September 2012 Archives

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 Beware! Hero10 has stopped paying! Do not invest there! 

Hello all! Hope you’re all enjoying the weekend, or what’s left of it, and are having a good Sunday. Not so much news to catch up on in the industry today which is usually the slowest day of the week for me anyway, but that’s just as well because I have other things to catch up with. There’s still a number of new programs joining my monitor that I need to look at more closely for you, so today I’m continuing with a brand new one called Hero10. It’s been the topic of much debate around some of the public forums in recent days, basically stemming from the program’s originality (or lack of it). But it does seem a lot of people that come across Hero10 form an opinion on it pretty quickly.

First off before we get to the plans there’s one brief point I want to make about Hero10. Ordinarily I would never even bother with this but I think it’s been put out there on public forums enough now to be ignoring it, and some of you have mentioned it to me privately as well. And it’s to do with the glaringly obvious comparisons between this website and that of another massively successful HYIP that ran for about nine months or so I think before collapsing. The two websites, that of Hero10 and the other one in question are almost identical, that much is true. The texts are copy/pasted, the plans are almost the same, and the entire layout is almost a mirror image. But I can assure you this is 100% cosmetic and there are no connections between the two whatsoever. Possibly this is (assuming it’s a wild coincidence which I doubt) a deliberate attempt by the admin to create the impression that Hero10 is run by same crew behind the former industry giant and will therefore be equally as successful. Alas, if only it were that easy! Some readers have even told me this is the very reason they will be avoiding Hero10, feeling it both lazy on the admin’s part and a cheap attempt to take advantage of someone else’s work. So it might not be such a great idea after all for the Hero10 admin to model himself so closely on someone else. But anyway, that’s all I wanted to say and just felt it needed to be gotten out of the way before we go any further. The admin may very well have run other programs in the past, but definitely not the one he’s trying to look like. It’s a cheap imitation.

So getting to the investment plans now, Hero10 only has one of them. It’s short/mid term, but has three variations making daily interest payments to investors with the rate being determined by the size of your principal. The first option runs for 20 business days (four weeks) and costs a minimum of $10 to join. In return you will be paid 7% interest per day, a figure which includes your principal. That means you earn a total of 140% interest by the end of the term, which is your own money plus 40% net profit. However as the top amount allowed here is only $19 it’s really only a test plan.

To get a better rate of interest you would need to be spending from a $20 minimum up to $229. For this Hero10 will pay you back 8% per day, again for the 20 business day duration. Your principal is counted as part of the payments so will not be returned to you on expiry. By the end of the term therefore your payments should have accumulated to 160% in total, which means your own money plus 60% net profit for joining.

For the bigger players there is only one remaining option. Ant is to make a $230 minimum deposit in order to avail of Hero10‘s top interest rate of 10% per business day. The term’s duration remains unchanged at 20 business days, and interest payments are intended to include your principal as part of them. That means that upon expiry you should have received a total return of 200%, or double your money back. Hero10‘s top investment allowed here is $250,000, but something tells me if you asked really really nicely, like said “please” a lot, they’d probably be convinced to take more off of you, lol.

As for the choice of payment options, pretty much any new HYIP coming along nowadays has to accept all the popular processors if they’re to be taken seriously by the more experienced investors, and I think even the most average and mediocre admins are catching on to this. Hero10 are taking and making payments therefore through SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. All payouts are made manually and will have to be requested via your Hero10 members account area. Once you’ve logged in and made the request you are then asked to allow a maximum of 48 hours for the transaction to be completed. Given that no payments are made over the weekend that could result in a lengthy wait for some members, and of course be used to mask any cash flow issues were the program to scam, so do keep that in the back of your mind if proceeding.

Moving on to the design and security features, Hero10 is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders. The website is SSL secured and hosted on a dedicated server by CloudFlare. Despite only being in business a couple of days I have noticed some downtime in Hero10 already, so I still need to be convinced of the adeptness and proficiency of the hosting providers to handle the level of DDoS attacks that routinely fly around in this industry. I’m not saying the’re not capable, just saying I’m not convinced. Anyway, if you have any questions or comments for the Hero10 admin, or and account related issues to discuss then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online ticketing form on the contacts page. Hero10 does come with a built-in Live Chat feature, but I personally have yet to see it turned on and there’s nothing to indicate what kind of schedule is kept there or when (if ever) you might find an operator.

Aside from there’s not much else I can say really. It’s pointless going back over the content, texts, and business plans because like I already said either the Hero10 admin or his designer (most likely acting on the admin’s instructions) have basically lifted the whole thing directly from another old HYIP anyway. But that just means you have to treat Hero10 like any other HYIP out there – they’re anonymous and untraceable so only give them a sum of money you are comfortable in knowing that, ie an amount you can afford to lose, and if joining Hero10 at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I’ll start with some good news for the members of BensonUnion (reviewed here). The program has finally paid all the outstanding withdrawals to LibertyReserve and the admin personally replied to my support request, apologizing for the incident saying that the main reason was a delay in funding BensonUnion‘s LR account via one of their exchangers. The extra funds were needed as the program recently started paying principal withdrawal requests on the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan through PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay and direct Bank wires. However when they first started eight and a half months ago they only accepted LR and PM for a few months and as the admin Ragnar explained in my original interview with him published here they had no intentions of working with other payment processors at that time. So the main funds for the expired deposits were required to be paid to LibertyReserve the shortage of which has now been explained. I have also received confirmations from readers that the payouts from BensonUnion did resume and I myself received one outstanding payout pending for over 48 hours today.

