April 2012 Archives

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Hi guys! Friday the 13th is here again and though you might not believe all the crazy stories about horror movies and bad luck tonight the HYIP industry might have something to challenge that. Today for some reason three perfectly paying programs had some problems with accessibility throughout the day. They include AmbrianInvestment, HoldingsTrade and EcoLandFund. I’ll discuss each of them below and if they were the victims of some Friday the 13th curse or just the admin’s greed.


The HoldingsTrade admin told his members yesterday that some testing to implement changes to the website was in progress which would result in 15 hours offline. Well, more than 36 hours later and HoldingsTrade is still not functional and with every hour offline there is less hope of them recovering. At least it’s unlikely while the site is offline. It was also questionable why just before the site went offline yesterday the withdrawals were already not paid for over 24 hours. I know that such delays happened before but they weren’t accompanied by downtime and the admin paid soon enough after being asked about it which is not the case now. To be fair HoldingsTrade keep updating members via Facebook and answer their emails (at least my email was answered today promptly). The admin promised to bring the site back online as soon as possible and pay all the pending withdrawals which according to him might happen anytime soon, so we will wait and see (for now HoldingsTrade has been moved to Waiting status on MNO). Here is the latest update from the program left on Facebook:
An update to let you know that we have completed most of the work and will be back online in few hours. All your payments will be processed once we are back online. Thanks for the patience and do not believe any stupid claims from any one.

And just minutes ago I got another email from HoldingsTrade saying that payouts to LR can be delayed even when the website is back online (for me personally it’s still down):
Update From HoldingsTrade
Hello Investors,
This is an update to let you know that our website work is completed but we are yet to receive LR from our broker. Its been more than 48 hours since we made a withdrawal and its still under processing. It looks like LR is falling apart and almost all the ex-changers and brokers are having a hard time getting LR as many are transferring their funds from LR to other payment processors. We are trying to find some alternatives and will update you once its done.
Thanks for the patience and we will never let down our investors.
Thanks & Regards HoldingsTrade Admin”.
I honestly don’t understand why getting LR funds should be an issue for HoldingsTrade as demand is kinda low now and the price of LibertyReserve continues to decline, so I figure this has nothing to do with reality. That’s why I will be expecting to be paid from HoldingsTrade as soon as the site is back online, otherwise I’m afraid I will have to move the program to Problem status. Of course in this situation it’s best for investors to stay away from HoldingsTrade until the payouts resume and if that happens I’ll report on my blog then.

EcoLandFund has been offline all day since this morning. I have no idea if it has something to do with the recent script issues that delayed the payments on the 3%-4% for 50 business days plan but I was paid only after contacting the Live support on the site who were unaware of any problem. Here is the latest from the admin of EcoLandFund regarding that:
Yes i am in contact with Hosting they are fixing this issue as it fix ill inform you”.
At the moment of writing this the issue was not fixed apparently and every time I try to load the site I come across the following message having been redirected to a suspended page:
Executing in an invalid environment for the supplied user”.
To tell you the truth, I believe EcoLandFund has a much better chance to recover from all this because the admin kept paying instantly till the last minute online and as far as I know EcoLandFund has no outstanding withdrawals at the moment. Anyway, I have moved the program to Waiting status for now and will change it back to Paying after the site is back online and withdrawals resume which will hopefully happen soon enough.

As for AmbrianInvestment, the site was up and down today which I guess was also connected to some hosting issues. After I contacted the admin this morning he said he would contact their hosting provider Koddos and ask about it, though inmy opinion if the hosting provider was any good in the first place they would have been all over this without having to be asked. Shortly afterward I noticed they were back online and that (most importanly) all pending withdrawals were paid. Unfortunately at the time of writing AmbrianInvestment is down yet again and I sincerely hope it will not affect its performance and payments which have been prompt. If anything changes I will report on my blog or ShoutBox so do keep an eye on them!


As reported a couple of days ago NewGNi has reached the #1 spot on MNO monitor in less than four months online which is simply an incredible achievement for a program offering such conservative returns as 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the possibility to get your principal back after a lock-in period of 180 business days. Everybody should know that MNO doesn’t sell top positions like some other monitors so in order to reach #1 a program must pay everyone for quite some time and be a popular option among my readers. NewGNi definitely ticks all the boxes and the payouts to all the payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay – have been prompt. Again, I would like to congratulate NewGNi and its admin Jurgen (read my interview with him here) on this achievement and wish him the best of luck in running his program for a very long time.

