is going to be a huge party!
Contest on MNO:
I am thankful to Paul for allowing and supporting to us to run a contest at MNO which officially starts tomorrow. The contest will be held in the MNO Chatroom where you can have general conversations with your friends and other HYIP industry investors, share the ideas, discuss specifically about programs and their performances, and have a few hours of fun! We will post a simple and easy-to-answer question everyday, and we will pick 1 to 2 winners who will be rewarded with $5 USD cash rewards paid to their LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney accounts. This contest will keep going for a week and based on your participation, we can also increase numbers of everyday winners and also possibly extend it for a whole month or even more…
To enroll for this contest, all you need to have is an Investix account. You can also keep a free account without any need of having an active investment with us. Just navigate to “Edit Account” section once you are logged in and update the fields where it asks you to enter your MNO Chatroom ID along with other fields like MMG username, TalkGold username and FaceBook Name. Doing this will help us find your payment accounts upon selection of winners from MNO Chatroom on daily basis.
TrackEgg Integration:
I am glad to announce that we have now integrated TrackEgg in our program. I’m sure this is a fair decision which will be appreciated by our members. I have to say, I joined TrackEgg a while back and I was really impressed with the tools they are offering to their users. At the same time, Investix is also working on its plans to empower its Investors and become an example for the whole HYIP industry. You can read more about TrackEgg from here.
Let me give you a short introduction of TrackEgg. TrackEgg is a 100% free service that allows you to keep track of all your online investments, businesses and finances. This is done by a fully automated website that calculates and displays all your investments in easy to read graphs, charts and tables. TrackEgg also lets you advertise all your programs in one page, never go through the trouble of opening a website or blog ever again.
There are plenty of tools available for investors of the HYIP industry but not limited to it, you can also add MLM, Cyclers and many other kinds of programs in your portfolio. Simply record the transactions you have made and then “show-it-off” to the whole world, which is the ultimate way to build downline by displaying all your referral links on one page! This service is very easy to use and there is even a whole set of video tutorials available which will guide you through the process of setting it all up:
Thank you for trusting and joining Investix!
Regards, Hamzah M.
Investix Management.


BensonUnion (reviewed here) has started another stage of their advertising campaign which honestly I never heard of before. They want to hire some flyer distributors who would post outdoor advertising for the program and make it know to the widest possible audience. In addition to that the service will be paid for by BensonUnion‘s management and the people willing to do this should apply to the BensonUnion customer service to agree on the salary and employment conditions:
Flyer distributors wanted!
BensonUnion started massive outdoor and flyer advertising worldwide. Everyone who would like to become our flyer distributor needs to contact customer service for instructions. Artwork and printing will be provided by BensonUnion. Salary will be set individually depending on your location and efficiency of your campaign.

I remind you that the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar was recently interviewed on MNO (click here to read it) and he promised there that his company would take a different approach in advertising and try different avenues not used by other HYIPs. I really hope that these unorthodox advertising efforts will pay off and make BensonUnion more popular with investors around the world. This is definitely needed in the long run to sustain payouts on the relatively high paying plans offering 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with the principal returned on expiry to your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts.


Speaking of long-term programs, SilverStructure (reviewed here) is definitely one of the fastest growing programs from the newer ones in the HYIP market. Having been online for only 15 days the program has already carved a niche and set itself apart from the crowd having reached 1,200 members according to the latest newsletter issued today. It might not sound true for a program offering 2% for 150 calendar days with principal returned on expiry, but apparently by accepting AlertPay from the beginning (in addition to the usual LR and PM options) and offering pretty fast payouts with the general consensus being that there’s a professional admin on top of his game running SilverStructure. There was some extra payment options opened to the members of the program today. As announced in the newsletter, along with Bank wires the investors will be able to make payments directly from their Credit cards via the AlertPay interface which was praised by the admin for its professionalism and good security.

