Nov 30th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! PlatinumVertex has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend again. I have plenty to catch up with over the next couple of days because of course some important news updates, specifically NewGNi which I’ll be getting to in the second half of today’s post, and a couple of interesting new programs joining my monitoring site. These are longer term programs by the way so I imagine there’s going to be some enthusiasm for them in the coming weeks as we all know by now the appetite for shorter term games tends to falter every year between how and after the holidays. So to start things off I want to take a closer look at another one called PlatinumVertex, which is more of a medium term HYIP. You may recognize the name from forums or monitors as they’ve been paying for about the last two weeks or so by now, however the admin seems to be stepping up his attempts to promote the program a bit further now. So let’s see the PlatinumVertex investment plans and other main features and consider if there’s anything in there you might be interested in.

What you have first of all in PlatinumVertex is what’s basically just one investment plan broken down into different categories that reward you based on how much you’re prepared to gamble. The good news for smaller investors or just anyone saving a few dollars to pay Santa Claus is that PlatinumVertex only require a $1 minimum to join, so nobody’s forcing you to play with money you can’t afford. For your $1 you can join what they call The Avaite Plan, which also takes anything up to a $300 maximum. This plan, as do all PlatinumVertex plans, runs for a term of 40 business days, which is eight weeks. During that time you are offered a daily interest payment of 4.5%, made from Monday to Friday only. Your initial principal is factored into your payments and so will not be returned in a separate payment after expiry. That means your final earnings should, we hope, add up to 180%, or your own investment plus 80% net profit, though you should at least break even (which is the most important statistic to consider) after 23 payment days.

For larger deposits ranging from a $301 minimum up to a value of $700 then PlatinumVertex have The Ferroan Plan. Again for 40 business days investors are offered a daily interest payment, this time rising to 5% per day, Monday to Friday only. By the end of the term payments should come to 200% in total, or double your money back, though this of course already includes your initial deposit which PlatinumVertex are counting as part of the payments. You therefore break even on receipt of payment number twenty, and start counting the profits only after that.

The Palladian Plan sees PlatinumVertex take deposits from a $701 minimum this time, up to a maximum value of $1,000. The investment term of 40 business days brings in a daily payment of 5.5% per business day, allowing you to break even after nineteen payments and complete the term with 220% altogether, PlatinumVertex including your principal in that.

And finally for the big spenders we come to The Rhodic Plan for which PlatinumVertex require a minimum $1,001 to join, though the maximum is relatively conservative by HYIP industry standards at $5,000. The rate on offer this time is 6% per day for 40 business days, principal included. That brings a final return of 240% (140% profit) with members breaking even after 17 business days assuming the program is still there by that time.

Apart from the rock bottom minimum investment that’s required to join, something else that might encourage a bit more activity among online investors with PlatinumVertex is the full range of payment processors. Though I guess that’s fast becoming a minimum expectation of any online HYIP that wants to be taken seriously these days anyway. Currently you’ll find SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve all listed so there’s unlikely to be any need of changes on that front. Payments to members are made manually by the admin and so therefore need to be requested from inside your PlatinumVertex private members account area. Once you’ve done that you are asked to allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for all transactions to be completed.

Design and security features are a bit mixed. I mean the security is fine, it’s just the design and layout of the website is a bit sloppy and a bit amateurish, but that’s just a matter of personal opinion. The more important thing is security though which is up to a fair enough standard, with PlatinumVertex being hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of of one of industry’s more established providers in BlackLotus, a name I’m sure is well known to most experienced HYIP players. The website is SSL encrypted and runs off a script that’s been licensed from ProBizScript. For any further questions or account related issues that need to be dealt with then the program’s admin can be reached by filling in your details on the online email support ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. PlatinumVertex are also maintaining profiles on the main social networking sites, ie Twitter and Facebook. It’s not in a very obvious place or anything but if you look for it you will find that PlatinumVertex have a shoutbox on their website as well. Regrettably, but also very predictably, this is being hijacked by spammers so the admin really needs to take control of the situation to avoid it looking like a joke. It would be a pity to get rid of it of course, the paid up regular investors don’t deserve that, but access should at least be limited to proper program account holders in my own opinion.

