Oct 27th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! LLLtd has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Friday again so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend. Before we get to the news there’s a short/mid term HYIP added to the MNO monitor that I want to look into for you tonight in a bit more detail called LLLtd. Nothing too spectacular or out-of-the-ordinary, but still worth a look to see if there’s anything there you might like. It is worth noting that LLLtd is still quite new, online for around three days or so.

Strictly speaking there’s really just the one investment plan available in LLLtd, though it’s broken down into four sections depending on how much you are prepared to gamble with. Personally it’s obvious that the majority of members will start and finish with the first option given the extremely inflated prices of joining the others, but I’ll go through them anyway because it’s your money and up to you how you get rid of it. So for a $10 minimum deposit you can join LLLtd‘s Standard Plan which runs for a term of 20 calendar days – as do all other options. In return for anything up to a $1,500 LLLtd are offering a daily interest payment of 6.75%. This will include your initial principal so your total earnings will come to 135%, or your own money back plus 35% net profit.

After that things get a bit more expensive for the average player, but take a look anyway. The Advanced Plan for instance takes deposits from a $1,500 minimum up to a $5,000 maximum, in return paying members back a 7% daily interest payment. The term like I said is 20 calendar days and when it’s over LLLtd will not be returning your principal. They’ve already counted it as part of your initial deposit and so your final earnings of 140% include your own money plus 40% net profit.

The Premium Plan is next on the list, starting from a $5,001 minimum to join. During the 20 calendar day duration LLLtd are offering investors a daily interest payment of 7.25%, adding up to 145% by the time of expiry. Maximum spend is $10,000 and as LLLtd are including the initial principal as part of the payments then your final net profit is 45%.

And finally The Royal Plan is open to investors willing to gamble anything from a $10,001 minimum up to $20,000, the maximum amount accepted by LLLtd. During the 20 calendar day term the admin pays you 7.5% interest per day, principal included. By the time the plan finishes that should hopefully add up to 150% in total, or your own money back plus 50% net profit.

When it comes to payment options, LLLtd have a decent enough spread. Not quite the full list of all the popular industry favorites, but enough to satisfy most investors I would say. Currently the list features SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your LLLtd private members account area. Once you have done this you are then required to allow a further 24 hours for the admin to make sure all transactions are completed. Just one thing you need to keep an eye on when joining LLLtd for the first time is because the script is a bit different from the usual GoldCoders you will be required to first fund your account wallet before then redirecting the funds into the investment plan and therefore making the investment an active one, ie something you get paid for as opposed to just sitting there.

And speaking of the script, LLLtd is using one under license from Gotenks. Not a particularly widespread name in the industry, it never was, but it is quite safe and dependable. The hosting provider is BlockDos who will be recognized a lot faster by investors as an old and experienced name when it comes to online HYIPs, and they are keeping LLLtd on a dedicated and protected server. The website is fully SSL protected by GeoTrust, and if you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues then you can get in touch with LLLtd by either filling out your details in the online support ticketing form and submitting it, or else just by writing directly to the e-mail address listed.

LLLtd describe themselves as a “private group of fund managers” on their homepage, and with “academic achievements” on another page. Some pretty basic spelling mistakes on the websites headers would suggest otherwise I’m afraid, lol! But none of these claims are expanded on in any way, shape, or form so I would have to suggest the newbies do exactly what the more experienced players will have done anyway and ignore such claims. LLLtd is an online HYIP until a better job is done of proving otherwise, and I am of course open to seeing such proof. Never happened me before mind, so don’t expect it this time either. As always that means that you should always stay comfortably within a spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if joining LLLtd try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As you know in the HYIP industry a stable and paying long-term program doesn’t really need to issue newsletters on a regular basis if things are going smoothly. So the admin of NewGNi Jurgen (interviewed here) skipped the last two weeks, though it was definitely a case of “no news is good news”. NewGNi pays on two investment plans – 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the optional principal withdrawal after a lock-in period of 180 business days. Accepted payment processors include PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. Even the recent dropping of LibertyReserve due to extreme unreliability and suspicious behavior did no obvious harm to the program as anyone using LibertyReserve was still allowed to withdraw their earnings to SolidTrustPay using the built-in exchanger totally free of charge. This decision was made due to the increased popularity of SolidTrustPay among the members of NewGNi and you can read why it’s getting so hot now by reading my latest interview with STP CEO Stella published here. Unfortunately SolidTrustPay experienced some temporary downtime tonight and making it impossible for Jurgen to complete all the withdrawals their. Since the site is back online now, I can see no reason why Jurgen cannot process the pending payouts to STP by tomorrow morning as promised in the latest newsletter.

