April 2012 Archives

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 Beware! ForexProgressive has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! It’s been a slower day for news in the industry than yesterday, and I guess that’s not always a bad thing. I don’t mind anyway as I’m still taking a short vacation by the Dead Sea and it’s been pretty nice so far. But not so nice as to stop me from working on MNO of course! So for tonight’s update there’s still some news that I’ll get to soon, but first I want to start with ForexProgressive which is a new program just recently added to the MNO monitor. It’s got some OK features I think, and might appeal to some of you. So let’s take a look at it in closer detail and see exactly what joining ForexProgressive might do for you.

To start with, ForexProgressive is a shorter more medium term program than a lot of what’s listed on my monitoring site at the moment, which I guess is by itself good for some diversity. They have a reasonable selection of plans that offer decent enough returns, though at the same time are realistic and sustainable. Having said that, some are priced a bit outside of the range of the majority of online HYIP players, though you can at least join one of the plans for an affordable $10 minimum. That particular one is called The Standard Plan and can be joined by anyone willing to spend up to a $500 maximum. The term runs for 20 business days (that’s four weeks) during which ForexProgressive are offering members a daily interest rebate of 1.4%. That will add up to 28% by the end of the cycle when ForexProgressive should then return your initial principal. So it’s 28% total profit for you. Or to put it another way, let’s suppose you invested $100. ForexProgressive would then pay you back $1.40 every day from Monday to Friday for four weeks. That comes to $28 in total before getting your original hundred handed back.

And that’s more or less how the remaining plans operate, except of course there are some variations with the terms and the minimum deposit requirements. The second plan from ForexProgressive for example runs for 24 business days (which is quite an unusual term) and calls for a $501 minimum deposit. It’s called The Advanced Plan where you are again going to receive a daily interest payment from Monday to Friday, but with the rate stretching to 1.8% this time. On completion of the term ForexProgressive return your deposit, meaning that your payments which will amount to a total of 43.2% will constitute your total profit. The maximum deposit allowed here is $2,000.

After that I think it’s fair to say the remaining two plans are really aimed for the biggest investors out there, so I don’t expect many takers just yet, certainly not before ForexProgressive establish a solid reputation for themselves anyway. But for the record the third plan made available to investors is called The Extended Plan, and it runs for a 28 business day term. Minimum deposits start from $2,001 and earn a daily payment of 2.5% from Monday to Friday. ForexProgressive should return your principal on completion, leaving you with a profit of 70%. Maximum spend is $5,000.

And finally there’s The Professional Plan for anyone prepared to spend $5,001 or more (no maximum limit is applied here). The interest rate is 3.5% per day, paid Monday to Friday, for a term of 32 business days. That’s a lot harder to sustain obviously but as ForexProgressive are unlikely to get many takers given the price tag then it’s unlikely to be an issue. Anyway, they offer to return your deposit on expiry leaving you with a net profit of 112%.

A couple of other points you should know about the investment plans before getting involved with ForexProgressive include the availability of compounding. I was never a great fan of the practice myself, but it’s there for anyone who thinks differently. Also built into the script is an investment calculator where you can work out how much you should earn from the program and from what rate of compounding. The list of payment methods available to members has been improved since ForexProgressive first launched over a week ago. Recently announced as their third e-currency was AlertPay, which now joins LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Bank transfers are also available but as that will involve a totally different set of rules I suggest you contact the admin for information on that. Payouts are currently made instantly so just log into your ForexProgressive member’s area, make a request, and you should have the money within seconds. Just remember that this service is not guaranteed and that if the admin ever needs to switch it off for any reason (account replenishment, security, etc) then you are asked to allow up to 48 hours.

At first glance the ForexProgressive website does look impressive. They are running off a unique and custom made script for instance, though it’s still very easy to find your way around. Hosting is on a dedicated server by Staminus, with support and protection by Koddos. ForexProgressive are also SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and over all I think it all adds up to leave a generally positive impression on the first time visitor. If you need to get in touch with the admin with any further questions or account related issues then the program has Live support where you can get an answer in real time. If that’s not available then you can write directly to the e-mail address listed on the contacts page, complete the online ticketing form and submit it, or try their telephone number. ForexProgressive also list a postal address in Panama though these things generally serve as virtual hosted offices and not someplace you find a working trading staff were you to walk in off the street unannounced.

