Apr 22nd, 2012 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello all! Another lazy Sunday and what a lack of news stories in the industry for the last days. It left me with shortage of new material to publish tonight, but I still have some news stories, along with a couple of new programs and one surprising revival to report about tonight.


After many years experience working as a monitor in the HYIP industry I saw many wonderful comebacks after seemingly hopeless situations and the return of PanamaHedgeFund to Paying status on MNO yesterday is definitely one such miracle. After a couple of weeks on Problem status with MNO and no word back from the admin to my emails PanamaHedgeFund was moved back to Paying after one investor reported payouts were supposedly back to normal and were processed instantly. I was shocked first and couldn’t believe it before checking myself when my LibertyReserve account was credited with all pending payouts. I also noticed a short update from the admin of PanamaHedgeFund on the site explaining the reason for the problem was down to script issues which might be actually true, as withdrawals used to show an error. The question was why the issue was not fixed back then before other monitors (including mine) put PanamaHedgeFund to Problem status in the first place. Well, they’re still on Problem or Scam status on many of them, but I guess this unfortunate situation is only because they were not aware of the news that the program was back and paying. I’m not sure how they can continue will all those negative statuses so I hope the admin will contact all the monitors soon and ask them to withdraw their profits and change the status. Here is the latest news posted on PanamaHedgeFund‘s site:
Deposit/withdraw problems
After last update, some of our customers are having problems with deposit and withdraws. In that case, please contact support by skype or email.

I remind you that before that problem PanamaHedgeFund was considered as a potential hit with a very interesting script and no less interesting and unorthodox investment plans which increase your interest and reduce the principal withdrawal fee over the course of the investment cycles. More about this complicated system can be read in my detailed review of the program posted here. In a nutshell, PanamaHedgeFund will pay you 1.9%-2.7% per business day for 30-365 days with principal returned on expiry or earlier for an additional fee. The payment methods accepted are limited to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the payouts are usually instant.


The admin of AmbrianInvestment is obviously trying to get rid of SolidTrustPay and is doing it in the most explicit fashion by posting very lucrative exchange rates for LR-STP on his website. Needless to say that such exchanges are usually not allowed in STP and might result in the freezing of your money / reversing your transaction / blocking of your account there. So I advise you not to do this or any other questionable deals with HYIP admins who always act in their own interests and never the investors.

But it also should be said that AmbrianInvestment (reviewed here) has been paying fast so far and I’m getting paid on the old plan which used to offer 5%-20% for 30 days and as far as I’m aware all the new investors in the newly added 20%-40% for 6 business days plan are also paid promptly. However, we should not forget that AmbrianInvestment has been running for over 4 months and despite the constant changing of investment plans it has managed to become a very popular option with investors looking for relatively fast profits. The recent addition of SolidTrustPay twhich joins LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney gave the project a second wind. I’m not sure if the addition of another payment processor WebMoney which is a Russian company (as obviously is the admin of AmbrianInvestment himself whose site is only available in Russian and English) is going to bring in so many new investors. I don’t really think WebMoney is such a popular option and besides, I’m not sure if it even allows HYIPs at all anymore. Anyway, let’s hope that the recent boost in their advertising campaign (you can see AmbrianInvestment banners on many sites including MNO) along with fast payouts and the increased membership will allow them to last longer and put more members in profit. Here is the latest announcement about the questionable exchange offer posted on the site a couple of days ago:
Special offer for AmbrianInvestment members: exchange your LibertyReserve to our SolidTrustPay with rate +15 percent.
Example : sent $100LR get $115STP
We have a limited fund for exchange!
In order to exchange sent email to: ambrian.net@gmail.com“.


Those of you who tried to access the site of BensonUnion over the weekend might have experienced some troubles caused by extensive DDoS attacks which their hosting provider BlockDos tried to mitigate for some time. That resulted in limited access to the site for some time and introduction of captcha images to allow only legitimate members to load the site. Anyway, it looks like by the time of writing the attack is over and the following message appeared BensonUnion‘s website updating members on restored access which is surely appreciated as it’s very important to constantly communicate with the investors:
Recent DDOS attack
Dear investors! We are sorry for 12 hours downtime caused by DDOS attack. The attack strength was extremely high and the type of attack was very smart so it took a bit more time to fight with such attack. At this moment our website is up and loading fine. Sorry for inconvenience.