Apart from this a few more things were worth mentioning in the latest newsletter from NewGNi issued tonight include a testimonials pages after conducting a contest among investors where anyone can read what members think. The results for the next contest, the Easter Egg Hunt, will be drawn at the end of April with the winners announced on the first of May. For more information on tha where only active members of NewGNi with deposits not less than $20 can participate please read the full version of the newsletter republished below. Also included is an important update about the recent issues with SolidTrustPay’s automated payment interface. Some deposits might not be processed promptly and in this case you can make payments manually to NewGNi‘s STP account. Just submit a support ticket for instructions for direct deposits which could be added manually by the admin later. I myself can see that STP is the most popular payment processor for my own readers in NewGNi, and that is is why I hope that the temporary issue will be fixed soon and the deposits will be credited instantly again. Here is the full newsletter from NewGNi (reviewed here):
Newsletter 13 April 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
It’s Friday again and time to touch base with you.
Earlier this week NewGNi was becoming the #1 program on MNO. This is not only an achievement for us; it’s a milestone!
In our opinion Money-News-Online is the benchmark in unbiased and honest daily information about the online investment industry.
As promised, our Testimonial page, or I rather should say pages, are up! Please have a look here and read what your fellow members have to say about us. Once again, we thank all participants who took part in our contest.
A few members notified us that they have currently problems depositing with SolidTrust Pay and sometimes they landed on a blank page. We have experienced ourselves that STP was loading slowly during the last few days. If you’d like to invest and experience any problems, please remember that you can always deposit directly into our STP account. Please open a support ticket from the members area and let us know. We will then inform you how to deposit manually.
Last but not least, I would like to remind you about our Easter 2012 Promotion. Although Easter is now behind us, our promotion will go on until the 30th of April.
One lucky winner will receive a brand new iPad 3.
To join all you have to do is to find the 5 Easter eggs hidden in and around our website, screen grab each of them and once you found all of them, join the competition by filling in the provided form. The Easter Egg Hunt is open for our active investors only. If you are not an active investor yet, you can become one by investing as little as $20 into our ‘Daily Winner’ plan, and once done – join the competition.
For more information please visit our NewGNi – Easter 2012 Promotion page here.
Good luck to all of you!
Have a great weekend, I’ll see you soon,
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


ENR-G (reviewed here) is another program with members using SolidTrustPay might have a few delays. Not only with deposits but also with withdrawals. AlertPay, SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney payouts are instant (LibertyReserve was switched off because of frequent hacking incidents mentioned in this article published on MNO, so they are processed within 24 hours now). Due to that error which prevented members of ENR-G from requesting instant withdrawals to their STP accounts it was decided to to allow manual withdrawals which would be processed within 48 hours until STP fixes it.

On a brighter note, all the withdrawals from ENR-G have been processed smoothly so far and you know that after 40 days online the first investors are already in profit from the following plans on offer – 1.2% for 30 days and 2.2%-2.7% for 90 days with principals back on expiry. I guess that determined the fast growth of the program which according to the admin is about to reach 4,000 members this weekend. By the way, it looks that my interview with Joshua is going to be published over the weekend too and I hope you find it interesting:
ENR-G Newsletter
This is just a brief update today. Over the last 2 days STP payments haven’t been instant as they normally are. Unfortunately for some reason STP’s server isn’t connecting properly to our site. I believe 100% that this is an issue on STP’s end as we have checked everything on our end multiple times and found no issue. In addition I’ve seen multiple 502 bad gateway errors on the STP site while trying to navigate. In my opinion they are probably the best payment processor online today though and I have full faith that they will get this fixed in a timely manner.
So to anyone trying to withdraw to STP and getting a time out error please be patient with us and we will get it fixed for you soon with the help of STP.
STP manual withdrawals are painfully slow. I will turn on the ability for you to make manual withdrawals to STP but if you chose this route please allow 48 hours for us to manually complete them because we wont have the use of API. In fact the instant will probably be fixed quicker than the 48 hours were asking for to complete STP withdrawals manually.
Things are going very smoothly on our end as we continue to grow towards the 4,000 member mark. I believe that we will reach and exceed 4000 members this weekend which is a great achievement for any online program.
Let me again thank you all for your membership with us and assure you that we are working very hard in the background to ensure that we are making you the most money possible.


The admin of MoneyEra Wolfgang issued a regular bi-weekly newsletter tonight where he introduced investors with the concept of highly sophisticated trading robots who are allegedly able to do all the work for them making 2%-7% daily profits. I must say it’s a pretty incredible statement as it means that the return offline banks can only provide per year is made by robots within a trading day. Right. I’m not sure that’s possible but I know the admin of MoneyEra is doing some really great work in promoting his program now. Anyway, if it’s true the question would arise why MoneyEra would need money from investors at all if they could make such high returns only with the help of their sall powerful trading robots. Think of that as you have some spare time.

