September 2012 Archives

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Beware! ROInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Plenty to catch up with tonight as the weeks seems to be really picking up now in the HYIP industry. And not just this week either but also as we get further into the Autumn the general trend in the industry has traditionally meant a lot more activity around now, with a lot of good solid existing programs really hitting their stride, and a lot of brand new and exciting opportunities launching as well with massive potential. And of course more scams as well but we’ll get to that in due course. But for now 2012 looks like it’s unfolding just like any other in the industry. So before the day’s news stories I want to take a closer look at a brand new program called ROInvest which you will no doubt have noticed advertising throughout my website for over the last week or so now.

In what was sort of a pre-emptive strike by the ROInvest admin, he put the program into a very public “pre-launch” mode and advertised it heavily while doing so. While this was going on, everyone could see that ROInvest was coming, slowly revealing more and more information about what they were all about and what they would be doing, and while members were free to sign up – which they did in large numbers! – no one was even clear what the investment plans were going to be until a couple of days ago. The strategy seems to have paid off because curiosity about ROInvest was at such a level that they already had a significant number of members before they ever accepted a dime from any of them or even told them what the deal was. Only that the program was to be rolled out slowly, with more and more added and changed as we go through the first weeks online. Seems like a novel idea, and I hope it works for them. So let’s start things off with a look at the investment plans being offered by ROInvest as well as some of their other features.

To start with there’s quite a mix of plans available here. Six in total but can be divided into two individual categories – plans that return your principal on expiry and plans that do not. They all run for the same term of 50 business days, which is ten weeks, making payments to members from Monday to Friday only. Please note that while you won’t actually earn any money from ROInvest over the weekends, you are still free to make a withdrawal for whatever you might have pending in your account from the previous business week.

The most affordable option is The SE Starter Plan which you can join for $10. Over the next ten weeks ROInvest will pay you 1.7% interest on your deposit here, everyday from Monday to Friday, which adds up to 85% interest by the end of the term. That can only be considered a success however when your original deposit is added to that figure on expiry, making it a 185% return on your money and only then taking you into profit. The maximum deposit allowed here is $599.

ROInvest‘s second option is The SE Enriched Plan, starting from a $600 minimum deposit. Everyday from Monday to Friday your investment earns 2.2% interest, allowing for a total profit of 110%. It’s only all profit once ROInvest give back your principal of course, brining the total return to 210%. This plan takes a maximum deposit of $3,499.

Starting from a $4,000 minimum spend, ROInvest‘s third and final option that offers your principal back is called The SE ROI+ Plan. Again it’s a 50 business day term though payments increase to 2.7% daily this time. By the end of the term they add up to 135% in total which is your net profit, and the final return itself goes to 235% once ROInvest give back your principal as promised. There’s no stated maximum limit to deposits here.

The remaining three plans differ somewhat in the sense that they include your principal in the daily payments – the term still running for 50 business days – and will not return it in a separate payment at the end. ROInvest continue to make daily payments, though while the rate itself does increase significantly the final return means these plans are slightly less profitable. Reason being you don’t get the extra principal return payment. Having said that, I myself much prefer the following set of plans for two simple reasons. One is that they are much much safer because you break even a lot faster. The other reason is that while they might be slightly less profitable, the difference isn’t much (so don’t worry about that) and what profit you do see, you see it faster. Though ultimately as we’re talking about your money here and no one else’s it’s your decision on how to spend it.

So continuing on with the investment plans, for a $25 minimum you can join ROInvest‘s Growth Starter Plan. For 50 business days you will receive 3.5% interest per day, Monday to Friday, adding up to 175% in total by expiry. This includes your initial deposit so it’s your own money back plus 75% net profit. Crucially though you will have broken even 29 days into the term. Maximum spend is $749.

For a $750 minimum investment you can check out ROInvest‘s Growth Enriched Plan. This time the daily interest goes to 4% per business day making it a simple calculation that you break even (earn back an amount equal to what you spent) after 25 days and then complete the 50 day term with earnings of 200%. With your principal counted in there already that’s 100% profit or double your money back. Top investment for this plan is $3,999.

