Apr 20th, 2012 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! Friday night again and due to things being a bit quiet in the industry you might have noticed I didn’t have much news over the last few days. There’s plenty to catch up on tonight though, so I hope you’re sitting comfortably, lol! It looks like except for EcoLandFund which was the latest victim of extensive DDoS attacks and apparently wasn’t able to survive (the site is back online now but not paying, so please don’t invest) all other programs listed on MNO are paying fine and I expect to add some more quality programs to my list anytime soon. Let’s look at the MNO listed programs and their performances over the last few days.


It’s not a bad thing though as we have now two very firmly established leaders in the industry – NewGNi and Royalty7 – getting most of the attention from investors and are the locomotives destined to drag the industry into better shape. I believe this shift towards fewer but more established programs which we are observing on HYIP market now will eventually be beneficial for everyone, and better than having a hit-n-run strategy in small scams instead of staying put in the better more dependable programs. And the competitors of NewGNi and Royalty7 are largely aware of the shifting demographic and will hopefully follow suit.

As you might know, NewGNi was recently subjected to a massive DDoS attack on a much larger than usual scale which even their hosting provider Dragonara could cope with only after upgrading the protection level to their highest level. I cannot say a bad word about how Jurgen, the admin of NewGNi, handled the situation and how he managed to update the members at all times by keeping in constant contact with their exclusive monitor (that’s me!), and their Facebook and Twitter accounts. That alone helped prevent any panic or bad posts on forums and monitors and in less than 24 hours NewGNi was back on track. Jurgen processed all the pending payouts on schedule as reported in the small note on NewGNi‘s Facebook page:
NewGNi is online again. We have added a stronger DDoS protection level. Sorry for the downtime.
Today I heard that some members might experience problems in receiving their PIN-codes which are supposed to be delivered by e-mail when their IP-address changes. As far as I know Jurgen is currently working on it and it’s going to be fixed asap.

That’s not all the news from NewGNi. Apparently, some admins and malicious attackers see a real threat in the independent spirit of the program and its admin unwilling to play their games and pay all the blackmailers and useless monitors that blight the industry. They are making a lot of effort in bringing the site down (I’m sure they will fail though, because NewGNi is destined to be a huge success!). Today they submitted a complaint to the domain registrar who suspended the domain without asking any questions or giving NewGNi a fair chance to make a counter argument. Jurgen, being a far more competent professional than the low grade bums prepared to do anything for money except actually work for it, suspected this might happen. It seems he was well prepared with a few tricks of his own up his sleeve in the form of an alternative .net extension. Below you can read the update posted on their Facebook channel explaining the situation to members and the solution to it as NewGNi is working on a new domain (all links on MNO have been changed already as well):
IMPORTANT: The BLACKMAILERS currently targeting newGNi contacted our registrar, after we didn’t give in to their attempted extortion attempt. As the result our .com domain was suspended. Seems these .com registrars are working hand in hand with extortionists, since we haven’t been contacted at all. Anyway, we know this arena very well and newGNi is prepared for ANY outside interruption. We have a couple of other domains registered in our name and switched over to our .net domain for the moment. Please login to newgni.net (SSL to the .net domain will be added in the coming days). Sorry for the inconvenience – but that is the price industry leaders have to pay in this industry.

If you want to know more about NewGNi and why it’s taken so seriously please read my full review of the program published here and the more recent interview with Jurgen here. Currently NewGNi offers two investment plans – 1% per business day ($20 minimum) and 6% weekly ($50 minimum).Neither plan has an expiry date but do allow you to withdraw your principals after a lock-in period of 180 business days if you wish to leave. The payment processors currently accepted by NewGNi include SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney.

