September 2012 Archives

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Beware! TheMoneyGalaxy has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! The first new program joining my monitoring page that I want to tell you about this week is called TheMoneyGalaxy. When I say “new” of course I mean it’s new to MNO, many of you will have seen it already because it’s been running for well over a month now but the admin has only decided to list here a couple of days ago. So before we get to the news section for today I want to go through the plans and other main features of TheMoneyGalaxy to see if there’s anything there you might like and think about adding to your portfolios.

TheMoneyGalaxy has four investment plans, though to be blunt three of them are completely beyond the reach of the majority of HYIP players, costing $3K or more to join (which even if you can afford I still wouldn’t recommend). But I’ll go through them all for you anyway for your information. It’s up to you what you spend your own money on I suppose. Before I get to the details I should also point out that TheMoneyGalaxy accepts both Euros and Dollars, but for the sake of keeping things simple I’m just going to describe them in Dollars which is what I know most of you work with anyway.

So the first plan is called The Milky Way Galaxy (you’ll notice they all have some sort of astronomical theme) and it will cost you a $10 minimum to participate. The plans duration is for 100 business days which is 20 weeks, during which TheMoneyGalaxy are offering a daily interest payment of 2.1% made from Monday to Friday only. At the end of the term your initial deposit is not returned as the admin is already counting it as part of the payments, meaning your final return will come to a total of 210%, or 110% profit. More importantly though you break even, ie earn back an amount equal to what you invested, after 48 business days or just under ten weeks. The maximum you are allowed to deposit in this plan is $2,999.

After that we immediately move into the realm of the bigger industry players as TheMoneyGalaxy‘s remaining plans are a bit less achievable. But for anyone who’s got it and is happy to spend it here then the second investment plan is called The Cartwheel Galaxy and it will set you back a minimum of $3,000 to join. The term runs for 120 business days (24 weeks) and interest payments of 2.5% are made daily from Monday to Friday. Payments add up to 300% in total, and TheMoneyGalaxy will not be returning your principal. Maximum spend is $15,999.

A deposit between a $16,000 minimum and a $59,999 maximum will get you into The Pinwheel Galaxy, TheMoneyGalaxy‘s third plan. It runs for 140 business days making daily payments of 3.1% interest between Monday and Friday. Your principal is not returned on expiry.

And if that isn’t too much for you and you have a spare $60,000 lying around the house with nothing better to do with it, TheMoneyGalaxy‘s final plan called The Whirlpool Galaxy. Purely for informational purposes, the plan runs for 160 business days and offers 4% interest per day, paid from Monday to Friday. Your principal is not returned on expiry. I guess the admin’s finger must have gotten stuck to the “zero” button on his keyboard, because the maximum deposit allowed here is $100,000,000. Yes, $100 Million. But if you ask really really nicely I’m sure you could convince the admin to take a little more off of you if you have it to spare, lol!

One other important aspect to the plans, and one I suspect will attract a lot of members, is the 10% bonus offer on new deposits. So if you join with let’s say $100, you will in fact be collecting interest on $110. Keeping in mind that TheMoneyGalaxy do not return your principal you won’t actually be able to withdraw it but it will at least boost your earnings. Considering how long it’s going to take the average investor, ie those spending under $3K to so much as break even in TheMoneyGalaxy I guess it was necessary to do something to make them more attractive. We’ll see if this does the trick because without it the rates aren’t really that exciting. Also if you’re a fan of compounding (I’m not and suggest you avoid it, but that’s a whole other story not related to this program) then you are free to set a compounding rate when joining.

