August 2012 Archives

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Beware! PipsFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Mid-week already and time tonight to move on to another of the recent programs joining my monitoring page’s Premium Listing. I have all the news stories of the day for you as well in a moment, though there wasn’t much going on in the industry. The program I’m looking at before that is called PipsFund. It’s a long term venture, and one I think fans of this type of thing might really like. PipsFund is quite an easy program to manage but also one with a decent potential for success, being affordable to join, pretty well organized once you do join, and then profitable as well as sustainable. And of course it’s brand new. So let’s take a closer look an some of PipsFund‘s features and see if they have anything you might like.

The investment plan itself couldn’t be simpler. And there’s only one of them so it’s the most straight forward choice you’re going to have to make here – either you like it so keep reading or you don’t and look elsewhere. But I guess there are some positive aspects to it, such as the fact that PipsFund only require a minimum deposit of $1 to join, at least making it the most affordable HYIP out there to join at the moment. The investment term then runs for 120 calendar days (about four months or so) making daily interest payments of 2%. This rate applies to all of PipsFund‘s customers no matter how much they have actually invested. Payments eventually add up to 240% in total and at the end of the term your original deposit is then returned, meaning the 240% is entirely profit. There is no stated upper limit to how much you are allowed to invest, and like I already said above the same 2% interest rate will apply to all of PipsFund‘s members no matter how big or small.

Here’s a simple example. Let’s say you deposit $100 with PipsFund. In return they pay you back $2 per day for 120 days. You break even (earn back an amount equal to your deposit) after 50 days which only then makes this a completely risk free venture. Your deposit expires once payments add up to $240, at which time PipsFund are supposed to return your own original hundred on top of that.

The payment options are as good as what you’ll see anywhere else in the HYIP industry, with PipsFund taking all the popular choices. So I guess the admin did his homework before launching and has everything in place before he starts instead of struggling with it later. Currently you’ll see SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve listed if you, like most players, prefer the online payment processors. For those who don’t, then PipsFund are also taking bank wire transfers though as usual a whole other set of rules will apply there so contact the admin for details. Payouts are made manually and so need to be requested from inside your PipsFund members area. Once done the admin requires a 24 hour maximum to complete the transaction, just keep in mind that various different minimum withdrawal amounts apply to the various different processors. These range from $0.01 to $1 so smaller investors just make yourselves aware of what’s applicable to you first. Minimum withdrawal for a bank wire is $1,000 by the way, so that’s clearly not a serious option.

One other thing you need to be aware of is compounding. Not only is it available, PipsFund have made it compulsory. I’m no fan of the practice myself, usually avoiding people to avoid it so I can’t say I cared much for the idea of being forced to do it when I saw this first. Then I realized that you can in fact set your own compounding rate from as low as 1% so it doesn’t really have to be a big deal.

When it comes to design and security then PipsFund would be up to a fair enough industry standard. The program is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders, and the website is SSL secured. They’re hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by AntiDdos who have slowly carved out a reputation for being a very dependable provider in the HYIP industry. For any further questions or comments to the admin or any account related issues then you can contact the PipsFund admin by filling out the online support form on the contacts page and submitting it. The PipsFund website does have a built-in Live Chat feature however there’s nothing to indicate when this is active, if indeed it ever is. One thing I did like about the PipsFund website was the design, particularly a handy step-by-step guide in how to open an account, make a deposit, get paid, and even for the total newbies how to set up an e-currency account and the associated costs of maintaining them. It doesn’t take much effort from admins to do this but it does make a world of difference to a website, just to have things spelt out in basic plain speaking English. So kudos to PipsFund‘s admin for doing a little bit extra and ultimately making things easier for those new to the business.

The name PipsFund refers to the ForEx term “percentage in point”. But while hundreds of online HYIPs claim to be working in the ForEx trade (they’re either telling lies or they’re just really bad at it, lol!) PipsFund have a short video giving a concise and well explained presentation of what it’s all about and what the terminology means. I mean I’m not saying I believe it, but you don’t see many HYIPs even try. True or not, don’t take it too seriously because the risk is always there. Don’t spend money that puts you in a difficult financial position or would take the fun out of playing HYIPs if you lost it and as ever if joining PipsFund then it’s probably better to do so as part of a broader well balanced portfolio.



