Apr 17th, 2012 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.

Beware! Trade4Ten has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and are looking forward to a brand new week in the industry. I’ve just arrived on the shores of the Dead Sea after my short vacation in Eilat so I’m looking forward to kinda switching off a bit for the rest of the week myself and really relaxing. Though as I’ve said before I’ll always be around to make sure you get all the main news stories from the HYIP industry and today will be no exception. But before that I want to take a more detailed look at one of the most recent additions to the MNO monitoring page, which is a new HYIP called Trade4Ten. Going against the trend seen on MNO over recent weeks, Trade4Ten is a short term HYIP so maybe some of you will be pleased to see at least one of them back. But let’s take a look at the finer details and see if you like it enough to actually spend money on it and add it to your portfolios.

There’s only one single investment plan in Trade4Ten and it’s simplicity itself. It’s short term like I said and a real throwback to the old days when this type of offer was enormously popular in the industry with countless programs offering the very same thing. We’ll see if it still holds the same appeal for audiences in the coming weeks. So anyway, you can join for a $10 minimum deposit and no upper limits are in place. No matter how much you spend though, Trade4Ten just make the one simple offer to all investors of all sizes. The plan runs for 12 business days (that’s about two and a half weeks) and pays you back 10% interest every day for the duration. Your initial principal is factored into that so will not be returned on expiry. That means you are left with a total return of 120% at the end of the term, or in other words your own money back plus 20% net profit.

Or to put it in monetary terms, let’s pretend you make a $100 deposit in Trade4Ten. That should hopefully get you back $10 per day for the 12 business day term, allowing you to break even after ten days and complete the cycle with $120 back in your pocket. I guess it’s easy to see why this plan was always so popular with investors and admins back in the day. It’s easy to manage, profitable in a relatively short space of time, and sustainable up to a point as far as short term HYIPs go. Of course it all hinges on how the general investing public line up for it and if they join or not, but I guess we’ll get a clearer picture of that after the first reports of members getting their first profits start coming in. Once other investors take the chance and go first, others are sure to follow once they see the first members doing well from it. But fortune favors the brave as the saying goes, and if anyone makes a profit from Trade4Ten at all then it’s the first investors who do best out of it.

Moving on to the payment options, I have to say it’s a bit limited. More so than usual in fact. LibertyReserve is the only known processor being used for the member’s payouts, however a new processor called AsianReserve is available as an alternative. For monitoring purposes I do have an account there myself and I don’t really see much on offer that you don’t already get in LR, ie anonymity and a no refunds policy, except there’s less options to withdraw your virtual money to your bank account. That might change in future if (and that’s a big if) AsianReserve gets popular, but this is not the correct time or place to be discussing that. We ‘re talking about Trade4Ten here after all, and not some new processor. Anyway, some payouts have been reported as instant which I know a lot of you like, but that did not in fact happen with my own. So I suspect that maybe someone was mistaking them for instant when in fact they were just coincidentally made really really fast. But if they were instant then keep in mind that that is in no way a guaranteed service and that there is no definite timetable for processing them currently available.

Something else I’m a bit less than convinced about with Trade4Ten is the security. I mean on one hand it does have it’s positive aspects such as the site being SSL encrypted for more secure transactions and safer browsing, but on the other hand the hosting isn’t up to much, which kind of implies the DDoS protection is unlikely to be anything to shout about either. Trade4Ten is hosted by GoDaddy but is not on a dedicated server. That’s something that really needs to be dealt with as in my experience it’s only a matter of time before this leads to problems with downtime. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it’s highly unlikely that the program can go for any serious length of time without this having to be dealt with. This is the online HYIP industry after all, where this kind of thing is both rampant and unchecked by any proper authority. The script being used by Trade4Ten is custom made and not currently in use by any others that I’m aware of. If you need to contact the admin with any further questions or account related issues then you can do so writing directly to either the Yahoo, Gmail, or the website’s own e-mail account. There’s also a telephone number listed but as the area code and the postal address listed don’t match up I guess the last two are just part of a virtual serviced office that allow Trade4Ten to collect and forward mail and messages.Trade4Ten do feature a callback service though, but I can’t really confirm if it works. You will need to fill out a ticketing form and submit it with the nature of your inquiry, your contact details, and the time you would like them to phone you. Supposedly they should then call you on the phone the next day I imagine at the time you requested.