Finally The Growth ROI+ Plan will set you back a $4,000 minimum to join, and no stated maximum. The rate for this one is 4.5% per day, Monday to Friday, for 50 business days. ROInvest include your principal there so you break even (and can’t lose money) after 23 days, and complete the term with earnings of 225%. From that figure 125% is your profit.

Following the admin’s policy of a gradual unveiling of the program and a gradual build-up and development of it, so too are the payment options being increased one at a time with their introduction being staggered over the course of the coming days/weeks. Initially ROInvest are only accepting PerfectMoney, though this is about to change very shortly. You’ll find a countdown clock/timer on the ROInvest website telling you of the pending introduction of their second payment option which in this case will be EgoPay. I think that’s due sometime tomorrow so by the time some of you are reading this it should already be up and running. That’s then scheduled to be followed by SolidTrustPay and completed by ROInvest‘s addition of LibertyReserve. These last two would of course be the two most popular options in the industry so I guess the plan is that by leaving them until last the admin slows down the growth of the program and keeps it at a level he’s capable of managing and supporting, hopefully (one would assume) building it into a major force in the industry. At least that’s what I imagine the ambition of any serious experienced admin would be.

Meanwhile all withdrawals to most processors are promised to be instant – once they’re actually added of course – except to EgoPay where they will be made manually by the admin. You still need to log into your ROInvest account and make the request no matter what processor you are opting for, but for LP, PM, and STP the money should drop into your e-currency account within seconds. In the case of EgoPay, customers there are asked to allow a maximum of 24 hours for their payments to be processed by the ROInvest admin. The maximum level of investments in each individual plan should also be increased over time, and most likely increased quite significantly soon enough but not at the start. Not a bad strategy for keeping the hit-and-runners on a leash and should also keep the program’s cash flow at a safe manageable level without any major surprises or drains on it that the admin might struggle to pay.

On the technical side of things ROInvest are hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlackLotus. The website is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, and you can pass any further questions on to the admin by filling in the online ticketing form on the program’s contacts page and submitting it. There’s a button for Live Chat support though that doesn’t seem to doing anything at the moment, certainly not getting you to an operator anyway. ROInvest also have a banner for Facebook, though going nowhere when you try it. It’s still early days yet so maybe the admin will look into fixing those up pretty soon as both would be welcomed by members.

I have to say though that perhaps the single most impressive thing about ROInvest is how the admin has managed to take a pretty average looking HYIP and turn it into something discussed and debated and hugely anticipated throughout the industry, without it ever being particularly memorable. I mean no offense to ROInvest or its admin, there’s nothing wrong with the program and the admin strikes me as a perfectly competent and capable manager, but seriously, there’s nothing going on in ROInvest that I haven’t seen a thousand times before in countless other programs. I agree there’s a decent selection of plans, but why all the excitement about it? The admin really needs to be congratulated on this one I have to say, and it really proves that a smart admin behind the wheel who knows a few good marketing techniques can do so much more for your program than professional designers or nonsense texts copy/pasted from a dozen other HYIPs about ForEx trading or whatever. Proof of that by the way can be seen in how successful the program is despite at the time of writing still only accepting one payment processor, and one of the less popular ones at that. They’ve managed to climb the lists of most monitors listing them and are only moving up and up despite every other program having better payment options than them. Imagine what will happen when EgoPay, STP, and LR are added then?

But while on the subject of texts and website content, ROInvest are again back on the same level as an average online HYIP with this one joining the long list of programs claiming involvement in ForEx trading. Texts were copy/pasted (I assume by the designer rather than the admin, which is irrelevant anyway) and used in the past by other online HYIPs making an identical claim. I know experienced players will tend to do no more than glance over this anyway, making their assessment on whether to join ROInvest or not based purely on pragmatic reasons, ie if they realistically expect a profit from ROInvest, and if so then how much and for how long. For anyone new to the industry and a bit less experienced however, that’s what you really need to be looking at, and not vague and sketchy texts which offer little genuine information anyway. So as is always the case in the HYIP industry don’t be afraid to think big and to believe there’s money out there to be made, but also plan ahead, think these things through, and prepare to be patient. And of course if joining not just ROInvest but any program you find on the net consider diversification as safer alternative to spending big in one program, it makes more sense in the end and will help protect you from the most severe losses.



