Apr 9th, 2012 Archives

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Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend, and of course for anyone celebrating the Easter holidays I know a lot of you are having another day off this Monday so I hope you all had a good day. Of course making all public holidays on Monday is fine until you realize all it does is make Tuesday mornings suck now, lol! Seriously though, there’s some fairly lengthy news updates to catch up with this evening, as well as the introduction of one new program to the MNO monitoring list, so let’s get started.


It looks like some admins celebrate an unusual holiday called Eastern? God only knows what that might be! Perhaps a new cinema genre in direct contrast to the Western with no cowboys and Indians allowed, lol. Anyway, you can ask the admin of CFDonline what it all means, because he seems to be the only one celebrating. Seriously though, it’s excusable for non English speakers to make mistakes like this but it was really funny to read the update issued by the CFDonline admin over the weekend. It dealt with yet another promotional bonus for $20 deposits or more made by your referral, tries to persuade you of the admin’s involvement in the Forex market (which I don’t believe myself), clarified the amount you can request for your payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to be processed instantly,explains why Firefox should be upgraded if you want to be able to browse your account without issues and revealed the mystery behind the CFDonline extension apparently connected with the admin’s alleged nationality (Australian, lol!). Anyway, the newsletter is really worth reading and perhaps it will raise your “Eastern” spirits too:
CFDonline Updates and news. Happy Eastern!
Dear Investor,
Eastern is here and I want to celebrate this Eastern with you when using my Invite a Friend system. This will not only come for good to the program but also help you increase your downline of referrals. It is a simple and not expensive way to increase our popularity.
All friends receiving an invitation email can contact me and collect a $5 bonus to a 90 days deposit on minimum $20 he/she made. Do note that it is not just a giveaway as I set the minimum on $20 making your investment to $25. Have to be some logical in it what I think this is. As I see it; it is just another way promote the program and make some people more interested.
You can read the template of invitation email in the bottom of this email.
One thing I learned in the past few weeks by talking with several investors daily is the none-believing in Hyip Admins to trade for real as they say they do and sure not without reason. As that group of Admins almost hit the 100% scale just paying investors with investors money.
So now you can maybe image if an Admin really do the work as he say, how can he convince his investors on that? It is like saying, I know God exist, but you say, prove it! A hard task to convince none-believers when they are not open minded.
Anyway, I will make it very easy for you if you are an old Hyip investor spoiled of the scratchy Hyip reputation and totally closed the option to see things with new eyes. Like some old-school monitor Admins I read the blog on saying bulls… to everything going on in the Hyip industry.
Well, after Eastern and trades start again I will provide any kind of screenshots of my work and I encourage YOU to contact me in live chat and ask any questions of the trading I do. And if you are trader yourself, just ask for advice if you need any help in your own trading. I have been trading since 1996 and am very experienced in it.
I trade on daily basic CFDs and have typical 20 to sometimes 50 open trades in both short and long position. CFDs trades are not a short time trade but normal with an open order for several weeks to few months depending how the marked is moving. Beside that I enjoy trade the metals and Forex However Forex is only traded in a quiet stable marked picking up easy pips when I have some extra time. Like yesterday were most of the market was closed I was impulse trading on the Forex marked picking up some easy pips after a vulnerable NY opening with a jump in prices on 64 pips with a following fall back before closing. A nice pick on $2568 done on EURUSD and USDJPY with an 80 pips total pick over two hours. NOTE: If you are not experienced DO not pick like that as you still have to know how its moving and be disciplined enough to close in time, and NEWER make orders more than 5% of your balance.
Many are wondering why I am only me and ask how I can handle it. Well, it is actually VERY easy. The program itself is all automatic running and the server is stable and we had 0 problems since day one on that part. The support request is not overwhelming as things run without problems. It is more contact for general questions for newcomers with joyful Smalltalk what I always welcome.
So beside the program I do most of my time on daily research and planning my trades what is not that big deal as all time is set on the research by news TV (Bloomberg, CNN, CNBC, BBC), following my live news stream on the PC and investing backgrounds and performance on potential companies to invest on.
Still I have 4-5 hours left on a normal day and can do my daily exercising and spend time with my wife and kids, and then weekend with only check up on things and watch the support from my iPhone. Really not that hard and still have time to enjoy. Should the support be more than I can handle by time I already have contact to a few very professional online supporters to fill in. So I am very comfortable on the status.
The instant payments work perfectly and all investors like it. I just want to mention that in latest week more and more investors are getting on a higher level why their daily withdrawal is more than $10. I get many requests asking why the instant payment is not working. So please note the withdrawal process how it works.
Payments are instant from $0.01 to $10. If you have a withdrawal more than $10 it will be processed manual by me in my working hours last on the day.
Just a short comment on my domain name as some is wondering why I use a FREE domain name as .cc. Well I dont! co.cc is a free subdomain since 2011 and used of spammers. Google removed over 11mill websites in past times using this domain.
I use cc, (and paid for it) as all domains on the name I wanted were taken. So I found it logical to use cc as cc is Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory. And since I am an Aussie I find it most correct to use. Also used by many churches and Christian organizations as CC also happens to be an abbreviation for Christian Church or Catholic Church. Now you know!
FIREFOX 3 4 and 5
Users trying to create account using a very old browser like Firefox 3, 4 or 5 cannot register or login as the browser is not compatible with the Turing code. Please update this (a decade) old browser as it is also a security risk for you and your information and vulnerable for hackers.
Feel welcome to contact me any time if you have any questions or problems with your account.
Happy Eastern!
and God Bless,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.