I must remind you that currently NewGNi is the undoubted leader among long-term programs almost having achieved 10 months online with thousands of members and a well deserved #1 spot on MNO’s Premium List. Since 2012 was declared The Year of the Giveaway there are contests held on the program’s Facebook page every month and three lucky winners of the October contest rewarded a $50 cash prize via PexPay. I believe the winners will be announced by Jurgen in the next newsletter which I look forward to. Meanwhile you can read the latest newsletter from NewGNi (reviewed here) below:

Newsletter 26 October 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
After two weeks absence from sending out newsletters, I think it’s time to touch base and to say Hello.
Nothing really happened during the last couple of weeks – so there was no need to issue a newsletter, but as we all know no news is good news!
We have achieved our goal of a very stable gradient growth over the last few months and are therefore very pleased how NewGNi evolved during the course of 2012.
Now – while I am writing to you, Chris informed me that SolidTrust Pay is currently not loading, happened just during the time we usually process withdrawal requests. So if you are expecting a SolidTrust Pay withdrawal request – we will try again later and if we can’t connect by then, we will process them by tomorrow morning. We won’t let you wait until Monday!
Before I go, please allow me to remind you about our Sweepstakes contest for the month of October 2012:
This month we are giving away three times $50 in CASH to your PexPay account – the new emerging payment processor from the U.S., which is becoming more and more popular among our members. You can participate in our monthly competition here or via our Facebook page. The competition closes at noon (GMT) October 31th.
Until next time, take care and all the best, Jurgen
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


Regular investors of Finvance which currently holds the #2 spot on MNO’s Premium list and paying 8% for 20 business days for 100+ days already which means almost four investment cycles completed are accustomed to exchanging e-currencies within their members’ area. This was a very convenient way to get rid of one e-currency while getting paid to the one they needed as all exchanges between SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were totally free of charge and could be done within seconds. With a lot of members joining Finvance on a daily basis simply because they wanted to exchange their currencies and not only to enjoy profits from the program it might be tough sometimes to cope with a particularly high demand for one e-currency and the lack of supply with another. So I believe Mark (the admin, interviewed here) made the right choice by disabling this option while issuing an update and promising to reinstall it by the beginning of the next business week. This was explained by technical issues and an ongoing database optimization though I would not be surprised if the feature didn’t return at all. I think Finvance (reviewed here) has nothing to prove now and after putting so many members in profit I’m sure many investors would just appreciate mark just making the most of the basics without distracting him with exchange issues. Here’s the latest newsletter from Finvance on that:

Finvance Free Exchange System
Hello Investors,
We suffered a technical issue with the currency exchange portion of our site earlier today. Now that our techs have taken a look at it, they will be conducting some database optimization involving the exchange system and our databases. They have given us a timeline now that it should be back online by the beginning of the work week.
Thank you for your patience in the improvement of Finvance and it’s completely unique full free exchange system.
Mark. Finvance.


PrimeX7 (reviewed here) again repeated the 7% bonus on deposits made via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve and 3.5% bonus on reinvestments from account balances during the next few days. This questionable bonus was sill being advertised by the admin as another trick to increase your earnings in PrimeX7 which are already very high as the program pays 7% for 23 days, 157% after 7 days, 207% after 14 days, 267% after 21 days, 307% after 28 days. Also issuing this update the admin mentioned that payouts to LibertyReserve and SolidTrustPay might be delayed without explaining why, and asked members for patience:

Enjoy Weekend and Bonus
Hope you have enjoyed your 7% / 3.5% Extra Bonus for your deposit.
Perfect Money and EgoPay Withdrawals have all be processed.
LR and STP are still in progress.
Please be patient and we will not miss you request.
Enjoy the weekend and PrimeX7 are still working and paying during the weekend.