Speaking of the achievements of MoneyEra as high-yield investment program (reviewed on MNO here) it’s a highly professional program and payouts are fast to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Investment plans with principals returns on expiry include 1.2%-2.3% per business day or 8.1% weekly for 285 days. Today MoneyEra has been online for exactly six months. I’ll stay tuned for more news and updates because the admin looks to be a pretty serious guy and I believe such an approach will pay off in the end. Here is the latest newsletter received from the program today:
MoneyEra Newsletter April 13
Dear friends and investors of MoneyEra program, with pleasure I’d like to provide you with our traditional bi-weekly updates on the recent development and progress.
The last two weeks were really busy for us trading-wise. As I wrote you in the previous newsletter we were planning to launch a new trading robot, whose manner of operation is based on hedging and finding correlations between different financial instruments. Now I can update you on that, the robot is successfully launched and has been trading for already two weeks really profitably. It trades up to 900 instruments at the same time, opening complimentary positions and realizing effectively risk-free profit. It trades currencies, currency futures, indexes, and stock options. The robot is able to find very complicated correlations between not two, but three and more, financial instruments and get the best of it.
The average return this robot yields is 2.71% daily at the moment. It is less than the returns of our arbitrage robot, which yields up to 7% daily profit, but the hedging robot is constructed to provide the long term stability for our program, due to its low risk and still very substantial returns.
Our overall average trading ROI has reached 4,89% now. The daily variation of it are lowered up to 2,1-2,4%. Our trading results allow us to be really confident in the future of our program.
But also we still keep developing new trading robots! Our mathematicians and programmers work currently on a totally new type of artificial intelligence approach, which is based on so called genetic algorithms. It is able to select among millions and millions of different trading strategies the most efficient one. We hope to finish the work on this robot within a month. After that our robot portfolio will consist of five totally different trading algorithms, which will make our program truly indestructible. This is just the right time to invest with us now!
And on top of that our social network for our investors is on the way and will be launched soon. This will be an unprecedented offer in the online investment world.
We wish you happy investing,
stay tuned for more!
Wolfgang Smidt,
Head of MoneyEra customer support department.


I’m pleased to note that I have successfully received my principal back from DividendService today. I originally invested in their 1.7% for 30 days plan and as promised in the program’s terms the principal along with the last interest payment was credited to my account this morning and paid pretty fast to my LibertyReserve account after that. I must say that I’m pretty impressed so far by how the admin handles DividendService so far, as after the first 45 days online and multiple DDoS attacks and other issues the program managed to become even stronger. Servers were upgraded to more protected ones from BlockDos and more recently a Russian version of the site was launched with professional translation as verified personally by myself earlier. DividendService pay to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on four investment plans with principal returns on expiry – 1.4% for 15 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 2% for 70 days, 2.3% for 100 days. More info can be found in my detailed review published here.


FreedomTradingLtd (reviewed here) went on even further and today the third version of the website was introduced – a French one. I can’t confirm it as I’m not a French speaker myself, but I believe it’s pretty good as I do read French well enough to at least understand it:
French Localization
To all customers,
This is a short notice for our French-speaking customers that we have successfully translated our website to French. Fully translated version is from now on available and you can turn French translation on by clicking on the icon showing the French flag.
Stay tuned for more updates from us in the nearest future!
Sincerely yours,
FreedomTradingLtd Support Team

I hope that is not the last version and I hope FreedomTradingLtd is moving in the right direction by extending its language and payment options (as recently STP was added in addition to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney). Investors must appreciate the instant payouts to 1.2%-4% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry investment plan provided by FreedomTradingLtd. The gradual and stable development of the program is also deserving of high praise as a promotional strategy which should lead to success.


The newest program added to my Premium listing tonight is called MetalROI. The program started 10 days ago and offers one investment plan with slight variations – 2%-2.5% for 85 business days (17 weeks) with principal returned on expiry. MetalROI accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay starting from $10 and withdrawals processed manually within 24 hours of request. MetalROI is running off a licensed script by GoldCoders, has a proper SSL secured connection by Comodo throughout the site and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Staminus. You can also set a compounding level in multiples of 10%. Overall the site provides a generally good first impression. The welcome message is included below:
You are about to take part in a very profitable yet safe venture that can put your financial life in a new standard allowing you to live a life filled with opportunities and comfort. Opening an online division of our company is an expansion project, we expect to be as satisfying as our offline business has been over the years.
MetalROI is offering you three entry levels to choose from, with scaling benefits attached. We are accepting various payment systems, to make involvement more convenient for you. Benefits depend on the result of our efforts, and will be credited on business days, when markets are open.
MetalROI also offers a big opportunity for those interested in promoting the program to new people and our affiliate program offers generous commissions based on your results. Our business is the kind that promotes itself and you will find that every person will be interested once you mention you are making a passive online income without worrying about paper or legal work.
The MetalROI website has been built for both experienced individuals and newcomers, so please take some time to browse all its sections and get acquainted to our activities and business model.
Best regards,
Allard Barents
MetalROI Founder & Manager”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium listNewGNi, TopsFund, OneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnionProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, ENR-G, VascoForex, FelminaAlliance, SilverStructure, PlexCapital, DividendService, FreedomTradingLtd, CFDonlineMoneyEra, PrimeXCash, EcoLandFund.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, WalesFinance, PerfectLottery, HippoWin.

That’s about it for tonight everyone. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you have as much fun as I’m having here in Eilat. I’ll be spending a few days floating on the Dead Sea from Monday onwards but I’ll still be keeping you updated on MNO. See you all tomorrow I hope!

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