I suppose the original script does lend a unique and original appearance to the Trade4Ten website, which is also a little bigger than most. That’s where it ends however – just with appearances – as most of the content (the texts) have been copy/pasted directly form other online HYIPs that ran in the past. I know I’ve said this before but it of course in no way links the trade4ten admin to any of those other programs, merely reflects more on the designer. It would also however mean you should immediately dismiss any claims made by Trade4Ten to be any sort of legitimate business. For the record the claims made are vague at best anyway, though allude to some kind of financial asset management firm, but like I said it’s best to skip that part. Treat Trade4Ten as you would any other online HYIP and show a little caution. It’s a gamble for sure, but one a certain number of people will probably win from. Just remember to keep your spending in check, don’t deposit anything that will cause you problems if you lost it, and if you want to be an industry payer and want to add Trade4Ten to your portfolio, try to make more effective use of it by always looking to broaden and diversify it.



I want to start the news section today with the latest from one of the admins of ENR-G Joshua who announced the interview which was posted on MNO last night. I’m sure you will find it interesting and if you’re a member of the program then it’s a must for you, so if you haven’t done so yet please check it out here. ENR-G is paying on two investment plans with the original principal returned on expiry – 1.2% for 30 days and 2.2%-2.7% for 90 days – and accepts all four popular payment processors – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. LR though is the major concern Joshua is having now due to high profile security breaches and recent account hackings mentioned in this article and the admin didn’t exclude the opportunity that LibertyReserve might be gradually dropped from the program if the situation with security doesn’t improve. I think that might be a double edged sword though as LibertyReserve does unfortunately remain the most popular payment processor and its been three years since I could name one of the biggest programs (at that time) that didn’t accept it. I’m sure though that being professionals in the field of running online investment programs the admins will be able to reach an appropriate decision regarding LR that will satisfy both the current and future investors.

As you know, due to the security issues LibertyReserve was the only payment processor to which withdrawals were not processed instantly in ENR-G. Now SolidTrustPay also joined the list leaving only withdrawals to PerfectMoney and AlertPay as instant. This was again explained as a slow server issue at STP’s end preventing withdrawals from being instantly processed. So while this continues the admin of ENR-G asks to allow 48 hours maximum to process the STP pending withdrawals manually which is quite time consuming at the best of times anyway. Finally, more news regarding the latest DDoS attacks and the difficulties with the strict ip-check imposed by ENR-G‘s current hosting provider BlackLotus. I hope that this will be lowered soon, as the admin expects in the latest newsletter from ENR-G (reviewed here) which discussed many different topics:
ENR-G Interview Published and important updates!
I wanted to take a few moments to address a few things pertaining to the ENR-G website in this newsletter.
Let me start by announcing that today we conducted an interview with Money News Online. The purpose of us doing this is to give you a bit of an insight into the minds of the administration of Diverse Traders LTD. as well as to make you aware of where we plan to go in the future.
The interview can be read by visiting the below link. I hope you enjoy it.
As many of you are aware we had some downtime over the last few days. This was due to a large attack on our site. It had nothing to do with our server hardware or our script (in case anyone was wondering). Black lotus has done a great job at filtering the attack and the site should be accessible to most everyone by now.
I do want to mention that the Ddos filter is still set quite high so it’s possible that if you make too many actions too fast then your ip address may become blocked. This is only temporary and should fix itself quickly. In addition we will be lowering the filter
I’m sure once Black Lotus says it’s time to do so.
If you find that you cannot access the site then please send a support ticket to support@enr-g.com and we will get your ip address whitelisted so that you can access it. Please try other browsers first though as many times it’s just a browser issue.
We are still having trouble getting STP withdrawals to be instant. STP did say that they had some server issues over the last few days but claim that it is now fixed. Unfortunately we are still having issues. So, until the instant feature is fixed, we will be processing STP withdrawals manually. Most we can get to in 12 hours or less but we are asking for up to 48 hours due to the fact that sending STP withdrawals manually is quite a slow process so please bear with us.
I also wanted to mention that we have been monitoring the LR situation and their complete lack of concern for the welfare and security of their clients’ funds and we have found that not only are they not doing anything about the issue, they completely deny that there is an issue at all. This is greatly concerning for us and if this continues we may choose to phase out Liberty Reserve entirely from the ENR-G website. I’ll be sure to keep you all posted if we decide to go this route but as of now it’s looking that way.
That is all for today. As always we are here to serve you should you need anything at all.


