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16/09/2012. Daily News from the Industry


Hi everybody! Hope the weekends been going well for all of you! Being Sunday there’s not all that much to report, but I did as I always do come across a couple of stories which I think will be important to you. I’ll start the update with RightFive which is proving to be probably the most important commitment now, though I do hope the news from the other programs will also be helpful.


RightFive has been online for only a month but already it’s enjoying enormous popularity among HYIP investors having achieved the #4 position on MNO’s Premium listing. Today the first deposits of the members who joined RightFive on day one and joined the plan paying 5% for 30 calendar days should be over and as the program only processes payouts from Monday to Friday tomorrow we’ll see the first members complete their first cycle online with the program. Anyone in the second plan offered by RightFive paying 110% after 7 calendar days will have have potentially seen a profit for four full cycles. After a long planning stage RightFive accepts all popular payment options starting from a $20 minimum including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Anyone can read more about the investment plans offered by RightFive and its unique script the program runs off in my detailed review posted here.

As announced on the site earlier the admin recently hired another person Troy responsible for the marketing and the promotion of the program and will be able to answer your questions on many sources including the MNO ShoutBox where you can find him from time to time. More details about that including the listing of Troy’s email which you can use to contact him directly can be found in the latest newsletter from RightFive which is re-posted below:

News Update 14. September 2012
RightFive has had a very strong start and our team has been kept very busy over the last four weeks. We are happy to announce that the first members of RightFive are now approaching the finish of their first cycle, yes we are one month old this Sunday and we are growing stronger every day.
More members and more deposits also mean more work for us. To help us with our growth and to break down the workload we have decided to bring a new face to the RightFive team. Troy Davies is our new marketing manager. If you have not already, you will start seeing Troy more as time goes on.
You can contact Troy via his only email address with any marketing suggestions or for any general assistance about our website.
Everybody have a great weekend, you will hear more from us soon.


Sometimes, not very often but sometimes, programs do recover from the point of collapse. Today I received something encouraging from the admin of FixedMonthlyIncome – a program that has been online for some time before vanishing into thin airrecently. Due to no response from the admin it was decided to move FixedMonthlyIncome to Problem and then Scam status on MNO. There was not much hope for FMI, which has been has been successfully running for 500+ days to make a comeback. But it looks like the admin of FixedMonthlyIncome finally regained control of the situation and promises to resume the program as soon as possible.

The prolonged downtime was explained as a huge and extensive DDoS attack with a possible solution to move FixedMonthlyIncome to a more secure server protected by BlockDos – one of the leading providers for HYIPs. Currently one can see an “Under Maintenance” sign when trying to access FixedMonthlyIncome, but it already sounds more promising as the admin promised to return. Let’s wait and see. I’ll keep you updated when the site is back online, but for now here is the latest newsletter from FixedMonthlyIncome:

Dear Customer,
The FMI webpage is under DDoS attack. Currently we are installing a protection to our servers. The webpage will be available online in 48 hours. DDoS protection is provided by This measure will hopefully stop any further hacker attacks, and it will definitely make our program more secure.
What is DDoS? DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a type of attack on a network that is aimed to bring network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and ask you for patients.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.
Fixed Monthly Income Inc. Customer Support”.


TheMoneyGalaxy was added to MNO’s Premium and Sticky listing. It’s not a new program and was listed on MNO only after a full month. I have no idea why the admin waited so long or why he purchased all the banner spots on my site, as anyone can draw their own conclusions. TheMoneyGalaxy it is the way it is going so far with the payments processed almost always instantly or within the 6 hours maximum to one’s LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and even Payza and OKPay accounts. As you can see the list of the payment processors accepted by TheMoneyGalaxy is huge and even includes Payza which is usually not the payment processor associated or accepted by HYIPs. I can’t say that The MoneyGalaxy is paying particularly high interest as for the majority of the investors only one plan will be relevant which pays 2.1% for 100 business days with no principal return on expiry which is accepted from the $10 minimum. Other plans with much higher minimum and out of reach for the majority of the potential investors for TheMoneyGalaxy include 2.5% for 120 business days, 3.1% for 140 business days and 4% for 160 business days. Please note that the principal is not returned on expiry and is already included in the daily earnings in TheMoneyGalaxy, however, there is another advantage of the instant 10% bonus credited on top of every investment with the program which will be discussed in more detail in the upcoming review of the program on my blog tomorrow.

I must say I see a lot of controversy surrounding TheMoneyGalaxy in terms who the admin might be (somebody pointed me for Absolutiva’s admin involvement) and why the sudden change of advertising strategy led to a lot of advertising spots bought on the famous blogs and monitors after a month of the official launch. Of course, caution is always advised when you invest in HYIPs and TheMoneyGalaxy is not an exception from that rule which demands not to invest more than you can afford to lose. However, I cannot say anything to alleviate or confirm the rumors as I’m not in the position to do it about the program which I have collected not much information about. Anyway, even after a month online the first investors in profit from TheMoneyGalaxy site are yet to be seen and the increasing of advertising efforts could be just a part of the strategy to make the program more popular at this point of time. As for the admin’s part I also have to see any proof who might be behind TheMoneyGalaxy yet.

As I’m going to take a closer look at the program tomorrow I would like to say that the only real good thing about TheMoneyGalaxy I can see so far is its original and unique script. It allows multiple level security access to your account with a one-time security PIN sent to your email address or phone number or even use one of the numbers in the code card sent to your email after the successful sign-up. The FAQ contains a wealth of information and the member’s area is also very comprehensive and user-friendly, so I don’t think there will be any problems. TheMoneyGalaxy site is also fully SSL secured and hosted on a dedicated DDoS protected server. The admin intends to move TheMoneyGalaxy site to a more secure server if the need arises. More about the program will be in my upcoming review to be published tomorrow.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour, TheMoneyGalaxy (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Premium list: FinvanceProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, PlexCapital, YachtWealthClub, TheBig5, MTResults, Bull&BearCapitalBensonUnion, PipsFund, RoyalUnion.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, 6MagicPay.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, AoGo, StableGoldenRules (the first payments received), ProsperaNova (the first payment received).

So that’s it for this week guys. Thanks a lot for reading, I hope it was helpful, and best of luck with whatever you are planning for the next week. I’ll be back with all the news tomorrow so see you all then and enjoy what’s left of your Sunday!

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