As you read in the above review of ROInvest the program is paying to everyone instantly except for EgoPay withdrawals which will be processed manually after they’re added. It looks like there was some sort of misunderstanding for some members using the PerfectMoney account number instead of the dollar wallet number starting with the letter U. Please note that you have to have your dollar wallet number in your profile in ROInvest in order to ensure your payouts to PerfectMoney are processed instantly all the time. In the latest short update to the members the admin also says in which order payment processors are going to be added. Please see more on that below:

Dear ROInvest members,
I have had a couple of emails and heard of a few people not receiving instant, auto payouts.
Please be reminded, that you must put your PM number in the back office of your account. If you do not do this, the withdrawal will remain PENDING. The PM number is the number with a “U” in front of it. Not the login number.
I hope this helps, and remember just under 2 days until EGOPAY is added. You can check the CLOCK on our site to see the exact time, after that we will then reset the clock for a further 3 days, before adding STP, then 3 days after that will be LR.
Have a great week everyone.


For some strange reason the admin of HourHour is still not able to pay anyone via LibertyReserve. I still don’t understand why he’s not processing the payouts manually in that case, but I guess HourHour has a lot of members via LibertyReserve and it would be a very time-consuming process to do it manually for all of them. Anyway, as a temporary solution for those who can’t wait till the API LibertyReserve issue is fixed they can withdraw their earnings to SolidTrustPay and EgoPay and be paid fast by clicking at the link provided by the admin of HourHour Kirk. This makes an exchange from your available LR balance in the member’s are with 0% fees. I guess this is a reasonable temporary solution that should satisfy most clients of HourHour first reviewed on MNO here:

Libertyreserve Exchange To Egopay and Solidtrustpay
Dear HourHour members,
We have sent out a newsletter about the API problem of Libertyreserve. Now we know that some other sites which had the same problem has already got back to normal. But unfortunately,this API system of Libertyreserve of our site still does not work till now. I remember that the same problem has occurred at the beginning of our site,and it was fixed automatically after about 6 hours. But this time it is longer. Every time we tried to use masspay to process withdraws, we got this error”Blank response from Liberty Reserve processor service. “If you don’t want to wait more time for this API problem being solved, you can exchange your fund of Libertyreserve to Egopay and Solidtrustpay for free. Please use this link in your member area to process your exchange.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. We will also inform all of you as soon as API problem of Libertyreserve solved.
Best Regards. Kirk Walter
CEO HourHour.

I’d like to remind you that so far HourHour has been a very popular short term program among MNO readers deservedly occupying the #1 spot on my Sticky listing and providing fast payouts to PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay and till the last events LibertyReserve too. I would suggest not to invest via LibertyReserve in HourHour at the moment before the issue with the API is fully sorted and the payouts are processed to LR instantly as usual on the two available plans – 1% for 120 hours and 150% after 240 hours. Those of you who don’t have any issues with being paid via STP and EP instead should have no reason to worry. I guess that is the most cautious advice I can give for now. MNO readers will be further updated on the latest developments there.

Just one other thing! Just before publishing this update the HourHour website is offline. In that state obviously you couldn’t join anyway even if you wanted to, but just in case it resumes please make sure it’s at least stable before doing anything (except withdraw of course!). I’ve contacted the admin to find out what’s going on, so whatever status HourHour moves to on my monitor next will depend on this. You’ll have more info as soon as I do!


Just after publishing the news about the original principal return from BensonUnion last night I was unpleasantly surprised that the site was offline once again. It looks like a lot of competitors and just plain jealous admins are targeting the program which has been successfully running for over 250 days now and just recently started returning the first principals to investors in the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan in the very beginning. With multiple payment options and almost always instant BensonUnion is definitely one of the most popular low-return programs online. If not for strange addition of the extra deposit made by the program’s admin Ragnar (interviewed here) recently his program would have been in a much higher position on my monitoring page, as I’m counting returns as a percentage from the deposit, not a dollar amount.

