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23/04/2012. MonetaryGain Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! MonetaryGain has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and are looking forward to some new opportunities in the HYIP industry. If you were reading MNO over the last few days you might have noticed a couple of new additions to my monitor – mostly shorter term programs incidentally which makes a change from recent weeks – that I want to look at over the coming days. The one I’m going to start with today is called MonetaryGain which is one of those short term HYIPs that have a couple of extra fast plans with realistic returns on modest deposits that experienced players will see, while combining that small list of good plans with a bigger list of less obtainable ones that are maybe best avoided. Again the experienced players will see that too, but for your information I’ll run through all of them for your here.

MonetaryGain have been running a couple of days now which is actually plenty of time to have made an excellent profit from two of their investment plans already had you taken the gamble early enough. And while I wouldn’t like to be the one trying to predict how much further the program can grow, at least someone’s made a couple of bucks from it already.

The first of six investment plans with MonetaryGain runs for just 1 single day. You can join it for a $10 minimum and for anything you to $250 earn 104% on expiry – in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. The payment will include your principal so that’s a 4% clear profit for yourself. If you would like to make a bigger deposit between $251 and $500 then the payout will be 105%. Deposits from $501 to $1,000 are offered 106%, and from $1,001 to $2,000 the offer is 108% For information on anything larger than $2K I suggest you see the MonetaryGain members area.

The second plan pays on expiry after a term of 3 calendar days and is also open to deposits from a $10 minimum. This time anything up to $250 should get you a return of 113%, principal included, or a profit of 13%. Not a great deal more than reinvesting in the one day plan for three cycles, but if you like the convenience of it then fine. Larger deposits from $251 to $500 receive a 116% payout this time. Deposits from $500 up to $1,000 are offered 120%, while anything above that up to a value of $2,000 is offered 126%. Information on anything more than that can be found in the MonetaryGain members area.

MonetaryGain‘s third plan can also be joined for a $10 minimum, paying on expiry of a term of 5 calendar days. Payouts include your principal and include 122% on the minimum deposit up to a value of $250, 127% an deposits from $251 up to $500, 132% for amounts between $501 and $1,000, and 145% on anything more than that up to a maximum of $2,000. MonetaryGain don’t stop taking money at a mere $2K of course, but if you want to see what their offers are then check out the members area.

The next plan sees the admin offer a return of 145% on deposits from a $10 minimum up to $250. Payment includes your initial principal and the investment term runs for a period of 10 calendar days, payment again being offered on expiry. The rate offered on amounts from $251 to $500 is 156%, from $501 to $1,000 is 170%, from $1,001 to $2,000 is 200%, and for anything larger than that you should check the MonetaryGain members area for details.

Even more risky is MonetaryGain‘s fifth which runs for 25 calendar days before paying on expiry. For a minimum spend of $10 up to $250 the admin offers an almost impossible return of 650%, principal included. For a deposit between $251 and $500 the offer is an even less likely 700%. Deposits from $501 to $1,000 are offered 770%, while amounts above that up to $2,000 are offered 870%. For what’s being offered to amounts over and above $2,000 then please see the MonetaryGain members area.

And finally an even tougher payment to meet will be from MonetaryGain‘s sixth plan which runs for 40 calendar days, also offering one single payment on expiry that includes the investor’s principal. Deposits from a $100 minimum (which is significantly more than I’d be willing spend on this myself if I absolutely had to join) to $1000 are offered a return of 1000%. See the MonetaryGain members are for more information on larger deposits if interested.

Payment options are a bit limited but that was to be entirely expected. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are the only processors open to you. Payments are made manually and will need to be requested from inside your members area. After you’ve done so the MonetaryGain admin asks that you allow up to a maximum of 12 hours before he gets the transaction fully completed.

Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection from AntiDdos. MonetaryGain are running off a script under license from GoldCoders. SSL encryption also features on the website. If you need any assistance or have questions for the admin you can reach him by filling in the e-mail ticketing contact form on the support page. MonetaryGain also feature a Live Chat feature though I have to tell you that I have yet to see it working myself. Also included is a postal address in that noted bastion of transparency and incorruptibility Panama, a telephone and fax number, and two individual e-mail addresses you can write to directly.

Just as there’s nothing all that unique about the plans, there’s nothing unique about the texts either. While that has more to do with the designer than the admin (though ultimately it comes back to him anyway) the end result is the same – next to no practical information you can really use. Most of you will know by now how little attention I personally pay to that but might wonder why I mention it anyway. It’s for the sake of those readers new to the HYIP industry and still naïve enough to take these websites as being the genuine businesses the admins would like you to think they are. Regular readers will also know that I’m not singling MonetaryGain out here, because the same is true of everything you find in the HYIP industry. It’s all high risk and to a greater or lesser extent it’s all a gamble. So as always set yourself a modest spending limit that you will strictly adhere to and if proceeding then try to keep any investments with MonetaryGain as a smaller part of a wider portfolio.



