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10/04/2012. InternationalForexLLC Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! InternationalForexLLC has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! A quieter day for news in the industry today compared to yesterday, which is fine as I have a couple of other things to concentrate on at the moment, though I do of course have all the important stories from the programs covered on MNO for you. I’m spending a couple of days in the Red Sea port of Eilat before heading to the Dead Sea at the weekend for a short break so I hope it will stay quite for a while, but I’ll still be working for a few hours in the afternoons of course so you’ll always be updated. So to start with this evening before the news I want to take a closer look at the latest addition to my monitoring page called InternationalForexLLC. It’s another long term program as seems to be the trend in the industry right now, though after a month online I wouldn’t exactly call it a brand new program either. Given it’s relatively low rate of interest though it’s still early days yet. So let’s take a closer look at InternationalForexLLC and what they have to offer investors. We’ll see if there’s something there you might think is suitable for yourself to take a chance on or not.

I suppose for a lot of people one of the most favorable things about InternationalForexLLC is the one single investment plan. The program has just one single investment plan, a point which has both its good points and bad points. But for the most part I’d have to say keeping things as simple as possible is the way to go. You can join for a minimum deposit of just $10 and the investment term runs for 180 business days (which is 36 weeks). During that period you will earn 1% interest per business day until expiry, and then your initial deposit gets returned on expiry. And that’s it. Payments are made from Monday to Friday and at a cumulative rate of 5% per business week. At the end of the term it will add up to 180% in total profit, which you break even with after 100 business days (20 weeks) see a total profit of 180%.

Something else you should be aware of about the investment plan is that temporarily InternationalForexLLC have a bonus system in operation. It won’t be valid for much longer (it runs for about another ten days or so) but a 5% bonus is available on top of your principal at the moment. This is up to a maximum value of $1,000 (the bonus, not the deposit) so I guess that covers just about all investors big and small. Payment options are decent enough, a bit unusual, but pretty good I suppose. As well as the popular HYIP options such as LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and a more quality processor like SolidTrustPay, InternationalForexLLC have a couple of less popular ones as well. Pecunix and C-Gold are included as well though to be fair to them they may not be popular but they have been around for a long time now. Completing the list is a processor called TraceablePayment which I have to admin I’ve not had any personal experience with. InternationalForexLLC also accept bank transfers though you’ll have to check with the admin about the details there because I imagine a whole new set of rules with apply. Withdrawals are made manually and will need to be requested from inside your members account area. Once done the InternationalForexLLC admin requires up to a maximum of 24 hours to get the transaction fully processed.

InternationalForexLLC is running off a custom made script, and while I must admit if looks very very like what GoldCoders are providing, the admin assures me it’s their own. I guess the programmer just borrowed very heavily from GC, but at least it will have a familiar look to it for most investors. The website is also fully SSL encrypted in both public and member’s areas for more secure transactions and safer browsing. InternationalForexLLC is hosted on a dedicated server by LiquidWeb. If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues then you can contact InternationalForexLLC through a variety of methods. First there’s the electronic support form that you can fill out and submit, or just write directly to the e-mail address provided if you prefer. Also included is a telephone number if you wish to speak to someone in person. In a purely online business I’m not really sure what use you would make of the following, but InternationalForexLLC list a fax number and a postal address (though generally these are virtual serviced offices that act as mail and message collection/forwarding services).

As you can probably guess from the program’s name, InternationalForexLLC is allegedly involved with the ForEx market. They’ve even got trading reports to back the story up, though I think experienced HYIP players will have seen plenty of such reports from other programs in the past. Unfortunately despite the appearance of a professional looking website, the content (ie the texts) have been copy/pasted from other sources so if you were entertaining any thoughts that InternationalForexLLC might have been genuine, sorry, but you need to get that idea out of your head right now. I mean it’s not a bad online HYIP by current industry standards, but it’s still an online HYIP with the high profits and high risks that go with it. Therefore I think you know by now to be careful, set yourself a realistic spending limit that you will definitely stay within, and try to make more effective use of InternationalForexLLC by keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I want to stay on the topic of InternationalForexLLC for now. According to information received earlier the site has been moved to faster servers, although I myself didn’t see any difference on the whois provider, but perhaps the move was done before InternationalForexLLC came to MNO which happened only yesterday. Anyway, the admin says that the site is functioning a lot faster now thanks to a new server – the info which again I can neither confirm nor deny. Here is the latest news from InternationalForexLLC received to my mailbox today:
Servers Upgraded
We’ve just completed moving the site over to the newer, faster servers and everything appears to be working fine. The site seems to be functioning a lot faster now.
If you see anything strange, please let me know about it so that I can make sure that it is running correctly.
Thank you for choosing InternationalForexLLC. Do not hesitate to contact us if you notice any discrepancies in this email or have any questions.


NewGNi (reviewed here) as expected officially became the #1 program on MNO having reached this honorary place in only three and a half months online. This was not really a surprise for me at all, as the admin Jurgen (read my interview with him here) is well known for being involved in running very successful programs which. Anyway, those who were involved in the HYIP industry back then should know exactly what I’m talking about and many were in good profit from the old GNI. As for the NewGNi, they currently offer two investment plans with very reasonable returns – 1% per business day and 6% weekly – and accepts SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $20 minimum. Remember that there is no expiry date for the investment plans on offer in NewGNi and you can get your principal back after lock-in period of 180 business days.