Let’s stay on the subject of SolidTrustPay a bit longer as I wanted to report a very important matter for all the US members using STP as their payment processor. As per xChanger.org’s official update posted on the website starting from March, 26th (yet to be officially confirmed by STP administration by the way) exchanges from SolidTrustPay to other e-currencies are NOT allowed to all US citizens due to new legislation currently in place. We’ll see what the official SolidTrustPay update will say regarding this and will update you on MNO as soon as I get more information. Here is the official update from xChanger:
New STP exchange requirement
As of March 26, 2012, SolidTrust Pay will no longer allow United States citizens to do exchanges out of their STPay accounts into another digital currency. This is to comply with United States regulations regarding the exchange of e-currencies by US citizens with the intent of those funds ultimately being used for online gaming and other disallowed activities.

I would like to remind you that xChanger.org deals with all the popular e-currencies such as SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, and its service is fully endorsed by MNO which considers them a trusted service provider and great addition to the industry due to their many years of stable work. For more information on xChanger please read my interview with its admin Andrei here.


After two weeks online and the successful addition of AlertPay a couple of days ago which the admin already announced as their preferred payment processor due to the availability of being directly funded via the popular credit cards MetalROI has finally issued the first newsletter today. If you read my detailed review of the program published here you’ll know that MetalROI accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and offers 2%-2.5% for 85 business days with the principal returned on expiry and the possibility of compounding your interest. According to the administration the membership of MetalROI continues to grow and there were already members joining the Gold plan which requires a $5,000 minimum. Well, I find it really hard to believe such claims, especially considering the current downturn in the HYIP industry but I guess it’s the admin’s job to attract clients by all means necessary. And faking the stats is probably the most common method HYIP admins drum up some excitement among investors, a sense of urgency and following the leaders, especially if we consider that such claims could be really hard (if not impossible) to verify. I do believe though that MetalROI has a good chance to become successful provided the admin continues doing a good job with the payouts and gradual promotion which proved to be successful already many times when it comes to the programs offering lower-ROI interest like MetalROI. Below you will be able to find the first official newsletter from the program:
Newsletter #1
Dear members,
MetalROI has been online for two weeks now and we would like to share some of our first thoughts and facts during this period. We considered this two weeks a small introduction of what MetalROI has to offer for the upcoming years of online activity.
After some requests, you can now use AlertPay to join MetalROI and keep in mind that AlertPay is easily and automatically funded with Visa and Mastercard credit cards. AlertPay is probably the best way to go as they are legally allowed to accept this type of payment online.
In general we are very satisfied with the industry’s reaction to MetalROI as there were several positive reviews over the days and we already have members investing in our Gold plan, showing us a lot of confidence. We are also very satisfied with the number of members contacting us. We invested a lot in our support team and it’s good to see it working fine. Don’t forget that you can contact us via live chat, fax, send us an email at support@metalroi.com, submit a ticket or contact our customer support team on Facebook. Our members activity on Facebook has been growing and we find it a very interesting way to get in touch with our investors.
Our trading activities over the past few days went as expected with a big increase on profits specially on April 2nd due to a increase in Silver and Gold prices as it was predicted by our traders a couple of days before, allowing us to take action and profit from this increase in prices.
We hope you have been pleased with MetalROI so far and that our efforts will help you achieving your so desired financial freedom. Meeting your goal is our main and most desired one.
Best regards,
MetalROI Administration”.