That’s not all though. It looks like Stevan was also kinda agitated by the recent issues with the LibertyReserve API because it was mentioned in three (!) updates since yesterday informing members why instant withdrawals were not available. Apparently, this problem has now been solved and payments are back to normal. As you know from my review of the program (click here to read it) CFDonline was running on a licensed GoldCoders script who also had issues last night which Stevan also mentioned. Generally I can see that with CFDonline a lack of communication is not an issue. And that’s not a bad thing either so you can be sure that for as long as the admin is talkative the program will keep paying on four investment plans – 1% daily forever (principal back after 180 days), 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days (principal returned back on expiry of the last three plans). Please read the latest three updates regarding the issues CFDonline experienced and their successful resolution:
CFDonline updates. Libertyreserve API down
Dear Investor
Please be aware that Libertyreserve API has been out of communication last many hours and I do not know when they restore their API service for instant payments again. Also I am not aware if it is for all customers or just in my direction. Meanwhile I will process the payments manually by the normal SCI payments latest by tomorrow morning when I start work.
The normal SCI from Libertyreserve has not been affected in anyway so deposits are still possible as normal.
Have a nice Sunday,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.
CFDonline updates Libertyreserve API
Dear Investor,
As for the situation with Libertyreserve their API is still not operational. I cannot find any updates from them except from their blog where they wrote a message that they will update the API on 18th of June. Seems to me they already changed their API as it now asks for different data when sending payments. (Token element is empty or contains invalid data)
Goldcoders.com who provides the script has tried to communicate with its customers 3 times last night via back office. Their site is under some kind of attack and not available why I cannot get updates for the withdrawal files until they are back online. I already send request to Daniel from GC and await his answer. Seems like somebody takes advance of the LR update and make sure GC Hyip Admins will get problems what I am sure many do.
However, I do not have any big problems as for now I already paid all nights payments manually and will just continue that way until I get the withdrawal file updates. No payments will exceed 24 hours delay even it is still Eastern Holiday.
Another spooky thing yesterday was a 10 times higher visitor traffic than normal. Not sure exact what happen but I am very happy that the interest increase that way. Just spooky as the jump on traffic went from 60k traffic to 600k traffic came so suddenly. But I am not complaining; just smiling.
If you have any questions to the above or have any updates about LR or GC please contact me on live chat or send me an email on contact@cfdonline.com
Kindly regards,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.
CFDonline update Libertyreserve API
Dear Investor,
Both instant payments with Libertyreserve API and goldcoders.com both seem to work now almost at same time. All is back to normal without any changes. Still I would like to know the real reason if any have some info about that.
Kindly Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.