In any case, BensonUnion is still going well and even after severe DDoS attacks successfully mitigated by their current hosting provider BlockDos the payments are still processed instantly to everyone. Moreover to compensate for the inconvenience of the recent downtime referral commissions have been increased and a new payment option is promised to be added next week. Stay tuned for more news from BensonUnion, as it will definitely be reported on MNO as soon as I have it. Here’s the latest newsletter from BensonUnion (reviewed here):

BensonUnion official newsletter
 Dear investors! As you noticed BensonUnion website was partially down. The website is up and running! We apologize for inconvenience caused by this downtime and we hope for understanding. DDOS attack is completely prevented and everything works like a clock again. To make you feel happier, our executives decided to provide a special referral commission bonus of 1% till the end of this week. So representatives will receive 10% and investors will receive 8% commission. Please get ready for next payment option that is being integrated and will be available next week. This funding option will make BensonUnion even more accessible and convinient investment instrument. Stay tuned!


Despite SkyCrown being a new program on MNO to be reviewed tomorrow it has become a very popular choice with readers already. Paying 3%-3.5% for 50 business days SkyCrown is famous for its quick payouts to the four accepted payment processors including EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and the latest addition to the list – PexPay. What about LibertyReserve you might ask? Well, just like me the admin of SkyCrown seems not to like this option due to high security concerns raised in recent articles on MNO and raised on various forums and monitors. A solution for those who would like to deposit in SkyCrown via LibertyReserve was finally found tonight. That is actually not a direct deposit via LibertyReserve as such but a solution for those who would like to invest in SkyCrown via LibertyReserve and be paid via PerfectMoney – a much safer option than LR now. So prior to investing via LibertyReserve you will be prompted to open a PerfectMoney account (will take you no more than five minutes!) and then instantly exchange your LR funds to PM with 0% fee to invest in SkyCrown and be paid your daily interest to your PerfectMoney account. This solution was made possible in collaboration with xChanger which is one of the fully endorsed exchange services on MNO (you can read my interview with its owner Andrei here). I believe this option of investing via LibertyReserve and getting paid via PerfectMoney should get everyone covered. Here is the latest newsletter from SkyCrown fully dedicated to more e-currencies options:

New Accepted Currencies
Dear Members,
We have recently expanded our accepted e-currencies and payment processors list and wanted to keep you up to date.
On Monday, PexPay has been officially implemented, as the best current option for our members in the United States.
Today, we are pleased to announce that, in collaboration with, we are able to facilitate LibertyReserve deposits.
Members interested in depositing LibertyReserve funds now have the opportunity to convert these funds to PerfectMoney free of charge when making an investment with us.
Exchange transactions will go through the website, directly into our PerfectMoney account.
We like to think that this way, we are offering our members the convenience of investing LibertyReserve funds without the attached hassle and risk of defaulting.
Best of all, this service will always be free of charge and will get increasingly automated in the future.
Warm Regards, Nicholas Seltzer
Online Identity Manager
SkyCrown Capital Management”.


After an extended offline period the website of FixedMonthlyIncome has finally come back online today and as I have no objection about the payments processed 10% monthly (read more about the payout schedule in my review published here) I have returned them to Paying status on MNO already. Hopefully the new hosting provider of FixedMonthlyIncome will have them fully protected from DDoS attacks and ensure its stable work for a long time. Here is the latest email I received from the admin of FixedMonthlyIncome today:

The FMI webpage has been under DDoS attack. Currently we have installed a protection to our servers. The webpage is currently online. DDoS protection is provided by
Please add our program back to your list!
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.
FixedMonthlyIncome Inc. Customer Support”.