I was left speechless after reading another totally absurd update posted on LibertyReserve’s official blog:

Account Status Update
Dear Friends,
We have finished restoring account access statuses for many accounts that were erroneously secured before. Now, you should have full access to your accounts and funds within them. Please note that more accounts are being restored weekly until eventually all effected accounts are set back to the same status as before.

This piece of “news” is about as delusional or else just plain dishonest as I could imagine. I’ve heard of no accounts being unblocked after the so-called maintenance which actually looked a bit more like a week’s vacation from which the LR administration failed to return. They’ve done nothing useful but added some meaningless information about credit card funding coming soon (as far as I remember that was first announced a few years back and is still in the preparation stages, lol!). Well, maybe LibertyReserve means that all the accounts were really unlocked but at the same time they made them totally useless for their clients by providing only limited functionality to them. That means that the rightful owner of an account can accept money but can’t send it anywhere. You just sit there watching the funds accumulate for the benefit of LR crooks and nobody else. As per my information, several hundred accounts were limited including those of exchangers and monitors, and LR promised everyone the week they were offline for maintenance was used to fix everything. Clearly this was a blatant lie and now these crooks ask for more time, weeks more time in fact. But why should their clients suffer and be denied access to their own money? I can tell you that there are very many frustrated people now on forums and monitors and unless it’s solved really soon I believe a huge anti-LR backlash is going to start all over the industry. This nonsense has been going on long enough already and I receive more and more complaints from readers every day who have their accounts limited and cannot get their money out. Most likely LR will be branded a scam payment processor very soon, and very likely will vanish into thin air. So I would advise you to use LR very cautiously from now on and switch to more secure e-currencies like SolidTrustPay, EgoPay or PerfectMoney. I will keep watching the situation and keep you updated on any new developments.


As promised last night, Absolutiva (reviewed here) is officially accepting SolidTrustPay now. As the admin of the program admitted he had made it available for the members as soon as his new STP account was verified (you know it can take several weeks now to get verified by STP properly). Anyway, it’s all set and done and STP is accepted by Absolutiva along with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and even PayPal (the last option would be unheard of in other programs). Absolutiva has been monitored on MNO for 38 days and accepts deposits starting from $10 into three plans – 1.4%-2% for 120 business days, 7.5%-10.5% for 30 weeks, 2.5%-3.5% for 90 business days. Principal is returned only on the expiry of the first two plans, while on the last one it’s already included. Here’s the latest email from them:

Newsletter 8/29/2012
We would like to inform you that Solid Trust Pay is now available as a funding and withdrawal payment method. This payment method was scheduled to be added earlier but we had to delay it because our Solid Trust Pay account was still not verified.
We would also like to remind you one of our latest feature that concerns only our clients who used PayPal as their payment method. The snail mail feature allows you to receive your paid invoices directly to your billing address. For more information on this newly released feature, please read the following pages:


Some investors who joined Finvance‘s 8% for 20 business days plan were concerned about the site’s inaccessibility today. Later it appeared this was caused by an extensive DDoS attack which the previous hosting provider was not able to mitigate properly. So the admin Mark (interviewed here) turned to BlockDos which provided him fast support and moved the site to a more secure location literally within hours. Now Finvance should be available for the majority of investors which are welcome to deposit and withdraw via any of the four accepted e-currencies – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve. Here is the latest news from Finvance (reviewed here) for your information:

Finvance is now on BLOCKDOS
Earlier today, Finvance was hit with a large DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) Attack. We have hired the professional services of BLOCKDOS, and they have completed the server changes over to their service to ensure uptime for our investors. The process took a little less than 2 hours to complete and the site is online to the majority of the world now. Even with the efficiency of BLOCKDOS and their team, DNS propagation is relative to your internet service provider. Finvance at the time of the writing of this newsletter should be accessible globally now.