AmbrianInvestment (reviewed here) announced that the new advertising banners are now available in the members’ area. Anyone who can use these to attract fresh money into the program can get a 9% referral reward from the amount spent by your downline. I must say though that the banners were there for quite some time already and the admin contacted me to change them about two weeks ago when that new investment plan paying 5%-20% for 30 calendar days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay accounts was announced. More info to consider if you intend to make deposits in AmbrianInvestment – for some reason the admin didn’t extend the Sticky listing on MNO or the advertising banners he ordered for one week despite the good results from them. I would consider it as a warning sign and while I would like to be wrong all my experience with HYIPs shows that it might not be a good idea to invest now and perhaps it’s better to wait for a few days to see if the payouts in AmbrianInvestment continue. So far, I confirm that the program pays like clockwork, but you know things change very suddenly. Here is the latest news from the admin regarding the old-new banners available for the program’s promoters:
AmbrianInvestment Innovation Technology Limited
We add new banners : 125×125, 468×60 and 728×90. You can get 9% from every deposit from your referals! Banners can be found in the referral links section.
Thank you for choosing our company to investment!
Best regards, Martin Nouman
AmbrianInvestment Innovation Technology Limited.


I must say that the admin of CFDonline (read my review of the program here) is very persistent when it comes to making people believe his stories. Investment plans offered by his program include 1% daily forever (principal back after 180 days), 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days (principal back on expiry for the last three plans). I must say I’m fully satisfied with the work of CFDonline which has been paying instantly to the members’ LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts for almost a month which is a decent enough achievement for them when the first deposits should be returned in a couple of days. However, I can also say that CFDonline is an online high-yield investment programs which equals ponzi-game for me. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you understand the rules of the game and not to invest what you can’t afford to lose. The task of any talented admin is just make you believe that his program is the only one that’s real from the sea of ponzies and make you deposit more in belief that you’re doing the right thing.

So is that possible that Stevan Brady being an experienced and talented Australian trader with poor English skills manages to double your money in less than two months, and in doing so achieve the best financial experts and investment companies in the world take years to do? I think you all know this is impossible. But why be so stubborn in trying to prove me wrong, especially if you know I’m right? Let’s see what Mr. Brady has to say in his defense explaining his bad English though being Australian. It looks like I was mistaken and that Stevan Brady does exist, but describes himself as Scandinavian (no, not merely Swedish or Norwegian like most folks up there would, but rather a Scandinavian first and foremost. A true Viking then, eh?). He then got married to an Australian girl (I bet her name was Marsha, lol) and moved there. Apparently though Mr. Brady was a bit embarrassed by his Nordic roots, so he took the surname of his wife instead, becoming the first man I’ve ever heard of to do so, and joined The Brady Bunch. Sorry for doubting your story, Mister Brady, especially after spending so much time in Scandinavia myself over the years, that their collective linguistic skills are the best in the world. In fact it might surprise a lot of readers to learn that I have met a huge number of people from Scandinavia, and what the hell, I’ll even throw Iceland into the picture, who were far superior in making themselves understood fluently and eloquently in the English language than some people I met that were born and raised in England itself!. Look, if you are Swedish or Norwegian you most probably know English at a higher level, but if not then surely you can still use a spellcheck feature. I really wanted to believe in your existence, Mr. Brady, until I stumbled across the website where I found the picture of “Stevan Brady” as a German tradesman whose pictures you can buy as stock photos. Just compare the picture posted on CFDonline‘s website here with the one you can find here – or does the admin have an identical twin? Anyway, I hope we will find an explanation in the next newsletter which Stevan is going to issue soon. And meanwhile, I could do some deeper digging into his company too if “Stevan” prefers to argue with me further.

