Oct 25th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! StrongInvestment has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! For the second update this evening I have all the main industry news stories for you as promised this morning, and also I just want to say once again that I hope you enjoyed today’s interview with Stella from SolidTrustPay. It was very gracious of her to participate so thanks a lot to her but also thanks especially to all the MNO readers who submitted your questions. I hope you are all satisfied with the results and you can read the interview in full by clicking here. Getting back to tonight’s update now and I want to start with a look at a brand new HYI program called StrongInvestment. It’s a decent enough program though I have to say it might be just a little confusing at first if you’re not paying attention. But don’t worry about that as I’ll go through all of StrongInvestment‘s plans for you below, as well as their other features. Let’s see if there’s anything there you might like.

The thing about StrongInvestment that might confuse you if it catches you off guard (as it did me) is that their four investment plans are all measured in calendar days, though only pay you on business days. But once you keep that fact in mind then there really is nothing more too difficult going on here and it’s otherwise quite a straight forward long term HYIP. Now, the amount of business days contained within a particular calendar day stretch can vary, so this is just a general guide. If your investment doesn’t turn out exactly like I describe it you’ll know why. But for now I am going to work from the assumption that a 60 calendar day period contains 42 business days. It might be more or less for you depending on what day of the week you join, but I have to work off something. Every plan makes daily interest payments, and has different levels that pay you a rate based on the size of your principal.

The first plan can be joined for a $10 minimum and runs for 60 calendar days. For anything up to a $100 deposit StrongInvestment are offering members 1.1% per day, from Monday to Friday. That would generate a total net profit of around 46.2% at which point your initial principal would then be returned.
Higher rates here include 1.5% per business day on $101 to $1,000, 1.8% on $1,001 to $2,500, and 2% on $2,501 up to an allowed maximum of $5,000.

Next up is a significantly longer term option which runs for 120 calendar days. If that suits you then the good news is you still only need a $10 minimum to join. In return for anything up to a value of $100 StrongInvestment are offering you 1.3% interest per business day. This would yield around 109.2% in net profits once StrongInvestment return your principal as promised. For bigger deposits the following rates apply:
1.7% for $101 to $1,000, 2% for $1,001 to $2,500, 2.5% for $2,501 to $5,000, and 2.8% for anything above that to a maximum value of $10,000.

A longer term plan running for 180 calendar days but costing a more substantial $101 to join is next on the list. For a minimum deposit up to $1,000 the rate available from StrongInvestment is 2% per business day. That would bring in around 252% net profit once your principal is returned on expiry. Larger deposits deposits are subject to the following rates:
2.3% for $1,001 to $2,500, 2.7% for $2,501 to $5,000, 3% for anything above that to a maximum value of $10,000, and 4.2% for anything above that with no maximum amount listed.

And finally the most ambitious of StrongInvestment‘s four plans, but unfortunately also the least affordable one with a $1,001 minimum price tag is what they simply call The Long Term Plan. Aren’t they all long term? Well, not next to this one which has no expiry date. By joining StrongInvestment commit to paying you 3% interest per business day on all deposits up to $2,500 until such a time as you choose to leave or the program collapses. Higher rates include 3.5% on amounts from $2,501 to $5,000, 4% on $5,001 to $10,000, and 5% for anything above that with no stated maximum. A 50% withdrawal fee will be charged when you go to leave this plan finally, so remember it makes absolutely zero sense to leave before you have recouped 50% of your principal. Your choice here but the admin suggests if joining you consider at least a 200 day minimum. The logic here is that if it’s any less then the 180 day plan will be more profitable. Makes sense I suppose.

Apart from the actual plan details themselves some other points you may wish to be aware of before joining up is that StrongInvestment do allow compounding. Long term readers will know I’m no fan of the practice and have always suggested you avoid it, but at the end of the day it’s matter of personal choice. My choice is no, but if yours is yes then the option is there for you if you want. The other thing you should be aware of is that StrongInvestment do allow early withdrawals from their plans. Of course you shouldn’t really be putting money into HYIPs at all that you’re going to need back in an emergency, but if you do make that mistake then you can leave if you want. This isn’t a free service incidentally, it never is, so depending on what plan you are in it can cost you anything from 10% to 50%.