Texts and website content on any kind of real business plan that could genuinely back up such enormous payments are a bit sketchy at best, and allude to trading in a commodity which they claim is in fact declining in value. I mean if that’s not an original concept I don’t know what is! What they actually say is that PlatinumVertex is more involved in determining the value of platinum rather than trading it. I’d have said that was established by the supply and demand of the marketplace myself, but either way I fail to see how pricing a product you don’t sell generates a profit. Anyway, I wouldn’t take it all that seriously and I very much doubt many readers here will either. But my point is as always without substantial evidence to support what is a very vague claim in the first place means you need to treat PlatinumVertex like any other online HYIP, which is with caution. Set yourself a spending limit you can afford to comfortably both spend and to lose, and if joining at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I’ll start the daily news with a very important reminder to those wishing to join NewGNi that the program closes to new sign-ups in less than 24 hours. On Saturday morning GMT you will not be able to join, so act now. Note that you are NOT required to make any deposit into the investment plans on offer – 1% per business day or 6% weekly with no expiry date and a 180 business day lock-in period – but you do need to register your account with NewGNi in order to have the option of making an investment at a later date. NewGNi accepts deposits starting from a $20 minimum for its daily plan, a $50 minimum for its weekly plan, and currently uses PerfectMoney, PexPay, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay. If you wish to read more about the program’s history and its first achievements you can always refer to my original review posted here about a year ago or to my first interview with it admin Jurgen here. I remind you that I’m still accepting questions for the second interview with NewGNi and being the program’s official exclusive monitor I believe there’s a lot of interest in it which will be published after the program goes private tomorrow. You can submit your questions for Jurgen directly to my email address or via the MNO Contact page. I cannot guarantee that I will include every single question in the list, but I will try to make the most of it and include the most original ones for sure, so please make your contribution and do not hesitate to ask what you would like to know.

You should also know that the current members of NewGNi have absolutely nothing to worry as their deposits will continue earning as usual with one exception – the withdrawals will be processed weekly on Mondays starting next week, so you need to make sure you submit your withdrawal request by Sunday night to be paid promptly on the following week. Apart from that, nothing is going to change and hopefully the seemingly controversial step will be fruitful and achieve all the targets set for it. It’s understandable that not every current member is going to like the changes as HYIP investors tend to be conservative when it comes to things like this. So, if you wish to leave NewGNi even before your lock-in period expires you’re free to do so until the end of December with no fees and you’re welcome to request your principal at any moment now. Starting on the first day January this option will be closed and the 180 business day lock-in period will be reinstated. Please remember that NewGNi requires a minimum period of waiting of 30 business days (6 weeks) before your principal is returned due to peculiarities of their arbitrage betting activities, so think twice if you wish to get your principal back, especially if you’re already in profit with them. Remember that within that 6 week waiting period you could possibly earn another 30% to 36% interest on your deposit, so don’t let this go to waste if you don’t absolutely have to have your principal back as soon as possible. Please refer to the principal withdrawals rule specified on the FAQ page of NewGNi for more information on that:

Since our plans are running indefinitely your funds will stay in your newGNi account and are earning money for you as long as you like. The only restriction is that the minimum period of participation is 180 weekdays. This measure is implemented in the interest of all our members to avoid so called ‘Hit ‘n Runners’. After this period you can withdraw your principal in full at any time. Requested principals will be processed after 30 business days, once the request was made.

With that in mind, I remain quite optimistic regarding this new stage NewGNi are entering now. So don’t forget to at least sign-up to the #1 program on MNO while you still have the chance. Remember it’s free and you’re under no obligation to actually spend anything if you change your mind later. Only a few hours remain and it only takes a couple of minutes to do it. Here’s the latest newsletter from NewGNi issued last night which will hopefully answer some of your questions regarding the upcoming privatization of the program:

Newsletter 29 November 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
We have received great responses and appreciation, following our latest newsletter announcing the privatization of NewGNi!
Such positive input from our member base is showing us, that we are doing the right thing and Chris and I are very excited to move together with you into the year 2013 and hopefully even for a long time beyond next year.
Since our latest newsletter was sent out just three days ago, I’d like to address only a very few issues, which seems to remain unclear for some of our members:
1. New members
If you consider to be part of our great community in the future, please sign-up NOW. There is no need for you to invest now, we don’t rush anybody to invest with us and never did so in the past. Just in case you might consider that at any point in the future NewGNi might become part of your online investment portfolio, please sign-up NOW.
We will disable new registrations on Saturday morning (GMT) to give anyone in all timezones a fair chance to join. Since our latest newsletter 800 new members joined! That is by all standards incredible — thank you all!
2. Principal withdrawal
We have discussed this issue again and again within the team and came to the conclusion that all members who like to leave us can do so. True to the old adage, never hold up travelers. So whoever likes to leave us now, can do so, no matter if you invested with us yesterday, last week or last month. All deposits can be cancelled at any time until December 31st. 2012 After that date the 180 day rule will be in place again. Please refer to our user manuals in the client area on how to request your principal. And please remember, even if you decide to leave us now, you can come back at any time, since you are a valued member of NewGNi.
I guess thats all I have for today. As always, keep well, take care and see you soon,
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


I hope any of you interested in joining SureInv read the review that will answer many of your questions you might have about them, but if you haven’t done so yet you’re always welcome to read it here. SureInv pays on three investment plans – 5% for 30 business days, 4% for 45 business days, 3.5% for 60 business days – while accepting deposits from a $10 minimum via five payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. In a lengthy first newsletter from SureInv the admin introduced himself and greeted the first 600 members to join during the first two weeks online. Some common questions also addressed included the timeframe for processing the payouts (note they are not done on weekends!), the time when the first daily interest is posted into your account (exactly 24 hours after the minute you made your investment) and some important rules of six simultaneously running deposits and funding your e-Purse before allocating funds to the plans of your choice. Please read the following newsletter carefully to get a clearer idea of how SureInv works:

News 30. November 2012
Hello all
First at all, a very warm welcome to our now almost 600 clients!
Since this is our first newsletter, please allow me to introduce myself: My name is Thomas Jenkins, but since childhood all call me TJ. My function within the SureInv organization is to oversee the entire project and to entertain our client needs.
Apart from saying ‘Hello’, I’d like to address some questions/concerns that came up, during the first two full weeks of our operation:
We have received several complaints from clients during the past weekends, who were concerned that cashout requests are not being honored on time and within our 48 hour processing rule.
Please be aware that weekends are excluded from the 48 hour rule, since we do not process payments on Saturday and Sunday. Payments are processed from Monday until Friday only, usually within an hour or two during our business hours, which are 8am – 5pm GMT.
Some clients wondered, why no interest was credited to their accounts, only hours after depositing!
Well, interest is posted after a minimum period of 24 hours, after the deposit was made, but again – only from Monday until Friday. Why after a minimum period of 24 hours and not exactly after 24 hours, some might wonder? The reason is that the script, or in other words the software running all our transactions might be busy with other tasks at the very time you are expecting your interest. Thus, it can take a bit longer.
Now, all this is explained in detail in our FAQ, which forms part of our Terms of Service. We call on all our clients to please read our FAQ before contacting our support department – better even before getting involved with us.
Another important topic is, that you can only have six active deposits with us at any given time. [Mentioned in the FAQ as well!] It happened that some of our clients had not noticed this fact and funded their ePurse with additional funds to invest, and only after funding noticed that this was not possible. Moving funds from the ePurse to the Cash Balance was not an option, so their funds stuck in their ePurse. We have asked our programmer to come up with a solution and since yesterday funds can be freely and immediately transferred from the ePurse to the Cash Balance and be withdrawn from there. Please note that funds will remain of the same payment handler. Exchanges to other payment handlers are not possible. If you need to move funds from your ePurse to your Cash Balance, please click on the ‘Currency Manager’ link in the clients area.
Since launching SureInv a few weeks back, some reputable online bloggers and monitors published reviews about our venture, both in English and Russian languages. If you have some time during the upcoming weekend, please visit their sites and get informed about the latest news and trends in the online investment world:
English – Money-News-Online
Sorry if I missed something here! If so, please drop me a line and I will mention it in our next newsletter.
We’ll be back soon with more news, updates and information around SureInv. Stay tuned!
Best regards, TJ


Please note that some of the members of Nubcoyu (reviewed here) might be affected by a problem with deposits not getting credited to their accounts instantly as they should or when the withdrawal requests to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve are shown as processed with no money actually sent. If this happens to you please do not hesitate to contact their support and provide the necessary account information. Nubcoyu will then process this manually. According to the information provided by the admin of Nubcoyu (click here to check my interview with him), the problem has been solved as of know but its source remains unknown. You can deposit to their 1.4% for 200 business days plan safely again, and further information is in the newsletter below.