It looks like the SilverStructure website was up and down for most of the weekend and according to Gabriel (the SilverStructure‘s admin interviewed here) they had some sleepless nights preventing them from enjoying the Easter holidays. Here’s the short update received from SilverStructure last night when the site had recovered after yet another DDoS attack/server overload:
SilverStructure‘s situation
Hello, Silver is back on track and we’ll issue update later tonight. I hope you have a good Easter, our team didn’t.
Best regards,
Gabriel Raske
SilverStructure Administrator”.

As promised in the update, today a proper and more detailed newsletter was issued by SilverStructure dedicated to its first successful month online. Apparently they now have over 2,500 members enjoying 2% daily interest paid for a 150 calendar days term via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Recent downtime was explained by a server overload when too many members try to access the website at the same time, but for me it looks more like a DDoS attack. Apparently the program has become a threat to competitors possibly scared by its rapid growth and increasing popularity due to its reasonable daily returns and fast payouts. I would also add that Gabriel keeps advertising banners on MNO and regularly upgrades them (just a couple of days ago he paid for a two months extension his big banner on the MNO index page). I believe he has some solid plans for the future and I just hope that he has taken all the necessary measures secure the site in the future. More topics in the newsletter include a rising Alexa rank, a recently added translation widget, and the increased activity in both the Facebook and the program’s forum pages. The full update from SilverStructure (reviewed here) is below:
SilverStructure news
Dear investors,
SilverStructure has now been online for a month and we would to share a couple of interesting facts with you. We now have over 2,500 registered members and close to 100 representatives. We have also been monitoring our Alexa ranking status, which shows an increase in traffic of over 6600% in the past month with an average of 10,000 daily visits to our page. Your effort in promoting our program is strongly appreciated!
You may have noticed that our website has had some downtime the last couple of days. We made some changes to our server and we were not expecting it to go down at all but unfortunately we ran into a few hiccups along the way and with it being Easter weekend, some of the experts to handle these sort of things, where not around to fix the errors in a hurry. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and as we mentioned earlier, our traffic has been increasing a lot and making these changes were necessary measures to assure stability of the SilverStructure website.
Our site is now equipped with a translator widget to help people who doesn’t speak English or who feel more comfortable reading in their native languages. We understand that the translation may not be perfect but our texts have been optimized for this type of algorithm so you can still expect a very good translation level.
Several online investment programs reviewers have reviewed SilverStructure and we are very satisfied with the first impression this industry has about us. All the reviews are positive and the hard work we put into bringing SilverStructure to the general public have certainly been noticed. We encourage you to browse the reviews via the links found on our Appraisals page, especially If you are promoting SilverStructure, as these reviews are very informational and can help your future referrals understanding more about our activities.
We would like to thank you for your activity in our forum and on our Facebook page, we are very glad to communicate with our investors and we are now studying the possibility of a reward system for those actively talking about SilverStructure on discussion forums, blogs and social websites.
Best regards,
Gabriel Raske
SilverStructure Administrator”.


As many readers will be aware (and some are even celebrating) today is Easter Monday which means that many HYIPs also take a day off and will not pay you the usual daily interest. That’s especially true when it comes to so-called trading HYIPs which only ever pay on business days anyway. BensonUnion took a holiday, explaining it in a short update posted on its website:
Non-trading day – Easter Monday
No interest payment will be credited on Monday April 9”.

I would like to remind you that BensonUnion was first reviewed on MNO here and is widely considered by many as the next big thing. The admin of the program was already interviewed on my blog as well and if you want you can read more about the program and its plans for the future here. I’ll just remind that BensonUnion accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and direct Bank wires into the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan with the original principal to be returned on expiry. BensonUnion has started in January 2012 and usually withdrawals to LR and PM are processed instantly.