Well, I hope that was funny for you and will teach the admin not to mislead investors further pretending to be better than the Rockefellers. We all know how the HYIP industry works, so I think those stories should be put aside in favor of the real features of the program. And the current problem which is on everybody’s mind now is the security of LibertyReserve and its accounts (read more about the issue in my article here). Apparently, the admin of CFDonline devoted a paragraph to that serious issue too in his newsletter. So check out below what kind of measures CFDonline made to prevent hacking or just to minimize the risks of the program being seriously damaged by hackers:
CFDonline updates, Dark Friday, sunny Monday
Dark Friday, sunny Monday.
Last week was a nightmare for most traders and came out with the worse drop in years. However as I am trading CFDs in short position mostly, I came out with some really nice numbers and closed half of my positions with a BIG +.
Two old orders hanging on XAU and EUR since thu/fri ended up with a nice profit this Monday why I closed the positions with a profit on XAUUSD = $750 and a profit on EURUSD= $5820.
So all in all a wonderful start on a new week. To see my bank account summary, click on https://cfdonline.cc/index.php?a=cust&page=about
To understand how my work is possible you have to know how it all works. I pay you 340% on the 90 days plan. The 100% is your principal investment why I need to earn 225% Profit. For this I have approx 3 month to do. That is 80% per month.
Now NOBODY makes a profit on 80% of invested in a month, so how is it possible?
Well, trading with margin makes you able to trade your amounts 10 to 20 times the size of your balance. That mean the bank borrow you money with a typical cost on 2% per day, But you pay only the 2% if your order stays night over to next day.
Another important factor is that I do not trade only investors balance. My trading banking account started up with $50,000 of my own money and approximates now a balance on $13000 of investors money. In real that mean that we can trade an amount for more than 2.3 mill USD with the current balance on now $91,000 what makes a BIG different in earning money. Already by now I made an extraordinary well job (+$28,000 in 3 weeks) and secured investors money (with my own and the banks) to cover up the next many month profit on current investor balance level. So with all this factors, yes it is possible to make the profit and not really that difficult. If you are an experienced trader yourself you will also know that the screenshots I deliver is taken straight from my live banking trading account and impossible to manipulate. So by delivering a minimum one weekly report you can follow the exact account balance I have. Any questions you may have are more than welcome.
Now the criticism will always be there for the ones who do not understand how it works. Like the good old MNO admin who continually find my typing and work amusing. Well I am glad I can entertain you. But we are not all Mr Perfect and not all native English speaking why I think it is fully allowed to misspell here and there. I am from Scandinavian (thereof my name Stevan with an A) marriage to an Aussie girl (thereof my name Brady) and living in her home country AU. Sometimes the answers are just so simple, and if I was asked I would tell.
The concern for Libertyreserve is still around and many ask if it is safe. Frankly I do not know, but I am sure Libertyreserve already made some changes to make it safe. Still for your information I can tell you what I have done to protect your money. First of all I do not keep allot money on the Libertyreserve, only keeping the amount I know have to be paid a week forwards spitted up on several accounts. I daily send money to my bank from local exchanger who transfer same day so I already have investors money for trading next day. Should something happen what I do not think, a transfer back can be done within one working day too.
I think many forgot about the $5 bonus your friends can get if you invite them by the TELL A FRIEND function. So I will let this offer stay rest of the month. You can find the function inside member account.
If you have anything you want to talk with me about or have any questions please just drop by on the live chat and say hi.
Kindly regards,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.


I noticed that many sites on MNO have experienced some serious accessibility issues over the weekend and were not available for their members.

For example, PlexCapital (reviewed here) was inaccessible for over 24 hours due to which the withdrawal requests were delayed as well. But today the website is back online and I was paid as usual.

EcoLandFund (reviewed here) had some server issues due to which the site was offline for over 48 hours. After that I finally got a positive sign from the admin who said that with the exception of the SSL security which was not fixed yet the site was actually back to normal. This morning I noticed that my account was credited with Friday’s missing earnings and I managed to get paid instantly. The SSL version is still not working but the admin assured me that it would be fixed soon. For now I changed the links to EcoLandFund on MNO, so you will be able to access it if you click on them.

