September 2012 Archives

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Hello everybody! Despite being Sunday and I was quite busy at the Lady Gaga show in Twickenham this evening which was quite an impressive performance I must say. My ears are still ringing! But I still have a news update for you tonight as there were a couple of outstanding news articles over the weekend which were too important to ignore so we need to catch up on before the new business week starts on Monday.


As the program at the forefront of the HYIP industry as well as its undisputed leader, the admin of NewGNi Jurgen (interviewed here) simply couldn’t ignore the situation surrounding LibertyReserve at the moment. With countless case of hacking in members’ accounts (read my article about this here) and further limitations of the accounts for no reason and still resolution in sight, NewGNi has come to a decision to stop accepting all further deposits via LibertyReserve and became probably the first program in the industry to officially drop LibertyReserve from their list of accepted e-currencies. I believe the importance of this decision cannot be overstated as we now see an admin standing up for the investors’ rights to be treated with the respect they deserve. So far no LR accounts with significant amounts in them have been restored as promised by the LR administration and making it simply dangerous to use this out-of-control payment processor now. From my personal correspondence with Jurgen I was aware that NewGNi kept only a small reserve in their LR account, just enough to cover payouts to members for the day. From now on, while LibertyReserve is not accepted by NewGNi anymore there is no fear now that the account might be hacked or limited and the program bears the loss which is not a chance smart admins should pay to take anyway. There is one important exception from that rule which is still open to the members of NewGNi who invested in one of two investment plans – 1% per business day or 6% weekly with no expiry date and the possibility to withdraw the original principal after the lock-in period of 180 business days – to continue being paid to LibertyReserve as usual. I’m really grateful that NewGNi kept this option open in case anyone is still eager to lose their funds while playing Russian roulette with LibertyReserve and take their chances. Alternatively if you stopped using LR already, you can exchange your balance in NewGNi to SolidTrustPay or PerfectMoney using the program’s internal exchange and pay the appropriate fee which won’t exceed the standard rate charged by regular commercial exchangers. If you want to do this please follow the step-by-step guide provided in the latest newsletter from Jurgen.

The second very important news from NewGNi includes the addition of the new but promising payment processor which in the opinion of many may yet replace the declining LR now – EgoPay. As you know the main advantage of using EgoPay which was launched in collaboration with Payza will be sending and receiving money directly to and from your Payza account which will be very handy for many investors. Anyway, EgoPay has finally become the fourth payment processor for NewGNi (the other three include PerfectMoney, PexPay and SolidTrustPay) and it can be used for depositing now just like others starting from a $20 minimum.

In other news from NewGNi (reviewed here) Itunes gift cards for the month of August were given to the latest winners and the regular monthly sweepstakes so congratulations to them. To read the full version of the newsletter please see below:

Newsletter 8 September 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
By now, most of you might be aware of [or at least have heard about] the dreadful situation Liberty Reserve has maneuvered themselves into recently. For all not familiar with the situation, please read the following article published a few days back on the trusted Money-News-Online blog here.
Chris and I discussed the situation again and again and came to the conclusion that the acceptance of Liberty Reserve is not safe anymore. We have therefore decided to drop Liberty Reserve as a payment option for NewGNi with immediate effect.
We have received reports from a handful of trusted and long time members as well, whose accounts were blocked without any reason and therefore considering it as negligent for the sake of our members to accept such a payment processor any longer.
We will however continue to process withdrawal requests to Liberty Reserve, in case you believe in them and don’t like to switch to another processor. For all others, we have enabled our Currency Manager once again and you can exchange and withdraw your Liberty Reserve proceeds to Solid Trust Pay or Perfect Money.
Here is a quick How-To Guide:
1. On the left side of the members under ‘Main Menu’ you will find the link to our ‘Currency Manager’.
2. After clicking on it you will find yourself on a page, showing your current account balances.
3. On the lower part, next to ‘Exchange From’, you’ll find pull-down menus for the Currency to exchange from. You should select Liberty Reserve here, all other directions are not possible.
4. Next to ‘Exchange To’ you can choose, if you like your funds exchanged to SolidTrust Pay or to PerfectMoney. You can also choose if you like your funds exchanged to your Cash Balance to withdraw to your payment processor, or to the E-Wallet for re-investing.
Enter your secondary password and click on ‘Convert Currency’. You are done and your funds will immediately reflect in either your Cash Balance or your E-Wallet. You will also be notified by email, once the transaction is rendered.
Unfortunately there are fees associated with these transactions:
The exchange fee for Liberty Reserve => PerfectMoney is set to 8%
The exchange fee for Liberty Reserve => SolidTrust Pay is set to 7%
We consider our fees as moderate, taking into account the current market conditions. Please note: We reserve the right to adjust the exchange fees at anytime and without prior notice, depending on changing market conditions.
As the saying goes, one is going, one is coming: In response of many requests, we have agreed to accept EGOPAY as an additional payment option. EGOPAY is an offshore based no-frills payment processor, that was introduced as an alternative to Payza, once Payza decided to stop accepting online investment projects. The advantage of EGOPAY is without any doubt that funds can be moved freely direct to and from Payza without the involvement of any exchange services.
Finally, I’d like to announce the winners of our August Sweepstakes contest: Congratulations to Marc Finnigan, Jennifer Westhuizen and Toby Gallagher, you will all get a $50 iTunes Gift Card. Please check your emails for further instructions.
This month’s contest will be announced in next weeks newsletter on Friday, 14th of September. Look out for it!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


HourHour is the only short-term hourly program on MNO that provides instant payouts on 1% for 120 hours and 150% after 240 hours plans. Listed on MNO’s Sticky listing five days ago the program today comes to a stage when the first profits are paid. My congratulations to anyone who saw the potential right from the start and joined for $10 or more via the four accepted payment processors – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and EgoPay (read more about them in my full review published here).

In today’s newsletter the admin of HourHour Kirk gave some clarification regarding the instantly processed payouts to LR, PM and STP (payouts to EgoPay are all processed manually at the moment as they are not currently supported by GoldCoders script which the program runs off). There could also be periods when instant payouts disrupted by script errors or payment processor issues so please make sure that you wait at least a few hours after your payment might go to pending status before contacting the admin with your complaint. It might be the case that he was not aware of the situation and had no time to replenish his e-currency accounts. If payment processors were at fault I’m sure kirk would contact the members of HourHour via a mass email as he did when LibertyReserve API payments were affected earlier.

There was also mention of the members’ support improvements which should make life easier if you have a question that needs an immediate answer. For such general questions Live chat and phone support operators are at your disposal 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. For private inquiries connected to your account in HourHour or any personal issues you should still contact the admin via a support ticket. I’m sure that such improvements will result in a higher level of satisfaction among members and lead to more popularity for HourHour which I sincerely hope for the admin and the current program’s investors. Here is the full newsletter about that all:

Instant Payment And Live Chat
Dear HourHour Members,
Today we want to clarify some important things about HourHour. First is about instant payment. Now we offer instant payment for Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney, and Solidtrustpay, and manually for Egopay. But it does not mean every withdraw can be processed instantly. Few withdraws may go to pending for some unexpected errors. We will process those pending withdraws manually as soon as we can. And the second thing we want to talk about is our support system. Now you have 3 ways to get a support from us by sending a support ticket, phone support and live chat. Please notice that our phone support and live chat are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. But the operators are not admin, they can not solve all problems. So if you need some special support from us such as changing your account details please send a support ticket to us. We will try our best to respond it as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding.
Best Regards, Kirk Walter
CEO HourHour.


