Jan 15th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! ForexTMS has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well this evening. There’s plenty to catch up with on MNO over the next couple of days and several new programs to talk about, including another new one I’ll be introducing at the end of today’s update. First of all though, I want to take a closer look at a program called ForexTMS that just joined the MNO monitoring page this week. Some of you might know the name already as they’ve been online for about the last month or so. I must say I got a good first impression myself, and it seems I’m not the only one as there’s been no shortage of positive feedback on them. What might be most eye-catching, or at least the first thing you notice, is the enormously wide variety of investment plans that stretch from very short to very long term in length, and so making ForexTMS quite appealing to to as many potential members as possible. There’s a lot more than that to the program of course, but that’s more or less what’s supposed to be the idea behind the program. So let’s take a look at the finer points of ForexTMS and see if you think it’s a suitable addition to your portfolios.

There’s a pretty good selection of plans in ForexTMS, and I think something that will appeal to as wide an audience as is possible with such a program. As I said the plans range from ultra short to longer than the average long term HYIP, and with a $10 minimum to join it’s quite affordable too. So the first option runs for a term of just 1 single day. Payments are low as you might imagine, and I guess many investors might view it as more of a test plan. Indeed with an interest rate of 0.5% for all deposits between $10 and $4,999, you’d actually lose money on this one after you factor in the payment processor costs imposed on you for participating at all. So to be honest it’s hard to recommend this plan to anyone, though that’s no real reflection on ForexTMS themselves. More generous interest rates apply to larger deposits, but given the enormous cost of joining are unlikely to attach much attention. For example 1.2% is offered on investments from $5,000 to $9,999, and 1.8% on anything larger than that with no stated maximum. Obviously ForexTMS will return your principal on top of that.

The more serious plans begin with ForexTMS‘s 10 calendar day plan. You can still join for a $10 minimum, and for anything up to $4,999 (which includes the majority of investors) a daily interest rate of 1% is offered. On expiry ForexTMS should return your principal, leaving you with 10% net profit. So for example a $100 deposit would get you $1 per day for 10 days, and then your initial hundred gets returned.

For the more serious investors spending from $5,000 to $9,999 ForexTMS are offering 1.8% per day, adding up to 18% net profit, before returning your deposit. For deposits of $10,000 and upwards the rate is 2.8% per day, or 28% net profit.

ForexTMS‘s third plan is more of a medium term option, running for 30 calendar days. It still has a very affordable $10 minimum to join, with the admin offering daily interest payments for the duration. On expiry your deposit is then returned. So for anything up to $4,999 which would again include the majority of investors the rate is 1.2% per day. That adds up to 36% on expiry which can be considered net profit once ForexTMS return your deposit. So for example a $100 deposit in this plan would get you back $1.20 per day, adding up to $36 by the end of the term, and your original hundred than added to that again.

For larger deposits ForexTMS are offering 2% per calendar day (60% net profit) on deposits between $5,000 and $9,999, and 3% per day (90% net profit) on anything bigger than that.

And finally ForexTMS‘s long term investment plan runs for 100 calendar days. It again costs just $10 to join, and the plan has both advantages and disadvantages over the others. On one hand it’s clearly the most profitable, but on the other it takes considerably longer just to even break even. For example the first members to join this plan when ForexTMS came online last month are still some way off getting their own money back, whereas the shorter term investors are well into profit. That’s not to put you off joining it or anything, it’s just about deciding what your intended goals are from joining ForexTMS are at all in the first place.

But anyway, here’s the rates. Members depositing from $10 up to $4,999 can pick up a daily interest payment of 2%. That adds up to 200% interest by the completion of the term, at which point ForexTMS should add your own money to the total. In more practical terms that would mean a $100 deposit gets you back $2 per day. You break even after 50 days, and complete the term with payments totally $200. ForexTMS then add your original hundred to that.

Larger investors willing to risk from $5,000 to $9,999 can avail of a 3% daily rate, while anything larger than that gets paid 4% per day, all of which return your principal on expiry.

To be honest much as I’m positive about the plans themselves insofar as they are both realistic and sustainable, I’d still have some mixed feelings on ForexTMS‘s limited choice of payment processors which has some room for improvement. On one hand you can only invest via either PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve, but it also has to be said that after over a month online it doesn’t seemed to have dampened the investors enthusiasm for the program. I guess that might be down to ForexTMS‘s implementation of instant payouts. You will need to log into your private members account area to request a payment as usual, but once done you should see the money in your chosen e-currency account in under a minute. No mention has yet been made that I am aware of to add more popular payment processors, though some fairly unusual references were made to adding credit card funding. I don’t know if that’s just idle talk from the admin (as I suspect) but this is something that hasn’t really been suitable for the online HYIP industry before.

Regarding the security and design of ForexTMS, the program is hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos and the website is SSL-secured in both public and private areas by Thawte for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The most interesting feature however is the script the program is running off which is totally unique and custom made, and something I haven’t seen in the industry before.

If you need to contact the ForexTMS admin with any further questions there are some fairly good options open to you, including a couple of direct e-mail addresses you can write to, or to get your questions answered in real time you can log in to their Live Chat support which is available 24 hours per day. ForexTMS are also listing a Skype account if you prefer that method, and unusually for any online HYIP customer support is available in two languages, both English and Russian. I say that’s unusual because for most programs even when the admin’s native language isn’t English they generally still refuse to provide support in whatever his first language really is. It must border on the ridiculous sometimes when talking to customers in their own country and refusing to acknowledge it, so kudos to the team running ForexTMS for being better than that. The website itself in fact is bilingual, with Russian being the main version and translated by the into English (so I hope linguists will excuse an occasional grammar mistake or two!). And if you like social networking sites then you’ll also find ForexTMS on Facebook, again with a bilingual page. You will also find, and this is one of the more unusual features I think I’ve ever seen in any online HYIP, a forum page embedded in the ForexTMS website. So far there isn’t that much to read there and it’s mostly in Russian anyway, but at least the service is provided for you and there’s nothing to stop English speakers from registering and using it too.