RoyalAdz (reviewed here) made an important announcement today which actually made my review of the program obsolete in regard to their investment plans. Only the RoyalMonitor plan remains unchanged, carrying a $1 minimum for 1% interest for the duration of 125 calendar days. As for the two other plans they are changing and the investment term on them will be 99 business days while the daily interest of 4% or 6% and a 40% re-purchase rule remaining in place. Clarification of the new investment plans which comes into effect on October, 30 next is in the following newletter:

Clarification – Changes in Plans
We are here to clarify that we are going to change Plan duration and it will not affect those who are already having positions. They will continue earning 125 days.
Please go through the mail which we had forwarded few days back. The plans will be available in back office from 30/10/12.
From November 1, 2012 we will be closing erstwhile RoyaladZ King & Queen Plans and we will come up with new Plans.
1) RoyalAdZKing1 – 6% ROI, 40% reinvestment – 99 Business days (Monday – Friday)
2) RoyalAdZQueen1 – 4% ROI, 40% reinvestment – 99 Business days (Monday – Friday)
RoyalMonitor plan will continue as earlier
As we have the option to close a program on an earlier predetermined date erstwhile Royal Plans will get closed at the stroke of 12 PM GMT on October 31, 2012


Unfortunately I had to moved two programs to Problem status tonight. They are MonetaryClub and SiriusUnion. Please do not invest in either as they are still accepting deposits from unsuspecting investors.

MonetaryClub showed the first warning signs a few days ago when the admin issued a newsletter regarding the program’s problems with LibertyReserve. There was no doubt for me that he was telling the truth as similar programs with gradually declining LibertyReserve deposits were reported by many admins for the last few months and the compromised security of that payment processor is notorious to say the least. In addition to that, the admin of MonetaryClub disabled deposits and withdrawals to LibertyReserve so nobody could blame him for making this up. The program had a chance to survive, however the unusual lingering with making the decision for LibertyReserve account members raised speculation on forums and monitors and led to some well expected cashflow issues and eventually to the payouts to other payment processors also stopping. I tried to contact the admin for him to explain the situation with LR, but I guess he simply gave up on that and decided to close up shop instead. Anyway, I can’t say that MonetaryClub was a total failure – quite the opposite, it lasted for over a month which is an amazing achievement for a program paying after 1 day. All good things come to an end though and MonetaryClub went without saying goodbye. So please stay away from it and do not make any further investments there!

As for SiriusUnion, the program ended very unfortunately before reaching its full potential due to continuous DDoS attacks and connectivity issues on their servers. Even after the change of hosting provider SiriusUnion remained offline for some time which I believe predetermined its eventual collapse after 25 days online. The program stopped paying yesterday and as usual in these cases the admin stopped replying to my emails which prompted me to move them to Problem status on MNO this morning. I can see no chance for SiriusUnion to recover and I believe we can blame cashflow issues caused by extended downtime, so this was kinda expected. The first investors of SiriusUnion managed to scoop some profits from its medium-term plan but the rest didn’t do so well. SiriusUnion is a confirmed scam now, so please stop investing there too!


InvFuture was added to Standard listing on MNO today after being launched just last night. The program accepts all the popular payment options including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve and paying from 7% to 8% during the period of 20 business days. Your original principal is already included in the daily payouts and therefore will not be returned on expiry. InvFuture is running off a licensed ColdCoders script and so the withdrawals must be requested from your member’s area and are promised to be processed manually by the admin within a 48 hour maximum. InvFuture is SSL secured and hosted on a dedicated server by CloudFlare. The admin told me he has two layer DDoS protection from CloudFlare too. More about that will be in a more detailed review to be published on MNO soon. Meanwhile I received the first newsletter which for some reason features the name of another program ProfitsTraders that is not on MNO but which the admin is probably also administrating or just simply blatantly stealing texts from then, lol:

InvFuture works at the market of investments into securities.
For so short time we had reached serious results in this area and gained trust more than of thousand clients all over the world.
Principles of work with our company are: transparency of relations with clients, stability and reliability guarantee, the minimum size of the commissions and high level of service, advanced technologies.
The large investment fund of InvFuture allows minimizing risks from transactions, placing investments in the different markets that allow predicting financial effect of carried out operations. Advanced technologies allow making securities market closer to the investor. Profits Traders today allows carrying out a management of the account to the client, without leaving the house, having only the computer and Internet access.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RoyalUnionForexEarn, TheMoneyGalaxy, Phinanci.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, SkyCrown, PerfectFinanceCarbonDeals, PipsFund, Tivsol, 4FXInvestment, DiamondAsset, AWTC, FinanceCore, StallionGold, LLLtd, StrongInvestment, MajesticProfits, Finnexia (the first payment received),
From MNO Standard list: PrimeX7, UFOWin, FastEarn, RoyalAdz, BGTGroups.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25Ads, GoldTradeFunds, DebtReliefLimited, RoiChoice, YugaBest.

That’s it for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed the news on MNO and if so I hope you’ll be back tomorrow to check out the full review of a new promising program MajesticProfits plus the latest news from the HYIP world. See you then!

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