I would like to remind you that MNO is monitoring NewGNi exclusively and all the other sites who could see the potential in this program should have seen added NewGNi with their own money. I bet this policy really paid off and brought NewGNi some very good results and eventually made it extremely popular among MNO readers which obviously brought it to the current #1 position on my monitor. Jurgen extended the tower banner on my blog for another seven (!) months which expires only on January, 3, 2013. I firmly believe that this is yet more proof of his intentions to run his program for a very long time and establish their leading position.

I can also tell you that in private conversation with Jurgen he shared some exciting plans about NewGNi to make it even more user-friendly and appealing to the most possible amount of interested HYIP investors from all over the world. I believe that after all the planned changes are implemented MNO will be able to conduct another Q&A session with MNO readers who can ask questions to that no wonder a truly amazing program so far. So stay tuned, guys, and watch this place for more updates and new features from NewGNi which will be covered exclusively on MNO!


Anyone concerned with DividendService‘s recently might have reason to worry about yesterday as they were unavailable for a few more hours. If you read MNO on a daily basis you should know that DividendService (reviewed here) recently moved from Koddos to a more reliable and expensive BlockDos and many members took this info as a positive sign that the admin is serious about his program and is going to pay on four investment plans with principals return on expiry – 1.4% for 15 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 2% for 70 days, 2.3% for 100 days – for some more time. Apparently, yesterday’s downtime had nothing to do with DDoS attacks or this recent servers move but rather some kind of damage in the DataCenter which the admin already report as having been fixed. Anyway, I was paid by DividendService to all the accepted payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay – and I must add that the payouts were made fast as usual. So I think there is nothing to worry about, guys. One particular thing though the admin wanted to bring to the investors’ attention, particularly it matters the support email address which is currently changed to the one specified in the latest update posted on DividendService‘s website a couple of days ago:
E-mail changing
Because of the moving to the new server we have some difficulties with our e-mail server. Notice that our e-mail support address has changed to Please, send your questions and claims to this e-mail. We apologize for inconvenience.


The Australian admin of CFD Stevan uploaded some examples of his Live trading sessions on a special page together with his photo (lol!) which you can see how he allegedly makes profits for investors. Well, I must say no trade will be able to provide consistent huge profits like CFDonline (reviewed here) pays investors to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts – 1% daily forever (principal back after 180 days), 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days (principal returned back on all the last three plans). More than doubling your money in two months is actually possible only in the HYIP world but not in real life. I hope that the members of CFDonline will support the admin though who so far made a decent job by processing payouts instantly and updating members of all the possible issues the program encountered and offering them help with all the questions they might ask. I appreciate the work Stevan is doing and hopefully CFDonline will run for a long time. Here is the latest news from him:
CFD updates, TRADES 10.04.12
Dear Investor,
As I wrote last Friday I started load up slideshow examples of my LIVE trades and account balance so you can see what is going on for real with your money and how well I am doing. I will upload 1 to 3 times a week all depending on how busy I am. Click link below.
If you are trader yourself you are mostly welcome to chat with me and get some good tips on how to do, trends and directions.
Kindly regards,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.


If you read my news issue yesterday you might be aware that MyDiamondShare stopped paying and became another fast scam with dozens of investors losing their money as a result. But that was not enough for this scammer who is now trying to steal the identities of his victims by asking them to send proof of address and scans of your passport in order to be able to receive their pending withdrawal requests. For newbies, I would like to specially emphasize that this shouldn’t be done in any case. First of all, MyDiamondShare is 100% gone and there is no way you will be able to get your money back whatever you do. Second and the most important part, your sensitive information about your ID and address will be stolen by this hacker and will be used to verify accounts with AlertPay and SolidTrustPay for his next scams. God only knows what else he might do with your stolen identitiy and what cyber crimes he can commit. So please beware and do not send any personal info, otherwise you will risk losing more than just your deposit in the program. You’ve been warned, so if you received this email today from MyDiamondShare simply ignore it or move it to your trash folder like I did:
MyDiamondShare Verification Require
To All investors and partners
This is MyDiamondShare Limited
Due to online investing issues and hacking some of our members account , we are closing our online investing temporary.
The old members who made deposit with MyDiamondShare by their online account should send the require documents in order to verify their account and process their cash out requests.
Please send the following documents to this E-mail:
1. Scan of passport
2. Proof of address (Scan of phone bill , Water bill or Gas bill) , the name should be the same with their passport.
3.* ONLY FOR COMPANY , Must send their certificate of incorporation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us
MyDiamondShare Verification Department”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium listNewGNi, TopsFund, Royalty7, OneInv, HoldingsTrade, BensonUnionProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, ENR-G, FelminaAlliance, VascoForex, SilverStructure, PlexCapital, DividendService, FreedomTradingLtd, CFDonlineMoneyEra, PrimeXCash, EcoLandFund.
From MNO Standard list: InternationalForexLLC.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin.

That’s all for tonight, guys. See you tomorrow with more news and updates from the fascinating world of HYIPs!

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