The design, content, and texts on the ForexProgressive website all appear original which is nice, shows a little effort made anyway rather than the same old copy/paste job we see in so many other programs. Whether you choose to believe a word of it or not of course is your own business. But as the name implies ForexProgressive are allegedly involved in the trading of ForEx, though as is typically the case in this business there’s very little you can use to actually verify any of that. Plus the fact that the interest rates would be considered impossible in any genuine non-HYIP related business anyway, but as I said it’s your decision to believe it and your decision what to spend your own money on. I would only finish by suggesting that if joining ForexProgressive you do so within the framework of a modest and affordable spending limit and as part of a diverse portfolio.



It looks like many programs are being DdoSed regularly and perhaps it’s somehow connected with the competition and the threat they pose for their main rivals. Today for the first time NewGNi (reviewed here) was hit by an extensive DDoS attack which their hosting provider Dragonara is still dealing with and about which the update was issued on the Facebook account of NewGNi already:
Please be informed that newGNi is currently under a strong DDoS attack and access to our website is interrupted. The technicians of our hosting provider are currently working on this issue and we will post an update here, once our site is back online again.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

I’m quite pleased to say that the investors’ confidence in the ability of NewGNi‘s admin Jurgen (interviewed here) to handle the situation properly and therefore I’m delighted to see no negative posts regarding the downtime on the major investment forums yet. Some people were obviously concerned of course and asked me about it via email and my ShoutBox, however, I don’t see any panic which is a really good sign of trust in the admin and the program. As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and hopefully that NewGNi will be back soon. I’ll let you know right here as soon as it happens.

On a much more personal note, Jurgen allowed me to publish his response to me in a private email exchange earlier. I think MNO readers are entitled to know more about the situation since NewGNi is exclusively monitored only on MNO. That’s why I have decided to post this reply below and let you be the judge of the root of the problem and which might cause it:
Hello Paul
Thanks for contacting us!
We have been blackmailed since a couple of weeks by a criminal group called Offshore Integration (offshoreintegration@gmail.com) to pay them $600 to avoid DDoS attacks. Needless to say, that we will never pay a dime to such cheap low-life scammers. Unitl now, several of their attacks were mitigated by Dragonara without any interruption to our services.
We are currently in contact with Dragonara to sort today’s problem. Anyway – there is nothing to worry about. We are not in need of new deposits from our member base and thus we are able to ‘sit out’ such blackmailing attempts for a longer period than they are able to DDoS our site.
Just for your and your readers interest: offshoreintegration@gmail.com is offering Offshore Incorporation services on Talkgold.com. I sincerely hope that none of your readers and fellow HYIP admins will get trapped there.
With best regards,

EcoLandFund (reviewed here) was also apparently hit by a DDoS attack today and the unstable work of the site recently doesn’t give them a lot of space for maneuver. Here is what the admin had to say about it today:
Hello, it is under attack waiting for Highhost to mitigate it. I will update you as it will be up”.
I think the frequent downtime in this case doesn’t help the program to establish a reputation and grow properly and I just hope that the admin will be professional enough to solve this issue asap. Even though I was paid instantly this morning by EcoLandFund (just before the attack started) I would like to advise to all MNO readers not to be in a hurry to join, at least until the site works in a stable manner and without any downtime at least for a week. Otherwise, I’m not so sure about the program’s propects at all. As I’m in regular contact with the admin, I will keep you updated on that anyway, so stay with MNO for more news!


I’m glad to report that SolidForexLtd came back online today and that the first instant withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney have been processed already. Those investors who spotted the program from the beginning – five and a half months ago – should be well in profit by now as with up to 3% variable for 180-240 business days and principal returned on expiry it’s very possible to reach the profit point within a few months. I hope it’s not too late to have a look at SolidForexLtd and make an investment decision possibly based on my review posted here.