Another program that had sudden issues with accessibility for the last 24 hours was OdoFx (reviewed here). While I can understand that any site can be offline occasionally the silence from the admin’s part doesn’t really look good at this point and while he’s not replying to my messages he could at least update his members via the news section on the site. An even stranger issue with the site of OdoFx is logging in. I wasn’t able to login into the program using several different browsers and the password recovery option seems not to work either. I could suspect something unpleasant happening to the website and for the time being I would advise against investing in OdoFx, at least until all the issues are fixed and the site is back to normal. I have moved the program to Waiting status on MNO and will keep you updated on that.


Please note that tonight I have to move YachtWealthClub to Problem status on MNO following some confirmed complaints received from readers in the promo plan paying 5% for 5 days with the principal returned on expiry. Some of them never got their principal back and some of them who were in my downline were actually paid after my personal intervention with the admin to persuade him to pay. He gave me some excuse about the delayed payouts to certain payment processors due to allegedly delayed exchange requests submitted via an exchanger. Under other circumstances I might keep YachtWealthClub on Paying status for some time since all of my referrals have been paid, however I believe the situation is critical now and the fact that deposits from the suspicious promo plan are pending doesn’t inspire much confidence that the situation is going to improve anytime soon. Most likely YachtWealthClub created this plan in order to scam members on day five and as the minimum required to join this plan was quite high at $100, obviously the admin preferred to finish the program only paying a 25% maximum on deposits and keeping the original principals. So I would like to warn you tonight and advise you to stop investing in YachtWealthClub immediately. If the program doesn’t resume payouts tomorrow it will be moved to Scam status on MNO. I must say that I did have a warning posted on MNO blog just after this promo plan was launched, so anyone who listened should be out of trouble now. In any case, we can’t deny that YachtWealthClub has been a really successful program which ran for over two months and completed a lot of cycles putting hundreds of lucky investors in profit. Unfortunately like every HYIP it has to end one day and I’m afraid this day for YachtWealthClub is now!

MTResults has become yet another long lasting short term program which has been paying for over 50 days to 10 and 20 day cycles respectively. However, it looks to me MTResults might be in trouble too as today all the usually instant payouts went to pending status and I received a complaint from a referral that their withdrawals from the program were pending too, and sometimes for more than 48 hours with no response from the admin. So that makes me think that MTResults may have some problems now, so I would advise to stop investing there from now on. I have already moved MTResults to Problem status on MNO and it will be listed as Scam if the payments don’t resume by tomorrow, so please stay away from them!


Following the successful resolution of some disputes with the admin of YachtWealthClub submitted by a lot of people to me yesterday, many of them got their principals back mainly due to my direct involvement and direct request to the admin to fulfill the pending withdrawal requests asap. However I was also bombarded with requests from people who have never been my referrals in any program but still try to get me directly involved with solving their issues with a particular program. I already stated many times in my personal emails that I do not provide assistance to investors who joined under some RCB monitors or any downlines other than MNO. I don’t believe I should feel obligated to provide any such help to those who get free information from MNO, participate actively on my ShoutBox but still prefer to join the programs under somebody else. Sorry, but I have my own business to maintain, a personal life not connected to the internet, I’m extremely busy, and don’t have time to solve the personal issues of everyone in the HYIP industry.

If you’re my referral you have nothing to worry about as I will always provide you with my personal assistance on any matter or issue with a particular program you might have. However, I don’t see any reason why I should make an effort for those who never joined any programs under MNO links and in most cases doing it deliberately at the same time having the nerve to blame me for not protecting their interests. Sorry, but I’ve always thought that I’m here to protect the interests of my own referrals and help ensure that they will be the first ones in profit. That’s the way the industry is running and the way I will be doing it from now on is to provide all the necessary assistance to my referrals exclusively and ensure that they are treated fairly by HYIP admins who list their programs on the MNO monitor.