[URGENT] Missing Deposits Or Payouts Issues Detected!
Dear Valued Investors,
This problem has become urgent that it made me decide to put off Nubcoyu Friday Issue 8 to tomorrow. It seems that some members’ deposits are not processed and their balance not showing on their accounts properly. There are also reports on missing withdrawals where withdrawals are marked as processed, however the money is not showing on their payment processors. The source of the problem is currently unknown, although it seems to have been solved already. As I said before, I don’t want out members to lose a dime by joining our family, so this issue must be addressed accordingly and precisely.
Please email to our accountant Misaki, so she can update your balance and correct any missing withdrawals. Her email is:
Steps To Take For Missing Deposits:
1. Please copy your investment details from your payment processor, including date, amount, batch and all possible information into the email.
2. Please problems with the investments. (e.g Account not credited, investment not shown)
3. Send the email to
The problems will be addressed in timely manner.
Steps To Take For Missing Withdrawals:
1. Search in your withdrawal history and pick the missing one.
2. Copy all the details including date and amount.
3. After verification, your withdrawal will be processed immediately
For LIVE assistance, please join our Skype room by adding: nubcoyuadmin
I’ll stay by the computer all day tomorrow in order to fix any occurring problems. It’s our pride to maintain our investors’ smile.
There might be glitches, obstacles and misfortunes along the way, but as long as you don’t give up, we are going to give it all!
Regards, Nubcoyu.


Pecunix payment system has become the sixth processor for the 9%-12% for 12 calendar days plan offered by SigmaSum (reviewed here). The other five include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and LiqPay and the minimum requirement for joining is $5. Most of the withdrawals in SigmaSum are processed instantly or at least within a very short period of time. The latest short update on Pecunix is below:

Pecunix Accepted | Sigma
Now Sigma project accept Pecunix payments as well. Pecunix members are welcome to join us and get benefit.
SigmaSum Administrator”.


GuaranteedProfit is the first program being added to the MNO Premium List today. Running for about two months already the program got some recognition from its first investors after successfully completing its first investment cycles. GuaranteedProfit accepts the four main payment processors in PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The minimum to invest is $5 and the plans include several options allowing compounding and principal back on expiry on each – 1.5% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, 2.2% for 60 days, 2.8% for 90 days. GuaranteedProfit is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, so all the withdrawals should be requested from your accounts, but the good point is that the admin promises instant payments to all processors. In the event of this not happening you are asked to allow up to 12 hours for it to be paid manually. The website is properly SSL secured by RapidSSL and hosted on a dedicated LeaseWeb server with DDoS protection by DdoSDefend. I was kinda pleasantly surprised to see a multi-lingual version of the site in three languages other than English apparently done by professional interpreters. More on GuaranteedProfit and a full analysis of its plans will be in tomorrow’s review.


ReferToWealth was another program to join MNO’s Premium Listing tonight so will be reviewed properly very soon. Unlike the previous entry, ReferToWealth is a brand-new program that just launched today. It accepts EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney with minimum deposits of $10 to plans including 1% for 150 days, 1.5% for 120 days, and 2% for 100 days. The interest is added on every calendar day and there’s no mention of principal returned on expiry, so I imagine it’s already included in the payments. ReferToWealth is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Koddos and the website is SSL secured by Comodo for safer transactions. It’s running off a licensed GoldCoders script and withdrawals are processed manually by the admin within 24 hours of request. That’s all I wanted to say briefly about ReferToWealth but I’ll have more about them after it’s moved to Paying Status on my monitor.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ProsperaNova, LoyalAssets.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, TheMoneyGalaxy, BensonUnion, 4FXInvestment, ProForexUnion, FNOCapital, SecureIncome, Nubcoyu, SureInv, StartUpInvestCapital.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, AustralianBusinessGroup, BGTGroups, SigmaSum, PlatinumVertex.
From MNO Basic list: InnovisCorp, TrackInvest, TheInvestmentBank, EuroGain (the first payment received).

That’s all for this Friday night, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow with another review and daily news from the HYIP industry. Good luck with your investments and have a good weekend!

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