Along with this good news the admin of SilverStructure also discussed the regional representatives, the program’s own forum and Facebook page, and pledged to make his program the new industry leader. I wish him good luck in making this happen as I have high hopes for the bright future of this program. Here is the latest newsletter in full:
SilverStructure news
Dear investors,
SilverStructure has been online for two weeks and we already have 1200 registered members. Our marketing department spent our first week online analyzing the online investments market and for the past few days, we have been using a much more aggressive advertising strategy to make sure, our goal of being the number one investment program available, will be achieved in no time.
Our support department received several requests for direct credit card payments and the great news is that our partner and preferred payment processor, AlertPay, is now able to process VISA and MasterCard payments directly via their website. AlertPay users can now fund their accounts using credit cards and easily invest with SilverStructure. We strongly encourage you to use this service or bank wires to fund your AlertPay account, they are a very solid and respected payment processor and their services perfectly fit our needs and thus yours.
We also received several applications for our representatives system. As you know, we have a limit of 100 representatives for now, and that is the reason we are being selective and only choosing representatives who will actually make a difference for SilverStructure. Representatives play a very important role in our marketing and support areas, especially for newcomers, and being selective is the only way to assure the quality of our partners.
We would like to remind you that SilverStructure has its own forum where investors can communicate with each other. A part of our membership has already joined and we expect more people to join us there, as participation in our company grows. Another very active community is found on our Facebook page, our customer support team answers all Facebook questions. So please feel free to contact us there, if that is more comfortable for you. Some of our support attendants have also been assigned a position with our Live Support feature, it is a quick way to solve your account problems and it is online at least twelve hours a day.
Some marketing groups have joined us and have been working hard promoting SilverStructure. We also have several new representatives in our listings, who have introduced a lot of people, including many newcomers to the online investments world. If you would like to invite your friends, work colleagues or partners from marketing lists, then check out our “Tell a Friend” tab inside members area. It is a very easy and smart way to introduce SilverStructure and its business model.
SilverStructure has been reviewed by numerous online investment bloggers and listed in several forums and monitors that you will find listed on our Appraisals page. We suggest you read the reviews as, in most cases, they are written by online investments specialists and all reviews have one common point: SilverStructure has everything it takes to become an industry leader.
Thank you for walking the forgotten trail with us, we hope this journey will help you in achieving your financial goals for the upcoming years.


CFDonline (reviewed here) is taking a different approach. Their growth is not really fast but it is steady as although the program was featured on many reliable monitors it has been online for only three days and has to establish its reputation first. So far though all the withdrawals I made to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were processed instantly, but please note that in order for this to happen you will have to request $10 or less from your account. I also just noticed that only one withdrawal per 24 hours is allowed, so be careful when you plan your withdrawals from CFDonline. I remind you that the investment plans offered include 1% daily forever (principal back after 180 days), 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days (the principal is returned on expiry of each of the three latter plans).

The first official newsletter was issued by the admin of CFDonline Stevan today where he claimed the vast majority of investors (91%) prefer the 2.5% for 90 days plan which offers the highest possible income for the members. It’s kinda refreshing to see that the admin is giving real stats with a little bit more than $3,000 deposited over the first two days online which is quite good considering the current state the industry. I just hope that Stevan will keep this honest approach. Along with his own promotional efforts including listing CFDonline on many monitors and MNO review which was also announced in the newsletter the admin also offered the members to use a new Invite a Friend feature which you can use from your member’s area to refer others and build your downline. That could be really rewarding as the program pays commissions up to level 10 and with the 7-tier referral bonuses depending on the amount of referrals one can have CFDonline can make somebody a decent amount of cash provided they have a wide network of friends interested in investing in HYIPs. Anyway, all the details can be read in the following newsletter from CFDonline:
Dear Investor,
A warm welcome to you and a big thanks for joining my investments program.
I have finally finished adding the program to my selected monitors and answered all the emails received in the last few days what was quite allot. So it is now time to concentrate the energy on our future, the trading and support to all members. All monitors I paid for service can be found on
The support request has been minimal, more ending up with private chit chat what I sure like when there is time for it. Makes it all more personal and more fun. Feel free to drop by, and say hi.
Money News Online (MNO) admin has posted a review on CFDonline and can be found on this link Enjoy the reading.
We are now on day 3 and the interest for the program has been more than I expected with 60 new members a day and counting. Its very clear to see which investment plans are attracting investors with numbers as following.
91% invested in 90 days plan
5% invested in 30 days plan
3% invested in the 1% forever plan
and last 1% in the 60 days plan
Total invested first 48 hours was $3030.20
Daily payouts on that level are now just $70.30 a day.
Invite a Friend
Do not forget to use the INVITE A FRIEND function from your member account area. Never has it been easier to get referrals. With the implanted system to invite your friends directly from your account is one of its kinds. Even if you are not investing yourself you can still use the easy INVITE A FRIEND function in your member referral section to get your friends as your referrals before other friends send to them. So, Hurry up! Time is money – and why waste your time?
If you have any questions, please use the LIVE support for help in my office hours or send me an email directly. See more on
Thank you.
Stevan Brady”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise,  SolidForexLtd, FelminaAlliance, ENR-GSilverStructure, InvestixMyDiamondShare, DividendServiceMoneyEraFreedomTradingLtd, Verifonds, CFDonline.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, HippoWin.

That’s all I have to tell you about tonight. I hope you’re all doing well with your investments and are enjoying your profits which are always well deserved if you made a good pick and went with it. Don’t forget to take part in the Investix‘ contest on MNO Chat (not the ShoutBox please note) if you want to receive some nice prizes from the program! Check out MNO more often and register on the Chat to be able to talk with your friends and fellow investors about HYIP related topics. See you soon!

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