StrongInvestment are also dealing with a good variety of payment handlers, and it’s good to see that all the popular ones are there right from the very beginning. Currently you can use SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve to invest. Payouts to members will be made manually by the admin and so will have to be requested from inside your StrongInvestment private account area, and once done you are asked to allow a maximum of 24 hours. Yes, I am aware that the FAQ says that StrongInvestment will pay you within “8 business hours” but for all intents and purposes that really means 24. Keep in mind also that payments are not made on Saturdays or Sundays. There’s nothing to stop you from asking for a withdrawal of course, just don’t complain if it doesn’t get done before Monday.

On the technical side of things theirs a lot to like about StrongInvestment with a lot of decent features. For one thing the website is SSL secured for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Also the hosting provider is a fairly solid option with one of the most established names in the industry, BlockDos, keeping them on a dedicated and protected Staminus server. StrongInvestment is running off a script that was originally bought under license from GoldCoders, among several other scripts by the way, and later customized into a sort of mash-up that was made to suit the program’s individual needs. More than just that however, the content and support for members use is also quite useful, with things like video investment guides to help you understand better what it’s all about. If you need to get in touch with the admin with any further questions or account related issues then there are a number of options open to you. The first point of generally would be to mail them directly at the address provided (StrongInvestment doesn’t feature a ticketing form like most online HYIPs, but it’s the very same thing as your tickets just drop into the admin’s inbox anyway). Also listed are phone and fax numbers which are said to be 24 hours. Also said to be a 24 hour service is the Live Chat, except when I tried it earlier I was informed there was no one available and to leave a message. Oddly enough, and not to make a big deal of it, but the texts in the pop-up chat box appeared in German which is most unusual for a website claiming a postal address just a couple of hundred meters away from the queen of England herself! Anyway, I happen to recognize that address as one of the literally thousands offering virtual or serviced office spaces to individuals around the globe. You basically just rent the address but not the actual property so you can claim it as your mailing point. StrongInvestment also have a curious feature sort of like a ticket submission form, but labeled an “emergency point of contact”. I honestly can’t imagine what this is supposed to mean (do you write to a HYIP admin if your house catches fire or something?) and I can’t picture the tickets you send going anywhere other than the admin’s own mailbox anyway, but there you go. And finally you can find StrongInvestment maintaining a Facebook page and blog.

Clearly a lot of time, money, and effort was put into the creation of StrongInvestment which no admin in his right mind wants to see go to waste, so in that sense eh is most likely going to work very hard to make a success out of this one. In fact he’s already very active online and also very communicative which is always good. I’ll just finish by saying that the website content appears original but in typical HYIP fashion is all a bit vague and muddled about their financial activities. As per usual I suggest you ignore these until something a lot more substantial is offered, but as I’m only talking to other HYIP players here I guess you all know the score there already, right? So as always set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, and try and keep StrongInvestment as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio if joining.



BensonUnion (reviewed here) has been online for over nine months now and is definitely making headlines for its stable and mostly instant payouts of 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with principal back on expiry. The first investors are well into profit now since its inception last January. Since my first interview with BensonUnion‘s admin Ragnar was published here he apparently changed his opinion on how many payment processors his program needed and while starting with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney now they use Bank wires along with EgoPay, PexPay and BitCoin. To make BensonUnion even more attractive a contest was announced last week for the best promoters and largest investors so today the winners were announced on the specially dedicated page linked to in the latest update from BensonUnion published below:

Cash&Prizes Giveaway: Winners list published
Dear investors! We have just published the list of winners in cash&prizes giveaway. Cash prizes are paid out, iPhones and iPads are on the way to the ones who had better luck. Winners list can be found here: https://bensonunion.net/data/winners . Stay tuned for next updates, contests, webinars and even more!


The admin of Phinanci (reviewed here) has probably decided to combine the Facebook marketing promotion which should be done by members in exchange for random cash prizes credited directly to your account. This smart marketing campaign started after only 11 days online and I believe will bring some positive results given the huge popularity of Facebook across the world. The rules are in the latest newsletter below but I’ll just remind you that Phinanci pays to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on two investment plans – 120% after 20 days, and 3% for 50 days:

Surprise Prize
We are running two small prize giveaways on our Facebook page as well as in our forum threads in MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold.
“I love Phinanci
Post your payment proof on our Facebook page or on our MoneyMakerGroup TalkGold threads and win random monetary surprise awards directly to your payment account. Only requirement is to include in your post “I love Phi”, “I love Phinanci” or anything that follows the same notion.
Share our Alexa rank
Share our growing Alexa rank on your Facebook wall and win a prize of $5 USD directly to your payment processor. The only two requirements are that your Facebook account is public and you that you are a member of Phinanci.
You can find the Alexa rank post on our Facebook page:
Good Luck to All! And Have Fun!
Regards, Team Phinanci
Follow Phinanci on Twitter and Facebook”.