Please be aware of a few more problematic programs on MNO where investments are not recommended at the moment.

First of all, regular readers are probably aware of the STP suspension issues which literally prevented InflexCapital from functioning. Although the admin was professional enough to disable both deposits and withdrawals for the time being, it looks like his issue with the suspended account has to be resolved. I’m not sure the future in InflexCapital looks bright enough and therefore I would not be recommending to invest there even if the admin decides to accept deposits once again. Only if regular payments continue to be processed to everyone will Paying status for the them be restored.

Regarding KISnP which I also moved to Problem status on MNO tonight I can say that what I heard from its admin Zepp on my ShoutBox is that the site was hacked and some false account information was injected which caused a total mess in the members’ area and made Zepp issue some refunds already. At the moment the site of KISnP is not accessible at all and unfortunately there is not much hope of it being restored. Despite Zepp’s promise to issue an official update specially for me today I was neither replied to nor do I have any additional news on KISnP to report. Anyway, I believe the site is done and I will advise to stay away from it. I will keep you updated if I hear from the admin.

Please note that two other programs from my list were moved to Waiting Status, including WestFinanceGroup and InternationalForexLLC. I had to change their status due to unusually delayed and suspected selective payouts. Especially in the case of WestFinanceGroup that paid me but not to some of my readers who are still waiting for 36-48 hours. In case the admins of those program do not answer my emails and resume payouts within the next 24 hours both will be moved to Problem status. So please hold off from investing in those two for now!


A new program launched just a few days ago called DiamondAsset has been added to Premium listing on MNO today. They currently accept EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay which is all the popular options for the average HYIP investor. Daily interest is paid on business days only (Monday to Friday) and depending on the amount deposited you can get from 1.8% to 2.5% paid for the duration of 120 business days. Please note that compounding is also allowed and it’s set to 100% on default by the script, so make sure to change it to zero if you wish to get paid daily. Since DiamondAsset is running off a licensed ProBiz script you have to request your payouts manually and the admin promises to pay everyone within 24 hours after the withdrawal request is made. Note that the original principal is returned on expiry and also can be requested earlier for a 30% fee. The website is properly SSL secured and is hosted on a shared server by CloudShare. More on DiamondAsset will be in my full review tomorrow, but for now here’s the welcome message from the admin posted on the day of its official launch:

Welcome To DiamondAsset!
We are pleased to announce the official launch of DiamondAsset to the general public. We look forward to serve you better.
Warmest Regards, DiamondAsset Team.


The second new program on MNO joins the Standard list today and is called CavalierTrade. The admin is claiming to be involved in ForEx trading and for the moment accepts only Payza, EgoPay and PayPal while LibertyReserve will be added soon too. The proof of its involvement in any real trading is yet to be seen while the weekly earnings offered by the program are very low. They can vary and are paid on a weekly basis but on average can be anything from 5.32% to 8.18% weekly. The minimum to invest starts from a high $100 and the weekly reports are promised to be posted on the program’s forum. CavalierTrade has no actual members area at all and the admin asks everyone to register on the forum to get updated on everything and take the instructions on how to deposit and request your principal back which is allowed anytime once you have been with the program for at least two weeks. Anyway, despite of the poor design and the lack of information CavalierTrade certainly looks very different from other programs and might be catch the eye of some investors as a result. The only thing that seriously concerns me about CavalierTrade is the hosting on a totally unknown provider with 58 other sites sharing the same server which can easily bring the whole site down in no time. Poor design and set-up of the program doesn’t look too promising either and unless the admin changes his attitude and develops the site I doubt very much it will find many takers. Anyway, I will have a closer look at the program on MNO next week after I get my first weekly payment. Stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: YachtWealthClub.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, BensonUnion, Finvance, RightFivePlexCapitalRoyalMaxDealers,  Bull&BearCapital, Kommerciality, Absolutiva, KBSInvestmentMTResults, PipsFund.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds.

That’s everything I have to share with you tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with more information on the recent events from the HYIP industry and the full review of DiamondAsset!

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