FreedomTradingLtd (reviewed here) also announced a day off. Daily interest on 1.2%-4% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry will not be paid due a bank holiday in most parts of the world. By the way, I can see that the enthusiasm for FreedomTradingLtd shown by investors definitely increased when the program announced the acceptance of SolidTrustPay which joins LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney now. Payments from your account in FreedomTradingLtd will be also processed instantly which is another advantage of joining. The full update is below:
Non-trading day
Dear investors,
Hope you will find a minute and read our notification. We would like to tell you that there will be a non-trading day on April 9th due to the celebration of Easter holiday. No interest will be paid. However withdrawals will be processed instantly as usual.
Thank you for your attention”.


Please be aware that both MyDiamondShare and Trade4Future have been moved to Problem status on MNO recently for delaying or stopping payments. And while MyDiamondShare just stopped paying after less then 3 months online thus leaving every single investor at a loss, Trade4Future never even started the payouts. While waiting for my first weekly payout from them I never imagined the admin would just abandon the project before he got any members. He actually replied to me and said that Trade4Future was not suitable for monitoring which is totally OK by me as nobody joined anyway, mostly because of their payment processors (only AsianReserve and OKPay were accepted) and high deposit minimum of $100. Well, in that case it was a blessing in disguise as apparently we will never see any payments from Trade4Future again and the program has been moved to Scam status on MNO after failing to attract a single investor. At the same time it looks like MyDiamondShare was designed to be a quick scam from the moment it first hit the HYIP market back in January 2012 and it’s bad to see another program with a good design and reasonable plans turned into yet another rubbish program, an abundance of which are already hurting the industry badly, but at the same time forcing the investors to stick with the very few really established programs with popular admins.


And I really hope that the latest program added to MNO InternationalForexLLC will be able to break this pattern (or if you want – curse). I can’t say the program is exactly new as it was launched over a month ago and offers an excellent choice of payment processors both traditional like LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay and the unusual like Pecunix, C-Gold and TraceablePayment. The minimum to invest is $10 with no maximum. There’s only one plan with a term of exactly 180 business and a 1% daily payout which will be made to your account until your deposit is returned on expiry. The script InternationalForexLLC runs off reminds me of GoldCoders, but the admin assured me that it’s their own, though admitting that it does look like GoldCoders. The site is SSL secured and is hosted on a dedicated server provided by LiquidWeb. According to the program’s name – InternationalForexLLC – it should be clear that it’s allegedly involved in Forex trading with daily trading reports provided. You know I’m kinda skeptical about such things, so don’t bother checking this out and just treat InternationalForexLLC as another HYIP. As far as I can see currently there’s a 5% deposit bonus offered on all investments valid for the next few days according to their latest news update:
Deposit bonus offer.
InternationalForexLLC offer their investors 5% deposit bonus on all deposits. There is a maximum incentive bonus of $1,000 per account.
This bonus is only a small amount for choose us as your personal investment company.
Campaign runs from 20st of March 2012 until 20th of April 2012”.

I’m looking forward to bringing you a more detailed review of InternationalForexLLC tomorrow but meanwhile you can check out the website yourself and perhaps read the welcome message posted after launch in the beginning of March:
InternationalForexLLC online platform officially launched
Today more and more people turn to the investment industry. There are a lot of various projects and sometimes it’s very hard to make a right choice. we always focuses on the end result – stable and high profits with the lowest possible risk. We will do our best to make sure we meet your expectations and goals. We offer investment products that invest into real securities, options and futures.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, HoldingsTrade, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, ENR-G, FelminaAlliance, VascoForex, SilverStructure, PlexCapital, DividendService, FreedomTradingLtd, CFDonlineMoneyEra, PrimeXCash, EcoLandFund.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund, InternationalForexLLC (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, WalesFinance, PerfectLottery, HippoWin.

That’s all I have for you today, guys. I hope you enjoyed the news updates and hope to see you all again tomorrow!

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