As you might remember from my latest update from MonetaryClub posted on MNO yesterday the situation with LibertyReserve deposits and withdrawals became critical after the admin discovered a mysterious change of their LR account made by a hacker using the same name but a different number. A decision was made to temporarily suspend all dealings with LibertyReserve and continue accepting deposits and pay withdrawals with three other processors – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. Till now no final decision with regards to the current deposits and withdrawal requests to LibertyReserve has been made yet and the admin still invites every investor of MonetaryClub (reviewed here) to participate in the discussion regarding the possible solution on their Facebook group. I believe that with all these unexpected issues with LibertyReserve the admin even forgot that MonetaryClub just completed one month online and is still paying fine to the remaining processors on all plans – 103%-130% after 1 day, 54%-75% for 2 days, 120%-330% after 5 days, 150%-500% after 10 days, 350%-800% after 20 days, 500%-1200% after 30 days. More news and updates from MonetaryClub will be published on MNO tomorrow but for now the decision on LR is still pending as the admin Jesse mentioned in the latest newsletter issued today:

Short News From MonetaryClub
This is an informational newsletter to everyone, to address current issues with Liberty Reserve being unaccepted by MCi.
Firstly, please understand that we will need to think properly what action to take regarding LR deposits and balances as of the moment. We cannot make abrupt decisions because it will only cause negative effects on the program itself. I will explain this clearly once the decision has been made.
As much as we wish to carry on making payments and accepting deposits via LR, we no longer wish to use their system until we validate the real cause of this issue.
Regarding other payment processors used on MCi, there are no issues, I just finished paying withdrawals as of now on all 3 other payment processors, Solidtrustpay, Egopay and PerfectMoney.
Please join the MCi official facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/monetaryclub
Thank you for being part of our company. We hope that you extend your patience with us in this current event that we will resolve as soon as possible. We value your comments and suggestions, so please send us your ideas on this matter and possible ideas for resolving this issue the proper way.
I would like to apologize also to those who sent e-mails for support requests, for being delayed in responding. I will take care of all the e-mail messages right after I get some rest. I have been up for longer than a day now trying to resolve this issue.
As soon as a final decision is made, everyone will be informed.
Have a pleasant day and please bear with us with this minor hiccup on our program.
Much regards, Jesse Snyder”.


I’m glad that TureProfit (reviewed here) has removed the offer of STP out-exchange from their news page possibly being aware that such an offer can and will be considered a sign of the cashflow issues and pending collapse. To be fair, after 316 days online TureProfit might be considered as an old program and thus such warning signs cannot be ignored. Today in the latest newsletter they thanked investors for their continuous support and reminded that due to the determination of the administration TureProfit managed to survive and is still paying weekly returns of 8% for 50 weeks via all the popular payment options starting from $10. Also the admin warned of copy-cat websites that appear online disguised as TureProfit but really there to steal log-in information. Such lack of imagination and just plain laziness can pinpoint the fast scams, so one can be very careful when joining them, let alone making any deposits. The newsletter also gave links to the program’s representatives which you can use to find out more about TureProfit from other users in the same country or speakers of the same language. Please refer to the full version of the newsletter for more details on that:

TureProfit News – Official Notice.
You received this email, because you are our members. Glad to share with you: we have successful online 316 days. Although during the encounter a lot of trouble, such as the DDOS attack. But our team has never given up, always actively deal with these things. We firmly believe that: no difficulties can stop our determination of continuing operating this project. For sustainable management, most investors here got high returns. In fact, we have received a lot of their feedback every day. Basically is some thanks for mail. On our website, just place a small amount of feedback, all from the true reflections of our investors. This let us who work hard feel gratified. Here we express our thanks. Perhaps we all know, the capital market often changes constantly, our professional team needs to always pay attention to market dynamics. Only in this way can be worthy of the trust of investors.
Recently we have noticed some other projects, they copy our text, pictures, or even imitate our site. Here we clarify under: these projects have no any relationship with our project. please be careful! Don’t trust them. Please remember that our unique site: TureProfit. We also advise those stationmasters: please stop your shameful behavior.
If you still has doubt about our project, please call our regional representative from your country. Here you can find our representative:
If you want to join our representative group, please visit the following page:
Best regards, TureProfit CEO”.