Many investors are also wondering how Royalty7 (reviewed here) managed to become so popular and last for five months already. Well, I think the answer is quite simple – behind the program is a very experienced admin who prefers gradual growth and stable payouts to a huge amount of advertising. So word of mouth is what really spread the news about Royalty7 which is now the #2 program on MNO and snapping at the heels of NewGNi. The program offers two investment plans – 7% for 22 business days and 110% after 7 calendar days – and pays to all the popular payment processors including AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. So far Royalty7 has been on MNO for five full months and never missed a payment yet. You may ask why I still don’t have an interview on MNO with the admin of the program Michael. Well, as I received a few requests from readers for one (and the program definitely deserves it!) I contacted Michael and received the following answer:
Hi Paul
It’s a very busy time for me, so whenever things cool down a bit, I will defiantly make the time to do the interview.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Enjoy intelligent investing with Royalty7.
Admin, Michael Solomon.
Well, that’s a fair point I suppose and it makes a lot more sense for him to use his time like that. But I do hope that Royalty7 will last for at least a few more months which will definitely bring it to the top of all the investment lists. With such relatively high profitable short to mid term plans Royalty7 is worth looking into, even if you’re quite skeptical about making online investments now.


Hot off the presses, just as I was about to publish the day’s news I received the regular newsletter from NewGNi. I don’t think the crooks trying to make trouble for them realize that they’re not dealing with just another online HYIP which would disappear within a day of their smear campaign. No, the people behind NewGNi are very experienced and they ran the program which once ruled the industry and had thousands of investors. Now that they are back with an even better program and with huge experience under their belts I believe are aware of all the tricks used to attack them. They are prepared for example for DDoS attacks, and with the new domain name. Everything was fixed within a very reasonable timeframe, but most importantly no payments were delayed and the program pays as normal. Moreover, any investors affected by the downtime and unable to request their payouts before the allotted time will be paid tomorrow when payments are not normally processed. Again and again Jurgen tried to make everyone aware in his newsletter that NewGNi is serious and will not give in to stupid attacks. Members are also requested to use Facebook, Twitter and MNO to communicate with the admin and submit a support ticket if they have any personal issues. I believe that today was the day when Jurgen and Co. really proved their serious attitude and managed to claim the leaders spot once again. As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I firmly believe this applies to NewGNi as much as anyone. Here is the full weekly newsletter outlining all the events of the week and how they were handled:

Newsletter 20 April 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
Wow, what a week…
As most of you might have noticed, NewGNi underwent a severe DDoS attack earlier this week.
After consultation with the management team of our hosting provider Dragonara, we were able to work out a higher protection level for our site and the necessary steps were taken within hours.
Upgrading the DDoS protection level requires an almost completely new server configuration. Since every server configuration is different, there is no out of the box solution. So our tech staff needed to twist the settings a bit here and there, until everything was fine for everyone. While for 99% of our members everything worked satisfactory after the upgrade, some however encountered minor difficulties.
Today then, the second surprise of the week: Members informed us that our domain newgni.com was not accessible, due to the suspension of our domain by our registrar, for unknown reasons. – Nevertheless, we were aware of the vulnerability of .com domains and took precautions months ago.
You can access NewGNi now via https://newgni.net
Yes, its already SSL secured
We all know that the HYIP arena is probably the most volatile industry in existence – since laws are virtually not existing or at least can’t be enforced. Low life’s and extortionist’s are of course aware of this fact, trying to take advantage of this situation.
Please rest assured that NewGNi is prepared for ANY outside interference. We know the HYIP arena for a long time and thus all the tricks in the book – so rest assured there will be always a Plan B in place.
On the other side it’s like a big slap in the face for hard working people like Chris and me who are working at least 12 hours a day for our members, to read complaints on public forums, like we do not communicate with our members at all etc pp…. Hey there, wake up! We don’t have business with public forums whatsoever and inform about whats going on with NewGNi on our Facebook page, via Twitter and MNO only. How many times do I have to inform you to please check our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter, if there is a problem? Forums are yesterday’s news – today it’s all about Facebook and Twitter.
For all of you who couldn’t access our site earlier, to request your withdrawal before the end of the week, please note that we will process an additional batch of withdrawal requests tomorrow just after 12:00 GMT.
Before I leave, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude to all our members who contacted us during the week, giving us their best wishes and support. That really means something for us!
Secondly, our apologies for the inconvenience during the past days. Wry try our best to make it up for you in the weeks and months to come!
Until next time, Jurgen
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNONewGNi is currently rated the #1 program on MNO”.