BensonUnion offers instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with principal back on expiry and accepts also direct Bank wires from its members. The program has been online for over three months already and so far all has been running smoothly. More on BensonUnion can be read in my detailed review posted here and in my interview with the program’s admin Ragnar here.

The only thing about BensonUnion that concerns me is the admin refused to extend the top banner spot on MNO monitor for another month today despite explicitly promising to do so in my interview with him:
Everything was fine and we are satisfied working with you thats why we ordered the top banner place on your website and we will keep renewing it every month for sure.
Now the question arises why despite the high ranking on MNO where BensonUnion is #5 now the admin didn’t keep that promise. What was the real reason for that? The increased cost of the site’s maintenance caused by huge DDoS attacks? The declining popularity of the program which made the admin think about saving the money on ads? Or maybe it was a simple intention to scam within the next month? Well, anything could be possible but I hope that it’s not a bad sign that we saw many times before when big programs stop advertising on MNO and it will not collapse soon as the first investors of the program are probably not yet in profit due to the relatively low returns.


If you wished you joined InternationalForexLLC within its first month online when a 5% deposit bonus was offered to investors in the only plan of 1% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry can now do it for an 8% deposit bonus. That’s a kinda weird policy I must say, making it bigger rather than either just removing it or extending it. I mean what’s to stop people from not investing at all now thinking it might be 10% if they wait another month? Anyway, I can’t say that InternationalForexLLC are all that popular yet, especially among MNO readers possibly due to low interest, because the payouts are processed quite fast and the payment processors accepted include such popular options as LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay along with some other not so common processors. More on InternationalForexLLC can be read in my review published here and more info on the deposit bonus available now is below:
New Offer
InternationalForexLLC offer their investors 8% deposit bonus on all new deposits.
There is a minimum limit for your new deposit:$100
There is a maximum incentive bonus of $1,000 per account.
This bonus is only a small amount for choose us as your personal investment company.
Campaign runs from 21st of March 2012 until 21th of May2012.
Thank you for choosing InternationalForexLLC. Do not hesitate to contact us if you notice any discrepancies in this email or have any questions.


As I have reported on my blog already, xChanger.org is stopping its collaboration with AlertPay on April, 30th and I can see on the website that they’re already looking for alternatives which might include OKPay. At the same time I have noticed that some of the other official exchangers for AlertPay while being very hesitant about continuing their partnership with AlertPay finally updated their members that they ARE going to continue their exchange services to and from AlertPay till May 13. What happens then remains to be seen but there’s almost sure to be big changes one way or another. I will inform you of that when they come into effect but for now at least you can still exchange AlertPay to and from other payment processors. Here is what I read on the AlertExchanger site:
AlertPay Exchange
AlertPay exchanges will remain normal until May 13th after which some changes may come into effect. We will keep everyone updated once we receive new guidelines and instructions from AlertPay.
And this is another note from EraChange which is one more AlertPay official exchanger:
Today, Alertpay has came with an extension until May 13th when they will return back to us (as Approved Exchanger) with strict guidelines regarding to out-exchanges.
As result, Erachange will continue offering Alertpay exchanges as normal.
Alertpay out-exchanges are processed within 2-4 business days.
I don’t rule out the possibility that the new terms were less attractive to comply with for xChanger who might have simply preferred to drop AlertPay from their supported payment systems than play along. Maybe its admin Andrei (interviewed here) will revise his decision regarding AlertPay at some point in the future.
That announcement is no longer true due to some developments that have taken place in the mean time. We’ll continue to offer exchanges from and to AlertPay past 30th of April. Shall anything change, we’ll update our customers“.
Anyway, I will keep you updated on how the situation develops, but for now if you don’t have a Bank account with AlertPay and cannot withdraw via a Check then you’re going to have to exchange it all to other payment processors as soon as possible because you’re going to have problems cashing it out if you wait too long. Remember that online exchangers have limited amounts of funds in any given processor at any given time. If you wait until the last day then there’s no guarantee that they will have enough reserves to accommodate you so you might find yourself getting stuck with it if your chosen exchanger doesn’t have enough funds at the time.