Other than that one of the better features in TheMoneyGalaxy is the payment options, though it has to be that HYIP admins in general are slowly coming round to the fact that you’re program won’t be big unless you provide investors with a better choice. Just offering LR and PM doesn’t cut it anymore, even if that’s what investors would have chosen to use anyway. So all the popular ones are listed, including the aforementioned LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. These are joined by SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and OKPay. Oddly enough despite taking themselves out of the HYIP market TheMoneyGalaxy are also listing a Payza account. It’s entirely possible (though to be honest I don’t really know) that Payza are completely unaware of what TheMoneyGalaxy is and what they are doing, so I would hope this won’t lead to any problems in the inevitable event that they find out. Meanwhile payouts from the program have been really fast. Generally speaking they’ve been instant in fact, though this isn’t explicitly promised or guaranteed anywhere. You will first have to log into your MoneyGalaxy membership area and request your payment, and afterwards if it doesn’t pop up in your e-currency account within a couple of seconds (which like I just said isn’t actually promised anyway) you are asked to allow up to six hours for the transaction to be completed. Incidentally, the program comes with a built-in e-currency exchange mechanism so you can join through one payment processor and get paid to another. Quite handy if let’s say the cost of turning your e-currency money into real spendable cash suddenly gets hugely expensive as we have seen happen many times over the years, with even a few examples recently. Not exactly the first time I’ve seen a HYIP offer such a service but one thing I don’t think I’ve seen before is their offer to exchange Dollars into Euros and vice versa.

The site is hosted on a DDoS protected dedicated server, but I think the thing I myself liked best about TheMoneyGalaxy was the script. It’s unique and custom made with several layers of security. For example you can have a PIN code sent to your mobile phone via SMS if you want when you’re logging in, or have it sent to your e-mail address if you prefer. That way even if your username and password became compromised you account still can’t be accessed (without your e-mail or cell phone that is). Upon signing up you will also be issued with a secure code card. This is a list of 30 randomly generated five digit PIN numbers which you will need when accessing your account, so in many ways TheMoneyGalaxy resembles a payment processor as much as a HYIP when it comes to security. The website is SSL encrypted for more secure transactions and safer browsing. If you need to contact the admin with any further questions or account related issues then you can do so by a variety of methods. First of all you can just mail them directly at the listed address, or you can fill in your details in the online ticketing form and submit it. The website comes with a Live Chat feature as well, though this isn’t a 24 hour service and there’s no information as to when exactly, if ever, there’ll be an operator there to take your questions. There’s a postal address in the US though I would believe this to be a hosted “virtual” office and not where you would physically find the admin were you to visit, particularly considering the legal position of running an online HYIP in the US and the consequences of getting caught. There’s also a fax number and three individual telephone numbers. One during office hours for phone support, one for SMS support, and one for voice mail.

As for the alleged business interests of TheMoneyGalaxy, there seems to be plenty to read on the site and it does appear largely original, ie not copy/pasted from on of the designer’s other HYIPs as is so often the case. Having said that, there’s a lot of talk without much information, and texts seem to go and on at length without telling you anything practical or giving you something solid you can actually verify. So with that in mind TheMoneyGalaxy is still an online HYIP, albeit one with a nicer than average website behind it. So as always make sure to exercise caution with everything you do over the net with people you have no means of identifying or tracing, spend what is a sensible amount based on your means and what you can afford to lose rather than what you would like to earn, and of course also if joining TheMoneyGalaxy try and keep it as part of a well balanced and diverse portfolio.



To celebrate two months online the admin of YachtWealthClub Alan (interviewed here) is offering members a chance to take advantage of a limited offer of 5% for 5 calendar days with the principal returned on expiry. The new investment plan is only available for a few days and starts from a $100 minimum which can be made via all main payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. Such a limited plan may actually be counter productive as it can easily frighten off potential investors. Sudden changes in investment terms sometimes indicate a program has some cashflow issues. To that the admin of YachtWealthClub replied that the rate of interest in the newly announced plan is not very different to the ones offered for the two original investment plans (read more about them in my review published here) – 3%-3.5% for 7 days and 4%-5% for 10 days both returning the original principal on expiry.