The admin of DiamondAsset sent a newsletter today commemorating the program’s two months online. Certainly it’s not such a big deal as DiamondAsset hasn’t even reached one full cycle yet and the first members in profit will be seen only in a couple of weeks as the investment plan pays 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days and returns principal on expiry. However the progress is visible enough and with enough dedication DiamondAsset will definitely be there and bring profits to members. I remind you that you can make deposits in DiamondAsset via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay starting from $10 and for more info you can always refer to my detailed review published here. This is the latest from DiamondAsset (reviewed here):

Our Second Month Online!
Dear Client,
Today 23rd October, 2012 marks our 2nd month online. We use this moment to thank all our members for their great support towards the growth and progress of DiamondAsset.
We are also grateful to MONITORS and promoters for their continuous support.
For any questions please us an email to support@diamondasset.net
Best Regards, The Support Team.


Seriously, I had no idea that HotBestFund didn’t accept EgoPay before today as it was featured in the list of the payment processors even when I first reviewed it on my blog here. Anyway, today the admin of HotBestFund announced that EgoPay had been added and is accepted now into the only 5% for 30 calendar days plan along with SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Here’s the latest newsletter on that:

EGOPAY is Ready !
We do accept EGOPAY now, You may invest with EGOPAY.
More eCurrency improve our service scale and quality !
We are happy to inform that we support four payment processors:
Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay.
Please invite your friends or family to join us. We provide great referral program.


If you remember, yesterday the first week long contest to reward the top promoters for PrimeX7 (reviewed here) was launched. So along with the reminder of the contest the admin of PrimeX7 mentioned today that any member from now on can make an internal exchange between e-currencies accepted by the program – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney. I think it’s a very useful feature which will be fully appreciated by members who invested in one e-currency and would like to withdraw another. PrimeX7 has been running for 24 days now and accepting the deposits starting from $10 on 7% for 23 days, 157% after 7 days, 207% after 14 days, 267% after 21 days, 307% after 28 days. For more info on the ref contest and e-currency exchange please read the newsletter below:

Currency Exchange & “The Battle of the Primes”
Currency Exchange is currently available.
You can go to your back office, and then choose “Exchange Currency”.
Rate might be different from time to time.
Also, “The Battle of the Primes” is OPEN for celebrate our upcoming birthday !
The rule is very simple. Whoever gets the biggest amount of referral commission from October 23 until the celebration of our very first month of PrimeX7 which is on October 30 gets the title “The Ultimate Prime.” There will also be consolation prices for the 2nd and 3rd placers.
Prices are as follow:
1st Price : $200, 2nd Price : $150, 3rd Price : $100
We do understand also that it takes great interpersonal and social skills to represent a company. As means of our gratitude we will also be giving a consolation price to the representative who gets to have the most number of active referrals. The said representative will then get the title “The Mega Prime” and will receive a bonus of $100!
Have Fun and Enjoy


I hope that you took the time to get more first hand information from the CEO of SolidTrustPay payment processor and read my exclusive interview with her posted on MNO this morning. If you missed this opportunity here’s the link again where you can see it. Especially it will be of huge interest to you if you’re curious to learn more and want to use STP in the future, but if you’re an existing client it’s even more important to read it as it will give you an idea about some important issues they had to overcome recently and its plans for the future. In addition, all the questions my readers sent me a few weeks ago were answered by Stella so read it for your own benefit as STP definitely remains one of the most secure and most convenient payment processors on the net today.

From the most recent news posted on the official blog of SolidTrustPay you can find the article about the text message scams and ways to avoid them and not to get caught. It’s a very relevant article and a sad sign of the times, so I hope that after reading it you won’t be a victim. These are pretty handy tips I strongly urge you to follow:

Buyer Beware: Text Message Prize Scams
Derived from the words “SMS” (texting) and “phishing”, SMiShing is a form of phishing which targets consumers through text messages.
SMiShing messages come in a variety of forms. Some messages may advise you that you have been signed up for a service and if you don’t visit a particular website and enter your personal details you will be charged a subscription fee. Others may offer free anti-virus downloads or special services if you reply or enter your credit card details into their website.
scambook.com recently identified a SMiShing scam which could cost consumers through the holiday season. Their users have reported a smishing scam that claims the consumer has won a $1000.00 Best Buy gift card and directs them to BestBuyWin.net to claim their prize.
The unfortunate reality is that there is no real prize for the receiver, but entering their personal information into this website may result in unwanted (and expensive) SMS subscriptions and additional SPAM. This type of scam often requires customers to sign up for various offers, then to have their friends and affiliates sign up for a number of prizes as well. In the end, consumers may find that their personal information has been transmitted to countless advertising and affiliate companies without any real prize guarantees.
Some things to think about when you receive these types of messages
– Did I enter any contests with this company?
– Do I recognize the sender of this message?
– Is the prize-claim URL hosted on the company’s official site?
Chances are good that if you’re receiving unsolicited text messages from an unverifiable source, the claim is not quite what it seems.
We encourage all of our customers to stay safe online by researching and checking out their local law enforcement websites, many of which have dedicated fraud pages to help consumers protect themselves from fraudulent activity online.
Remember you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!


One of the newest programs on MNO monitor which joined the Premium List late last night after being launched yesterday is called LLLtd. Behind the awkward name lies a pretty decent program with a reasonable range of investment plans paying from 6.75% to 7.5% for the duration of 20 calendar days which will leave you with pure profit from 35% to 50% by the end of the term. You can join from $10 and the payment processors accepted are SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. LLLtd is running off a licensed script by Gotenks which means that you have to fund your account first before allocating the funds to one or more investment plans of your choice. Then you can request your payment every day and are promised to get paid within a 24 hour maximum. LLLtd looks a pretty decent program at first glance with the SSL encryption by GeoTrust and the hosting on a dedicated Staminus server with the DDoS protection provided by the industry leader BlockDos. More about the program will be in a more detailed review to be published within the next few days. Meanwhile here’s the welcome message from the admin of LLLtd announcing the launch of his program:

Change your Destiny with LLLtd
We are more than happy to announce the grand opening of our online venture to all internet users around the world. Feel free to browse our website and get familiar with our services.
LLLtd has come around to stay for its members. Be with us and drive the financial revolution.


During today two more programs were added to the Premium List on MNO monitor. The first is MajesticProfits. This is a brand new program that opened today offering one investment plan with several variations depending on your principal which starts from as low as $20 – 2.8%-5% for 65 calendar days. Please note that your initial principal will be returned on expiry and to increase your earnings even further you can use the compounding option and set it to the rate you want. MajesticProfits accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay and the withdrawals are promised either instantly or within 12 hours if the instant withdrawal system fails. MajesticProfits is a well made site running off a licensed GoldCoders script, hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos and fully SSL-encrypted by Comodo. Looks good to me so far, and I look forward to the full review of MajesticProfits soon after testing their instant withdrawal feature. Here’s the welcome message posted on the website today:

MAJESTIC PROFITS OFFICIAL LTD. is an officially registered private investment firm. One of the most important agenda of MajesticProfits is to make as much earning from the markets as achievable. This includes Forex and Stock Market, Real Estate etc. We are a legal structural corporate entity and are responsible for managing alternative investment instruments of controversial nature.


The second program which is also brand new and joined my Premium Listing straight after launching is Finnexia. The program has only one investment plan – 3.5% for 100 calendar days with one rate of interest applied to investments of all sizes. You can invest in Finnexia via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10. They run off a licensed GoldCoders script so you will have to request your payouts manually and once the request was made can take up to 24 hours. Finnexia has an SSL-encrypted version of the site and is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus who provide DDoS protection. More about that will be discussed in the upcoming review on the MNO in the end of the week but for now I suggest you check out Finnexia‘s website and read the short welcome message from the admin posted today:

Welcome! Finnexia is now Live!!
Finnexia is now launched! Please take time to browse our website, to know more about our program, our support group are ready to handle all your emails for all your inquiry.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: SiriusUnion, RoyalUnion, MonetaryClub, ForexEarn, TheMoneyGalaxy, ProsperaNova, Phinanci.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, SkyCrown, PerfectFinanceCarbonDeals, PipsFundBensonUnion, DiamondAsset, Tivsol, AWTC, 4FXInvestment, TureProfit, FinanceCore, StallionGold, ProForexUnionStrongInvestment, LLLtd (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PrimeX7, UFOWin, FastEarn, HotBestFund.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25Ads, RoiChoice, Fxen (the first payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Stay tuned and don’t forget to check out MNO’s daily news and updates plus a more detailed review of StallionGold tomorrow! See you then!

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