In a private conversation with Ragnar he also told me that the principals do get released on a daily basis and are generally paid promptly apart from the recent exceptions. However he added that if you see 0 days in Remaining days on the “My deposits page” it just means the principal will be released on the NEXT business day so be aware of that if requesting your principal. Also note that due to a script error everyone in BensonUnion was credited daily profits for Friday twice. Despite the error, today everyone got paid what they were owed but please note that this was done at the expense of Monday’s earnings which will not be credited to your account in BensonUnion tomorrow as they were already overpaid to you for Friday, so please take note of that and wait for the next webinar in October which will be the first one after the release of the first deposits. The program has been returned to Paying status on MNO and I’m glad to see that everything has been resolved. Here’s the latest official newsletter from the program issued today and covering many important topics, so please read it carefully:

BensonUnion official newsletter
Dear investors! As you noticed all accounts received double profit on Friday so we will not pay interest on Monday and next payday will be Tuesday. Also we receive multiple some support requests about principal that are not getting released. The principal releasing system works a bit different way. If you see 0 days in Remaining days on My deposits page it means that principal will be released NEXT business day so everything works normally and there is no reason to think that something is wrong. All payments are processed as usual. Please stay tuned for next updates. The next webinar will take place in the middle of October, we will do our best to make it more professional than it was before.


As you might remember, the website of FixedMonthlyIncome (reviewed here) was offline for a few days and some people were kinda pessimistic about them recovering. However they are now back online and just a couple of days ago I received another monthly payout on my LibertyReserve account from the longest running program on MNO. It pays 10% monthly with the principal returned on request anytime. FixedMonthlyIncome only accepts LibertyReserve and direct Bank wires and the minimum to invest is substantial compared to a regular HYIP at $1,000. I guess that explains the relatively low position of #9 on the MNO Premium list after 582 days. Anyway, the recent newsletter from FixedMonthlyIncome announced some upcoming changes (which I will inform you of in due course) and the recent DDoS-attacks which resulted in the program moving to BlockDos – one of the biggest hosting providers in the industry. Here is the latest newsletter from FixedMonthlyIncome posted on its website:

New Secure Server
Dear valued customers,
Due to the powerful DDoS attack held by hackers against our website, it was unavailable for a few days. Therefore we urgently upgraded our hosting and moved the website to a secure server provided from
The company’s management would like to apologize for the inconvenience. We hope that the taken measures will make it possible to ensure the stable operation of our website in the future.
We are pleased to announce that the basic principle of our company, aimed at protection and safety of your funds ensured the safety of your deposits, as well as personal data, even during the malfunction of the website.
In the near future we plan to start making changes aimed at improvement of the site that were delayed in view of the recent situation, as well as some steps towards the development of our online presence.
What is DDoS? DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a type of attack on a network that is aimed to bring network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic.
Best regards, FixedMonthlyIncome Inc. Customer Support”.


The admin of PrimeX7 was so excited about launching his program yesterday and listing it on MNO today that he could barely hide it in today’s first newsletter to investors:

Welcome to PrimeX7.
We have some very excited number just after 1 day of launch.
Remember, if you dont have money yet to invest into any plan. You can still earn 7% Referral Commission.
Tell your friend, share with them about PrimeX7. Again, welcome to PrimeX7.
If you have any question, please feel free to send us a support ticket.
PrimeX7 Admin”.

Anyway, the review of the program is coming on Wednesday but first I just want to introduce PrimeX7‘s main features so you will be able to understand if it’s suitable for you. PrimeX7 has several investment plans – 7% daily (with principal back anytime), 157% after 7 days, 207% after 14 days, 267% after 21 days, and 307% after 28 days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and can be deposited via three payment processors – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. Since PrimeX7 is running off a licensed GoldCoders script familiar to the majority of investors the withdrawals can be requested from your account manually and paid to your e-currency accounts within a 24 hour maximum. The site is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server provided by a company called Snoork which also provides DDoS protection for them. I’m only aware of two previous HYIPs being hosted with them, and unfortunately both had problems. I guess that’s everything I wanted to say about PrimeX7 tonight with more to come in the upcoming review on MNO soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: TheMoneyGalaxy.
From MNO Premium list: Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade,  TheBig5, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, AtlanticVision, BinarySuccess, BensonUnion, PipsFund, RoyalUnion, JustTripler, ROInvest, ForexEarn, OdoFx, PerfectFinance (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Alconoil,  PrimeX7 (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: AoGo, BeeGold.

That’s all I have for you this Sunday night, guys. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s review of CEmobility and more news from the industry which I deliver to you on MNO every single day! See you all then, folks!

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