And to continue the AlertPay topic, they recently posted on Twitter asking members to be patient and not to contact them unless your transaction is on pending status for over 14 business days. This backlog is apparently caused by the recent Easter holidays when banks and AlertPay itself didn’t work. Here is the latest official update from AlertPay regarding this:
Dear followers,
Given the various recent holidays which occurred around the world, we wish to inform you that financial institutions may consequently have been closed for certain days. As a result, the completion of transactions may be delayed by a few days.
Please be patient with pending transactions and refrain from submitting multiple support tickets about this issue. If your transaction remains pending after 14 business days (Monday to Friday) then you can contact us via email. If you submitted a support ticket then kindly wait, up to 2 weeks, for our Customer Support Advisors to respond. Replying to your ticket before it is replied to by our staff or submitting new tickets will simply lower your ticket’s priority.
Have a great weekend!


The first program added to MNO Premium list last night was a brand-new medium-term one called FinBay. The program just launched a few days ago and offers three investment plans with payouts on expiry – 112% after 7 days, 130% after 14 days, 180% after 30 days and the minimum deposit of $10 allowed in all three plans. The available payment options are better than usual as along with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney they also include SolidTrustPay. What I liked about FinBay is that the program is based on a simple yet unique script which allows you to check your membership area on the subject of the payment date and the amount you’re about to be paid using a unique code sent to your email address straight after making the first deposit. Please note that there is no need to sign-up in FinBay and that is why the code is only sent after you make a deposit where you can only check your stats without any need to make a withdrawal. On expiry you will receive your payment automatically to your chosen e-currency accounts and the referral commissions are also paid that way. I think it’s actually a very safe way to do it, as the script prevent hackers from stealing anything because payments are made to the same account anyway.

I will have a more detailed review of FinBay on my blog tomorrow, but for now I can see that it’s a very promising program with a professional admin offering short to medium-term sustainable returns. I just wanted to add that the website is properly secured by Comodo and is running on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection provided by DdosWiz (but the admin didn’t rule out the possibility of moving to BlockDos soon). The first short welcoming newsletter was posted on FinBay‘s website straight after its launch:
FinBay News
Investment Corp LTD is expanding its activity into private sector by establishing publicly available website at FinBay. Any individual investor may now benefit from time proven FinBay‘s high yield returns on investments. If you are still not a participant in our program, then we strongly recommend that you join us right away, as this is potentially a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will allow you to significantly increase your capital. We assure you that nowhere else will you find such a good opportunity to increase your capital several times, even ten times over!


The second program was added to MNO’s Standard listing just a few hours ago. This is a more straightforward short term game called MonetaryGain which was launched this Friday. They offer various investment plans with a $10 minimum and payouts processed to only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney within 12 hours of request. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by AntiDDos and is protected with SSL by Comodo. The first payouts are already reported on investment forums and I’m glad to see that MonetaryGain is paying. The full list of the investment plans on offer with be analyzed in detail in my upcoming review but for now I’ll just list them briefly. They include 104%-125% after 1 day, 113%-190% after 3 days, 122%-250% after 5 days, 145%-550% after 10 days, 650%-1500% after 25 days, 1000%-2800% after 40 days. As you can see, MonetaryGain should please those of you who prefer fast profits, just remember only to invest only what you can afford to lose. Here is the short news posted on MonetaryGain‘s site announcing the launch and introducing the admin:
Welcome to MonetaryGain
Dear visitors of the site MonetaryGain!
Let me give a brief introduction, my name is Howard Lorton and I am the founder and the administrator of the MonetaryGain Inc.
The long-awaited moment which all of us has been waiting for MonetaryGain has begun the work and officially launched online platform.
Here, within the name of MonetaryGain, are giving our warmest welcome and congratulation. The last testing’s day and checks, to all of our systems and strategy of our site have finished.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky listAmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, OneInv, EurexTradeGeniusVenture, SilverStructure, SolidForexLtd, ENR-G, VascoForex, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, CFDonline, FreedomTradingLtdMetalROI, ForexProgressive, FinBay (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund, InternationalForexLLC, MonetaryGain (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, PerfectLottery, HippoWin, Montvalo (the first payments received).

That’s everything for tonight, guys. I hope you find my updates useful and hopefully they will help you with making profitable investment decisions. I will see you on MNO tomorrow with the more detailed review of FinBay and daily news from the HYIP industry, so stay tuned and stay informed with MNO!

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