If you have a problem with an admin and you are not in my downline, the question you need to ask yourself is “why isn’t my upline helping me?” and not writing to me about it. I hope you find this fair and square – I’m not hiding this from anyone either and have included the message about that on my Contact page for everyone to see and take the info into consideration. Here is the message in full:

Please note that if you are a regular reader of MNO then you are always welcome to contact me and share your thoughts and opinions on what you read on my blog (whether you agree with it or not) or about anything else in the wider HYIP industry.
However if you have a problem getting paid from a program listed on my monitoring page then you may only contact me if you have joined that program using my referral link. I am more than happy to intervene on your behalf regarding any dispute you may have with a HYIP or its admin. I won’t actually promise you a resolution, but I have had a good deal of success with negotiating on behalf of my downline. In fact the number one criteria for an admin retaining “paying status” on the MNO monitor will be the fast and full payment to the MNO downline. Helping to ensure that is my number one priority as a monitor.
If you are not in my downline then please do not contact me with your problems. You must contact the individual or the monitor whose referral link you preferred to use when joining. I have a full time business to run, my time is limited, and I have enough to deal with handling genuine support issues from my regular downline. If you prefer to use another monitor then that’s your own business, I really don’t mind, but any disputes you have with HYIPs will not be a matter of interest to me, and your mail will therefore not be a priority.


One of two newly added programs on MNO today is called SingleStepInvestment. The program has been online for almost two weeks which is quite a long lifetime already for this type of short-term program. SingleStepInvestment pays on the following plans – 25% for 7 days, 110% after 1 day, 160% after 5 days, 230% after 10 days, 300% after 15 days, 520% after 30 days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and gradually increases simultaneously with the term for which you’re joining. There are three payment processors accepted in SingleStepInvestment – EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve – and recently some issues were detected by the admin who admitted there was a gap between the moment the deposit was made in the program and the moment it shows in your account. Mostly it concerns EgoPay deposits, but some from LibertyReserve were affected as well. Here’s what the admin said a couple of days ago:

Important Information
We have seen some members who made deposit from EgoPay and it didn’t update instantly in member account. This is due to reason that member didn’t wait for EgoPay to return to our website after deposit. There is waiting time of 5 seconds after successful deposit. In addition, we have observed that few members who made deposit to account balance using Liberty Reserve instead of investment plan also face the same problem. So, it is advisable to invest directly to investment plan. Whenever, there is such an issue just don’t worry; simply drop an email at with your username, batch number and amount deposited. We will manually add the deposit to your account within 24 hours maximum. Thank you SingleStepInvestment Ltd. The path to dreams begins with a Single Step!

I have already moved SingleStepInvestment to Paying status on MNO as I have successfully received the first ref commissions, which were paid quite fast. Since the program is running off a licensed ProBiz script in order to be paid you have to request your withdrawal which is promised to be paid manually within 24 hours. The SingleStepInvestment website is SSL-secured and hosted on a dedicated server with protection by Koddos. More on the program will be in the upcoming review on MNO in a few days!


The second program to be added on MNO is brand-new one called JustTripler. Obviously trying to get famous on the name of the hugely successful “tripler” programs JustTripler has nevertheless absolutely nothing to do with those programs besides its name. I can’t see what exactly it’s going to triple for you either as the only investment plan starting from a $30 minimum pays you 7% for 21 calendar days. Please note that the original principal is not returned on expiry as it’s included in the daily payouts. The choice of payment processors accepted by JustTripler is quite good and includes LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. The withdrawals are paid manually by the admin and it could take up to 24 hours after you submit your withdrawal request. I must say that my first payments were processed quite fast and I don’t think that’s going to change while JustTripler is still new. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script which will make it familiar to the vast majority of investors. The site is SSL protected by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. More will be in my review very soon, so stay tuned for that! As you can see the admin of JustTripler has purchased several banners on MNO for a month each so I believe it’s an encouraging sign that he’s be serious about running his program for some time. Anyway, we’ll wait and see what happens next as only time will!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour, TheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, FinvanceProfitableSunrise, RightFive, EurexTrade,  TheBig5, PlexCapital, Bull&BearCapital, BensonUnion, PipsFund, RoyalUnion, AtlanticVision, DiamondAsset, SkyCrown, ROInvest, ForexEarn (the first payments received), JustTripler (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Alconoil, SingleStepInvestment (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: AoGo, StallionGold.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Quite a lengthy update for today but I don’t mind as I really love my work and will continue bringing you the latest news from the HYIP industry every day on MNO. So always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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