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11/09/2012. PeakPay Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! PeakPay has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! It’s been about the slowest day for news in the industry for the last week or so with not much going on. I’ve only got the one update for you this evening though it’s worth checking out as it’s from one of the most exciting new programs to launch in the recent past. Before we get to that however, I’m looking at a completely different program first. It’s called PeakPay and it’s a short term HYIP with a series of on expiry only investment plans. It’s a recent addition to my monitoring page which did suffer some setbacks just after they opened which I’ll tell you about later. First though I’ll just go through PeakPay‘s investment plans for you.

There’s four plans altogether running for terms of varying lengths and requiring different deposit minimums to join, not all of which are particularly good value by the way. But the first of them runs for 3 calendar days and sees PeakPay require a $10 minimum to join. As with all of their plans interest is then paid back to you just once on expiry and in this case at a rate of 112%. This includes your principal so it’s your own money back plus 12% net profit.

The second plan runs for a longer term of 5 calendar days, and also costs a $10 minimum to join. This time PeakPay offer a return of 125% interest on your deposit, again counting your principal as part of the payment. So that will be your own money back plus 25% net profit this time.

When it comes to sustainability (in the HYIP industry I mean) I have to say PeakPay are probably already stretching it to the very limits with the first two plans. The remaining two plans however are really rather far fetched I think, so it’s probably just as well that a lot of smaller players will save money simply by not being able to afford the high cost of joining – a blessing in disguise let me tell you! But anyway for the record PeakPay‘s third investment plan costs $200 to join and runs for 7 calendar days. On expiry they offer a return of 147% interest, principal included, so that’s 47% net profit. It’s difficult to see where this money is going to come from, especially on a consistent basis, but there you go. The plan is there if you want to try your luck with it.

And finally the fourth plan costs a $250 minimum to join, and sees PeakPay offer an even more ambitious return of 190% on expiry of a 12 calendar day term. That’s almost double your money in a suspiciously short space of time. I’m not saying that’s impossible to do at all, but to keep it going for any length of time is hard to imagine. I mean certainly it is possible to double your money in this business, I just wouldn’t be in such a hurry to do it quite that fast. By the way, the maximum investment level in all of PeakPay‘s plans is $40,000.

The program does have both its good points and bad points like most of what you might come across on the net, and to be fair one of the better features to PeakPay is the list of payment processors. All the popular ones are listed including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. All payouts are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your PeakPay members account area. Once you’ve done this the admin requires you to allow up to a 48 hour maximum for transactions to be completed. Something I don’t really like about PeakPay however is that this 48 hour waiting period for payments does not include weekends. OK, I’m aware that lots of other online HYIPs only work on business days and also only process withdrawals from Monday to Friday, but in the case of PeakPay these are all on expiry plans measured in calendar days, not business days. So despite that, depending on when your chosen plan expires you could be left waiting as long as four days to get paid.

That I can live with, I mean as long as you aware of this in advance and it’s not concealed from you then there’s no real damage done. If the admin decides not to process payouts at the weekend then he’s entitled to his day off too I guess and he’s far from the only one in the industry to operate like that. But what concerns me a bit more about PeakPay is the security, and in particular a very serious breach of that security that happened recently, just after the program came online in fact. As with another new HYIP also just reviewed on MNO, PeakPay has certain similarities and suffered the same problem. They are running off a script from PHPFlux and are hosted on a shared server from Koddos. The problem was that PeakPay was already successfully hacked, and if the high risk of playing HYIPs at all in the first place wasn’t bad enough, this is something investors trying to make a couple of extra bucks for themselves definitely do not need on top of that. The admin has thankfully regained control of the program and its database, though it hasn’t been explained what if anything has been done to prevent this from happening again. The script and shared hosting remain unchanged and no SSL encryption is being used either. So if you feel strongly enough about that then consider it before joining and not after. If you have any questions relating to this or any other aspects of PeakPay that you wish to put to the admin then you can contact him by filling in your details in the online ticketing form and submitting it. They were quite slow in responding to my own tickets about these issues by the way.

Despite having some concerns about that, I have to be fair and say that PeakPay have still managed to complete a full cycle of two of the four plans, so it’s not been without some level of success either. As for the website content and whatever business plan they claim to be backing the whole thing up, to be honest when PeakPay described themselves as “one of the most secured and reliable investing environment” I stopped reading. Getting hacked within 48 hours of starting pretty much proves that ain’t true, so I kinda lost interest in what else was being said. That being said however I also needs to be acknowledged that all online HYIPs carry a degree of risk to a greater or lesser degree, so in that sense PeakPay simply take their place amongst all the others. How you assess it is up to you, I’ll just remind you that if joining PeakPay anyway (it’s your money after all, do what you want with it) just try to stay under an affordable spending limit and try and keep a diverse and varied portfolio.



RightFive is one program that everybody is talking about and taking the HYIP industry by storm right now. It landed in the #4 position on the MNO listing after being online for only 24 days. Well, I am pleased to say that MNO was the first choice for the admin of the project Steve to advertise his program and one could see the teasing banners displayed for nearly a month before the program actually came online. The delay with the launch was caused mainly by the verification process in STP which can take up to a few weeks to be completed, but in any case when RightFive first came online everyone was astonished by its overall quality and fantastic features, running off a brand-new and original script. Along with SolidTrustPay you can also join RightFive using PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve and EgoPay as well. For a minimum of $20 you can choose between the two plans offering either 5% for 30 days or 110% after 7 days. Please note that though the interest is credited to your account in RightFive on every calendar day the withdrawals are only processed from Monday to Friday and it could take up to 48 business hours to get paid. The admin of RightFive Steve, although processing payouts in a timely manner, was not very keen to communicate with the investors personally, being tied up with the business of actually managing the program first and foremost. But all that changed recently when Steve appointed Troy as his new marketing manager of the program who also created an account on MNO ShoutBox immediately and will be there from time to time to answer any questions about the RightFive program, so don’t miss the opportunity to catch him there if you can. Any personal questions connected to your private account with RightFive should still be directed to Steve himself in my opinion (public forums not being a suitable platform for such discussions, an opinion shared by Steve) who can be contacted via the special form on the website. By the way, I hope that Steve will find time in his busy schedule soon and agree to answer some questions for MNO blog. Meanwhile you are welcome to read my full review of RightFive published here and make a test deposit if you like. More about Troy’s appointment was posted on the news section located on RightFive‘s website. Please read it in full below:

Welcome Troy
We are very excited to introduce the newest member to the RightFive team, our new marketing manager, Troy Davies. You will be sure to see Troy active in forums, blogs and on Facebook in the coming weeks. Be sure if you see him around to introduce yourself and say hi.
Troy will be able to help you with any general questions you have regarding RightFive but please do direct any technical and individual account questions via our website using the contact form on our contact page.
Troy’s email address is troy.rightfive[at] and he will be using this email address to make points of contact. Lastly please if you are contacted by a member of the RightFive team make sure they are in fact who they say they are. If unsure please send through a ticket via our website and we will let you know.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, FinvanceProfitableSunrise, RightFiveEurexTrade, PlexCapital, YachtWealthClub, MTResults, Bull&BearCapital, BensonUnion, PipsFund, DiamondAsset, TheBig5, CornWealth (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, 6MagicPay.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, AoGo.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on what angle you look at these things there is no further news for today. But don’t forget to come and join MNO blog tomorrow for a detailed review of TheBig5 which is already topping many experienced investors lists of the most promising new programs after launching only a couple of days ago. So don’t miss that or all the latest news from the HYIP industry!

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