DividendService (reviewed here) had some problems with the database which I believe lasted for over 24 hours as well, thus making some investors panic once again. The site was online all this time but no one could access their accounts due to the database error which was fixed only today. I hope it didn’t affect investors’ trust in the program which already had a lot of problems lately. Anyway, it looks like the administration of DividendService is hoping that it will not happen again and tries to calm investors saying that they have big plans for the future. Well, at least the withdrawals were not affected and I was paid today by DividendService fast as usual so I returned them to Paying status. Here is the latest message posted on their site today:
Dear investors!
We apologize for inconvenience. There have appeared problems in DataCentre where our server is located. The specialists have been working for more then twenty-four hours at malfunction ceasing. It is all recovered at the moment and is ready for working. We want to assure our investors, that our work will be fail-safe in the future, all of the withdrawals will be made in time. The profits were added for the period of downtime. Thank you that you believe in us and stay with us.
We have a grandiose plans for the following developing of the project.

Another once successful program – SolidForexLtd (reviewed here) – has also been offline for most of the weekend. Unlike the other programs mentioned above, it has yet to recover and currently the message displayed on the website indicates that the admin is aware of the situation and working to bring the site online:
We are under update.
Site will be available within 5-10 hours.
Sorry for inconvenience.
I will leave SolidForexLtd on Waiting status for now and will update you if/when the site is back online and (which is the most important thing) when the instant withdrawals resume. Stay tuned and watch this space for more info tomorrow!


Please note that due to serious issues with payouts to some members in TopsFund the program has been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight. The only case which I verified myself and which the admin refused to pay was from one of my readers who couldn’t get his $4,500 profits after the expiry of the 30-day plan which I strongly advised against joining many times. Suspecting that TopsFund was going to scam pretty soon I warned MNO readers about it many times, but unfortunately, there are others out there who are not aware of the tactics used by them, doing exactly the same thing with another program EzProfit more than a year ago which I described and analyzed in detail in my article published here. As you can see and compare these strategies, they are absolutely the same – the admin starts his program with low-ROI plans and then opens several high-paying plans paid on expiry to feed payments to those who are paid daily. The problem with this strategy is it can’t last forever and with time the program comes to an end which is now happening with TopsFund.

In addition, the admin blatantly lied to me today saying that the member actually asked him not to pay him to his LR account due to an alleged hacking incident which the member in question obviously denied. I also heard that for those who had the misfortune to invest in the 15-day plan TopsFund now says you can only get paid by Bank check which is exactly the same stalling tactics used by EzProfit that you can find in the afore mentioned article. So, TopsFund has been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight due to confirmed selective payouts. Please avoid this program at all costs even if you see the paid posts from the corrupted monitors who would willingly display Paying status for anyone if they are only paid a few cents daily! TopsFund is definitely going to collapse soon, and meanwhile it will be displayed on Problem status with MNO.

By the way, it looks that TopsFund again rewarded its imaginary Top Investor and Top Referrer with an $10,000 imaginary cash bonuses each, so my congratulations go to those made-up names, or possibly two names of the same admin, lol:
Top Investor & Top Referral April 2012
Top Investor of the month March-April 2012 is Mohamad b. Sulaiman .
Top Referral of the month March-April 2012 is Marco James.
Congratulations! Enjoy the $10000 bonus which credited into your account balance!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, AmbrianInvestment, ProfitableSunrise, DividendServiceSilverStructure, ENR-G, VascoForex, PlexCapital, CFDonlineMoneyEra, PrimeXCash, EcoLandFund, MetalROI, Trade4Ten (the first payment received), ForexProgressive (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: -.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin.

That’s all I have for you today, guys. I hope you found the update useful and sometimes entertaining. I will see you on my blog tomorrow with the full review of ForexProgressive the first instant payment from which was successfully received by me today and the regular daily news from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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