I postponed the introduction of 6MagicPay on MNO two days ago due to confirmed hacking incidents which damaged the database of the program. Fortunately the issue has been resolved and the database completely restored. Moreover I’m glad to report that 6MagicPay started payouts too and you can now get your promised 6% return paid over the period of 30 calendar days to payment processors like SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, EgoPay and even Payza. Those concerned about the acceptance of Payza by 6MagicPay shouldn’t be as the program positions itself as an advertising site where everyone can buy ad credits by purchasing adpacks in addition to earning daily interest. Each unit costs $10 and you request your payment daily, starting 24 hours after you make the first deposit / purchase an adpack. 6MagicPay is running off a PHPflux script which proved to be not very secure recently with multiple cases of hacking reported, but the admin promised this is not going to happen again and that he has every intention to run a long lasting program. Well, only time will tell and we can only guess now who that mysterious guy who thought that 6MagicPay and the admin of 18AdsForYou is the same person. Yes, I also received some spam from the admin of that program using his referral link, but I don’t think it’s proof of a connection between the two. In any case, HYIPs are run by a relatively small group of people and we should all know that in most cases an admin will have already run several programs in the past anyway. On the security side of things, I am still not sure that 6MagicPay has anything to be excited about. SSL encryption is not in place and the site is hosted on a shared server with 267 other sites provided by CloudFlare who I believe also protect the site from possible DDoS attacks. Anyway, my opinion about the program could be characterized as cautious optimism as the site was already hacked, but kudos to the admin for bringing it back anyway and started payouts to the members of 6MagicPay (to be reviewed on MNO blog tomorrow):

6MagicPay ARE BACK
Dear Members
We are Back, Sorry for Delay
Now you can use 6MagicPay to buy shares again
Best Reg. Rakter”.


PeakPay was yet another program postponed due to a hacking incident that apparently occurred during the program’s second day online. As with 6MagicPay, for many hours nobody could access their accounts in the program and the stats displayed the message of an absent database, so I could imagine PeakPay faced the same issue, especially considering the fact that it’s running off the same PHPflux script. PeakPay will accept all the popular payment options including EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. There are four investment plans available paying only on expiry – the shortest duration plans start from 112% after 3 days and 125% after 5 days where you can invest a $10 minimum. If you want to risk your money for longer periods of time and are a larger investor then you can go for the 147% after 7 days plan with a $200 minimum or 190% after 12 days which is the longest one with a $250 minimum. According to the site’s rules once your deposit expires you will be able to request your payment from your account in PeakPay and will be paid within a 48 hour maximum not counting weekends, so please plan your withdrawals beforehand. I myself have yet to receive my first withdrawal on expiry in PeakPay as for some reason the withdrawal button is disabled on Sunday, but be sure that I will not review the program until I am paid my principal back in full which should happen on Monday-Tuesday. On the security side of things PeakPay is not so good either, with no SSL-encryption and hosting on a shared server with another website (another program which has scammed already!) with DDoS-protection provided by Koddos. I hope that will be enough for PeakPay to continue but I myself am really discouraged by the admin not replying to my support tickets and delaying the payouts already. If that is happening on the program’s early stages I can’t believe that PeakPay will be able to take off properly and become a famous program anytime soon. Anyway, we can’t say anything for sure now and I suggest to just wait and see when the first payouts will hopefully be paid next week.


Unfortunately, one of the programs from my listing went to Problem status due to delayed payouts – CavalierTrade. Basically the program never paid me in the first place and never went higher than Waiting Status since they were first listed on MNO.

This means CavalierTrade was a total and utter failure as between the free forum software and extremely cheap hosting with no shade of DDoS protection it was well expected. I don’t know what the admin of the program hoped for but I believe no one from MNO invested money in this joke website paying anyway. The last email from the admin I noticed on the program’s forum was about extortion attempts made by some monitoring services in order to keep the program on Paying status. I have no idea if it affected the admin’s decision to continue but so far I received no weekly payments from my deposit made over 10 days ago. So in my eyes CavalierTrade is a scam. Please do not invest there!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour.
From MNO Premium list: FinvanceProfitableSunrise, OneInvEurexTrade, FelminaAlliancePlexCapital, YachtWealthClub, MTResults, Bull&BearCapital, PipsFund, DiamondAsset, PeakPay (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin6MagicPay (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds.

That’s all for tonight, guys. See you tomorrow for more news and a more detailed review of 6MagicPay. Stay tuned and updated with MNO and enjoy what’s left of your weekend!

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