After a generally calm start to the week perhaps the only program creating much of a buzz was NewGNi (reviewed here). A handful of members expressed their concern about the program due to the latest chain of events experienced lately. Well, I don’t really know what made them worry as there was absolutely no reason for it. Despite some well documented technical problems which every online business goes through from time to time, the thing we need to remember is that payments have been processed fast and with no interruptions. I must remind you that the site of NewGNi was DdoSed severely last week so they upgraded their DDoS protection by Dragonara (the same provider that hosts MNO) and by Friday night the site was available for everyone and the pending payouts were processed as usual. To compensate to those who unable to request their payouts due to the downtime there was an additional run of payouts made on Saturday afternoon, which isn’t a regular working day for them so kudos to everyone involved for giving up their weekend for the benefit of the members and keeping their own reputations in tact. If only we saw a bit more of that attitude in the industry, eh? And how can anyone doubt NewGNi after the absolutely amazing support provided by the admin Jurgen (read my interview with him here) who constantly updates members on the program’s Facebook and Twitter and most recently on MNO ShoutBox as well where the admin is registered under the name “newgni” from today?

Anyway, some technical issues, this time to do with the script, caused a few more headaches today. Specifically the purchasing option was not working, the interest was not credited, and the one-time login PIN was not sent to some members. While I can understand some concerns the members might have there was no again no outbreak of mass panic that one would expect from other online programs as the situation was handled by Jurgen and team in a timely and professional manner. Needless to say that the members of NewGNi have been paid already if they had any outstanding withdrawals owed to their SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. NewGNi remains the leader in the industry, paying members on two investment plans with no expiry date, including 1% per business day and 6% weekly. Though you do have the option to claim your principal back after a 180 business days lock-in period and leave if you want to. Though why you’d want to I really don’t know because if they continue like this then by the end of the year NewGNi could easily develop into one of the biggest things we’ve seen on the net for a long time now.

As mentioned above you can read all the recent news from NewGNi on their Facebook and Twitter pages, but from today the admin will also be pop into the MNO ShoutBox when he gets the time, so you’ll be able to communicate with him directly. Please note that in order to prevent spammers I require anyone wishing to join my ShoutBox (located on top of my blog’s right sidebar) to send me email to or write from the MNO Contact page with your desired username and password. I will be pleased to activate your account manually within 24 hours so you will be able to participate in any interesting discussions not only about NewGNi but also other programs listed on the MNO monitor. Jurgen promised to mention that in the next newsletter to the members he’s going to send soon. And as of today the newsletter in detail outlining the issues NewGNi underwent today and the solution that has been put in place was sent and if you for some reason didn’t receive it please take a look at the full version below:
Newsletter 23 April 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
Just a short update:
During the weekend it came to our attention that some parts of our script are functioning irregular. Namely the ‘Purchase Investments’ function and the part of the script that is adding interest to your account. We have located the problem and it is a maintenance utility script that is usually running in the background just for a second or two. This script is running in a infinite loop now, due to a improper configured config.sys file, as a result of the domain change from .com to .net.
Since all the files on our server are encrypted, they need to be taken care of by the script developer – in consequence there was little for us to do over the weekend, apart from localizing the problem.
We expect our developer to be available later today, since he his in the CST timezone.
Another problem that occurred after the domain change was that many members haven’t received system emails, like the mail with the login PIN. This problem was solved by our host Dragonara yesterday and we have received feedback from some members that they are receiving our mails now. If you still have problems receiving our emails, please check the spam/junk folder within your email account and add to your contacts.
Sorry for the interruption, but secure webserver’s and scripts are rather complicated frameworks and the changes carried out during the past week were significant.
Thanks for your understanding and best regards, Jurgen
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.

One more important and very recent announcement posted on NewGNi‘s Facebook page today addressed those still experiencing problems while attempting to access the site which changed their domain extension from .com to .net a couple of days ago. I can say that for 99% of NewGNi‘s members the site is back online and functioning properly after fixing the script issues tonight, but for the remaining 1% might need to do the following. You can try to access the site via a different browser, clear your cookies and cache in your current one, or reboot your computer. If that doesn’t help the admin of NewGNi offered one more solution on Facebook and so perhaps you should check this out as well:
For members who can still not connect to
Please try to connect with another browser and make sure to empty your cache and all NewGNi cookies. Also try to connect without your Firewall, just so see if it works. Its fine now for 99% of all members and if there are still issues they are not related to our site.

For all those still in doubt I can confirm that both NewGNi and Royalty7 (reviewed here) remain the established leaders in the industry and I can still stand over my words which I posted in my article on Saturday.


I know that I promised to review FinBay on my blog tonight, but unfortunately the site is not loading for me at the moment. I’m not sure if the admin is aware of the problem as I have sent an email to him but haven’t received a reply yet. The error is kinda weird as it looks as if the website is trying to load but before the page is completely loaded it’s reset by itself, so it’s impossible to see any page at the moment. I remind you that FinBay was added to MNO just this Saturday and the first payments to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on expiry of three investment plans – 112% after 7 days, 130% after 14 days, 180% after 30 days – are yet to be processed as the program is quite new. However I was paid some ref commissions already which (like the interest itself) should be paid to members’ e-currency accounts automatically and without the need to request it. Anyway, I hope they’ll be ok by tomorrow and if so then I’ll publish the detailed review of FinBay.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listAmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, BensonUnionGeniusVenture, ProfitableSunrise, SilverStructure, DividendService, ENR-G,  PlexCapital, CFDonline, PrimeXCash, MoneyEra, Trade4Ten, MetalROI,  ForexProgressive, FinBay.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund, MonetaryGain.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, Montvalo, CheeseCash (the first payments received).

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. Take care and see you all tomorrow!

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