Unfortunately, WalesFinance which was only on Basic list with MNO and has never been reviewed anyway lost its position in Paying status as I have already three pending withdrawal requests. After careful consideration of the situation and consulting my readers I have decided to move WalesFinance to Problem status for the time being. I remember that I did it once before but the admin proved me wrong and came back after a few days of non-payments. Let’s see if he manages to pull through again and get back to Paying. To find out if that happens please watch my monitoring page for any changes closely!


I bet more and more people will be reporting not getting paid from TopsFund with each passing day now, but there will still be a lot of dishonest monitors that will try to label the program as Paying simply because they personally are being fed with the funds of those people who got scammed already. I warned MNO readers a couple of weeks ago already that TopsFund was going to scam which was pretty obvious to me seeing that the admin started accepting deposits with ridiculously high interest rates which he had no intention of ever paying. Now it’s impossible to be paid on those plans as there is no interest credited on them even on expiry and the admin starts issuing all type of excuses as we saw on his previous programs like EzProfit as described in my detailed article published here. As I know, there are several other programs running on the same script and most probably owned by the same admin still monitored on MNO including OneInv, PlexCapital and GeniusVenture. So, I hope after reading the advised article you will know how to behave in all projects run by the same administration using the same repetitive strategy program after program. I only regret that he will probably get away with all the lies he is spreading now and that TopsFund will be still listed as Paying on the majority of the crooked monitors. With MNO though it’s a different situation as you may be sure that selective payouts and will not be tolerated on my resource and that I will continue to do my job mostly for the benefit of the investors and not the admins. MNO readers are entitled to know the truth about every single project advertised here and if I know some information about the programs I advertise I will share it with you, no matter what the admins might think of me. This approach will continue and I promise you that you won’t regret following MNO’s advice in the future!


AlertPay is trying to regain its former strong position among HYIP investors and therefore opened a new resolution center recently for filing disputes against scam HYIPs. They are also currently testing their credit card deposits feature which will hopefully result in a more convenient service for investors using AP. Apparently the new improvements resulted in some phishing emails starting to circulate aimed at stealing your account information. I myself received a very similar email recently asking me to update my profile which looked genuine, but after checking carefully from whom it really came and what link it asked me to follow I moved it directly to my Trash folder where it belonged. So please be extremely careful if you receive such emails! Examples of the phishing emails were published today on the official blog of AlertPay, so please pay close attention to that:
AlertPay Scam Notification | AlertPay Phishing Notification
We would like to inform our members of an illegitimate email campaign directing AlertPay members to various false AlertPay login pages.
We wish to warn all members that these website are not authentic AlertPay sites. AlertPay is not associated with any of these sites nor the organizations responsible for them. AlertPay will never send out unsolicited emails requesting users to verify account info by clicking on links. Hovering your mouse over the link will reveal the destination – if it is not hosted on AlertPay.com, do not click on the link!
If you suspect that you have been directed to illegitimate phishing websites please visit us at: AlertPay Scam Prevention or submit a ticket to our customer support team.
Below are some examples of the false information supplied by these emails:
Subject lines
Please be wary of any emails with subject lines such as the following:
AlertPay: Confirm your Email Address
Activation Your Alertpay Information
Account Has Been Limited!
Sample email
The following email did not originate from AlertPay
Dear Alertpay User
You Must Confirm Your Information!
Please click on the following link to Confirm It:
Click here to Confirm Your Account Information.
You Must Confirm Your Information To Save It.
Thanks You For Helping,
The AlertPay Team”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTradeBensonUnion, AmbrianInvestment, GeniusVenture, ProfitableSunrise, DividendService, SolidForexLtd, SilverStructure, ENR-G, VascoForex, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, CFDonline, FreedomTradingLtd, MoneyEra, PrimeXCash, EcoLandFund, MetalROI, Trade4Ten, ForexProgressive.
From MNO Standard list: -.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, PerfectLottery, HippoWin.

That’s all the news I have for you tonight, guys. I hope to see you on MNO again soon with the latest and the most relevant information from the most popular high-yield online investment programs!

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