So what do I think of the newly announced plan offered by YachtWealthClub, you might ask? Well, indeed it’s not vastly different from the two existing plans, however since this one is only valid for five days the offer will close exactly when the first payments on expiry are going to start, so there is still some room for interpretation left. Anyway, everything will be clear on September, 22 when the first principals on the new plan are due to be returned. If you still think that YachtWealthClub is going to use this new plan as an excuse to exit you’re welcome to wait for five days and see the outcome of this. However, the fact that the admin recently extended both banner spots on MNO blog and monitor for one month each tells me that YachtWealthClub has certainly great potential to continue as usual. Of course everything hinges on the admin’s real intentions but so far sixty days online and forty of them listed on MNO is truly a remarkable achievement with such short-term plans so whatever happens next YachtWealthClub will go down in memory as a quality program and a highly successful one at that. Here is the last newsletter from YachtWealthClub announcing the new plan:

Hello Dear Investors,
We would like to celebrate 2 month of successful work of YachtWealthClub and thank everyone for participation in our program. Currently we have over 4 000 members (73% active; 27% non-active) for 61 days online.
Since we didn’t offer any bonuses and celebrate 2 month of successful work we would like to offer 5 days Promo plan to attract new investors and activate non-active. Promo plan offers 5% daily for 5 days with principal back after the plan maturity. As you can see, it doesn’t make much difference between our current plans. Promo starts today and ends September 21, 23:59PM. With minimum $100 and maximum $10,000.
Please NOTE, We offer Promo plan especially to attract new investors and stimulate non-active. It will not cause any type of cash-flow because of minimum difference. It’s not kind of special plan with a very high ROI, well-known as bad sign. It just allows to earn a little more than usual. All requests to release your current deposits into promo plan will be declined.
YWC is still accept bank wire deposits with 0% fee for withdrawals and depositing.
Our advertising campaign have been extended for another months and new interviews coming.
You can now Request a call back and we contact you within 12 business hours.
Please don’t forget to vote for us on monitors and post payment proofs.
All YWC members have been paid on time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,


One of the longest running programs from my list BensonUnion (reviewed here) lived up with its promises and today PexPay was officially added as another payment processor. So, from now on you can make investments in the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days returning the original principal on expiry in BensonUnion using the following options – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Bitcoin and PexPay. Since PexPay is not widely accepted in the HYIP industry I believe BensonUnion would gain most from the introduction of SolidTrustPay. But it looks like the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (interviewed here) has everything covered and promises to add STP processor during the next stage of the program’s expansion as announced in previous newsletters. So far BensonUnion has been running fine for about eight months processing the majority of payouts instantly. The latest news from the program about PexPay can be read below:

BensonUnion official newsletter
Dear investors! Benson Union informs about completed PexPay integration. Since today you can make deposits using this e-currency. Withdrawals are instant as well. SolidTrustPay coming! Stay tuned!


Some of the more attentive readers might have noticed a big banner for ROInvest displayed on my monitoring page. The admin purchased it over a week before the launch is scheduled. I guess the glowing success of RightFive (the admin did the same) which later reaped the rewards of this strategy possibly inspired the admin of ROInvest to also promote his program here before opening. If you click on the banner you might see that only the sign-ups in ROInvest which stands for Raw Opportune Investments are actually open but without the possibility to make a deposit yet. The admin promised to go with Premium listing on MNO once the program launches this Sunday and although it’s still unclear what the investment plans will be I can see some interest sparked among readers already, some of whom already opened an account there.

I believe that the admin of ROInvest might be an experienced marketer in this field and he decided to maintain the interest of the current and potential members of the program by releasing the information in portions. So as he promised in a couple of days the investment plans will be revealed and everybody can see them, although still won’t be able to deposit until the count-down clock to the launch scheduled for Sunday reaches zero. Anyway, the admin is committed to making ROInvest a long-lasting program so we’ll see if he’s actually committed to this after the launch. Here’s the first newsletter from him which will allow everyone a sneak peak at the currently unfinished program still running in the pre-launch mode:

Hello to all our new members,
ROI is still in prelaunch, the clock on our home page will assist you in knowing how long we have until opening. You may sign up and join, however you may not deposit until the launch date of Sunday 23rd.
We have a very rigid and planned strategy on how we need ROI to run. To keep it stable and ensure we are able to stay a very long time. We have limits on deposits to start with and a slow but powerful and expansive promoting system. You can check out our rules and how we intend to run the site on our home page near the bottom.
Plans are not yet shown, but we do have them ready and will be adding them to the site in the next 2 days.
The ref commission is 5%-2%-1% – 3 levels, we hope you can all profit from this system. What better time than now to build up your downlines. With 3 levels of referral commission it will be a great strategy to invite anyone you know who is good at promoting under your downline to benefit from their hard work.