As happened so many times before, and again without any prior warning, AmbrianInvestment have changed their investment plans again today. I discovered it accidentally, noticing the previous plan paying 5%-20% for 30 calendar days was replaced by a shorter term offer of 20%-40% for 6 business days. It’s not the first time this happened by the way, as you might remember that AmbrianInvestment first started over four months ago by paying 1% daily forever, then changed a couple of times before becoming 5%-20% for 30 days – the plan I analyzed in my review of the program posted here. And now yet another change. Well, we could possibly treat this as a warning sign, but if we look at the 140-day online history of AmbrianInvestment every change of plans could cause investors to panic, but up to now they’ve always paid fine and even added a new payment processor in SolidTrustPay recently to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. That alone definitely gave the program a boost as investors sitting on the fence were encouraged. It looks like they will still be getting profits from the 30-day plan while the new plan paying 20%-40% for 6 business days will be available only for new deposits.

According to the chart in the member’s area of AmbrianInvestment the returns will look like this:
20% per business day for the deposits from $10 to $999 (total return 120%),
25% per business day – from $1,000 to $4,999 (total return 150%),
30% per business day – from $5,000 to $9,999 (total return 180%),
40% per business day – from $10,000 and higher (total return 240%).
Needless to say that only the first plan might be considered relatively safe, and it also pays the most reasonable return of 20% pure profit over 6 business days. I believe other plans cannot be taken seriously but at least they didn’t make them all ridiculously high for the smaller investors. In addition to that, AmbrianInvestment bought a lot of banners on MNO and finally extended its Sticky listing for another week, so I take back what I said before about a warning sign. The other question is what’s going to happen with AmbrianInvestment in a week from now when the first profits on the new plan are due and why the admin added it so abruptly without a word. I mean even the advertising banners still display the old rates. I honestly can’t answer those questions, guys, and I would not like to speculate either as AmbrianInvestment proved me wrong many times already. So I’ll just watch how it goes and hope they keep paying for a long time to come.


With the growing popularity of PerfectMoney and the decline of LibertyReserve connected with the recent hacking scandals and the inability of LR to provide a proper level of security (read my article on that here) it was a very reasonable decision that the admin of PrimeXCash Robert (interviewed here) silently added PerfectMoney a few days ago. I myself only heard about it in the interview as it was never announced on the website but I think it should increase the popularity of the program. I would like to remind you that PrimeXCash launched almost three weeks ago offering a huge variety of investment plans which you can read in my detailed review published here. I would like to tell you in brief they include 1% for 30 days, 1.1% for 35 days, 1.3% for 36 days, 1.43% for 42 days, 1.2% for 45 days, 1.56% for 54 days, 1.3% for 60 days, 1.69% for 72 days, 1.4% for 80 days, 1.82% for 96 days, 1.5% for 105 days, 1.95% for 126 days, 1.6% for 135 days, 1.7% for 150 days, 2.08% for 162 days, 1.8%-2.21% for 180 days, 2.34% for 216 days. The minimum investment is $10 and the payouts are made automatically to your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney account without a need to request them. Also note that the original principal is returned on all plans in PrimeXCash and that payouts are made on business days only.


There was a lot of fuss about the decision of AlertPay to drop all exchanges to and from other e-currencies and that also means they in all probability become less popular among those who play the HYIP market. Plus the inability to withdraw to anywhere other than a verified bank account will make it less attractive to admins. Possibly playing HYIPs with AlertPay will become a safer environment than it is now due to the limitations of withdrawal options. It might mean an inconvenience for a regular investor, but not for one with a bank account properly verified. I’m not sure if that has something to do with the recent US legislation due to which SolidTrustPay also stopped allowing exchanges to its US clients. It looks like AlertPay went even further though and prohibited all the exchanges to and from other currencies which essentially resulted in them being dropped by xChanger.org – the only exchanger endorsed by MNO blog. The owner of xChanger Andrei (interviewed here) announced this today on his site and those who still have AlertPay and want to get rid of it, or want to fund their AlertPay account with other e-currencies have until the 30th of April to do so:
Important AlertPay Notice
Despite AlertPay’s recent efforts to ensure their ability to continue to support the e-currency industry, they regret to inform us that they will no longer be able to support the e-currency exchange business.
xChanger.org will finish it’s cooperation with AlertPay on April 30,2012. We will no longer be able to exchange funds to or from AlertPay payment system from 30th April on. Shall you require an exchange in or out of AlertPay you’ve only got a few days at your disposal to do so.