Texts and website content are original as far as I can tell, though first written in Russian and translated from there. The business (or should I say alleged business) interests behind the program is mostly ForEx trading as the name implies. There’s not much else there to back that claim up as you might imagine, there never is with online HYIPs, so I kinda hope most of you will just accept ForexTMS for what it is, take it or leave it based purely on how you rate it as an online HYIP, and don’t take the rest of it overly seriously. It’s definitely a high risk, but whether it’s one worth taking is entirely up to you. If you think yes, then remember to stay entirely within a sensible budget that you can afford to lose if everything went wrong, and if joining ForexTMS then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Some readers might encounter errors when trying to withdraw your daily profits from the above reviewed ForexTMS to LibertyReserve today. This was caused by the second version of API introduced by LibertyReserve and since the project is running off a unique script they needed time to make some adjustments in order to successfully migrate from the old version. Now the payments to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are instant again as reported in the latest newsletter issued in two languages – English and Russian. Another significant change was made to the plans as the lower rates are now applicable from $10 to $4,999 meaning that the higher returns are only available to a very limited number of investors willing to risk amounts starting from $5K. The review of ForexTMS is of the new plans so you can see the latest up-to-date figures there. The full newsletter from ForexTMS is below:

API Updated – Withdrawal payments are instantly
API Apdated! Withdrawal payments are instantly now again.
Concerning the income of the the company on the world market and the increase in numbers of traders for proper asset allocation plans, “Asset management” has been changed.
Now, for the initial plans “Universal (Classic)” is set between $ 10 – $ 4,999 ,
Category “Investor +” has a limit of $ 5,000 – $ 9,999, and for the plan “Profitable” is set the amount of $ 10,000.
And concerning interests, no changes were made to the plans.


BensonUnion (reviewed here) has also reported some script errors today but added that everything had been rectified by now and with the successful migration to the new API all payouts to LibertyReserve are now instant again while all outstanding payouts are processed. The gifts announced in the last newsletter from BensonUnion apparently also paid and winners can enjoy the deposit bonuses in their accounts:

Liberty Reserve: Migration completed
Dear investors! As you can see, we have easily completed recovery of Jan 7 – Jan 9 records and also gifted some bonuses and gift deposits to make everyone feel happier, all other database records weren’t damaged. We applied all required measures to prevent such situations in the future. We also had to complete one more important step today – migration to the new version of Liberty Reserve API, so withdrawals to Liberty Reserve were not instant today. Migration has been completed and pending Liberty Reserve withdrawals are already paid out. Thank you for attention and stay tuned for next updates from BensonUnion!

BensonUnion is just a few days away from celebrating its first year online in the HYIP world. It was mid-January 2012 when they first came to light and presented investors with an opportunity to a 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business day plan with principal back on expiry. Despite the admin’s opinion expressed in my first interview with him (click here to read it) about the limitation of accepted payment processors, for the last few months BensonUnion significantly expanded the list and they currently take (along with direct bank wires) LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, and BitCoin. A deposit can start from as low as $10 and the withdrawals are usually processed instantly. Hopefully BensonUnion will keep up the good work for 2013 and bring even more profits to its members.


The newest program to join MNO Premium listing today is a brand-new project called OilOfAsia that launched today. The program is running on a nicely modified version of a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated DDoS protected server by AntiDDos (possibly upgrading to BlockDos in the future if needed). The site itself has a neat design and is properly SSL-secured by Comodo. There’s only one investment plan available for a $25 minimum via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve – 3% for 75 business days. The principal is promised to be returned on expiry and compounding is allowed which can be set up on joining. The withdrawals can be requested from your account in OilOfAsia daily and are promised to be paid within 12 hours. The full review of OilOfAsia will be posted on MNO very soon, after I receive my first payout and the program is moved to Paying status on my monitor. The launch of the program was announced by the program’s admin on the site’s news section today (by the way, he’s already booked the top banner on MNO monitor for one month in advance):

OilOfAsia Ltd website launch
We are pleased to announce to you that Oil of Asia Ltd official website is finally available to general public. Investors from all over the world are welcome to participate in our investment program. Read carefully our service agreement before joining our program. Our support is ready to assist you 24/7 in case you need help. OilOfAsia Ltd is surely the biggest investment opportunity this year, so don’t miss it out and be one of the first to join us.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, ProForexUnion, UsdTrading, ForexTMS (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, SureInv, StallionGold, SafeguardWallet, EpicRoyalFund, DiamondAsset, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnionZionFinance, Stravia, Xgolding,  BankPaying, AlphaCapitalFxAlevrasInvestments, MGProfit, GISolutions, AIOFinance (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, OnwardAds, PremierLeagueProfits.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, XtremeRichness, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit.

To finish the news I’d just like to say I won’t be commenting on NewGNi anymore as the program has stopped paying and no newsletter was issued as promised. NewGNi is officially on Scam status on MNO since Monday this week, so please do not invest there. Forget about them now and move on, as more promising projects will emerge every day in January. So, see you all tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry and a detailed review of AIOFinance. The program paid me for the first time today and was moved to Paying status with the pending review, so see you all then!

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