A brand-new program IntraFunds was launched today and straight away was listed on Premium listing on MNO with the admin also purchasing Sticky listing for an entire two months. Well, I can only say it’s a very promising beginning of what will hopefully be a long-lasting journey for IntraFunds. And if you wish to take this journey you can join them now and make a deposit via four payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (note an internal exchanger where you can convert your e-currency balances for a fee). The first plan is affordable for all as it requires only a $10 minimum, paying you 2% for 60 business days in return. The second plan starting from a $2,500 minimum deposit offers a much higher 2.5% interest rate for a longer term of 90 business days. Please note that you will get your original principal back at the end of your investment term in IntraFunds Compounding is not allowed and once the withdrawal is made you need to allow 24 hours to have it processed. The website of IntraFunds has a Live Chat feature, SSL-encryption throughout, and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by CloudFlare. More on IntraFunds will be in my review tomorrow. The latest news posted on the website includes a short announcement of the program’s launch:

We’ve Launched
We are happy to announce you that we have officially opened for business.


The second program that has been added to my Premium list today is called TureProfit. Unlike the previous one TureProfit has already got quite a lengthy history online, running for over nine months now. That’s a good age for any HYI program, but if you look at the only available plan offered by TureProfit paying 8% weekly for the duration of 50 weeks with no principal back on expiry it’s actually not a very long time for such a low-ROI program. The latest newsletter posted on the website of TureProfit made me smile though as they compared the program with a real bank where you can’t get such huge returns and boasted of the professional financial team on service which allegedly allows TureProfit to pay such huge returns and triple your investments in under a year. A 5% annual return in a typical bank in contrast with 300% pure profit in TureProfit is simply incomparable, but also incomparable are the risks involved in having a bank account and having an account in an online HYIP where neither profit nor principal are guaranteed by anyone. Exactly because HYIPs offer such fantastic returns compared to what’s achievable in the real world and from real business that investors risk their money in, but definitely not because they think that everyone is so stupid to believe their tales about someone who can make money out of nothing and multiply your investments within a year. Here is the latest newsletter which I found on TureProfit‘s website for your amusement:

Celebrating 9 months online.
Today we celebrate the success of our project operation 9 months, on behalf of my company colleagues to thank all the support of investors. In these last days, our project expands gradually, and more and more people to join us. Why do so many people so trust us? That is because we really paid every investor. Therefore, I am convinced, in here, you will have a wonderful future. Do not hesitate, Do not miss this opportunity, please join us. Do not imagine you the money saved in the bank can get good returns. Just here, everything is true, All of your reward is great. Maybe someone will question: why we can raise such a high return? It is because we have professional financial team In the financial market, we can obtain huge returns, then we put them on for our investors. Next, we will support e-currency exchange, we are convinced that, soon you will see this feature. I hope it will be useful to you.

Anyway, let’s drop this matter and concentrate on the main features of TureProfit for now. One of the main advantages of the program is all the popular payment options are accepted (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay) and the instant payouts to all payment processors except EgoPay which according to the admin are processed manually. Since TureProfit is running off a licensed GoldCoders script which is definitely the most popular among HYIPs you have to request payouts from the available balance, but since 8% interest is credited weekly you will have to wait for seven days before having anything to withdraw. Since I have already received the first ref commissions from TureProfit to my PerfectMoney account I can confirm that the payouts are instant as promised. The site is also SSL secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDDos which I believe is quite a good choice when it comes to providing quality protection against DDoS attacks. More on TureProfit please will be in the upcoming review!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour, TheMoneyGalaxy.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, FinvanceProfitableSunrise, RightFive, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, YachtWealthClub, TheBig5, MTResultsPipsFund, DiamondAsset, RoyalUnion, TureProfit (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, 6MagicPay, BGTGroups.
From MNO Basic list: AoGo.

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope you enjoy reading MNO and if so I expect to see you all tomorrow when you will be able to find another review and all the latest news from the HYIP industry for the last 24 hours. Stay tuned for that and thanks for all your support!

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