I’m glad to report that recently CFDonline completed its first month online and the first principal withdrawals in their shortest term plan paying 1.5% for 30 days have been returned. Congratulations go to the first investors of CFDonline who were smart enough to see the potential of the program. CFDonline is really good and except for the nonsense stories about Forex trading it always delivers well and all the withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney of $10 and less are paid instantly so far to all available plans – 1% daily forever, 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days and 2.5% for 90 days. Since I was quite confident in CFDonline myself I put most of my capital into the 90 day plan which is possibly the most popular with investors, as it gives the biggest returns and since the admin lowered the minimum to all the plan investment to $10 (compared to the original $25 which featured in my review published here). I hope my decision was right and that it will be bring me more profits from CFDonline as I don’t see any reason why they should stop now that the first payouts are processed.

Among the latest news from the admin Stevan I would like to emphasize the ability to withdraw twice daily which is much better than once. Especially handy if you have deposits in both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and were not able to request withdrawals to both. I imagine that the limit of one payout per 24 hours was introduced for security reasons (due to instant payouts and a GoldCoders script which might be prone to hacking).

Yesterday there was a campaign held for both new and old investors of CFDonline which gave a 5% deposit bonus. Today it was announced that everyone had been credited with the a bonus. The Tell-a-friend option in the member’s account area was also mentioned. Here’s the two latest emails issued yesterday and today:

CFDonline One month old today
Dear Investor,
Today CFDonline is one month old and that I will celebrate by offering all investors (new as old) who make a deposit today, a 5% on top of the todays invested. ONLY TODAY 19th OF APRIL. You do not need to make a request as I will credit it to all accounts myself after the day ends.
The onetime cash out per day seem to get many people in problems when to cash out as the withdrawal counts 24hours from last cash out. As the automatic cash out system runs perfect I have no problem set it to 2 times per day. It will not make any difference in my work. Then you will never get delay after profit is credited to your account. Hope this solution will bring some smiles to Investors as I know you all hate waiting.
Dont forget to invite your friends by using the TELL A FRIEND function from your member account. The offer for a $5 bonus is still active rest of the month.
Thank you so much to all investors for joining and support CFDonline.
Kindly regards,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.

CFDonline updates – Bonus 5% completed
Dear investor,
I can hereby confirm to all Investors who made deposit yesterday on 19th of April, now have their deposit increased with the 5% bonus celebrating CFDonline s first month. You can view active deposits from your member account after login.
Thank you to all for the great response and investment in CFDonline.
If you have any questions please just catch me on the live chat or drop me a line on email contact@cfdonline.cc
Have a great weekend,
Kindly regards
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.


The admin of InternationalForexLLC (reviewed here) announced yesterday that today was the last day when their own 5% deposit bonus similar to the one offered by CFDonline yesterday would be available. The difference here is that the bonus offered by InternationalForexLLC lasted for the entire first month of the program’s existence:
Just one day left
InternationalForexLLC offer their investors 5% deposit bonus on all deposits. There is a maximum incentive bonus of $1,000 per account.
This bonus is only a small amount for choose us as your personal investment company.
Campaign runs from 20st of March 2012 until 20th of April 2012. Just one day left.
Thank you for choosing InternationalForexLLC. Do not hesitate to contact us if you notice any discrepancies in this email or have any questions.

I would like to remind you that InternationalForexLLC has been listed on MNO for the last 11 days and it offers only one investment plan paying 1% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry. Accepted payment processors include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and some other less popular options. The minimum to invest is $10 with no upper limit.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky listAmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTradeBensonUnion, GeniusVenture, ProfitableSunrise, DividendService, SilverStructure, SolidForexLtd, ENR-G, VascoForex, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, CFDonline, FreedomTradingLtd, MoneyEra, PrimeXCash, Trade4TenMetalROI, ForexProgressive.
From MNO Standard list: InternationalForexLLC.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. See you on MNO soon and I hope you all have a nice weekend!

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